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Lock and Keys – Story series/universe I’m writing (5)

1 Name: Stag : 2020-08-12 04:56 ID:fHyPxLtI [Del]

Greetings. I made this thread for if anyone is interested in reading a story series I’m writing. It’s focused on non-human species and worlds I’ve designed. This account I will use to write all stories that take place in this universe, and currently have 3 different story lines I’ve started and posted.
I would like to add a few disclaimers before you try to read them. This isn’t going to be what you’d expect. My main reason for posting this is to help me gain motivation as I haven’t had any readers before this. I plan on continuing these worlds and stories for a long time, so I hope to find at least one or two people that will be interested enough to reach the farther parts of the story, so that I don’t feel like anything new I write will never be seen or matter. I am aware that I have many issues and problems with my writing, but while they’re by no means perfect, I do believe that there’s a lot of interesting stuff in them.
I am currently most focused on the Day & Moon line, so I would appreciate it if you were to read that one, but the other lines likely are a much better introduction to the world. I apologise for not having a specific starting point in mind, so I hope that they’re not too confusing. The Teiri line probably introduces the world the best, but also has the weakest start, sadly.

Below is the link to my profile on Wattpad. You can access all of my “Lock and Key” stories through there.

Thank you for the time anyone takes to read this, or my stories.


2 Name: Kanra-chan 2.0 : 2020-08-13 08:50 ID:mwYCe/y4 [Del]

Hey, I know what you're feeling, as a writer also, so I decided to read it. I read Teiri and I think that the concept is original, tbh. The thing with the glowing legs and finding your match, I think it's good. About the start, I don't think it's bad, a little bit confusing but then I got everything as the story followed, and remember, you're not Stephen King, so of course it would not be perfect but I liked Teiri's thoughts, I don't know how to explain it but it was nice, although I'm not an expert of course. Btw, would you like me to give my thoughts about each chapter? I don't mind to do it. Oh yeah, which one should I start reading now?

3 Name: Stag : 2020-08-13 10:00 ID:fHyPxLtI [Del]

>>2 You read the all of the Teiri line on there? I'm happy to hear that. Of course, I would like to hear anything you wish to say about it. I'm always going to be happy to read feedback and people's thoughts on it, so don't feel like there are any limits, but don't feel like you have to either. It means a lot to me that someone is reading it to begin with.

As for what to read next, I think either line should be easy enough to understand now. If you plan on reading all of it, then the traveller's line would probably be next, and it's a little shorter than Teiri.

The Day & Moon line is what I have been writing most recently. It’s around double the length as it has two parts instead of just the one that the Teiri and Traveller lines each have (see chapter titles). I recently found more motivation to write so I managed to finish it before I was aware of anyone reading any of my stories, so now I don’t mind either way which line you wish to read.

And again, thank you so much for taking the time to both read my stories and reply to me.


4 Name: Kanra-chan 2.0 : 2020-08-13 10:15 ID:mwYCe/y4 [Del]

Yeah, I read it, it was quite short and interesting, but it's not over right? Because it would be quite sad to end it like that... I'll try to say my thoughts about it, tonight, and then I'll start the Traveller line.

5 Name: Stag : 2020-08-15 05:41 ID:fHyPxLtI [Del]

None of the lines are completed. I plan on continuing these stories and expanding upon this universe for quite a long time (both forward and outwards). I have a lot more planned, so while sometimes things might just be vague or poorly written, it's very likely that I will end up expanding on things that may not have had much attention so far.