Dollars BBS | Literature
















pls give me advise ;.; (9)

1 Name: Zhihua : 2016-08-24 00:35 ID:JCR/FCEo [Del]

Ive been drawing since 4th grade but i get really shy when ppl want to see my drawings so i hide them from them and they get mad at me, i really want to show them my drawings but a part of me doesnt, so i decided to become a loner to stop dealing from that bs but a part of me doesnt want to be a loner...should i be a loner..? or shouldnt i...?

2 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-08-24 01:08 ID:h/pJtS3u [Del]

>>1 Don't be a loner and don't show them drawings? It can't get more complicated than that, can it?

Also, post some of them here. K?

3 Name: Kanra : 2016-08-24 05:49 ID:ncUqhQT4 [Del]

i had the same problem but then my friend told me that its okay to show your drawings because no one is going to judge you. the only that matters is that you tried your best.

4 Name: Kanra : 2016-08-24 05:51 ID:ncUqhQT4 [Del]

please use my advise

it worked

5 Name: anonymous : 2016-08-24 07:26 ID:vb7MTn0C [Del]

>>1 Are there more factors involved in this?
I guess maybe you just haven't found someone who you would want to share them with. Rather than being a loner, maybe choose someone to show everything to, or even just some things, so that you at least have someone to talk to about them first.

6 Name: demoness : 2016-08-26 06:29 ID:LH1a986l [Del]

I wouldn't advise you to be a loner, it works for some people but if it's not your thing then it will just make you lonely, after all.
It sounds like people may be acting a little too pushy about it, they probably don't realize how much the pressure affects you, so try not to judge them too harshly on that account.
It's fine if you don't want to share them, but maybe if you post them anonymously and get some feedback it can help you overcome this nervousness about your art.
This is actually the perfect site, since we have am "Art" thread and you can post under literally any name (including anonymous), you can share art without being directly related to it yourself, and you might find that a lot of people like your work! Whatever unique ideas find their way from your mind to any physical form are worth sharing. If the idea doesn't appeal to you, that's okay, but don't give up on people, just find those who accept that you are shy about your art and who don't pressure you about it, so you can be comfortable with them.

7 Name: Robo !W8aVZtVN3M : 2016-08-26 10:48 ID:uyaN/bA4 [Del]

Alright. I dont want to but I will since im a shit.
Put this either into Art or Personal. I don't care but pick the appropriate boards to post what your trying to get across.

8 Name: Orisin !8vpSl82Pjs : 2016-08-28 11:43 ID:Ps2PmXCE [Del]

I'd say personal. The reason that this is being said is that the boards were created so that people could frequent their area of interest, and the people who frequent personal are the best suited to deal with this dilemma.


9 Name: Fujinuma !imQYOtW7Ik : 2016-09-07 10:07 ID:5iGlrwmh [Del]
