Dollars BBS | Literature
















OFFICIAL DOLLARS SAUSAGE STORY! (Continue this story) (18)

1 Name: SAUSAGE LORD !Mv2RNqcHP2 : 2018-01-26 23:38 ID:qb0QN27f [Del]

Once on the Dollars BBS a long, long time ago there was a SAUSAGE...

2 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-01-27 00:13 ID:b+/UUFHc [Del]

-i hope all the sausages goes here XD-

3 Name: James !GBBXFwEfac : 2018-01-27 08:29 ID:F8yPSLOr [Del]

All he wanted was to be hokage

4 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-01-27 09:52 ID:LeXsL14/ [Del]

And everyone put in their votes and the SAUSAGE won and became hokage. Three seconds later, he quit.

The SAUASAGE knew...

5 Name: AnonymousPoet : 2018-01-27 22:06 ID:znVSQJmc [Del]

... he was destined for something greater...

6 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-01-28 01:31 ID:b+/UUFHc [Del]

so he decided to explore and be something we never seen before, It was...

7 Name: KariZumii !nInCEsT/vs : 2018-01-30 12:47 ID:HOpePmH8 [Del]

A hot dog restaurant, where he thought he could find the secret to....

8 Name: YuKai : 2018-01-30 23:53 ID:LFHTzMSV [Del]

his parents deaths, only to find that...

9 Name: Azot535 : 2018-01-31 10:03 ID:9hSWoOr0 [Del]

they were killed by his sister...

10 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-01-31 11:21 ID:VvkU1rfX [Del]

So he closed down the sausage restaurant three seconds after hearing this. He then used his money to travel to where his sister was.
He was outside her house and decided to give her a call before knocking. The phone began to ring...

11 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2018-02-03 02:55 ID:s5xnCUxk [Del]

And when SAUSAGE picked it up, it was his arch nemesis...

((Question. Why the hell is this a thing? I mean, I started the SAUSAGE thing as a joke, WHY IS THERE A THREAD ABOUT IT!!! IT'S FREAKING ME OUT!!))

12 Name: Enigami !K.q6eLFTNQ : 2018-02-03 09:32 ID:vasDHhCC [Del]

>>11 CABBAGE. CABBAGE says to SAUSAGE "It is time we set aside our differences, to defeat our common foe..."

((This was your creation Snyper. Maybe not directly, but it is still your progeny. My only question is this: can you stop it?))

13 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-02-03 18:52 ID:kb4kHyEk [Del]


"And thats SPIDERMAN. he's held you sister hostage. We should..."

14 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-02-07 10:29 ID:VvkU1rfX [Del]

"...go after him!"

"CABBAGE! Where is this 'SPIDERMAN,' you speak of! My sister has defiled my reputation and took away my parents lives! *sob* I cannot let a mere spider have her! I must find him to find her! so that I can get to her and destroy HER!"

"So... you're telling me that it's a yes, we're teaming up and setting aside our differences?... SAUSAGE?"

*one. second. later*


"ALRIGHT! SAUSAGE! I'll give his address, He's..."

15 Name: James !GBBXFwEfac : 2018-02-10 22:34 ID:F8yPSLOr [Del]

Living on the grand line!"

"We must now become pirates" said CABBAGE.

"Yes CABBAGE. We will become the SAUSAGE PIRATES!" said SAUSAGE.

"But I am vegetarian!" Said CABBAGE.

"Fine" said SAUSAGE, "We will instead call ourselves...

16 Name: Tenma !UsuNH3iquE : 2018-02-11 06:07 ID:Rz2UHiJI [Del]

"... C&S PIRATES! Because we are CABBAGE and SAUSAGE PIRATES!"

"Mmm... Okey!" doubted CABBAGE, "well, we should get going. SPIDERMAN could be doing something to your sister. You don't want him to kill her before you, do you?"

SAUSAGE nodded and they headed to the grand line. But when they arrived they dind't believe what their eyes were seeing. SPIDERMAN was ...

17 Name: Kurima : 2018-02-16 21:16 ID:olDOypzY [Del]

... actually an eagle-wolf! And his real name was actually Gaku!

He was flying is the air with SAUSAGES'S sister in his claws.

CABBAGE said, "Oh no! We have to..."

((This will be interesting))

18 Name: Jo : 2018-02-21 21:31 ID:adcsfz7m [Del]

lawd jezus... wut is dis?