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Why have we forsaken english? (687)

1 Name: Ameterasu !VGzOHdOTYc : 2012-03-21 10:45 ID:OtOR6aTt [Del]

Ok, I understand the idea of trying to shorten the amount of typing you do. but does it really save that much time? I look at so many posts daily that make no freaking sense. Ideas are all over the place, every other word is misspelled, and punctuation is completely non-existent.

Seriously, it's ridiculous.
Who agrees?

2 Name: sharingan : 2012-03-21 10:47 ID:XT6pcKhi [Del]

i agrre

3 Name: sharingan : 2012-03-21 10:48 ID:XT6pcKhi [Del]

and its quite annoying

4 Name: Zweite !vYdCQeLACc : 2012-03-21 10:55 ID:NlgsR6Yw [Del]

>>1 I guess it's a...habit? I don't know. I don't want to believe that because quite frankly it annoys the everloving piss out of me.



5 Name: frog : 2012-03-21 10:58 ID:XT6pcKhi [Del]

hahaha u pple stupid en then stp

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-21 13:53 ID:8q7VYW75 [Del]

>>5 Stop samefagging, fucker.

7 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-21 14:00 ID:8q7VYW75 [Del]

I'm not sure if this is bump worthy, but I need to bump something, so... bump.

8 Name: Mordin : 2012-03-21 14:08 ID:icMnJl3D [Del]

Agreed. People tend to shorten work by forsaking quality. Able to get point across without a lot of work, relatively easy. Take this as example. Find unnecessary words, trim the fat. My point comes across clear if you think. No?

9 Name: Ameterasu !VGzOHdOTYc : 2012-03-21 14:17 ID:0lxBRAZ9 [Del]

Thank you Mordin, at least that makes sense. Nice name by the way, ME3?

10 Name: Sagara Sai !C6.iR3jDF2 : 2012-03-21 15:29 ID:NlgsR6Yw [Del]

I can understand shortening it when you're texting, but when you're typing it's just inexcusable. You wouldn't yupe "u" instead of "you" while writing, would you?

If your answer is yes, please don't respond.

11 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-21 15:33 ID:aXPWVQE8 [Del]

>>10 even better is replacing why and yes with y, without using any punctuation

12 Name: Sagara Sai !C6.iR3jDF2 : 2012-03-21 15:40 ID:NlgsR6Yw [Del]


Also, typo**>>10 TYPE not YUPE. Oh the irony.

13 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-03-21 16:23 ID:+V0w5djV [Del]

I cannot stand when people use "text speak" on sites like this. I can understand when you're texting or have to have a post under a certain number of characters, but on a site like this it's just inexcusable.

Also, I understand a typo here or there, no one can get every one every time, but having no sense of spelling or grammar is ridiculous.

14 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-03-21 16:51 ID:TzE2UXLq [Del]

While I think the painful butchering of the English language is a pressing issue, I'm glad that I wasn't the only one to think this was Main-worthy. Like some of you, I can't possibly understand why it's so necessary to type the same way you'd text, or to have such horrible spelling, grammar, and punctuation that your post is barely readable, let alone understandable. The amount of people who type with the irritating horror of a third grader on caffeine is staggering to me. This doesn't just apply to the BBS, Facebook and other social networks are equally troublesome, if not worse. An occasional typo is understandable, but to type an entire paragraph without a single legible word just makes me want to drive a jackhammer through your keyboard(s) so that you may never type again.

15 Name: Mg1210 : 2012-03-21 17:13 ID:o0PtQWlJ [Del]

omg liek you guys need 2 calm down its nt a big deal liek omg
^ I know people who type like that.
I fucking HATE text speak. I don't mind on,say,chat rooms,or texting. I only use chatspeak when I'm texting someone in a hurry. But on forums,or Youtube,or Facebook,it's just STUPID. Do you write like that in SCHOOL? Oh,yeah,I actually know someone who writes "u" for "you" for essays and things in class.
I HATE that. I mean, you had to pay some attention in literacy class,right? I don't mind some typos every now and then,but if u r riting a entire respons liek dis......
It's just stupid -.-

16 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-21 17:31 ID:8q7VYW75 [Del]

If you're texting, then fine, do as you wish. But I think it's inexcusible when people type or write like that. I like to say that I'm a language and typing connoisseur, but even I make plenty of typos and perioidic legit mistakes. Who cares? The problem is when people purposely type like idiots.

Other than laziness, I don't understand what propels someone to type the way I've seen so many people type. I can't even immitate it. I would gladly jump off a bridge before I would insult my language that horridly. But if laziness is the only reason, then the future is looking dim. The majority of this generation apparently can't even write properly.

17 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-03-21 17:37 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]

It's possible that with the influx of technology people are writing less, (look at the postal service- the letter portion, not the package delivery) texting more, and caring more about the speed of the message's delivery rather than grammatical correctness.
It's honestly a sad sight when my own mother types "y" and "u" and "no" (instead of know) when she texts.

18 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-21 17:46 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]

When I text, I occasionally say "u" or "n" for and, but texting only. ANY other time, I try my best to be grammatically correct. I'm not saying I'm prefect. but I make the effort, which is more than a lot of people sadly.

19 Name: Kawaii Shinobi !CqWG01vJts : 2012-03-21 18:42 ID:T86B2W+J [Del]

"Apathy and complacency are the last vestiges of a dying society" -Aristotle

20 Name: Shibatou.. : 2012-03-21 19:02 ID:EOI2qroe [Del]

Sometimes I misspell words, either because I really don't know how to spell the word, or even if I do, I still try to correct myself afterwords. I also dislike it when I see the letters 'u' used instead of 'you'. It just drives me insane.

21 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-21 19:13 ID:8q7VYW75 [Del]

For the record, I don't mind the more commonly used abbreviations and such. I only mind if it's every goddamn word.

22 Name: tsubaki !tfUPvQmpso : 2012-03-21 19:14 ID:uUqj0X14 [Del]

>>21 So u dont mind if ppl post lik this?

23 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-03-21 19:28 ID:w/wD98Fc [Del]

"I only mind if it's every goddamn word."

24 Name: tsubaki !tfUPvQmpso : 2012-03-21 19:30 ID:uUqj0X14 [Del]

>>23 Which it wasn't.

25 Post deleted by user.

26 Name: mei-chan : 2012-03-21 19:43 ID:C5AxxVOY [Del]

i know theres typos and stuff, or i dont really mind the letter shortage thing like useing r's and u's. but one thing i really hate is the new way to spell stuff, its longer and annoying; heres an example. hai ih lhike phie. but that example wasnt even a good one. ppl r way worse, and they dont have a reason to talk like that. annoying! >.< sorry about deleating the first comment i just had a typo on talk and i wanted to prove a better point

27 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-03-21 19:50 ID:7xe/WNBG [Del]

>>26 "sorry about deleating the first comment i just had a typo"


I'm just.. not going to say anything at all.

28 Name: mei-chan : 2012-03-21 19:56 ID:C5AxxVOY [Del]

oh that first comment was my first comment. sorry for not being clear. i would never deleate someone elses comment. '^'

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Name: tsubaki !tfUPvQmpso : 2012-03-21 19:59 ID:uUqj0X14 [Del]

>>28 Oh, he knows. It's impossible to deleate someone else's comment anyway.

31 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-21 19:59 ID:8q7VYW75 [Del]

>>22 >>23 >>24 You guys know what I mean :/
>>26 What Bread meant is that, if you were going to repost to fix a typo, fix all of them.

32 Name: tsubaki !tfUPvQmpso : 2012-03-21 20:09 ID:uUqj0X14 [Del]

>>31 Yes, but we simply can't resist the urge to be smartasses. Well, I can only speak for myself.

33 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-03-21 20:27 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

TRAINS PEOPLE! TRAINS EVERYWHERE!! Get them back on the track before they hit buildings.

34 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-21 20:27 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]

>>32 I was only able to resist the urge because somone beat me to it.

35 Name: Hibari : 2012-03-21 23:00 ID:OYSAuxd8 [Del]

I hate how im good at reading but bad at spelling. I hoped that the two would sync up somewhere but i guess not.

36 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-21 23:54 ID:umZ5t/Mf [Del]

>>17 You have to also understand that people might be writing now more than ever with the influx of technology. Writing takes a long-ass time, and it cramps your hand. One can easily type a 5 paragraph essay on anything they fucking want to if they had the desire and maybe 30 minutes of free time.

That said, text speak did come with the influx of technology, not only as a means of making it faster to send messages, but because suddenly the amount of work required to get a message out was drastically decreased. And of course, the human drive is to make things even easier. So where can you go from there?

Handwritten works are made easier with lazy, sloppy handwriting. Typed works are made easier with lazy text speak.

So really, we aren't butchering the english language. And I'd like to note that this extends to non-english languages as well, when it comes to text speak. We're showing what we've always shown, in greater quantity - laziness. Information is propagated much quicker and much more widespread than a book would, or a note or letter you pass on to someone. Blogs and forums are much more informal than if someone were to post a public bulletin, and they're treated as such. We haven't changed anything, but we're noticing what we've always been.

37 Name: Tsuki : 2012-03-22 07:53 ID:TOT/9sVf [Del]

>>36 One extra point on text speak, Misu. The shortening of words and phrases came about as a need to reduce character lengths in messages sent, because when SMS was first introduced, people were initially charged on how many characters they used per text. Well, at least that was how it was in the UK anyways, I'm not sure whether this applies to other countries.

However, text messages are now charged at a flat rate instead of by character now, which kind of negates the need to shorten messages, but people still choose to do so regardless.

38 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-03-22 08:46 ID:UfIxgyz+ [Del]

>>37 People still have limits as to the number of texts they can send, and most phones will only send 160 characters at a time. So people do still have a need to shorten messages. Trac Phones are a perfect example.

39 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-03-22 09:10 ID:AWBrsFlM [Del]

>>38 Pfffffft. My friends sent me texts that were a lot longer than that.

I personally dislike texting, but I don't have any problem with shortening texts. My problem is when they type and write that way; it's not necessary.

40 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-03-22 09:49 ID:UfIxgyz+ [Del]

>>39 -most-

My phone allows for long texts as well. But if I send a long text to certain friends, their phones will split it into more than one text.

41 Name: Hibari : 2012-03-22 18:35 ID:3xAEHNjj [Del]

My phone has a 5000 character limit. I try to spell correctly but in not very good at it. In great at reading though.

42 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-22 18:47 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]


43 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-22 20:15 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]


44 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-03-23 00:33 ID:rnn+lWOU [Del]

...Do I hear trumpets? Because you're an angel.

Creepiness aside, BUMP

45 Name: Larry Motherfucking King : 2012-03-23 00:41 ID:1lK8Rduh [Del]


Meself dost agreeth with thine sentiments! Verily, yonder olde tomes of grammatical knowledge are henceforth mine faithful companions!

Fie to yonder bastardizeres of mine noble spakings! Verily they will face judgement of scholarly gentlemen of posterity!

Hear hear!

46 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-03-23 01:11 ID:rnn+lWOU [Del]

>>45 Hear hear! A toast to thine verbose verbiage!

47 Name: dArkrEaLm : 2012-03-23 01:19 ID:5/IQbnlA [Del]

Humans are full of flaws. Nobodies perfect so cut the crap and just read and understand. If you cant read it then ask or just go and be a perfectionist until you perish. Remember dollars members are not all Americans or from a country specializing English because of colonization, so understand. If you don't want to then EVAPORATE. DOOM!

48 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-03-23 01:22 ID:rnn+lWOU [Del]

>>47 Evaporate... Doom... Evapo- What?

You make a good point about dollars members being from other countries. But still, people from different countries sometimes have better linguistic skills then some people around here. And there are also all the abbreviations people use too. Some of which don't even make sense.

49 Name: dArkrEaLm : 2012-03-23 02:01 ID:5/IQbnlA [Del]

Dollars are not perfectionist guys. We are "HELP" itself. Why bother. We are different in every way. Let's not target flaws, instead just understand, that's what dollars do right? And dollars is not an English community for all of us to practice English and live with it perfectly inside dollars. I know sometimes it's really hard to read something that is grammatically wrong and abbreviated words with no sense, but it's like life, we should just understand. But somewhat I do agree with you, it's just that we should understand that we are not all the same to create something so similar.

50 Name: Leigha Moscove !S3dRf9Ujsk : 2012-03-25 12:25 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

Bumping this to the top because I accidently duplicated this.

51 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-25 13:18 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]


52 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-25 13:22 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]


53 Name: Vives !0qvjPx3R8I : 2012-03-26 01:17 ID:+NKrjyzF [Del]

I hate when people do that. Especially when you KNOW that they can spell. I have a friend who takes really good notes and writes really good essays, but every one of her facebook posts L0ok lyke th!z. Pisses me off.

And then there typos. And the use of numbers, like "2" and "B4" and "gr8". Makes me wanna take a cheese grater to that person's face.

On a related note:
This is awesome.

54 Name: Vives !0qvjPx3R8I : 2012-03-26 01:20 ID:+NKrjyzF [Del]

This, that is:

55 Name: Vives !0qvjPx3R8I : 2012-03-26 01:21 ID:+NKrjyzF [Del]

>>53 *there are
I blame my lack of sleep. :L

56 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-26 01:28 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]

>>55 It is, lol. If you notice, late at night, usually about 12:30 Central time, quite a few of our better spellers start making typos, including myself, lol.

57 Name: Handle : 2012-03-26 04:45 ID:0+BpC7E4 [Del]


58 Name: ♔Tsukitty!TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-03-26 08:07 ID:D2j6FYx+ [Del]

゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

59 Name: Grammar Dictator : 2012-03-26 08:50 ID:B9FUyg0+ [Del]

Indeed. This Grammar Dictator rages on and on to himself about it! Blasted children and teenage humans making a muck of English. It makes it even more confusing to learn! I'm okay with slang, but using it it too often is just... disgusting. Though I am truly terrible at spelling and I make typos of the hoopla due do my lack of typing skills, but that's besides my point!

60 Name: Hibari : 2012-03-26 15:01 ID:KkLHUe7L [Del]

I just had to spend like five mintues trying to convince this little kid that THA, as every one calls it was spelled as THE.

61 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-04 12:40 ID:PG3ZPoA7 [Del]

This thread makes me feel better, knowing that I'm not the only one who gets completely pissed when idiots type like shit. Sooooo... Bump.

62 Name: Next The Square : 2012-04-04 13:14 ID:ebJedAtX [Del]


63 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-04-04 15:10 ID:q4ov8Hk/ [Del]


64 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-04-05 11:02 ID:m7C/vZxr [Del]


65 Name: Rikuo !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-04-05 12:21 ID:166FVlnm [Del]


66 Name: Peridox : 2012-04-05 12:27 ID:NtUJS6K7 [Del]


67 Name: Dollars member : 2012-04-05 12:32 ID:I4Vf4Nxt [Del]

The thing that tick me off is when poeple use lol,0mg,wtf,etc when they talk in person

68 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-05 13:40 ID:VsaEXOqb [Del]

>>67 dont hate on etc, its fun to pronounce

69 Name: Waffles : 2012-04-05 13:42 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]


70 Name: Dylan : 2012-04-05 13:46 ID:+FCFmd0o [Del]

I use Omg and lol evrey once and a while but just yesterday someone texed me "LSHMSFOAIDMT!!!!" (Laughed so hard my sumbrero fell off and I droped my taco...) What the hell?

71 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-05 14:03 ID:VsaEXOqb [Del]


72 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-05 14:03 ID:VsaEXOqb [Del]


73 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-04-05 14:03 ID:ATw1ZtRj [Del]

>>72 Dat Engrish

74 Name: Konata : 2012-04-05 15:28 ID:+pm0gO51 [Del]

I'll admit, I do use some words like that to be able to type faster and so on. But when people go so over board and type paragraphs without using any kind of punctuation or proper spelling, it drives me nuts.

75 Name: Zyshi !wwb/uRI1Ko : 2012-04-05 18:17 ID:E5WAk8Os [Del]

I agree with this. I always try to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Unfortunately, my keyboard hates me, so the shift key is retarded. :l

76 Name: luv : 2012-04-05 18:23 ID:N7XRehGZ [Del]

It depends on what you’re typing, and to whom. If your texting, exceptions can be made. But pls turn on spell check when you're e-mailing!!

77 Name: Silverfang : 2012-04-05 18:26 ID:cP/gTOs5 [Del]

I totally agree with you. Even when I text, my friends are amazed that I write properly, meaning full words and I even punctuate. Yes, I will admit that I use a shortened version of a word sometimes when I text to save space, but on a post, never. There is the occasional typo, though, but I'm sure that happens to most people. The problem I have with some posts are the unnecessary abbreviations, most of them I don't know, so I have to deduce what it could be. But I am sure it's the same in some other languages as well.

78 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-04-07 20:22 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


79 Name: DemiGod : 2012-04-07 23:47 ID:YXlp9vZw [Del]


80 Name: vhanster : 2012-04-08 00:47 ID:c+ET5li8 [Del]

I don't mind abbreviations as long as the overall message could still be understood. But it seemed that some people had taken a liking to shorten every single word into abbreviations that doesn't even exist. Made worse when they make all sorts of typos

81 Name: Shira : 2012-04-08 00:52 ID:CR5UkEd/ [Del]


82 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-04-13 05:57 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

Bump for the illiterate.

83 Name: apey : 2012-04-13 06:44 ID:4pcm61qe [Del]

i dont mind the punctuation or misspelling as long as it is not horrible but the abbreviations people do pisses me off :p that my 2 cents so there ya go

84 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2012-04-13 10:29 ID:VErkfqJF [Del]

I totally agree! It drives me CRAZY, and sometimes I want to angrily correct them! *grammar nazi*

85 Name: Mizuki !v7dc/HXG46 : 2012-04-13 14:41 ID:4r+b5788 [Del]

Yeah it also annoys me, since I'm not english and I do not understand all of it, besides, what's wrong with the normal grammar?

86 Name: Kenthian : 2012-04-13 17:53 ID:mMdS2lAD [Del]

For starters... everything getting shortened and abbreviated and random crap like that started out when texting came around. When you had a horrible keyboard and shortening everything saved that extra 30 minutes of your life every day. It eventually carried over. Its a habit, kind of traditional now? Grammar Nazi or not... its embedded and can't be stopped! :D

87 Name: Cazzy : 2012-04-13 18:10 ID:LunRVvBT [Del]

agreed >__</
Though I do understand it in terms of texting, i'm not going to write 'because' when 'coz' works just as well, but I don't see why people feel the need to use words such as 'dat' while typing on a keyboard, it's just annoying -__-

88 Name: Sentai-Kun : 2012-04-13 18:16 ID:52ELe6PM [Del]

Yes, it annoys me as well. I think most people are just lazy.

89 Name: choccie!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-04-13 19:10 ID:3LRCBm5t [Del]

yep! i agree but not all the time for words that are long can be abbreviated down, but for words like 'soz' and 'gr8' are not needed, and when used too much, become ver annoying.

90 Name: Izaya-TheKiller : 2012-04-13 20:21 ID:YzORuyss [Del]

I don c wat da prablm iz wit shorting wrds. I bet there are people out there, that really type like this.

91 Name: Shizuo : 2012-04-13 21:24 ID:2isY0lwi [Del]

I have to be very honest, I do this too. I'll admit I'm pretty lazy about my typing. As I say this, I'm actually paying attention to how I type right now. So.. that's pretty much all I want to put out there. But, I have to say it doesn't actually bother me when people abbreviate words all the time. So.. yeah.. (sorry... lost thought...)

92 Name: Swift : 2012-04-13 21:26 ID:bFczGQYd [Del]

>>90 When I started to read that post, I wanted to throw a butcher knife at your face, then I read the rest of it. And you're sure as Hell right, and there are way too many people that talk and and type like that.

As a total Grammar Nazi, I want to rip the throats out of most of this generation. I understand when it comes to texting people, but a Facebook post that has more numbers than letters... Yeah. That shit is going to get nuked by grammar Nazis.

93 Name: greenhawk sabo : 2012-04-13 22:50 ID:kcDDgw1U [Del]

screw English, its been forsaken from the start ya dumb ass!

94 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-13 23:13 ID:sb50W7OB [Del]

No, that would be yourself.

95 Name: Swift : 2012-04-13 23:24 ID:bFczGQYd [Del]

>>93 Someone kill this Man/Woman/Gender-less being/Hermaphrodite!

96 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-14 19:28 ID:nLGO4OQu [Del]


97 Name: Alfred_Juumonji!yZs/RnAftw : 2012-04-14 19:55 ID:VteFBOL2 [Del]

Two words...

My Immortal.

98 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-14 20:57 ID:7xe/WNBG [Del]

>>97 I felt my brain cells burst into flames whilst reading that story.

99 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-04-26 23:41 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


100 Name: Mocha : 2012-04-26 23:49 ID:gTYbNI8+ [Del]

It annoys me sometimes when people shorten.

101 Post deleted by user.

102 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-04 11:58 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

bumping for organization.

103 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-08 21:42 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


104 Name: LuizReverse : 2012-05-08 21:42 ID:YxSHjC7d [Del]


105 Name: Meow : 2012-05-09 05:53 ID:lSpExnt5 [Del]


106 Name: gohan king : 2012-05-09 08:45 ID:CMOAhDCW [Del]

*laughs* hope yal dont mind my role playing

107 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !Snd/EuAuiA : 2012-05-09 13:29 ID:2mFCIbIX [Del]


108 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-09 14:13 ID:2O45YJ06 [Del]


109 Name: Animadversor !9XbiR6YbYc : 2012-05-12 06:13 ID:1bU5ubQy [Del]


110 Name: MR.S : 2012-05-12 06:17 ID:BrrxxiA/ [Del]

UMMM...bro english is a language not the way you spell somthing man and yes actually it does save time for bother the person you uses under spelling and a person who reads good enoughe to understand it just because u cant understand it dosnt mean u have to bust out about it if u dont understand what that person said just ask hime im pertty sure hell understand i use underspelling all the time

111 Name: MR.S : 2012-05-12 06:18 ID:BrrxxiA/ [Del]

opps sorry both* not bother stupid auto correct

112 Name: Bread : 2012-05-12 11:13 ID:gMjNNpsR [Del]


113 Name: Starrrk : 2012-05-12 14:48 ID:VrlF5u/z [Del]

I don't really care that much, but this idea of destroying the English language through texting and writing was on my SATs. That kinda pisses me off.

114 Name: Kazuya : 2012-05-12 15:27 ID:QAX2kyjr [Del]

i agree english is key so why try to shorten it i mean your just waisting more time by not shortening it

115 Name: SikadoSan : 2012-05-12 15:27 ID:eY+i0coc [Del]

I don't mind much, but I prefer to use correct punctuation.

116 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-12 16:34 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]

>>114 If it's so key to you, why not use punctuation?

117 Name: Kaori !!zEnInHNI : 2012-05-12 17:55 ID:9zkdF8AV [Del]

>>114 and proper usage of words. *Wasting no waisting. Oh wait, is this....AM I, Kaori, actually correcting ENGLISH? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

118 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-13 02:48 ID:UwxhSn1Q [Del]


For those who don't know proper English, because they need to see this!

119 Name: David : 2012-05-13 05:33 ID:6k6yDNKw [Del]

People in the real world dont even use proper english, so there is no use making a post just to complain about how people communicate on here. as long as de ant takn lik dis, I dont thing it really matters.

120 Name: David : 2012-05-13 05:47 ID:6k6yDNKw [Del]

P.S. I am manly talking about how people point out every little detail that they can remember from the fifth grade, like dont having to be don't and shouldnt having to be shouldn't. Things like this doesnt really matter, but people will point them out at the drop of a hat just to make themselves seem smart by correcting small problems.

121 Name: Kaori !!zEnInHNI : 2012-05-13 13:56 ID:9zkdF8AV [Del]

Appurntly none yall lyk dees talks.

wtuevhzoeiqhgjdksla fjdksawtuvbjksl

that meant. i dont care because i write wut i wannnntttt. Anyhoo, bump for any other people who wanna say.

122 Name: Pollux : 2012-05-13 15:20 ID:IWBLzQQ7 [Del]

All i see this as is the english language evolving again.. i mean it always changes, like how we used to speak like you would see in a shakespeare play. I would rather see the odd 'r u' and 'c u l8r' than we still speak like they did back then anyday.
As long as it is readable i dont really think it should matter.

123 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-13 17:20 ID:HMVZlBXf [Del]

>>122 Try using the texting abbreviations on a job application and see if you get that job.

124 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-13 18:05 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

Basically, this.

125 Name: David : 2012-05-14 01:03 ID:+ug8wSYN [Del]

>>122 Every language changes man, Japanese changed during tokugawa rule and again after their edo period

126 Name: Takizawa : 2012-05-14 01:53 ID:eQ5aRFyg [Del]

To be honest i don't see why we need to type really nice in the internet who gives a damn anyway oh btw if your going to say something to me then say it i don't really mind :ddd

127 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-14 02:09 ID:gjb+eKhM [Del]

>>126 me. I give a damn. Its a form of communication. I sure dont hope youre going around saying textspeak n things smiliar to it

128 Post deleted by user.

129 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-15 18:59 ID:klYC6kPF [Del]

>>122 No, the English language isn't evolving. The speak you see in a play by Shakespeare is just fancy writing. You see it in modern day poetry, as well. They never actually spoke like that aside from when reciting their lines. English has always been one of the least flowery languages. We don't have to use elaborate sayings to say what we mean. Aside from the difficult grammar, English is more simple in how you actually talk, and it always has been. You can just say, "You're beautiful," without having to use a phrase that translates to, "You shine like a flower in the meadow," as some languages do.

English grammar IS difficult. For those of other nationalities, it's understandable for them to screw up. However, if you grew up with English as one of your first languages and were schooled, you know how to talk and write properly. By not speaking and writing properly, you are insulting every uneducated person. Be grateful for your education.

Also, >>123. We're not going to be talking in chatspeak anytime soon.

130 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-15 18:59 ID:klYC6kPF [Del]

>>129 Well, it IS evolving - just not in the blunt way >>122 was trying to say.

131 Name: Doremo : 2012-05-16 16:29 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


132 Name: ~ResonantWind~ : 2012-05-16 20:02 ID:F57mPNRy [Del]

I agree, the english launguage is degrading horrible with all the damn shortenings.

133 Name: Kazure : 2012-05-17 02:52 ID:LSTfVeO+ [Del]

I believe it's more on the laziness of the people than the English language itself being degraded, though I must admit that character limits [i]are[/i] a pain to deal with.

I don't know how many times I would type something out with proper grammar and spelling on an MMORPG and enter it, only to realize what I was typing was too long and got cut out midway. Because of this, I can't find too much fault with the more common spelling shortcuts, even if it gets annoying after a while, but at least I can understand them.

Once it gets to the point that what someone is trying to say isn't comprehensible anymore in my mind or most likely anyone elses'...Then it seems inexcusable. After all, what's the point of using spelling shortcuts if no one understands you anymore?

134 Name: Pollux : 2012-05-17 04:22 ID:IWBLzQQ7 [Del]

Havent looked at this for a while. >>129 they may not have spoken exactly like that, but they dont speak how we do now. But how can you really show the English language? it changes so much from region to region. But yeah years and years down the line i do see us using some of the shorter abbreviations in everyday life. and i dont mind it one bit.
>>127 if you are going to say you care about proper communication use it urself before you preach to other please..Me not me. and not n. and other mistakes in that sentence.. see using full grammer and punctuation all the time is more hassle than is needed.

135 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-05-17 08:58 ID:F0c7VQP1 [Del]

I just think that people who do that didn't actually pass English and Grammar class on their own

136 Name: Sumizome : 2012-05-17 09:53 ID:1bU2mkDH [Del]

>>133 I personally agree with this the most. As a gamer myself I have that kind of dificulties while playing and as I think the gaming industry is pretty much present in all of our lives now, I don't find it that odd for people to make common mistakes or even abreviations like "WTF-FML" and so on.

What I think it's wrong is really the fact of writing only the sound of the word instead of the whole thing, for exemple the YOU turned into U, THAT into DAT and one of the msot anoying for me, specially cause English ins't my native language is the SEE turned into a freaking C...

I can see their point in reducing the information, but in a full phrased sentence when the only thing someone sees is the abreviations, the brain itself starts to slow down just to grasp to the meaning of everyhting put together and the suposed effect of makind it easier to understand becomes the quite the opposite. So in conclusion I believe using it casually and not in exageration shouldn't be a that much of a hassle, so please keep it that way and don't go full retard when texting.

137 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-17 10:32 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]

>>134 It's not a hassle. And Grammar is important because people who don't use proper grammar appear to be uneducated,lazy, and like they don't care. Whereas people who do use proper grammar typically appear to be well educated, responsible, and like they care about what it is they do.

138 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-05-17 13:19 ID:CGZWpWwq [Del]


139 Name: Pollux : 2012-05-17 14:19 ID:IWBLzQQ7 [Del]

>>137 it is really though, having to go back and second guess yourself all the time..gets worse for people that are not very good at it to begin with. I am educated and responsible, i just fall under the category of not caring, dont see why people should. Again trying to make people do something they dont want to is completely against this sites ideals. Everyone is free to do as they want and if they want to shorten down sentences and words they have the right to do so. However if it gets to the point of preventing proper communication, then they are where the blame lands.

140 Name: kanra : 2012-05-17 15:02 ID:Ha1OEGqp [Del]

1m s0rry but th15 5tuff i5 imp0rt4nt 2 me

141 Name: koty : 2012-05-17 15:39 ID:qggyPPIe [Del]

>>140 Die.

142 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-18 11:45 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


143 Name: Paatback : 2012-05-18 13:00 ID:TiSYypUX [Del]

>>141 D1E.
>>140 live. lol xD

144 Name: chibumii : 2012-05-18 14:56 ID:AGZmO1Ea [Del]

honestly,this place doesnt really have a rule on that.
I think it is okay if they atleast know they messed up.

145 Name: Paatback : 2012-05-18 23:27 ID:Pe9puIEb [Del]

Like how?
Someone give an example so its easily understandable.
Text what your pet peeve is, because for now, i dont see your complaints visually. :(

146 Name: Mimi-tan : 2012-05-18 23:48 ID:q1UkOQ7h [Del]

Shorthand isn't that hard to read. Maybe the acronyms, misuse of grammar and mispellings here and there might be the things that throw readers off. Sometimes that happens to me but not really.

147 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-21 12:35 ID:1H6/ec/0 [Del]

>>134 It's not a matter of whether or not they spoke "exactly" like that - it's a matter of that they "never" spoke like that. It was fruity language used in writing. There is Old English, Middle English, New English, and American English. In America, we use American English. I do not see us using shorter abbreviations anywhere in the near future. The whole point of a language is to be able to describe things well and understand each other. The more words we add, the less abbreviations we can use. An abbreviation can mean fourteen other things in most situations, and that is not an adequate way of describing nor communicating.

>>139 Not really. If you put a little effort into it (you know, like two ounces of effort every now and againA?), it will come naturally. It's fine if it's not your first language, but if you communicate in your home country in English, you need to know how to write and speak it. Same thing with other languages. It's just not an option. If you're bad with grammar, isn't using it while you're on the internet an even more resourceful way of practicing to get better? When you actually go out into life, you can't write a resume using chatspeak. You can't just choose to not care about it in the real world. So, I repeat - if you're bad at it, but it's necessary for your future, then why not learn HOW to do it and then, well, DO it?

148 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-23 17:09 ID:+iruQvFC [Del]


149 Name: emo : 2012-05-24 06:37 ID:HlD6qroG [Del]

I beleive Ameterasu is correct. If you can't take the time to type out a legitimate sentance... Dont type.

150 Name: Romeoette : 2012-05-24 13:08 ID:7s+X+d8S [Del]

Bump. I have lost faith in humanity. ;;

WHARRRGAARBLEEE. If you write like that it'll turn into a normal thing and you'll try to apply to a college but you won't get in 'cause you type like a PRETEEN URHGHDgkhsdkjghkujd!!!1

I'm sorry I'm done.

151 Name: dragonper : 2012-05-24 13:21 ID:TwONCBrH [Del]

i aggree my cousin spels help,heelllpp.

152 Name: Romeoette : 2012-05-24 13:25 ID:7s+X+d8S [Del]

>>151 I... I don't mean to be a smart ass. I really don't.



153 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-27 01:35 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


154 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-27 20:09 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


155 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-05-27 23:02 ID:uUqj0X14 [Del]

Doesn't it bother anyone else that >>1 has mistakes? In my opinion, if one is going to criticize others for ignoring the rules of grammar, he should at least proofread his criticisms. :T

That actually applies to a lot of posts on this thread. It's disheartening to see how many people are hypocritical like this.

156 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-05-27 23:05 ID:cqdwVhC+ [Del]

>>155 Uh, I'm no grammer nazi, but what're the mistakes? I see only an uncapitalized b in but, but that's about it.

157 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-05-27 23:37 ID:uUqj0X14 [Del]

>>156 In addition to the "but" being uncapitalized, that whole sentence is really just a fragment. It's a dependent clause that's a sentence-wannabe. ;D

That's basically it, although the "Ok" in the first sentence bugs me; I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be either "okay" or "OK."

Oh, I almost forgot the ironic bit: "english" is left uncapitalized in the title. That bothers me most of all, because this entire thread is about the issue of people "forsaking" the English language.

They're not atrocious mistakes, and I wouldn't even bother pointing them out in normal circumstances. However, it just bothers me that Amaterasu is trying to point out the issue of people not using proper grammar and spelling, and yet he doesn't proofread his own posts.

158 Name: rolling girl : 2012-05-28 15:24 ID:nnE958n1 [Del]


159 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-28 17:41 ID:OOFFM8qf [Del]

>>155 >>157 Tsubaki, shut up. You don't have to be the greatest writer to dislike people who completely diregard the idea of writing properly to begin with. There were TWO mistakes: a period where a comma should be and OK not being completely capitalized. Is that any reason to call someone out? No.

Obligatory: Fuck you.

160 Name: Mitsubachi : 2012-05-28 18:42 ID:tB+/Q+ef [Del]

I completely agree. Though I suppose it's acceptable in certain contexts. For example, in something as informal as this, I would not mind a simple "brb" or a "jk," though all I find that matters is that I can comprehend what information is being presented to me. I'm not super picky, though in semi-formal situations such as speaking to people I am not aquanted with (as I am doing right now) I like being a bit more polite, but it's not as though I mind a few acronyms here and there.

Basically, I don't like when a sentence looks like "hey r u going to go see tht movie jk i now u didn wun to oh wait brb," but I won't complain so long as I can understand it.

Besides, to each his own, right? ^^

161 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-28 23:06 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]


162 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-29 11:53 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


163 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-01 12:17 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


164 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-02 01:52 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


165 Name: Ziraxon116 : 2012-06-02 03:05 ID:yO38YbGz [Del]


166 Name: somgrl8 !ucyOShsaYw : 2012-06-02 03:51 ID:n5bsH6gk [Del]

Finally I'm not alone.

167 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-06-02 08:28 ID:dfYOW6fu [Del]


168 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-05 21:29 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


169 Name: /\nonym<3us : 2012-06-06 01:10 ID:G2NGO+jW [Del]

ikr.... just kidding

170 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:43 ID:nBnt4TBV [Del]


171 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:10 ID:nBnt4TBV [Del]


172 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:34 ID:nBnt4TBV [Del]


173 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:52 ID:nBnt4TBV [Del]


174 Name: Kao !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-10 10:09 ID:Y4swk73H [Del]

its....kinda relevant...

175 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-13 13:21 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


176 Post deleted by user.

177 Name: strangekite !IyXiCEdQUw : 2012-06-20 13:58 ID:PHj4Z1Bx [Del]

the way i c it is that us word shorteners r lazy as hell. we want to get the idea we would like to express in the quickest form possible before we forget. but i wouldnt consider people that type like this online as unintelligent because this form of typing originated from top tier engineers. to reply to ur idea of saving time, any thing saved, if done enough times, adds up to saving tons

178 Name: Kirika : 2012-06-20 14:16 ID:V7UYRIsQ [Del]

I don't shorten words THAT MUCH. But when I do, it's extremely useful and helpful. Especially when you're typing a lecture and it takes forever and you just wanna hurry up ad get over it. But totally butchering everything you say is completely unnecessary and people should quit. It's ugly, stupid and annoying. But like I said, it's pretty useful. It just looks horrible.

179 Name: Dagger : 2012-06-20 14:26 ID:xFsLJxh0 [Del]

I have to agree. Some people shorten short words. The other day my mom wrote 'Jun' on a bill. I asked what 'Jun' was and she said it's 'June' shorten, when she could have just added an 'e' to the end.

180 Name: Yuzuru Katsuragi : 2012-06-20 14:32 ID:4LUArPgm [Del]

It's a habit of mine to always type and text with perfect grammar to the extents of my knowledge. Cus ff i tlkd lik dis all teh tim id prbbly piss evry1 of.

181 Name: CastingLightWhereItsNeeded : 2012-06-20 14:33 ID:3PlQI7rj [Del]

On the internet I tend to judge people hardcore whenever I see that kind of shorthand. It's kind of the equivalent to people who don't use proper English when speaking e.g. "I don't got nothin'"
that just annoys the hell out of me.

182 Name: Rin : 2012-06-20 14:54 ID:aUsnX3Yy [Del]

Bump :)

183 Name: *Tsubaki* : 2012-06-20 15:05 ID:9Hnmw74J [Del]

Yea I used to be like that, but now I tend to shorten things once in a while

184 Name: Shiro : 2012-06-20 16:03 ID:iab5oQio [Del]

Is that not the human way anymore? Forget quality lets go with quantity. Cars, mass produced typically crappy, Food, so much fertilizer and other chemicals sometimes you can even taste it and our meats are typically very fatty. Make it quick and make a lot of it and people won't care. I for one don't know all the rules with punctuation and everything but I do my best, and I use very very little of those acronyms like, wtf, I only ever use lol and brb.

185 Name: Biiryu : 2012-06-20 16:31 ID:wtdfhoBw [Del]

Agreed. It gets irritating when people mostly use text language.

186 Name: Kente : 2012-06-20 17:03 ID:+xcIMU6N [Del]

What you goin do people do what they do..

187 Name: strangekite !IyXiCEdQUw : 2012-06-20 21:03 ID:RUNjppyF [Del]

>>185 where in the world did u get the idea that it is considered "text language," like i posted earlier, it was to quickly express ideas. there was a time where emails and posts(not only text messages) had a limit in the amount in the amount of characters that could be entered.

188 Name: Shadow : 2012-06-20 21:25 ID:9Gb1vRYr [Del]

Even though sometimes its okay, it gets annoying after a while. It really doesn't take much of an effort to type out an entire word if you know how to spell it correctly.

189 Name: Ryanster : 2012-06-20 21:27 ID:91c7EXGT [Del]

Well I kinda agree to this but its just a hassle to put punctuation marks, Well Im a slacker so I think like that. I dont forget what my teachers taught me but I dont wanna apply it all the time, Specially in the internet. -_-

I write things on paper as perfect as possible though :)

190 Name: Estrella : 2012-06-20 21:29 ID:/Csph+w6 [Del]

>>1 I really agree with you. I see a lot of my friends handing in their good copy essays with bad grammar and "you" slept like "u" and they use a lot of abbrebiations. Not that I don't use it, but we teenagers should limit our bad grammar and spelling on the Internet only.

191 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-06-21 01:17 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

>>190 I kinda disagree with that. Sure, you definitely need to use correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing important stuff like essays and such, but limiting bad grammar to the internet? Personally, I think you should use correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation no matter what you're typing/writing in. I mean, what if every single teenager on this site used shitty grammar? You wouldn't understand half of it, and BBS would be nothing but another fansite.

192 Name: strangekite !IyXiCEdQUw : 2012-06-21 01:50 ID:RUNjppyF [Del]

i type perfectly fine and get A's on my college english class essays, but online i type lazy as heck. but even when i bring a phrases from "i hate you" to "i h8 u" (i dont use "h8"), it still makes sense in the word placement i use. so i'd say i abbreviate all the time. the only time i find it bad to use the shortened form of typing is when i c people type with their words placed everywhere. that's when things REALLY don't make sense, but shortening stuff shouldn't b a problem at all imo

193 Name: Estrella : 2012-06-21 02:21 ID:/Csph+w6 [Del]

Yeah, you have a point. It's just that I have no expectations for teenagers nowadays so I just make my thoughts a lot easier to apply (I suppose)

194 Name: Shadow !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-06-21 04:57 ID:av9D41TK [Del]

I agree. I think people are actually a bit lazy, or just don't care for spelling or grammar.

195 Name: Cordain !8KX/HdY7iQ : 2012-06-21 05:20 ID:62CUwo7s [Del]

It's proof we are mentally devolving, we are taking as many short cuts as possible because we do not want to put forth the effort, just look at schooling, how generic and washed out is education getting? It is worse now than when I was in high school too. I should not have been above the national average in math as a 9th grader, for ranking my grade level when they did a national scholastic comparative test. Oh yea, the average, back in around '98-'99 among all 9th graders in the us, was 5th grade level math, the national averages for everything was 1-2 grades behind the actual grade level at that point. I don't doubt it has gotten worse. Also any teachers that try to teach better, are cut off at the knees by administration "Who cares if this student knows how to spell his name, he can throw a football, he passes your class so he can play." if it wasn't for garbage like that I would have gone into english and history teaching but as it stands, I would have to leave the US before consenting to do that.

196 Name: Laicure : 2012-06-21 10:23 ID:pmnHl8Ua [Del]

I second your motion! It irritates me whenever I see those shameful posts!

197 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-06-21 10:38 ID:bXK+mF5X [Del]

>>195 All of that is true and I'm only entering freshman year. Over the last six years I've been to 7 or 8 different schools and the curriculum's at each school are teaching easier and easier things. People are getting lazy because they do not want to do the work

198 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2012-06-21 11:50 ID:4l7fLOfc [Del]

THis thread. FINALLY. I am a grammar nazi. At my school they had something called "Operation Beautiful" where they stuck encouraging notes in the bathroom, and one of them said "You're smile is beautiful" as in, "YOU ARE" Smile is beautiful. This is supposed to be the students in charge of our school? Thats /scary/. And what really irks me is when text talkers find the need to spell the word good "Gewd" I mean, COME ON PEOPLE. Its not cute, its not funny, its not even shortening the bloody word so WHY DO YOU DO IT.

199 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2012-06-21 11:51 ID:4l7fLOfc [Del]

On another site I have an entire group dedicated to purging out text talk. XD On this one site(///cough, MCL) the forums forbid text talk, stating that its a forum, not a cell phone. WHY DONT OTHER SITES DO THAT? orz

200 Name: strangekite !IyXiCEdQUw : 2012-06-21 13:31 ID:PHj4Z1Bx [Del]

>>195 our curriculum is not getting easier. people are simply attempting to take shorter routes because our curriculum is actually getting more difficult due to more information being required to know. GPA requirements to universities have risen by more than double the previous generation had to get. each year that passes, another chapter or two in science and history class is added to the textbook revisions due to more events and discoveries happening.

201 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-06-22 19:15 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

Still bumping shit off.

202 Name: Arcrex : 2012-06-22 20:00 ID:uPHHRk87 [Del]

Yeah, lets all go for making sense in the world for common sense, shall we. :)

203 Name: S. Star : 2012-06-22 20:36 ID:T/fmyGxt [Del]

Alright, so what post is the one of complete gibberish? There has to be one in a thread like this.

204 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-06-23 00:58 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

>>203 dere aint nu pozt liek dat becuz wee all r gewd at tipin liek gewd sheets becuz wee r da dollarz an wee cann tipe liek gewd ppl becuz wee r awsum c i tol u wee can tipe liek gewd ppl dis pozt say wee cann

And that is your shitty ungrammatical post of the day people.

205 Name: Kerra-Chan : 2012-06-23 10:52 ID:/D387j+l [Del]

>>204 Wow

206 Name: Minato. : 2012-06-23 12:08 ID:agTtwTA9 [Del]


207 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-24 11:03 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

too much saged shit and a stupid thread that I think should be saged..

208 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-28 02:37 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


209 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-28 18:57 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]


210 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-29 00:14 ID:MkLUHZg9 [Del]

Do you want to know why I forsake English? In all of the English language, there is now word to explain how I feel when utterly pissed off by stupidity, so, naturally, I make up words. I still get the point across.

211 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-06-30 01:44 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

Bump, because people really need to get their shit together.

212 Name: Laicure!YkSaYwwWBI : 2012-06-30 02:23 ID:oiak6zty [Del]

Actually, they just don't know how to use English in a proper way.. Pity them, they don't listen to their teachers in English..
And being somewhat self-centered, people living in such countries doesn't pay attention in learning English.. They just use their own Language (Other members here can't understand what they're saying) which is a hell.. Ridiculous but they SHOULD learn English somehow.. /sigh

213 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-06-30 08:42 ID:VjBV+IJu [Del]

Not trying to piss anyone off, but what if a person from another foreign country is learning English? You can't really blame them.

214 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-07-02 22:13 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


215 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-04 10:15 ID:kP/HoqCX [Del]


216 Name: shizuo hewiajima : 2012-07-04 14:04 ID:c7mfN3du [Del]

sleepology is really gay

217 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-07-06 21:51 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]



218 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-07-07 16:06 ID:QfJuyMAG [Del]

>>216 U ghey.


219 Post deleted by user.

220 Name: Alice : 2012-07-10 12:51 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]

Bump for English!

221 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-10 14:42 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]


222 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-07-10 18:04 ID:Ph8m7DJ6 [Del]

BarabiSama is a bitch

223 Post deleted by user.

224 Name: Grammar : 2012-07-11 10:29 ID:WDr+ecAh [Del]

Bumps you.

225 Name: Veronica!TajKvtF51U : 2012-07-11 11:00 ID:3WBnT7o5 [Del]


226 Name: Gashlycrumb : 2012-07-11 11:23 ID:YR1zlkUY [Del]

Very true. I never understood the point of typing like that, using correct spelling and punctuation takes, at most, a few extra seconds, and it's almost impossible to understand everything that they try to convey.

227 Name: Rethgil : 2012-07-11 11:58 ID:wGvOP3pL [Del]

lol ikr. totes agree

228 Name: Syx : 2012-07-11 12:53 ID:ydvXacjS [Del]

I agree. Big time. It is really pissing me off too.

229 Name: DN : 2012-07-11 13:14 ID:qcNWC6MF [Del]

I totally agree! I don't even understand half the things people are trying to say nowadays! Especially so with slang and 'text message language.'

230 Name: Italy : 2012-07-11 13:24 ID:DpJ4AJlF [Del]

MEE TOO!!! I'm always confused when I see things like that!!!

231 Name: 溝田 : 2012-07-11 13:42 ID:xVMsUhqw [Del]

Ditto!!! Same here!!!

232 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-11 16:39 ID:2mFCIbIX [Del]


233 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-11 16:46 ID:2mFCIbIX [Del]

They keep on bumping that lame-ass thread...

234 Name: Alice : 2012-07-11 18:00 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]

Cleaning stuff of the main. It has been permasaged, yay mods~

235 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-11 18:30 ID:g1YyU6wZ [Del]

I'm in AP English,and incorrect grammer kills me.

236 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-11 18:32 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]

>>235 You know, you keep saying that. However, I've seen you make multiple mistakes on several threads. You should probably avoid being too hypocritical.

237 Name: Kyoshiro : 2012-07-11 20:06 ID:Gk0GtMhE [Del]

Yep, I agree with you. But mistakes can't be avoided, however there's a bunch of people that try to write in "leet" and the readers have to decipher what the writer wants to say, and that, for me, is the worst thing someone could do while posting something.

238 Name: KatKawaii : 2012-07-11 23:09 ID:jr2vYQ9h [Del]

Its often normal to come acrosss text talk, however wouldnt it be better to NOT confuse everyone with it, by using the proper english language or whatever language you use correctly so everyone knows what you mean.

239 Name: J : 2012-07-11 23:41 ID:kk+vaIzz [Del]

I'm annoyed by it. I can't really say we can stop them, however. There's no viable way to enforce that rule.

240 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-07-12 00:00 ID:4oBSwLCy [Del]

Know what's sad?
Meeting people face to face, after talking to them on the net, and they use bad grammar and text speak, and come to find out they TALK just as bad as they type, and they are 20. On a site that WANTS you to use proper grammar to role play with, when they do role play.

241 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-12 12:04 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]

I know, I understand teenagers doing that but 20-year olds? Jeze...

242 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-12 15:22 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]

Bump for cleaning...

243 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-13 13:06 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


244 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-14 12:54 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


245 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-14 22:48 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


246 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-15 12:29 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]


247 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-15 12:30 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]


248 Name: NaNa : 2012-07-15 13:50 ID:LflG9Gzd [Del]

You know that here are a lot of people from other countries? Like me ;) I´m from germany and so i misspell some words. Maybe some of the posts you have seen are from foreigners? ;)
and i´m abbreviating words often too. hey we are in the web. no one cares if your grammar is correct or the punctuation. when i am chatting then i want to send my message as fast as i can or my chatpartner thinks i´ve forgotten him.
Greetings from Germany. So please excuse my wrong grammar, my wrong punctuation and what else i´ve made/written wrong :P

249 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-15 14:13 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

>>248 I think it's okay if you're a foreigner, but there's people that are purposely typing in the broken language that is "Text speak" when they know damn well how to type correctly. It's annoying.

250 Name: NaNa : 2012-07-15 15:45 ID:LflG9Gzd [Del]

>>249 yes, but text speak is faster. and a lot of people are lazy :P

251 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-15 19:15 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

>>250 Still, it'd be a whole lot better to use the proper language which is English. Shortcuts aren't always the way to go.

252 Name: Stellen : 2012-07-17 20:37 ID:LrQG5atU [Del]


253 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-07-17 22:31 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


254 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-19 02:56 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

You know what's funny is that I've seen an 11-year-old type faster and more grammatically than that of a 31-year-old male. -I'mtotallynotreferringtomyselfandmyfather-

255 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-19 09:29 ID:s8ySA5TQ [Del]


256 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-07-19 17:42 ID:YVQfaYGc [Del]

Bump, damnit.

257 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-19 18:17 ID:s8ySA5TQ [Del]


258 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-23 03:32 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]


259 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-23 15:01 ID:VyEbXjrg [Del]

Wow, there is some really intense discussion on this thread.

260 Name: Yako : 2012-07-23 21:43 ID:oOn0rcxD [Del]

I do not see why people can't just write a short paragraph on something.

261 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-07-24 00:57 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


262 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-07-24 13:55 ID:BGIniSSX [Del]

Le bump

263 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-24 18:04 ID:eolDAy5u [Del]

Im a grammar freak and trust me,my friends drive me crazy with improper grammar and text speak.

264 Name: Nya : 2012-07-24 18:11 ID:a+3WuIMq [Del]

I totally agree!! I can't read half of what my friend types! What is happening to our grammar?!

265 Name: Oukan : 2012-07-24 21:55 ID:9aO95+6L [Del]

I so agree, I'm not a grammar nazi, though it does somewhat bother me how often people mistake first grade grammar.

The problem isn't that grammar has gotten bad, it's that it's become "cool" not to have good grammar, I'm not an old man complaining about youngsters, I'm 16, and I still see the stupidity in that..

266 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-07-25 01:37 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


267 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-07-25 13:02 ID:BGIniSSX [Del]


268 Name: N : 2012-07-25 13:42 ID:fzS9QmNq [Del]

Im with you there. people have gotten so out of hand with the chat speak

269 Name: Albi : 2012-07-25 15:03 ID:OMADqUUW [Del]

I agree whole heartedly. I always thought that it took more time to type in text-speak but that may just be me because I haven't typed any other way :(

270 Name: michi : 2012-07-25 16:12 ID:Sbe3T+ip [Del]


271 Name: Sarachi-Kira : 2012-07-25 23:12 ID:KnGWdb3j [Del]

Indeed, I think people should actually type what they mean, NOT GIBBERISH!!

272 Name: koumei : 2012-07-25 23:18 ID:TawHiZzs [Del]

Yes I agree

273 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-26 01:24 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]


274 Name: Doremo : 2012-07-31 23:43 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


275 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-03 05:15 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

Learn your wording and grammar people!

276 Name: TheHunter : 2012-08-03 10:40 ID:LVSy9srG [Del]

Learn you words and grammar it's not that hard.

277 Name: Void : 2012-08-03 10:43 ID:Kqqdk0YS [Del]

It's better to get your point across with proper grammar and vocabulary. I mean, come on.

278 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-03 10:50 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

It would also improve your typing skills by far.

279 Name: Random : 2012-08-03 10:56 ID:faaHgOWv [Del]

okay okay, spelling and basic grammar are not a problem for most people, but if you go to the extent of commenting on punctuation, then you might as well find a chatroom where everybody has a BA in English Literature -.-

280 Name: bang-bang : 2012-08-06 06:40 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


281 Name: Xissx : 2012-08-06 10:19 ID:lxmNeskq [Del]


282 Name: Xissx : 2012-08-06 10:25 ID:lxmNeskq [Del]


283 Name: Hiroshi !PtikV314wo : 2012-08-06 18:28 ID:RKzBtB6I [Del]


284 Name: Anime : 2012-08-06 19:09 ID:ZE/k3O7B [Del]

i agree. i mean i will shorten long things like facebook to fb etc. but people take things to the extremes.

285 Name: X : 2012-08-06 19:21 ID:HLXi/WBE [Del]

Good spelling = Classy

286 Name: Marika : 2012-08-06 19:52 ID:ltBuNeeA [Del]

I like spelling things correctly. It makes me feel classy as hell. Same reason I try to avoid using emoticons and the like.

287 Name: Leon Walker : 2012-08-07 14:16 ID:Ey5or7Ov [Del]

I agree, people who fail at spelling are not cute in any way. I used to be like that then I realized it's humiliating to make yourself look like an idiot.

288 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-07 14:38 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

Spelling and grammar makes me feel smart! Fuck you all who tok lik dis. It's not amusing and I get tired of trying to understand your shitty post.

289 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2012-08-07 17:06 ID:lxmNeskq [Del]


290 Name: BlackStar !El1EdVQldQ : 2012-08-07 17:07 ID:iSg4eoAW [Del]


291 Name: BlackStar !El1EdVQldQ : 2012-08-07 17:09 ID:iSg4eoAW [Del]


292 Name: BlackStar !El1EdVQldQ : 2012-08-07 17:14 ID:iSg4eoAW [Del]


293 Name: BlackStar !El1EdVQldQ : 2012-08-07 17:15 ID:iSg4eoAW [Del]


294 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-08 09:22 ID:y30qzTvw [Del]


295 Name: TB Cloverfields : 2012-08-08 18:41 ID:vh7rVbMp [Del]

*points to herself* Grammar Nazi, please.

296 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-08 18:49 ID:Nt8Qodtb [Del]

*Raises hand* Furher of the Grammar Nazi here ^-^

It ist mein kompf,ja...

297 Name: Shiki : 2012-08-09 00:03 ID:h368YUBN [Del]

I agree, but it's not like we can force people to stop doing what they want. Humans will do as they please.
And while they type all uneducated-like, we can type like the intelligent people we are.

298 Name: Mytheroin !nj24Pq3ACs : 2012-08-09 02:19 ID:ZDaoMCNj [Del]


299 Name: Meatpie : 2012-08-09 04:12 ID:HDJoz1uJ [Del]

It's absolutely horrendous!(jokes)

300 Name: Creed : 2012-08-09 04:19 ID:HDJoz1uJ [Del]

When people type like this it gives me the sense that their either really stupid or retarded.

301 Name: kassyvuonggg<3 : 2012-08-09 04:28 ID:O1GE3wh5 [Del]

i agree a lot, but people are going to do what they want to do. We can't stop them, lets see it this why, they can read it and the people who they text probably can understand them too.

302 Name: bang-bang : 2012-08-09 06:56 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


303 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-13 12:59 ID:2mFCIbIX [Del]

I cannot believethis was all the way down here! I've seen 5 posts with a crap ton of grammar and spelling errors. I just couldn't bear to look at them. PLUS BUMP

304 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-08-13 16:19 ID:S1LI8zhZ [Del]


305 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-08-13 19:24 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


306 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-26 11:43 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]


307 Name: 玉ちゃん : 2012-08-26 14:08 ID:asI8Hn4K [Del]

Complete agree. Bump!

308 Name: Aouraiyon : 2012-08-26 15:59 ID:X7AYAA48 [Del]

For people with mobile devices with a limited keyboard, it is a lot less of a hassle to use shorthand, such as texting on an old 9-key phone.

But when you do have access to a keyboard, you can at least take the time to make sure your words are spelled correctly and punctuated properly.

309 Name: Lavender : 2012-08-26 22:54 ID:FwafTj/h [Del]

oh yes. please. bump.

310 Name: sayoko : 2012-08-27 00:59 ID:0VDOzscz [Del]

i agree.

311 Name: Destiny : 2012-08-27 01:58 ID:UWPIlxGV [Del]

This should be a law >_> haha

312 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-08-27 03:10 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


313 Name: RainyDevil !niZA0bIz7k : 2012-08-27 07:04 ID:lAp0LF4f [Del]

At least, in English most words are short and easy to write, and contractions are grammatically correct. Where I live, in Spain, there is an accentuation rule, no one cares about it on the internet; and a lot of people ignore punctuation, and to shorten the words they omit some vowels.

314 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-27 16:38 ID:N4xoF9wo [Del]

Bump for school in one week!

315 Name: kaliayev : 2012-08-27 17:37 ID:gtYJtObp [Del]

Are they watching us ?

316 Name: Enigma : 2012-08-27 17:47 ID:XATslHkz [Del]

We havent forsaken it.....sadly there's just allot of kids who dont know how to speak in the dollars

317 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-08-27 18:06 ID:s7+wRzJZ [Del]

>>316 Usually, I don't point out grammatical errors, but meh. A lot, is not one word and it doesn't have two l's. Too much dots, and forgot an apostrophe. And forgot the period at the end of the sentece.

318 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-27 19:39 ID:aCqFg7FH [Del]

>>317 and >>316 I'll fix it.

"We haven't forsaken it. Sadly, there's just a lot of kids who don't know how to speak in The Dollars."

>>316 You're the reason why this thread was created.

319 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-08-27 19:52 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

>>316 is not the reason this was created. Stumbling a few times is normal. Still not justified, but not horrid either.

People like >>177 are why this thread was created.

320 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-08-27 20:03 ID:s7+wRzJZ [Del]

>>319 I was just honestly bored and felt like pointing it out. Horrible reason, I know. Meh.

321 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-08-27 20:40 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

you have also got to remember some people really struggle with grammar and spelling. i'm not saying that's the whole reason but it may be a part. it usually takes me 2 or 3 proof reads before i get a post correct and most the time it still has small errors like comma's in the wrong spot or something like that.

322 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-08-27 21:16 ID:CfvYW6N+ [Del]


Then those people shouldn't speak. It's one thing if their Main language isn't English. It's another if they just are too ignorant to learn how to spell properly. It's easy.

323 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-08-27 21:34 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

>>322 yeah, maybe for you. some people just don't work that way. i can draw real well, second best in my class acualy. i'm also could have gotten into honors math this year if i wanted to. but classes like english i realy struggle in. it's just how my brain works. i can't change it. so just because i have trouble spelling and using grammar but you don't i shouldn't even speak? hardly fair...

324 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-27 22:24 ID:aCqFg7FH [Del]

>>323 I'm not the best at spelling, punctuation, and grammar either. In fact, I fucking suck at it. You're just being lazy. capitalize your I's, it's spelled "actually", capitalize the first letter of a sentence, put a comma before the "but" not a period.

That's stuff we learn in grade school. If you're really that fucking bad, the try

325 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-27 22:30 ID:WHUlCkUH [Del]

>>323 No. That has nothing to do with your grammar or spelling trouble. You're just lazy, to be blunt.

TWO THINGS, as Leigha said, you should at least be able to do - capitalize your I's and capitalize the first letter of a sentence. If you can do that, you're fine. But you're so goddamn lazy that you can't even do that, and then you have the nerve to turn around and say it's because of an undiagnosed learning disability? You say it's because you 'struggle' with language? You have 'trouble spelling and using grammar'?

lolno. It's because you're a lazy fuck, and the way you write is a disgrace to the English language.

326 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-27 22:31 ID:WHUlCkUH [Del]

As I've said before, there are some people that I don't mind typing like that, and that's because they're aware of it and just don't have any fucks to give. But when people write that way and then try to blame it on something that's not their fault, it pisses me off.

327 Name: Amestris : 2012-08-27 22:37 ID:PxWNgEi7 [Del]

Echoing what the other two said, I think you're being lazy more than anything. Instead of making excuses for yourself you should focus that extra energy into proofreading your posts. If you keep at it then it becomes second nature. It's just like practicing anything else, even math. If you do a problem, you check to see if it's wrong and then you redo it until it's right.

Don't blame your problems on things you can't control when it actually is something you can control.

328 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-08-28 16:23 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

Okay, so maybe I don't do that stuff like capitalize my I's and capitalize the first letter of sentences all the time. I'll try to start getting into the habit of doing it. What I don't get is why does it matter? As long as you can get the idea I'm trying to say, who cares? If you're that paranoid about how other people type, you have way too much time on your hands.

For all the people out there judging me just because I don't proof read small things like posts on a website, worry about your own problems and I'll worry about mine. No need to go attacking me about it.

329 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-28 16:59 ID:aCqFg7FH [Del]

>>328 Reiterating what Barabi said, It's not the fact that you type like that. It's the fact that you used the excuse of being bad at English. I usually don't care unless I don't have a clue what the person is saying. Of course I'd prefer it be better, but that's not the point. The whole reason why I'm even having this conversation is because you said it's because you're bad at English, when it was obviously laziness.

In case you haven't noticed. I don't really care unless I seriously don't get what the fuck you're saying.

330 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-08-28 17:24 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

>>329 I take those extra steps like proof reading 2 or 3 times to make sure all of my I's are capitalized and that in school because that stuff actually matters there. What I'm trying to get at is why does it matter in something like posting stuff on the internet? I don't come here to write papers and it's not like collages are going to figure out who I am on the dollars website and kick me out because I don't do those things on here... Because it's not important and isn't going to change my life, checking for things like capitalization and punctuation isn't on my mental check list as long as people can understand what i'm trying to say.

331 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-28 18:26 ID:WHUlCkUH [Del]

>>330 A few things.

1. School isn't the only place you're going to need it, and it's about time that you get into the habit of writing properly.

2. If you have to proof-read 2 or 3 times to make sure your I's are capitalized, there's an issue, and you REALLY need to start writing normally before you handicap yourself.

3. The internet isn't just a place to jerk off. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean that writing like an idiot is justified.

4. When people think the way you do, it's an insult to English itself. As a lover of language, I find it degrading and insulting that you could be perfectly fine with butchering my native language just because it's the internet. Who cares where we are - have a little respect.

332 Name: anonymous :D : 2012-08-28 18:26 ID:w7lttwNM [Del]

Personally, I agree that t's hard to read but it takes less time to type.

333 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-08-28 19:41 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

1. I know school isn't the only place. I was using it as an example...
2. I didn't mean i checked 2 or 3 times just for my I's... i meant i check 2 or 3 times just to check. i usually get most of the stuff corrected the first time but in school it's better safe than sorry.
3. You have your opinion and I have mine.
4. I didn't mean to insult you or English itself, and I'm sorry for that, but I'm not going to change just because a few people say how I post things on the internet hurts their feelings. Especially when they called me a "lazy fuck" when they don't even know who I am in real life.
5. Just as a little suggestion, next time you decide to pull out the respect card actually try to respect the other person.

334 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-28 19:57 ID:WHUlCkUH [Del]

1. You sure don't act like it. Don't you think you should be preparing for what comes after school instead of jerking around on the internet? You know, since according to 3, the internet is only a place for jerking around and everything is justified? In the real world, you can't write like an idiot, and just because it's "your opinion" that something is justified, it doesn't mean that "your opinion" is fact in the eyes of the person judging you. Neither is my opinion fact, but my point stands.

4. It doesn't matter 'who you are in real life' when it comes to how you're judged online. That's insignificant when it comes to the internet. How you act is how you are. People either like you or they don't like you - don't tell them to change their opinion because you act differently offline. The way you act here is the basis of how you're judged here.

5. lol!no. I respect everyone until the disrespect me or someone/something close to me. You disrespected my language and even went so far as to blame it on a non-existent learning problem when you were actually just too sensitive to admit that you were being lazy.

Man up.

335 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-28 20:26 ID:aCqFg7FH [Del]

3) I, personally, hate the English language. I just feel like that it shouldn't be necessary to reread a fucking post 3-5 times just to fucking understand what the fuck you are trying to fucking say.

4) You better fucking act the way in you do in real life while you're on the internet. If you don't and people judge you by how you act on here, then that's your own fault. If you want people to judge you by how you act in real life, then you better fucking act the way you do in real life. We don't know you in real life, so the only way we can judge you is by how you act on here. You can't really blame us for judging you as a little asshole because that's how you act on here. That's your own fault.

5) You say being called a "lazy fuck" is disrespect? As someone who brings Barabi's wrath down upon myself more times than should be healthy, her calling you a "lazy fuck" is nothing compared to what she's said to me. That's kind of sad because what she's said to me is nothing compared to what the true morons on BBS get from her. I say she's actually being pretty nice. For once, Barabi's not as bitchy as she usually is. I personally think I'm being worse than her at this moment, but then again I probably usually am worse than her.

336 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-08-28 20:29 ID:fJkEbjVU [Del]

Woah..shit...what the fuck happened?

337 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-08-29 00:19 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

>>334 >>335 Whatever. I've wasted enough time with this argument.

Anyways, correct me if i'm wrong, there are no rules restricting how much a person can type, what a person can type and how a person can type it. Until you can convince the government or the dollars to create a law against it, chances are people are going to continue to do it. If that pisses you off so much then you can leave the dollars, no one is stopping you.

338 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-08-29 00:38 ID:enYixJRR [Del]

She's EARNED her respect on here, whilst you have not. Same for most of the people, give or take the few jumping on the band wagon after we had brought it up.

She can pull the respect card, whereas you can't because you've not earned it.

339 Name: 0013Starri : 2012-08-29 09:04 ID:rmTwgqVA [Del]

It amazes me how much the English language has suffered. These days, it's all about texting, or Facebook. It's like most don't even know how to spell, or speak, correctly anymore. It's sad, actually.And yes, dysllexia is a big problem, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't TRY and learn how to read and write properly.

340 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-29 10:50 ID:WHUlCkUH [Del]

>>337 The law isn't the only set of rules that one should follow. Society has rules, as well, that aren't written down. There are a lot of things you know you shouldn't do but are not against the law because there are consequences other than the law.

Not to mention that what the government thinks has little to do with how you're viewed by people on the internet.

341 Name: dami-kun : 2012-08-29 11:20 ID:Qio0ujxW [Del]

I do agree with that. The English language truly has suffered.

342 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-09-14 21:12 ID:Fpu66BA5 [Del]

Cleaning bump~

343 Name: Luciferus Hellsing : 2012-09-15 06:15 ID:Yzurrmga [Del]

I often ask this question. I guess in the end, the way a person types reflects their personality. Incorrect spelling and punctuation makes a moron. Correct spelling and punctuation makes, well... A more intelligent person.

344 Name: Lord Stache : 2012-09-15 11:22 ID:K8ENx4jh [Del]

Just kidding. I agree.

345 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-09-15 18:30 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]


346 Name: Doremo : 2012-09-15 21:11 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


347 Name: Doremo : 2012-09-15 21:36 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


348 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-09-15 22:34 ID:fDCJka27 [Del]

If this keeps up, I'm going to be starting an "Engrish Awar" with the most...creative usage of the English language on the BBS. With the unnatural frequency of bad spelling on the BBS, it may be a daily thing.

Either way, the best way to avoid being pointed out for your inability to spell and/or compose is to try to do everything correctly. 30 seconds of proofreading can do wonders.

349 Name: Kuroi : 2012-09-15 23:18 ID:NHDRmwe7 [Del]

Oh, I agree. I agree so hard.

350 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-09-17 20:51 ID:zLPpKuUP [Del]


351 Name: Stefann de florenzo : 2012-09-18 09:11 ID:0YvoHIT5 [Del]

I definitely like to understand people's words.

352 Name: HACKERS !5zwU1qqx9U : 2012-09-18 10:00 ID:rD8yJ6ce [Del]

I am english and i dont get how we have forsaken english

353 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2012-09-18 12:42 ID:/Dp7m/xe [Del]

^Irony, or what?

Missing punctuation (like periods) in your case.

354 Name: Stefann de florenzo : 2012-09-18 13:29 ID:0YvoHIT5 [Del]


355 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-18 17:18 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


356 Name: Doremo : 2012-09-18 17:18 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


357 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-10-25 16:44 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

Bump, for this is relevant information.

358 Name: Kasi : 2012-10-25 19:55 ID:azowur2T [Del]

I agree so much with this

359 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-26 14:51 ID:4DSdmhFI [Del]

Please read.

360 Name: Leihara : 2012-10-26 15:33 ID:VoxlFVhA [Del]

Bump for the sake of good english! ^

361 Name: Unknown poster is unknown : 2012-10-26 15:37 ID:Papcgxxb [Del]

Yes. Yes. Bump

362 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-10-26 17:41 ID:crCCYzis [Del]

Unknown poster is...aahaha...I love it. I LOVE IT!

363 Name: kida555 : 2012-10-26 18:18 ID:G/qEcZIi [Del]

I completely agree... It bugs the crap out of me sometimes how people do that and still expect to make sense...

364 Name: skullhatchet : 2012-10-27 20:09 ID:/HLx7wrO [Del]


365 Name: Udon !Sh0ub7hVJ. : 2012-10-27 21:32 ID:L4Yg6wnH [Del]

I completely agree with this, I have actually proven my friends that I can type or text faster normally with the correct grammar and punctuation than they can with their text lingo.

366 Name: Hatash(Sleepy to put his tripcode on) : 2012-10-28 16:39 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


367 Name: Araceon : 2012-10-28 18:24 ID:5KkzA1+H [Del]

Time to bump the hell out of this

368 Name: Amant : 2012-10-28 19:00 ID:RFxbPVtk [Del]


369 Name: Kira : 2012-10-28 19:14 ID:qA629Hbe [Del]

I, for one, agree. To some extent. I admit that I still use "text speech" a bit more than necessary at times, but up to the point where my post is almost un-readable? It's absurd.

370 Name: Mamex !JOSQ8500wE : 2012-10-28 19:17 ID:ZfkiKhlE [Del]

I only use text talk in a sarcastic way v:

371 Name: Hei Atzfel !FangOFTwoY : 2012-10-28 20:23 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

I don't see why people use text chat. You have a full keyboard, use it.

372 Name: Jenisis : 2012-10-28 20:41 ID:rIzhKUfJ [Del]

I do use it at times, when I decide to rush something. Mostly average English though. However, living in America, almost 98% of the population uses "txt tlk" in a real life conversation, so it tends to rub off somewhat.

373 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-10-28 21:19 ID:ttTwopOA [Del]

>>372 Like "OMG" or "Lol" and "LMFAO".

374 Name: OMG : 2012-10-29 10:18 ID:c7BSgRKD [Del]


375 Name: Luxeon !o5KlIWlH8E : 2012-10-29 10:45 ID:esfP+MKx [Del]

To be honest, I use these shortened versions of words, but not in excession... like, for example...

Me: tbh, idk man. I don't have a clue...
Them: tbh, idk mn. i dnt hv a clu...

Drives me crazy... especially since I am a Grammar Nazi... (To an extent of course...)

376 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-10-29 13:44 ID:3ze0InwC [Del]

>>373 I cannot stand the word 'lol' and yet it seems to have integrated itself into my life. I find myself using it all the time, and kicking myself when I do!

377 Name: Xyou : 2012-10-29 14:08 ID:fRpt6F5F [Del]

As my english is not really good, i'm really confused when people speak to me like that, because then i don't really understand what they try to say to me, so we lose lots of time with me asking them to explain to me what they tried to say :s
Also, about "lol", i try my best to not use it, as i don't really like it too, but it's sometime inevitable and i do it unwittingly :O that's scary :o

378 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-10-29 16:14 ID:crCCYzis [Del]

>>375 I'm alot like you. I very rarely use abbreviations.

379 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-10-29 16:36 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


380 Name: Xerath : 2012-10-29 17:15 ID:myPOgg+y [Del]

I use small ones every so often(such as "lol" and stuff) but I never abuse them.

381 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-07 20:24 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


382 Name: Setton!!hPeQ9KDP : 2012-11-07 21:41 ID:fnGebOYd [Del]

Sadly, I've found that I can type faster when I use full words instead of using 'txt tlk'. Personally, I have to think about shortening words to the point that I type slower to make sure I'm typing them right.

383 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-11-08 07:54 ID:zlXggmDg [Del]



Will people just get over it already? I mean, maybe this is no big deal to me because my grandma likes to use txt tlk more than i do & i just find it really amazing, but this isn't a college paper. People don't normally chat with others online to practice their sentence structure. Now when it's nonsense, sure, I feel yall. But when you can tell what the other is saying and your inner Grammar Nazi just wants to throw the person in an English Camp just because he/she doesn't type the way you want them to, please tell it to bite on that cyanide capsule it keeps in its left pocket.

384 Name: Reaper : 2012-11-08 08:40 ID:hI5kYvSp [Del]

I understand the meaning, punctuation can be important for understanding. On the other hand it really sucks to type correctly on a cell phone, which i do use to post sometimes. Main idea I guess is to keep it understandable. Things like lol or ttyl are fine and generally understood but ROFL-COPTER might not be.

385 Name: Reaper : 2012-11-08 08:40 ID:hI5kYvSp [Del]

I understand the meaning, punctuation can be important for understanding. On the other hand it really sucks to type correctly on a cell phone, which i do use to post sometimes. Main idea I guess is to keep it understandable. Things like lol or ttyl are fine and generally understood but ROFL-COPTER might not be.

386 Name: Xyou : 2012-11-08 09:58 ID:fRpt6F5F [Del]

>>382 The same for me

387 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-09 15:39 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


388 Name: Hinatori : 2012-11-09 18:14 ID:90oHiYXS [Del]

I agree too. People need to find a grammar tutor.

389 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-11-09 18:50 ID:zlXggmDg [Del]

No way in hell I'm bumping this...

390 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-27 21:59 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


391 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-30 00:51 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


392 Name: Crystal : 2012-11-30 00:52 ID:QBQhU2bM [Del]

some people wayyyy over do the shortness of their words xD

393 Name: Reaper : 2012-11-30 07:00 ID:hI5kYvSp [Del]

wht r u tlk about it nt posible to shorten wrds 2 much yo, it mks u type fster

394 Name: Lynn : 2012-11-30 07:11 ID:W2fkwsH3 [Del]

Spelling, Punctuation, and complete words are important...

395 Name: pyroJKL : 2012-11-30 08:14 ID:2ZUvwJ4F [Del]

>>393 i love typing faster but it screw me the moment I have to write a paper for college. I say shorten in moderation but dont shorten words always or in a professional setting. On forums, it is honestly much more enjoyable to have conversations with fully formatted posts vs shorthand. Just my thoughts.

396 Name: Kiyomi : 2012-11-30 11:48 ID:LTRxjtFT [Del]

This person knows what's up. And I like your username.

397 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2012-11-30 13:32 ID:TkIdKRug [Del]

My favorite response when you correct someone is "U NEW WUT I MENT SO NO U"

I really hate when people chat like that. I'll occasionally use atrocious spelling or grammar for humor's sake, but in actuality I can be quite the grammar Nazi. (I even capitalize Nazi)

398 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-30 17:05 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


399 Post deleted by user.

400 Name: Rinji Mifuzu : 2012-11-30 18:21 ID:0APRjpiU [Del]


Yeah, I'd have to agree with them here. It's getting really irritating how people can't type decent sentences anymore. It makes sense when you got a crappy text plan, but more and more, you see plans for unlimited text, and a bunch of other stuff, so there's no reason for sentences that make grammar nazis pee their pants.

You can use it sparingly, that's fine:
"Lol, idk how long, but I'll get over there as quick as I can. L8r."

but there's no reason for:
"lol idk hw lng
be ter in 2

Also, it's funny how there's so many grammatical errors in this post that is about idiots who can't spell.

401 Name: Kimiko : 2012-11-30 20:39 ID:8pm2tPU8 [Del]

Anytime I see something with terrible grammar I always post "AH! THE LACK OF GRAMMAR! IT BURNS!" in reply. Only on ones that make my insides hurt due to how bad they are. I can handle bad grammar as long as there's punctuation and properly capitalized words. As long as I can make out what I'm reading, I'm fine with bad grammar.

402 Post deleted by user.

403 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-03 20:36 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


404 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-05 01:01 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

mein bampf

405 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-13 14:42 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


406 Name: Laura : 2012-12-13 15:42 ID:ym1rYaFc [Del]


407 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-13 19:38 ID:toSVoeCq [Del]

I understand minor mistakes, such as "tht" or "missin" from time to time, but these should be kept to a minimal. Also, a few things like "dafuq" or "dat" as a certain... accentuation to things, like "dat fluff" or "dafuq I just read?". I think only a few things like "BRB" is acceptable if you're on a chatroom or something similar, but things like "LOL" and "YOLO" (goddamn "YOLO") are vexatious queefs in the general direction of English; Old, Modern, Middle, Early Modern, and Modern.

Also, off-topic, but dem bumps...

408 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-12-13 20:35 ID:ttTwopOA [Del]

>>407 Oh god, "YOLO" I seriously can't stand. My friends yell it out at random times of the day, and it just makes me want to stragle them...

"SWAG" is irritating as well. I try to tell them that it means "Sad White And Gay" but they still insist on yelling it out!

409 Name: Sand-Bird : 2012-12-13 23:00 ID:ZpVAHsiR [Del]

>>408 Yeah, isn't it terrible when "text talk" leaks into the real world, I'm perfectly fine when abbreviations are used to convey meaning quickly, but... when you're actually saying "lol" in real life it is physically impossible for you to be laughing out loud. The meaning is lost and it becomes a nonsense word. It irks me really.
I don't scold people for their misuse of language if the meaning of their words is successfully conveyed, but this trend is steadily pushing me over the line. I am glad, however, to see that the people of this board share my sentiments. =)

410 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-14 05:37 ID:toSVoeCq [Del]

"SWAG" is cool, but some people ruin it. Some people can pull it off and do it... just as long as they don't randomly shout it and do some stupid shit.

411 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-12-14 13:46 ID:uJD+/PTq [Del]


412 Name: Aura : 2012-12-16 03:05 ID:GONdH/a7 [Del]

Same, I can't stand the use of text talk in real life and irks when my friends use in to talk to me on facebook, it makes no sense what so ever. So if they do I just say "sorry but I do not understand you could you speak proper English" which annoys them but for a while now I have noticed them using less text talk around me so it appears to be helping

413 Name: 祐也 : 2012-12-16 05:01 ID:A2edshV7 [Del]

Yes, the English on this site makes me want to maim things sometimes. Most of the time. All of the time.


414 Name: Code Hell : 2012-12-16 06:22 ID:avABxuzs [Del]

Hakuna matata

415 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-20 01:55 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


416 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-12-30 14:06 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]


417 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-01-15 01:54 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


418 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-02-07 17:59 ID:GJT/wngM [Del]


419 Name: Feiself : 2013-02-07 18:09 ID:nXgLx7re [Del]

You are absolutely correct.

420 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-07 19:08 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]

British accents

421 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2013-02-15 09:02 ID:6pF2wb9n [Del]


422 Name: Doremo : 2013-02-16 22:18 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


423 Name: Yellow guy : 2013-02-17 01:01 ID:gX7l/6Yp [Del]

Dollars always thinking they r strong

424 Name: Hibiscus : 2013-02-18 21:31 ID:AFm8IBqt [Del]

Bumping because THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!

425 Name: Lobbey : 2013-02-18 22:08 ID:4dzuCEuF [Del]

In the amount of time it took you to write your message, it took me twice as long to read it. Thanks guy. Thanks for saving your precious time and stealing some of mine. Very considerate. That's how I think of it :P

426 Name: LONE WOLF KYLE !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-02-19 04:58 ID:dHXL7QvM [Del]

>>425 true true

427 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-19 07:00 ID:jMduWEaM [Del]

People probably started butchering their words when texting began.This was back when you had to press the same key three times just to get a few letters and it took like 3 minutes to write a single message.Of course, it's different now and most people have their smartphones or slide phones.

The sad thing is that they never grew up and still use "text language."

428 Name: RandomGuY66 : 2013-02-19 20:13 ID:/HLx7wrO [Del]


429 Name: Hiiragi : 2013-02-19 20:52 ID:iAeOfL/3 [Del]


430 Name: Grue : 2013-02-19 20:59 ID:LDrH+goA [Del]


431 Name: Ritsuka : 2013-02-19 21:05 ID:1Eq8Unft [Del]

I agree

432 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-03-03 19:51 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]


433 Name: Hibiscus : 2013-03-03 21:00 ID:1WygMW0P [Del]


434 Name: Eros (School) : 2013-03-04 09:11 ID:JcldBGfC [Del]


435 Name: Temms : 2013-03-04 09:19 ID:co3QAvk4 [Del]


436 Name: Mytheroin : 2013-03-04 09:20 ID:UqAaE8Tm [Del]

U r sooo rytt omg

437 Name: diewitsjonathon : 2013-03-04 13:39 ID:hQdYok6b [Del]


438 Name: bang-bang : 2013-03-04 15:23 ID:OuH/ksVL [Del]


439 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-07 14:32 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]


440 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-03-07 15:26 ID:m/kB3LXM [Del]

I almost never shorten my typing, except to relieve humor, or to compromise with character limits. I will usually do this by taking spaces out after periods, and turning double-quotes into single-quotes while texting.

441 Name: Doremo : 2013-03-26 23:21 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


442 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-03-27 01:49 ID:PyqOrpBK [Del]


443 Post deleted by user.

444 Name: Bookman !sdF/UdZzko : 2013-05-02 08:26 ID:3G/KPZfN [Del]

Le Necro-Bump

445 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-20 07:44 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

bumping up good threads

446 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-15 16:54 ID:6ksGDRmd [Del]


447 Name: ~Lelei~ : 2013-06-15 17:02 ID:ZC1mqs7u [Del]

Thanks for the bump, BarabiSama, I didn't know this was here. And as for the prompt... I personally don't shorten my text. It's become the social norm, which is stupid considering it's much easier to read spread-out text. Sometimes I'll do it, but usually just to humor myself. Or when my thumbs hurt.

448 Name: |M|esh : 2013-06-15 17:38 ID:C0CCYVA6 [Del]

I always type out things in full, you know, it's fine for the people who write and read the shortened stuff everyday, but for someone like me who can't read it when its written like that, it's just bothersome.
It saves them time writing it, but it takes me 10 times longer to read it -_-

449 Name: Maya-tama :3 : 2013-06-15 17:45 ID:EJsZK8uw [Del]

I never shorten my writing; I'm still in school and I have to write properly or I'll end up looking stupid X3 also paper doesn't have spellcheck ;3

450 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-15 19:02 ID:pgR0r398 [Del]

I always try to type out full words because it looks more intelligent. On papers to turn in, I always write full words as well, singe grades are important. In my notes, I compress information to make it faster to write.

451 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-06-15 20:06 ID://EfcdjK [Del]

People have gotten lazy. Well, that's not it exactly. People have always looked for ways to make their jobs easier. Many see shortening their words as a way to make their life easier. Unfortunately, this shorthand tends to make text harder to read rather than easier and makes it harder to get points across. Luckily, there are many people who care enough about our lovely language to combat this laziness. I try to correct laziness when I see it.

Please, write in a way that everyone else can understand. You may save time typing your post, but you'll lose time explaining yourself to others who don't understand what the heck you're trying to say.

452 Name: Vigil : 2013-06-15 20:33 ID:9cmeoTXZ [Del]

its quite simple actialy, spelling and such do not matter at all. as long as people understand what your trying to tell them its all good. seriously speech is to communicate ideas, as long as this communication is understood why should anyone care, tho they obviously do lol (not that that's bad mind you)...XD

453 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-16 09:06 ID:6ksGDRmd [Del]


454 Name: Camio : 2013-06-16 11:16 ID:q3eybl17 [Del]

bump ^^

455 Name: Renton : 2013-06-16 11:23 ID:TeGWi0Jh [Del]


456 Name: LoneWolf !VkuADiL/aw : 2013-06-16 13:48 ID:Yd5oQEZS [Del]

I would say that the real question is when did grammar become important again?

It went from important, to a burden, then back to important again.

From my experience at least, abbreviations and acronyms were the norm, while proper grammar was scarce.

It seems that the more people shortened words, the worse its gotten. We have abbreviations for abbreviations for Christ's sake.

I do agree with your point, as it's just a whole lot easier to get through something that's written properly, but abbreviations didn't just come out of nowhere you know.

457 Name: Dara Dara : 2013-06-16 18:50 ID:PVhi+vX+ [Del]

Le bump~

458 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-06-16 21:37 ID://EfcdjK [Del]

>>452 Because on a written medium like the internet, it is hard to tell exactly what people mean because of the lack of inflection or body language. A misplaced comma can completely destroy the meaning of a sentence and acronyms aren't universal.

>>456 Abbreviations are appropriate in some places, but for the most part, they aren't needed. In chatrooms I can understand abbreviations, you're trying to get a point across quickly, but in forums, I'd rather not have to shift through people's posts trying to figure out what an abbreviation is supposed to stand for.

459 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-17 13:18 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


460 Name: Deon~ie : 2013-06-17 14:36 ID:Vt7FBYrr [Del]


461 Name: Leon !X6TvWf2ifs : 2013-06-17 14:42 ID:aLU/KOEj [Del]


462 Name: JoBro : 2013-06-17 18:47 ID:5GnNCWyx [Del]

I get that. I mean i try not to type to long but sometimes i do. I don't really get why i do. (force of habit) t in V

463 Name: Noah E : 2013-06-17 19:30 ID:dRzfkksF [Del]

I, for one, agree completely. I think that grammar is very important. I can see it if you're in a hurry and need to type quickly, but if you do it all the damn time it just becomes annoying. However, I'm also a writer so grammar is kind of my thing. I was college level reading at age nine and top of my writing class at ten; so I might be a little biased.

464 Post deleted by user.

465 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-06-17 23:25 ID:yx/eqlvz [Del]

466 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 14:59 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


467 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 19:15 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


468 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-22 13:03 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


469 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-22 20:04 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


470 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-23 11:32 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


471 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-06-23 19:18 ID:l/iHz6bv [Del]

Bump for literacy.

472 Name: Issun : 2013-06-24 13:41 ID:ERha08Gm [Del]


473 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-06-24 22:10 ID:mhhQt3t6 [Del]


474 Name: Number39 !VtUZ63FZ7Q : 2013-06-26 15:10 ID:xXWs7W8g [Del]


475 Name: Wojnar : 2013-06-26 16:43 ID:Rfz502t0 [Del]

This guy raises a good point.

476 Name: (*≧ω≦)ノ : 2013-06-26 16:52 ID:kScNFEes [Del]

Can't argue with that.

477 Name: Mayu : 2013-06-26 18:44 ID:64HYrngU [Del]

I know! Seriously, this illiteracy is starting to annoy me these days...

478 Name: katana : 2013-06-26 18:54 ID:83zX9S0y [Del]

I agree completely. This is an important matter that should be taken very seriously.

479 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-26 20:49 ID:SkeuEebF [Del]


480 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-06-27 09:26 ID:l/iHz6bv [Del]


481 Name: T4YL0R : 2013-06-27 13:05 ID:KLql+oZp [Del]


482 Name: Naoki : 2013-06-27 15:15 ID:nKu/wdnQ [Del]

I agree completely. It's idiotic...

483 Name: HikarixKurai : 2013-06-28 03:11 ID:KUDYBvJo [Del]

Agreed... To see how low this world has gone to make things in life "easier, safer, and quicker" is a sickening thing...

484 Name: Yuci !OZtE8cExVE : 2013-06-28 03:27 ID:y1Lz4VlF [Del]

I totally agree!
Sometimes it hurts my eyes... e.e

485 Name: Deleterious : 2013-06-28 03:53 ID:GEz/HWVO [Del]

Sometimes it takes longer to read what they write because it's impossible to decipher!

486 Name: Inuysha97 : 2013-06-28 07:07 ID:RfExNE5b [Del]

I agree to this. This text language makes no sense. once I saw someone text "atm" and I thought they were talking about the bank machines.

487 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-29 20:31 ID:lHM1EPIp [Del]


488 Name: Issun : 2013-07-03 17:36 ID:DMrGCSHb [Del]


489 Name: Twilight : 2013-07-03 19:42 ID:IfpTNQLr [Del]

I second this. Its dumb! Just because this is a site doesn't mean you have to use text language. Whatever happened to using PROPER GRAMMAR?

And I also BUMP this.

490 Name: no name : 2013-07-03 20:41 ID:aT6pRuCk [Del]

i totally agree with you

it takes a lot of time if anyone try to translate some of it , ir it would not make sense at all

491 Name: Rosie : 2013-07-03 22:00 ID:s8EInKX5 [Del]

I agree with you completely.

492 Post deleted by user.

493 Name: -Turtle- : 2013-07-04 00:52 ID:dJdDGZtj [Del]

I totally agree. Sometimes I just don't even bother trying to read what people are trying to say.

494 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-04 02:59 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


495 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-04 04:56 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


496 Name: Nakura : 2013-07-04 05:29 ID:rw6mL4cW [Del]

I completely agree. I mean, I'm the kind of person who hates using abbreviations. I don't expect everyone to be that way but at least they can type most words properly... Thanks for bringing this up, Ameterasu :)

497 Name: teehee : 2013-07-04 06:35 ID:IDKa6Y31 [Del]

Bump, read this thread people! Couldn't agree more!

498 Name: AshleighHollow : 2013-07-04 08:15 ID:LxZppurA [Del]


499 Name: Lyndon : 2013-07-04 09:01 ID:oXRMFkow [Del]

I know, I know!! When someone texts me here, I just sit like an elephant and think 'what is this!?'. I really hate it, because when you ask what it means, the one whom message you just answer with another of those misspelled texts :(

500 Name: Kazuma Y. : 2013-07-04 10:45 ID:QMmziYRm [Del]

I agree. I mean, sure, in TEXTING its okay, whatever. But in things like this, its plain ridiculous. Just a thought.

501 Name: Arika : 2013-07-04 10:49 ID:awm0BatH [Del]

True, English is a constantly evolving language but we have such a lovely smorgasbord of words already, no need to "txt". That's useful only when you have a character limit. Come on, folks; please, please, please treat English as it should be treated! Take pride in the menagerie of words and beautiful poetic styles that we have. When you CAN use proper English, USE IT.

502 Name: Issun !lJlxdfrWP6 : 2013-07-05 18:38 ID:CJwBjJPL [Del]


503 Name: Issun !lJlxdfrWP6 : 2013-07-05 22:17 ID:CJwBjJPL [Del]


504 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-06 00:32 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


505 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-06 01:22 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


506 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-07-06 13:46 ID:Ocqruisi [Del]


507 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-07-07 11:35 ID:Ocqruisi [Del]


508 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-07-14 14:26 ID:mhhQt3t6 [Del]


509 Name: Wisper-San !!15SfTpqH : 2013-07-14 14:28 ID:qq+FVbpG [Del]

@Omnia Ravus - you don't need to keep re-bumping al the times...
And I do agree that the state of literacy these days is absolutely terrible.

510 Name: josie : 2013-07-14 14:45 ID:IlwgVvTd [Del]


511 Name: Tsukineko : 2013-07-14 17:07 ID:mPq2QUgA [Del]


512 Name: Minako Rose : 2013-07-14 18:30 ID:Bnv3suhN [Del]

Yeah. I mean I'm not too good with punctuation but with the text talk... it's getting annoying.

513 Name: Minako Rose : 2013-07-14 18:31 ID:Bnv3suhN [Del]

Yeah. I mean I'm not too good with punctuation but with the text talk... it's getting annoying.

514 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-14 22:49 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


515 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-14 22:55 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


516 Name: ヤミ族 : 2013-07-15 05:48 ID:g+FhGii+ [Del]


517 Name: ヤミ族 : 2013-07-15 05:56 ID:g+FhGii+ [Del]


518 Name: Juke16 : 2013-07-15 08:58 ID:Di+YUtfm [Del]

There is absolutely a problem with the declining standard of English online and offline, but we must remember that we are an international forum meaning that some speakers will not be "English as a first language" speakers.Therefore, we can't expect everyone to have a high standard of English, but those who are EFL should do their best.

519 Name: Hibari? : 2013-07-16 04:37 ID:DTSFOGHi [Del]


520 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-16 07:16 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]

>>518 Our second-language English speakers have better grammar than most of our American/British members.

521 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-16 08:34 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


522 Name: Ayanokoji Keitaro : 2013-07-16 10:04 ID:MBXN8bbF [Del]

It's true honestly. I'm 18 so I am stuck in the middle of many classmates who don't just type that way, but the younger kids even shorten or use letters like "lol" to verbally communicate.

523 Name: S : 2013-07-16 10:24 ID:KIKrrSzZ [Del]

>>522 Kids are actually doing that? Unironically?

524 Name: DownbeatYeti !fF9EAwSeeA : 2013-07-16 14:56 ID:1fQXACaM [Del]

>>522 Hell, I'm 18 and I'll do that just to be funny, but I was grading a paper for my English teacher this last school year, and it was for one of his sophomores. The whole thing was written, not only entirely in idiotic abbreviations used for texting, but it even had little smiley-face emotes in it. It was handwritten. It was also the final essay for that class. I had to actually go up to my teacher and ask what I was supposed to do with it. It kinda made me lose even more faith in my generation.

525 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-16 15:44 ID:jEcy8H6f [Del]

>>524 Not to mention that when I try to correct my classmates they either yell at me or say "Who cares about grammar? Gosh,you're just like the language arts teacher!"

Then again, they are still in the adolescent stage so I don't know what to make of that. Not to mention their reading, my god, half of the people I know still read second-grade level books despite being 4 grades above that. I even saw one of them write "walls" as "walles". It's sad, really.

526 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-16 19:10 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


527 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-16 19:39 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


528 Name: PlsGuy : 2013-07-17 05:21 ID:p3UB2cCu [Del]

Well, it's all in your toughts.

We all write good, one year old baby write good too. It's all in your mind. Y'know, shorten words... Tsk, tsk, tsk. ^-^

Don't get angry for that, is normal, it just shows the intelect of people. Just think you're smarter.

529 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-21 12:32 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


530 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-22 09:36 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


531 Name: DelSarri : 2013-07-22 11:37 ID:dHV1/6Hb [Del]

sometimes it does, if you can type fast, like me. Some times it doesnt.

532 Name: PKA : 2013-07-22 12:26 ID:3yK6+QCf [Del]

If it's not in an academic or work setting I really don't have any problem with text speak, unless the person using it doesn't actually know how to type properly. The thing that pisses me off is when people just use words wrong. Like literally. Every time I hear someone misuse literally I literally want to headbutt them.

533 Name: Yamashita : 2013-07-22 12:53 ID:xQdWIxFe [Del]

I totally agree. Mispelling words, forgetting puctuations and shortening words makes no sense at all, unless you're in a hurry to type.

534 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-22 16:40 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


535 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-23 06:33 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


536 Name: Lawli : 2013-08-01 13:08 ID:CpKMrAmd [Del]


537 Name: Indigo : 2013-08-01 13:42 ID:r7UeUmMJ [Del]

agreed, although most of my typing errors are becuase I'm too lazy with my fingers :3

538 Name: Indigo : 2013-08-01 13:42 ID:r7UeUmMJ [Del]

like just now with because

539 Post deleted by user.

540 Name: Kurushimu-Ai : 2013-08-01 23:58 ID:egRZa1yb [Del]

i think that a mispelled word every once and i while is fine, since i cant spell very well but i personally suck punctuation. i dont really care when it in my spare time but when at school of course i do te best i can..... but yer. I do agree with you at least 70% ^_^

541 Name: Bippy : 2013-08-02 07:29 ID:3b8kxUHi [Del]

I don't think it really matters

542 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-08-02 10:02 ID:mhhQt3t6 [Del]


543 Name: Yūya : 2013-08-02 18:30 ID:I7xB2Lvh [Del]

Given the fact that your own name is misspelled, I find your post somewhat ironic.

However, I agree with it entirely. Bad English makes you look unintelligent.

544 Name: MexicanAmaricianWheels88 : 2013-08-02 18:30 ID:CdaLagVf [Del]

Sorry ! I'm too lazy :) lol

545 Name: Toki : 2013-08-02 22:47 ID:qjbuhA/h [Del]

I think they are not that "dull" enough. I believe that there are really people who just doesnt feel right when they spell words in COMPLETE, knowing that cellphones are everywhere and there are really those people who doesn't mind about punctuations.

Simply enough, they're just too lazy to type the whole thing. What matters most is the ability for you to understand.

546 Name: BlankMind : 2013-08-03 03:37 ID:IMkJ/1DS [Del]

It's true. Words used to have meaning and clarity but now, slurred together THEYHAVENOMEANINGANYMORE!

547 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-08-03 12:34 ID:Ocqruisi [Del]


548 Post deleted by user.

549 Name: Dead Queen : 2013-08-03 14:21 ID:tytcllKc [Del]

I agree ._.

550 Name: Miss Sugar Plum : 2013-08-03 18:21 ID:88nMQCMq [Del]

I agree with you. I mean, I think it's okay to type things like "ttyl" or "gtg"-you know, things that are too long to type when you are in a hurry. But people take that to the extreme, to the point of illiteracy. Grammar was created for a very important reason. It's kinda sad that some foreigners can speak and write English better than those born here. -__-

551 Name: Anthony O. Davis : 2013-08-03 18:40 ID:+5slebJY [Del]

It is pretty all right with me, so long as people don't abuse it.

552 Name: InvisibleDollar : 2013-08-03 19:14 ID:27zznwal [Del]

I agree. I hate it when people put "I h8 it whn u go 2 th bnk". None of it makes sense. Don't mind the sentence it was just an example.

553 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-08-04 00:31 ID:Ocqruisi [Del]


554 Name: Doremo : 2013-08-12 17:32 ID:qRvWwSJI [Del]


555 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-08-13 18:02 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


556 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-08-13 18:29 ID:tCPNPoS8 [Del]

It's not just english I mean this happens even in my own language, like "vocês" which means "you" (in plural) is usualy typed like "vcs", but thankfully only kids type like that, I for one like to write everything as good as I can

557 Name: Marianne : 2013-08-14 14:31 ID:JQRCRx8U [Del]

I totally agree with you! Every time I try to have a simple conversation somebody, whether it be face to face or technology wise, they always say things like "kk" or "idk" and it just gets on my nerves!

558 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-14 22:43 ID:dYAjKvz5 [Del]


559 Name: Tainted!ljn0ylEcdg : 2013-08-15 11:51 ID:1FJXagQR [Del]

I totally agree with you
i sometimes get pissed when people just say "k" even in my place i hear people say that

560 Name: Kaworu Nagisa : 2013-08-15 22:35 ID:UOh5Vciw [Del]

As long as the semantic message is converyed, spelling and grammar are irrelevant

561 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-08-17 07:58 ID:Ocqruisi [Del]


562 Name: Hibari? : 2013-08-25 08:38 ID:xDdtixnP [Del]


563 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-08-30 10:30 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


564 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-08-31 13:14 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


565 Name: GunLoliCon : 2013-08-31 22:29 ID:vcvU1tSE [Del]


566 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-09-15 09:49 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]


567 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-09-16 05:09 ID:XHOpFh9B [Del]

I had to ask dollar fellows what afk and gtg means... And I felt like I was to weird one.
I agree with you. If it is "away from keyboard" it should be spelled this way and not the short one.

568 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-09-16 09:05 ID:vrJNIPBq [Del]

>>567 Afk and Gtg are most commonly used in online games, where you don't have time to write down full sentences. But yeah, they should be used ONLY in those occasions. D:

569 Name: Smilies : 2013-09-16 10:42 ID:QcLhxx0c [Del]

When you do not have enough time to type when you are busy or are in a situation that is when it is appropriate time to do so, but this is just me. ^^

570 Name: Night Angel !Ka/47vBX8A : 2013-09-16 11:51 ID:sJko50X2 [Del]

Not only that but np=no problem, roflmao=rolling on the floor laughing my ass off, trololol= a troll ready to laugh whilst causing havoc... anyways I get frequent questions on these

571 Name: Night Angel !Ka/47vBX8A : 2013-09-16 11:59 ID:sJko50X2 [Del]

@Amerterasy: There are plenty of people who misstype words, and/or have a hard time when there's not much to go around. At least they are doing their best to keep up to date with the dollar's, yet a better questions I have for you is why forsake the good people who try and to do good for others and make fun of them for it?

572 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-09-16 12:01 ID:Wjo+nAUm [Del]

>>567 I would agree with you. I always take time to ensure my spelling and grammar are correct when I type stuff for school, work, or right here in the BBS.

I think the problem is younger people using these acronyms (or older people) don't see any value in using correct English. They figure if someone knows what they mean, they don't need to spend time making sure it is correct. I understand why they think this, however there is a limit to what you can get across with shortened speech.

The other thing is, if you have improper grammar or spelling, people assume you are stupid. Sorry, but that is exactly what I tend to think when I read a post I can't decipher. It's the same thing when people's English is bad, people assume they are dumb.

It isn't necessarily true, but on the Internet people aren't going to take that extra time to get to know you. It's like if you are sloppily dressed: that doesn't make you any less of a person, but people seeing you will think that on instinct.

573 Name: Kobayashi Kaito : 2013-09-16 12:17 ID:+XLUPGuF [Del]

Call me a purist, if you will, but I never text speak, even while texting. I do this to continue training my mind to think and speak fluently, and with proper spelling and grammar. I understand not many people think this way, but it does help when it comes time to write a formal letter, e-mail, or report.

574 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-16 13:53 ID:nYbXOptR [Del]

>>571 "have a hard time when there's not much to go around"

This part doesn't make sense. Have a hard time when what's not much to go around?

" At least they are doing their best to keep up to date with the dollar's, yet a better questions I have for you is why forsake the good people who try and to do good for others and make fun of them for it?"

This part is just off topic in general. One, it's not just about the Dollars members but people everywhere in the Internet are being illiterate. And how does "doing good" coincide with not being English savvy?

I don't know, it sorta seems like you're taking this entire thread personally for you to have written off topic/irrelevant stuff and not making sense.

575 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-09-18 10:15 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


576 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-26 17:22 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


577 Name: cody : 2013-09-26 21:04 ID:ggjDgQdG [Del]

before B-E-F-O-R-E not b4 this is English not bingo

578 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-27 14:45 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


579 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-15 19:34 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


580 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-16 02:12 ID:0pvBtpoP [Del]


581 Name: skite : 2013-10-16 19:55 ID:r7UKgrpp [Del]

hmm personally i got into the habit of shortening things due to limited characters on sht like texting and stuff. it's also a habit that most geeky people like programmers and such shorten it (problem the other reason y i do that sht). but if i were to write an essay or a formal document then i'd type perfectly, so i don't think its a matter of having forsaken english but a matter of efficiency habits. now i do agree that people that communicate in shortened versions of words in formal documents r baddies

582 Name: Sirbossman : 2013-10-16 21:25 ID:PdH0E6gg [Del]

I agree with you Ameterasu

583 Name: Hirasawa : 2013-10-18 09:26 ID:mxkY/HxY [Del]

It's so sad that the English language is going to waste away just because someone is to lazy (or dumb) to write a couple of letters. Ok, sure we have the horrible autocorrect (which is NOT doing much good) and the occasional typo, but...gah! plus it's not only the spelling that ticks me off, but the yolo swag rubbish that's all to popular at the moment. I must admit that I use the occasional "lol" or "brb" or "ttyl" (usually when Iam in a hurry) but....people here are trying to murder a whole sentence, like "omfg lk toads love yr new sooooooooooo swaggie" and the such....where did proper English go?

584 Name: Crooked Halo : 2013-10-18 11:28 ID:zPuQcMiO [Del]

Hirasawa, I think you're right. I absolutely hate what some people are doing with the language. I'll admit to English being a bit tricky for other language speakers to learn, and I wouldn't get on them for that, tho, because our language is a mess of words taken from many, many other languages.

585 Name: EGirl : 2013-10-18 12:23 ID:wVx+wBBp [Del]

I agree, what happened with grammar?
It's ok shorten some few words, but all of them?
And what about: asdasdasdasd??? Seriusly? Can't you write hahaha, XD, :D, or something normal?

586 Name: Sakoto : 2013-10-18 14:56 ID:FOO4XBON [Del]

I used to do this...

587 Name: Nehra : 2013-10-18 15:01 ID:CQHtjGvY [Del]

I agree that people need to use correct English. So it does not look like chicken scratch.

588 Name: nekokawaii : 2013-10-18 16:54 ID:+roVWHAJ [Del]

you're right i completly agree with you!

589 Name: Bracken : 2013-10-18 20:24 ID:U2/v9nSk [Del]

I agree. It kind of feels like watching our language go down the toilet. Not only is this shorthand hard to read, but it really doesn't convey a lot of meaning. If you need an example, compare "That was hysterical!" to "lol."

590 Name: Red Soul : 2013-10-18 22:41 ID:sSieHJr0 [Del]

You have no idea how much I agree with this statement. What's happened to the English language? I think people are just getting lazier by the day. Imagine how it'll be next year...

591 Name: AmAshleyBaka : 2013-10-19 07:59 ID:J7d3E6Eo [Del]

Yes, I agree too. People have started to use texting abbreviations. Some I dont even know what they mean! Seriously people? Use /words/ not texting abbreviations!!

592 Name: Bec : 2013-10-19 10:35 ID:+oayVqJ8 [Del]

Well, I somewhat agree to what you're saying, and I think that the way someone writes or types shows something about their personality. The English language went a lot to what it is now, and it continues to evolve. Just like religion, initially we didn't choose the language, but we learn more about it, and we learn different things.
So... I guess, what I meant to say is, everyone is free, in every way and every right.
(But I completely agree when people use the excuse, "don't have time to type", geez!)

593 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-10-28 08:38 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


594 Name: BarabiSama !!yk2MqVeu : 2013-12-19 08:59 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]


595 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-12-20 01:45 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


596 Name: Hirasawa : 2013-12-20 05:21 ID:mxkY/HxY [Del]

I guess I should bump this. *bumps* Hehehehe~

597 Name: Sharjeel129 : 2013-12-20 05:48 ID:B+CJCqtR [Del]


598 Name: Sharjeel129 : 2013-12-20 05:48 ID:B+CJCqtR [Del]


599 Name: OhnnyS : 2013-12-20 14:25 ID:F1tG1/Vt [Del]

that's very true. It bothers me so much but what else could i do

600 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-23 15:11 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


601 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-24 09:45 ID:g8rpaju/ [Del]

602 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-12-27 10:39 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


603 Name: Haruhi : 2013-12-27 15:40 ID:jKWq0eaR [Del]

What if the people you're speaking to don't speak english natively?

604 Name: Ravana (Mobile) !HltySaVY5g : 2013-12-27 23:56 ID:VNCPWWzP [Del]


605 Name: Ravana (Mobile) !HltySaVY5g : 2013-12-28 07:26 ID:VNCPWWzP [Del]

I don't have the time right now to properly bump them off. Dx

606 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-12-30 12:31 ID:KtEDQkMH [Del]


607 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-12-31 10:30 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


608 Name: Theodore. : 2013-12-31 16:10 ID:UOew1DIF [Del]

Let's talk esperanto.

609 Name: kanra : 2013-12-31 22:29 ID:7KpjfR9u [Del]

yep ^^

610 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-01 11:50 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


611 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-01-01 12:32 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


612 Name: Mellchi : 2014-01-01 13:31 ID:JEOelBYp [Del]

Idk wht r u talkin about?!?1 o.O lol jk

Seriously... What's up with all those unnecessary abbreviations? Is it so hard to write "are" instead of "r"?
We all make mistakes, though and it's OK to make SOME typos. I'm well aware that my english isn't that good, either (it's my second language) but I try my best to spell things correctly, use correct punctuation etc. My humble opinion is that other people should also try to use correct grammar and punctuation.

613 Name: Taishi : 2014-01-02 07:44 ID:+RsfvDQs [Del]

I agree with mellchi there

614 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-02 11:13 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


615 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-03 01:07 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


616 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-03 21:28 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


617 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-05 23:31 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


618 Name: Nex !vKh8Jud6kU : 2014-01-08 01:54 ID:9ZMTFXdh [Del]


619 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-11 12:50 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


620 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-13 10:00 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


621 Name: Asuka : 2014-01-14 05:36 ID:X/+tQMYN [Del]

Calm down , the world is not going to explode even if everyone does not use proper english. Just enjoy the site as it is, somehow people will come to appreciate such a suggestion.

622 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-14 11:14 ID:xdkOerb3 [Del]


623 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-15 10:24 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


624 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-18 10:13 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


625 Name: Unknown : 2014-01-19 09:00 ID:15CK+sXW [Del]


626 Name: infinite tsukuyomi : 2014-01-19 09:07 ID:3tZtuHaO [Del]

Wut? Me no get it/

627 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-20 13:07 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


628 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-20 21:33 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


629 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-20 23:38 ID:qnyFoD42 [Del]


630 Name: Yadayoii : 2014-01-21 05:38 ID:2njMXfN/ [Del]

Wow i thought that i was the only one who noticed it. 100% agree.

631 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-22 15:46 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


632 Name: Rini Yamori !DIXv5jBsv. : 2014-01-22 15:52 ID:atFU/TfK [Del]

I can not spell so not cool :(

633 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-24 15:40 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


634 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-01-24 18:49 ID:lz9WSbAf [Del]

Why use English when we can just say BUMP?

635 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-25 13:06 ID:9hn0sGdf [Del]


636 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-26 10:14 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


637 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-26 21:18 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


638 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-26 21:34 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


639 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-27 14:02 ID:nxK4nmNo [Del]


640 Name: Drakk : 2014-01-27 20:46 ID:sdAS0vgM [Del]

I agree! English seems to be dieing.

641 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-27 20:52 ID:nxK4nmNo [Del]

>>640 I hope that's sarcasm.

642 Name: Drakk : 2014-01-27 21:12 ID:sdAS0vgM [Del]

lol Inuhakka. Yes it was. Shortened speach is just laziness lol

643 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-01-27 21:40 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]



644 Name: Takara : 2014-01-27 22:17 ID:IF4xC7FP [Del]

Everything is so correct here. xD

645 Name: catzrox95 : 2014-01-27 23:36 ID:ElevbslT [Del]

as a aspiring writer i agree,it's one thing to shorten typeing but it seems like many of today's youth have lost sight of creativeaty,family,and othere morals

646 Name: catzrox95 : 2014-01-27 23:36 ID:ElevbslT [Del]

as a aspiring writer i agree,it's one thing to shorten typeing but it seems like many of today's youth have lost sight of creativeaty,family,and othere morals

647 Name: Neko-Mimi~ : 2014-01-28 00:58 ID:wjhozGko [Del]

It's true. It's not like we all aspire for perfection or anything of the kind, but correct spellings, appropriate punctuation, and correctly constructed sentences all work together to help you get across what is on your mind and what you feel about a certain issue, however, it is not limited to that kind of activity, as communication plays a vital part in our day-to-day lives. :)

648 Name: Minu : 2014-01-28 01:07 ID:HK9vPrc2 [Del]

I am a huge advocate for G/S/P, but at some point you have to sit back and say "fuck it." People will do as they wish.

649 Name: BACCANO : 2014-01-28 03:03 ID:oivG+3US [Del]


650 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-01-30 20:24 ID:nxK4nmNo [Del]


651 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-31 09:23 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


652 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-02-01 20:00 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


653 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-02-01 20:02 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


654 Name: Ajin : 2014-02-01 22:41 ID:TE4D7uqU [Del]

I never was really good at punctuation and all that but I at least make the effort it is ridiculous how bad some peoples messages are but strangely my brain just reorganizes it as soon as I see it into the correct word. Like the word could be so far off but my brain rearranges it into the word they meant to say.

655 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-02-02 18:39 ID:R+SQ2Zim [Del]


656 Name: botdf666 : 2014-02-03 09:36 ID:995xXENb [Del]

yes, we defentily have

657 Name: SilverBullet : 2014-02-03 12:15 ID:SCX8zjms [Del]

Yeah most people now days are just to lazy to type out there whole message. good luck finding some one who doesn't use them.

658 Name: cs : 2014-02-03 13:10 ID:lpy3lJT6 [Del]

it's really not that bad. i mean, language evolves just like everything else. i don't see why people care that much.

659 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-02-03 22:54 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


660 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-02-04 01:22 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


661 Name: astin : 2014-02-06 01:47 ID:uQdVGUGy [Del]


662 Name: Doremo : 2014-02-12 22:16 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


663 Name: Mycroft : 2014-02-13 21:57 ID:jUTwMYdP [Del]

Xlugkdx ek;ndfx zfd ulfd kygdfdxgkht

664 Name: st. sinner !DZFMkDBbhc : 2014-02-13 22:33 ID:robTvqyT [Del]

I agree.. :|

665 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-02-15 08:22 ID:+HeOw6vb [Del]


666 Name: Julius : 2014-02-19 08:26 ID:8Jjzt7KN [Del]

Well, a lot of them say that they don't need to use proper English because it's already a given that they know how to speak the language properly and just want to be able to communicate. I really don't care about the punctuation thing. I'm assuming it gets pretty challenging for those who aren't good at English to pick out where the punctuation marks go. I agree with the spelling thing though. We have near unlimited resources now, and people still misspell words. Lol.

667 Name: Seiko : 2014-02-19 08:45 ID:sDr+8k5p [Del]

I agree

668 Name: wolf pack gang leader : 2014-02-19 19:34 ID:lzKTwtT3 [Del]

so some ppl are using text talk and spelling is bad so what im in the 12th grade and i cant spell worth a shit so i just dont see the need do go on and on about it thats just my opinon so see you around

669 Name: wolf pack gang leader : 2014-02-19 19:35 ID:lzKTwtT3 [Del]

sorry i agree with >>658

670 Name: DemonJules : 2014-02-20 04:14 ID:8Jjzt7KN [Del]

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and think you know how to spell the word anyway, but you just choose not to.

671 Name: foreversigh : 2014-02-20 08:18 ID:Q5HnR9GG [Del]

>>1 True dat...lolz... or are you talking about bad grammar?
I guess it just depends on the people you're talking to. Some mind, some don't.

672 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2014-02-21 00:53 ID:B2M67zJy [Del]

I don't see why it's such a big deal. words are tools to convey thoughts and communicate with others. all the matters in the end is if you understand the message or not. im guessing that most times, you can understand it fine. I think you're just being sinical over unimportant things that you cant really change. life can be much more enjoyable if you accept the fact that people will do whatever they want reguardless of your personal feelings. I havn't even begun to talk about the social norms of the internet...

673 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2014-02-21 00:54 ID:B2M67zJy [Del]


674 Name: DemonJules : 2014-02-21 05:58 ID:8Jjzt7KN [Del]

I'd like to clarify that I'm not referring to internet speak (didn't read OP). Internet talk is a completely different animal.

675 Name: TetsuYohei : 2014-02-21 06:43 ID:hNlmL43L [Del]

I think shortening sentences are fine as long as you don't overdo it and the receiver of the message understands you. I know people who uses "ROTFLMAOWPIMP(Which means Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off while peeing in my pants.)" in a sentence and to me, that didn't make sense until i searched for the meaning of that acronym. Spelling and punctuation are important but I don't think you need it too much on the net. What I think matters the most is grammar.

676 Name: DemonJules : 2014-02-21 08:24 ID:8Jjzt7KN [Del]

That "ROTFLMAOWPIMP" is too good. The internet has its own grammar though. We've come to the point where saying "Dis 2 gud" is acceptable. I think this is what the OP means by slaughtering the English language. I think that our internet grammar is okay as long as you use it in the right place. I don't think anybody in their right mind would use it in some place formal.

677 Name: Aeterna!HERESY3OoI : 2014-03-12 23:14 ID://EfcdjK [Del]

Up we go.

678 Name: Hibiscus : 2014-03-13 01:15 ID:CEaY7G63 [Del]

YES. THANK YOU FOR POINTING THIS OUT, Ameterasu. I'm so annoyed with the lack of proper use of grammar and spelling on the Internet. I may have sounded like a Grammar Nazi when I said that, but I'm not taking it back. Sometimes I'm left reading a post wondering how this person ever managed to pass first grade, much less scrape up the money for a laptop or computer.

Anyway, I'm not completely disregarding using stuff like "ROFL" or emoticons, but I'm just so done with the fact that English on the Internet has been almost completely demolished.

679 Name: Concerned Dollar : 2014-03-13 16:39 ID:msH7I5HU [Del]

I agree completely with you, Hibiscus. As with you, Amaterasu. Good points.

680 Name: Ajin : 2014-03-13 23:58 ID:TE4D7uqU [Del]

Yep, I would have to agree with you guys there.

681 Name: Aeterna!HERESY3OoI : 2014-03-15 16:35 ID://EfcdjK [Del]


682 Name: firelily : 2015-09-07 10:59 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]

683 Name: Kurosuke : 2016-03-07 21:23 ID:8mymhefD [Del]

Yes ameterasu.. I agree with you..

they could have at least type in commas and quit typing capital letters only messages..

I quite remember receiving a text message WHAMTTWCATMB

(We have a meeting toady those who cant attend text me back!!)

damn. i hate those..

684 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-07 21:34 ID:Vknhfnlc [Del]

>>683 Kurosuke, you don't need to bump the really old threads like this one... just keep the important ones on Main, otherwise it's getting really hard to keep the Main board clean.


685 Name: Kurosuke : 2016-03-07 21:54 ID:8mymhefD [Del]

okay sorry.. my bad

686 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-07 23:59 ID:Vknhfnlc [Del]

>>685 S'alright :)

687 Name: Fujinuma !imQYOtW7Ik : 2016-09-14 21:15 ID:8N8GaFtI [Del]

Hahahahahaha I'm absolutely sure that someone's noticed but I can't be bothered to look through the replies right now. You wonder why no one bothers with proper English anymore, but in the title of your post you don't capitalise the word English. Mate, do follow your own advice?