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Constructive Criticism Please (3)

1 Name: Hli : 2016-12-04 02:04 ID:rA52CFt+ [Del]

Hi everyone! I would like to know what all of you think about this renga I wrote. It's an assignment for my English 233 class (which is just a fancy/technical name for creative writing) Originally my poem was just the first haiku, but my professor and fellow peers wished I would have expanded more on the poem, so I was challenged to write a renga. I don't really know what I'm doing, poetry isn't my strong point. If any of you would be so kind, I'd like your feedback. Thank you!

Morning dew on grass
This scent is—without doubt—you
When you are crying

Find some shelter from the rain
Unable—you cannot hide

Steaming rice in bamboo
Take it from the fire to cool
Dropped by accident

Wasted food, angry parents
I’ve done this one too many times

Within sight—I reach
For your fleeting form—watching
As it fades from view

This feeling, could it have bloomed
I wished for everlasting

See muddy shoe prints
They track all around the house
I won’t clean it up

Asking never really sways you
I gave up somewhere I think

Children prance like fawns
I’m sure I was like that too
Hazy memories

Yearning to return to that
Childish delight years later

A mother holds close
Her most precious—an heirloom
From the departed

Given through generations
Received by a sleeping babe

Even the moon shys
Away from the summer’s breeze
Dragonflies’ wings melt

A cool touch of mountain springs
Does it quench that fevered thirst

I said be careful
Worry more about yourself
Do not pick it up

You are more stubborn than I
My warning goes unheeded

Control your urges
Delayed gratification
Is more rewarding

Sensual touch, seduce me
Tantalizing and tempting

Look at the sidewalk
Someone will surely stumble
Over the chasm

Dear, do not let it be you
Who falls through into the abyss

Submerged in liquid
Burning bright as two lanterns
Unrequited love

One body covers the bed
An unknown outside the door

Blazing, dazzling light
Seeping into closed eyelids
Still working the fields

Look back to the ground searching
We have discovered something

A single red leaf
Glides past and skims the water
Crunching underfoot

Taste decay on dull senses
Squirrels begin to forage

Learning to let go—
The hardest part of breaking
Put me back again

Healing still with opal scars
Not fitting like they used to

What of the glass cup
That sits empty on the counter
Shatter it on marble

Let the shards cut you deeply
Copper perfume in the wind

There are teenagers
Lips hover inches apart
They’re friends and lovers

Playful grins and shaking heads
He makes a move, hands slide up

Click of heels on tile
Sophistication defined
Oh please look at me

Swaying hips and flowing hair
You pay me no attention

The soil has turned hard
Silver beams do not peek through
The cold, layered rime

Demure as a maiden’s eyes
A flower feathers open

2 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-12-04 15:17 ID:vWj2TfOQ [Del]

Disclaimer: I am definitely not a professional poet nor particularly knowledgeable on the subject of writing rengas. Take my opinion with cups of salt.

1. Quite an ambitious work. Good job :D

2. I have no idea how strict your professor with respect to tradition, but I believe that stanzas 5, 15, and 18 are missing keigo/kigo (or I need to reread them, which is entirely plausible). Maybe they are optional, in your case, but I find that they usually help you easily determine how the seasons are changing in your poem.

3. The traditional 36 stanza Kasen renga (which is what I think you are trying to accomplish here) has at least 2 references to flowers and 3 to the moon, which I did not manage to spot in your composition.

4. Unless I was ill-informed, a renga is supposed to be a cooperative work, originally, so perhaps having your classmates read through it would be better, as they have similar mindsets as yours.

5. Your last verse (a flower feathers open) sounds quite nice, but given the importance of the last verse to "wrap up" a poem, I was wondering if you considered alternative verses that would connect with your first stanza (not sure if that one is Spring or Autumn)? Just an idea.

Good luck.

3 Name: Hli : 2016-12-04 21:48 ID:rA52CFt+ [Del]

>>2 Thanks for the feedback! I don't know what keigo is, but I can just look that up. Yes, I am trying to do that, but you're right, I only have one mention of each. I know that a renga should have two people writing it, but this has to be a piece written by only me (I also wondered about it when he asked me to write a renga) so I'm kind of stuck. You're right in saying I should get peer reviews.Again, thank you!