Dollars BBS | Literature
















Literature Board
Use this board to talk about novels, poems, short stories, and other written works.

Haiku Chain Part 4!! (510)

1 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-10-19 04:08 ID:3wWdB8wx [Del]

So, if you don't know what a haiku chain is, basically it's a series of linked haiku. The last line of the first poem, becomes the first line of the next poem.


Poem 1:

My dog died one day,
Now my turtle is dying,
No more pets for me.

Poem 2:

No more pets for me,
I prefer my computer,
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508 Name: window !3LdO/x8MDw : 2024-03-19 01:41 ID:MtxEUMsj [Del]

Just like my stories
Weather changes everytime
Shelter here once more

509 Name: et al : 2024-03-21 14:19 ID:Pa8TU3ok [Del]

Shelter here once more
A lucid dream succumbs me
Woken to sunrise

510 Name: Mika : 2024-05-13 00:48 ID:Q5aUV+tS [Del]

Woken to sunrise
My eyes roam but I lay prone
My bed is too kind

The Best Fanfictions You've Ever Read? (58)

1 Name: Yuki : 2013-07-27 15:37 ID:Ep4Uk1W6 [Del]

What are your favourite fanfictions? :D Preferably from a well-known fandom.
If you haven't read any before, go to!

My favourite one is...
Archive: Durarara!!
Title: Psychosomatic Monsters
Author: sachi-sama

56 Name: Reina : 2024-02-17 21:08 ID:mFjjwGM5 [Del]

A mother's touch
Archive of our Own
Fandom: Genshin Impact

Wanderer was both a fool and a liar.
When he coincidentally met this disabled woman who was strangely convinced that he was her son, Wanderer made ten mistakes.
A lie orchestrated by illusions that will only spare him to a bitter end. After all, the truth would always shine no matter what, leaving him alone with his icy tears.

And the most painful part was that even when she was gone, he still coveted a mother's touch.
Man this was beautifully angsty until the end.

57 Name: Brad Armstrong : 2024-03-14 21:48 ID:hP7R8LGl [Del]

i like this one

58 Name: window !3LdO/x8MDw : 2024-03-19 01:37 ID:MtxEUMsj [Del]

I have so much favorites and brainrots I wanna share!

From ORV is a fanfic in ao3 called 1864 by Liu_Su_Mian_Hua (Dragonica_the_mini_dragon) and SnowballTheLittleFluffball!

And then on Shield Hero it's Downward Spiral by killing rabbits in!

For MHA and Katekyou Hitman Reborn crossover, it's Vigilante Boss and His Failed Retirement Plan by Fey_Storyteller in ao3 too!

For Genshin Impact, it's Entirely Out of Spite by Bgtea in ao3!

As well as the Harbingers Apprentice by Cosmoddino in ao3!
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What book made you an emotional mess? (1)

1 Name: Ottie !7Eom0b0t4I : 2024-01-19 12:32 ID:T1l9GAGi [Del]

Hello everyone, straight forward as the title is what's one book regardless of it being a classic or hidden gem that you absolutely loved and consequently recommend?

Please do go into detail of the why, what's, who's and anything else that made it so special. For me, right now it's Society of the Snow while the movie on Netflix has brought a new light to it, I really would recommend it to anyone wanting a less bleak outlook, a brief summary, it details the perspective of a plane crash deep in the Andes snow region, a survival against the elements and what it entails, however, it's focus on compassion, camaraderie, and empathy of people throughly going through a terrible situation is hauntingly beautiful.

For the lack of words to end this post, I'll do it with a quote, even if the thread dies if you consider giving the book a read, I hope you enjoy it.

“Keep taking care of each other. And tell everyone what we did on the mountain.” – Numa Turcatti

Word Chain Game III (983)

1 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-04-22 17:28 ID:vasDHhCC [Del]

Pretty simple game, you make a sentence with the first word of your sentence the last word of the person before you's sentence. Like this:
Person 1: Mama, I killed a man.
Person 2: Man up, boy!
Person 3: Boy or girl, it's still a baby.

And continuing from before, even though I posted the last post there:
Better luck next time.
(P.S.- Eat it, Pieface)

981 Name: Kaeru : 2023-12-21 12:29 ID:CA3vRlhe [Del]

Truth so bittersweet it made me gag.

982 Name: Chinny : 2023-12-27 21:56 ID:nHVLX7K8 [Del]

Gag on these balls.

983 Name: Red : 2023-12-31 06:14 ID:baX9ZK+0 [Del]

Balls like crystals hanging from the ceiling stole my soul.

The Exquisite Corpse Of The Multiverse (1)

1 Name: Q : 2023-11-22 18:24 ID:tu5+P8JM [Del]

Hello everyone. How are all of you? It's been a while since I've engaged with this site sincerely. I'm glad to see it's alive and well. I recently created a YouTube podcast and I wanted to share it with you. I posted the first episode recently and I was hoping everyone could check it out.

I'm posting it here because of what I want to do with this podcast going forward. As I said in the YouTube description, I plan on making the creation of this podcast a communal effort. I purposely wrote of a setting where literally anything and everything can happen: The multiverse collapsing in on itself and becomes one giant universe and all the its inhabitants having to deal with all the subsequential adventures, disasters, and dangers this would bring.

When I say I'm making it a communal effort, I mean that after the first few episodes, I will be accepting submissions from everyone over the age of 18 interested in writing their own short stories to have them incorporated as part of the plot of the story. All events, characters, etc of the chosen stories among the submissions will become cannon and together we figure out the plot as we go along like the game the title is based off of. We would be playing a literary/auditory game of 'Exquisite Corpse'.

My goal with this project is to bring writers and other creatives together to create a harmonious community where creatives can work together and have whatever crazy scenario is going on in their heads that they can't fit into one concrete story or plot be brought to life in an enigmatic way that can be seen and appreciated by all. That's why I'm posting this in the literature section, though if this is possibly the wrong section please let me know. While I am more focused on encouraging writers to participate, all creatives who are inspired by the story are also encourage to participate and add their own works on to it.
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Adolescents by me in 2014 (1)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2023-06-09 14:14 ID:w3QDpUhj [Del]

Here you stay
Along the way
Through the night and day
To go away

There was a man
who smiled and said,
“come with me,
For you’ll see
Life as it’s meant to be”

I went with him
In time of new
For it was you
Who passed me through
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“The Old Pond” by Matsuo Bashō (1)

1 Name: Kit : 2023-04-11 09:38 ID:3Cm+e+1J [Del]

An old silent pond

A frog jumps into the pond—

Splash! Silence again.

Share Your Sad Writings (2)

1 Name: Shiro : 2023-03-09 21:28 ID:hmRAlMwD [Del]

I’ve been feeling sad lately and find that writing about my problems helps a lot! Sadly though, I want to share them but had no one to share them with. So anyways, I invite y’all to share the things you write when you’re sad. I’ll go first:

The thought of you haunts me like a malevolent spirit. You’re something that I can imagine and picture, but never reach. When I close my eyes, you’re there. But as soon as I open them, all I can see is you moving away from me. I try to escape the thought of you, running as fast as I can, even though I know that I could never run fast enough. You’ve already invaded my heart and mind, so there’s no point in even trying. I am like Tantalus, with you as my fruit. I want you, and am so close to you. But as soon as my hand reaches out, you’re moved just out of my grasp. There’s no way for me to be with you, and deep down, my heart knows that. Perhaps that’s why you plague my dreams and intrude upon my thoughts. Why would my heart choose someone it knew I would never have? More importantly, why can’t I forget you? No matter how much I attempt, you’re still there. When I close my eyes at night and picture you there, I’m filled with love and happiness, knowing that when I wake up, it’ll turn into bitterness and an aching pain.

2 Name: papyrus : 2023-04-09 07:44 ID:xWcxQz1K [Del]

Here, was where I wanted to stand.

Here, was where I belonged.

But it was never my choice.

This place is no longer mine to stay.

These people are no longer mine to keep.

Faded memories are all I'll have left.

Time did not stop for us.

Continuation of anime but as light novel (4)

1 Name: Old Friend : 2022-11-06 01:13 ID:yJIHyeZ2 [Del]

Spoiler Alert if you didnt see the anime or read the light novel SH!!
Hi, today I discovered there’s a novel (DRRR SH) where it takes after 1 year and half from the anime ending!!

The informations I gathered are the following:
The main characters are new characters and some characters will appear like Cility and Shizuko sadly I haven’t heard anything about Izaya T0T
Mikado had like 2 scenes only but gave lots of info like he redo the school because he was hospitalized however he became Sika child after being stabbed in last EP but the cursed fade away but he can control the curse and see if any Sika children nearby

Also in the novel the new 3 characters joined the school which we all know which hahaha and want to discover the secrets of the headless rides basically like the beginning of DRRR anime but the events goes by with accusing the headless rider with a kidnapping.

I dont like reading novels even light once so I collected data from fan webs so if you read the SH series please tell me what happened to the old characters like Izaya and Masaomi T0T

2 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2022-11-06 01:55 ID:NZK6JCcK [Del]

I'd also be curious to know more about SH. for instance what does SH stand for?

3 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2022-11-06 19:20 ID:K+eedaYz [Del]

>>2 Snake Hands. As in, there's no point in giving snake legs. But who knows, maybe that snake could live up to people's expectation and perhaps way beyond, to turn into a dragon.

Durarara is already finished, X2 wrapped everything nicely. But what if the story continues on? Can it deliver a more exciting experience than the previous story beats?

That's what SH stands for, according to Narita.

As for the series's status, it has been put on hold to pave way for Strange Fake. Actually, every series Narita writes has been put on hiatus since 2015, because he wants to finish Fate:Strange Fake first, on his own pace, before continuing with anything else.

And it seems like we're almost there, because an OVA of Strange Fake is set to air at the end of December... I should probably make a different thread for that on Animation board.

4 Name: Avis : 2023-02-11 20:06 ID:Dmmus2fw [Del]

If you wanna know what happened to Izaya, there's also a spin-off sequel series called A Sunset with Orihara Izaya (vol 1) and A Standing Ovation with Orihara Izaya (vol 2). Kida also does get mentioned at some point in Durarara SH. He and his gf are still in contact with Anri and Mikado and are helping with Anri's business.

Words words words (190)

1 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2014-08-06 21:59 ID:QtsqQiWl (Image: 500x330 png, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1407380390509.png: 500x330, 10 kb
So, I have decided as an act to better educate myself and widen my vocabulary, I'm making a thread all about words! I have looked around threads using numerous words but could not find a thread like this one. Anyway, on this thread I give permission to define, via picture or text, any word you want! Words less commonly used, known, or even from other languages (this is English, we use words from other languages daily without knowing it after all) are preferred, but you may define any word you wish as long as it wasn't previously defined in the thread. I'll start off this thread with the word logolepsy!

188 Name: cxvz !CQ5CVt8dXc : 2022-07-27 09:13 ID:N088i6v5 [Del]

In a similar vein, I recently learned that the word for the day before yesterday used to be ereyesterday. Petition to bring back overmorrow and ereyesterday?

189 Name: 4shenfell : 2022-11-10 19:36 ID:9/vimHpZ [Del]

Ereyesterday and overmorrow are still in english, just not common in modern english. you can still find the two in online dictionaries and larger physical dictionaries

They are considered archaic, however, and Word will try to seperate the two root words.

190 Name: 4shenfell : 2022-11-10 19:53 ID:9/vimHpZ [Del]

Also the etymology for ereyesterday is quite funny IMO. So, 'yesterday' comes from the old english 'geostran daeg'

- geostran comes from proto germanic and translates to yesterday
- daeg means day in both old english and through to proto germanic

so we start with 'yesterday day' lol

then in early modern english, we add the prefix of 'ere', which ultimately derived from proto indo-european 'ayer', which means 'day'.
this meaning did shift over time so by old english aer has come to mean 'before'. but It's still funny that you could rework the etymology of ereyesterday to mean: "day yesterday day"
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