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Writing for yourself (5)

1 Name: ShindaKaido : 2016-08-19 02:43 ID:96qRDKzQ [Del]

So, I have been writing little stories here and there since I was in high school. Some minor fan fiction as well.

I used to share them, but I grow more nervous when people read them. I started a new story. One that I am excited to write. But, my syltyle is strange. And I don't think people would understand it...

I guess my question is...

Is it wrong to write a story that I don't want to share? just a story for me to enjoy?

2 Name: demoness : 2016-08-19 05:42 ID:LH1a986l [Del]

I understood where you were coming from up until the question haha
It's a silly question, frankly, because any hobby you have that you indulge in for your own enjoyment is a good thing (outside of sociopathic killing animals and extremeties like that, i'd worry then). So no, it's never wrong to write stories that you wrote just because it interests you.
Let the creative juices flow!! they're so good for you~
if you do ever decide that you want to share a story or two, but perhaps not by putting it out there for all to see, feel free to email me with it; i love a good read, and if you write in a unique way or about strange things, that just makes it more interesting to me, so there's little room for judgement. i have a few stories too, which I am excited about writing but don't have much inclination to post anywhere, so perhaps we could exchange!
Anyway, my email is at the bottom, and I do hope to hear from you.

3 Name: anonymous : 2016-08-20 09:47 ID:vb7MTn0C [Del]

>>1 I guess someone would have to read one of your stories to be able to say anything about your style. Even if you don't want everyone to read them, it still might be good to have a designated person "inside the circle". I feel like that's something a lot of quiet writers need, before releasing anything. I can't help but be curious of your style now though to be honest.
If you really are completely satisfied with you being the only one to read them then that's fine too obviously. I feel like writers will eventually want to share there stories in the end, though. And I feel like other people are our main source of motivation a lot of the time, so without anyone else reading them a writer might not write as much as they could.

In the end there's not going to be anything wrong with keeping your stories to yourself. I think you might not want to treat it as a permanent thing though, and maybe have it more like you're putting it off, rather than never going to publish or share anything. One option is to just find the kind of people who might like your style, people who you meet or know, and just share your stories to that person/persons/ group. But really it's your decision.
I would read your stories, because I tend to like interesting styles, but obviously like anyone, I can't say how much I'll like them until after I read them.

4 Name: Error404 : 2016-09-10 10:24 ID:bBxgzeo9 [Del]

I'm on the same boat as you are, you know. I love writing, stories or just argumentative essays, fact or fiction. Most times, I'm kinda shy to let people on what I write and I guess it's normal, for me at least. I simply love writing, whether or not what I write is for an audience.

I think the main thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't be hellbent on setting boundaries on what to write for yourself. I think writing is an art, a freedom of expression. And it's alright not to publish it.

As for your style of writing, if you've found one that suits you, then good. Your style of writing is the most prominent and significant thing in a piece of written work. It is what sets you aside from the rest. So you should embrace your style of writing. :) Always feel free to explore, though.

Also, if you're thinking of publishing your work, then I think you should not be afraid of criticisms because they will help you in your work. Don't take it personally, but do take it seriously and use it to improve and reflect on your work. I think that's what makes a good writer.

Lastly, enjoy what you do. :D If writing is a part of you, then write as much as your heart desires.

5 Name: Haruko : 2016-09-21 15:01 ID:N/GHkb8K [Del]

The trick is to write books/stories FOR YOURSELF. If you like what you're doing/sharing, people will like it too ;)
If you don't wanna publish them somewhere online then you should firstly share them with people close to you like family or friends, any opinions is good to be accepted ^^