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Continuation of anime but as light novel (4)

1 Name: Old Friend : 2022-11-06 01:13 ID:yJIHyeZ2 [Del]

Spoiler Alert if you didnt see the anime or read the light novel SH!!
Hi, today I discovered there’s a novel (DRRR SH) where it takes after 1 year and half from the anime ending!!

The informations I gathered are the following:
The main characters are new characters and some characters will appear like Cility and Shizuko sadly I haven’t heard anything about Izaya T0T
Mikado had like 2 scenes only but gave lots of info like he redo the school because he was hospitalized however he became Sika child after being stabbed in last EP but the cursed fade away but he can control the curse and see if any Sika children nearby

Also in the novel the new 3 characters joined the school which we all know which hahaha and want to discover the secrets of the headless rides basically like the beginning of DRRR anime but the events goes by with accusing the headless rider with a kidnapping.

I dont like reading novels even light once so I collected data from fan webs so if you read the SH series please tell me what happened to the old characters like Izaya and Masaomi T0T

2 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2022-11-06 01:55 ID:NZK6JCcK [Del]

I'd also be curious to know more about SH. for instance what does SH stand for?

3 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2022-11-06 19:20 ID:K+eedaYz [Del]

>>2 Snake Hands. As in, there's no point in giving snake legs. But who knows, maybe that snake could live up to people's expectation and perhaps way beyond, to turn into a dragon.

Durarara is already finished, X2 wrapped everything nicely. But what if the story continues on? Can it deliver a more exciting experience than the previous story beats?

That's what SH stands for, according to Narita.

As for the series's status, it has been put on hold to pave way for Strange Fake. Actually, every series Narita writes has been put on hiatus since 2015, because he wants to finish Fate:Strange Fake first, on his own pace, before continuing with anything else.

And it seems like we're almost there, because an OVA of Strange Fake is set to air at the end of December... I should probably make a different thread for that on Animation board.

4 Name: Avis : 2023-02-11 20:06 ID:Dmmus2fw [Del]

If you wanna know what happened to Izaya, there's also a spin-off sequel series called A Sunset with Orihara Izaya (vol 1) and A Standing Ovation with Orihara Izaya (vol 2). Kida also does get mentioned at some point in Durarara SH. He and his gf are still in contact with Anri and Mikado and are helping with Anri's business.