Dollars BBS | Literature
















What are you reading now? (Novel) (17)

1 Name: Yutaki : 2016-03-07 17:55 ID:IITtxcWB [Del]

Just wanted to ask what novels you guys are reaidng right now.
I'm reading "Kafka on the Shore", by Haruki Murakami.

2 Name: Nullcool : 2016-03-07 20:51 ID:fcZm5ld+ [Del]

I'm rereading the Harry Potter series. I'm on The Order of the Phoenix, at the moment.

3 Name: Yutaki : 2016-03-08 15:23 ID:IITtxcWB [Del]

>>2 I started reading it, but "dropped" due to lack of time XD
I ended up watching the movies:P

4 Name: Nullcool : 2016-03-08 16:50 ID:fcZm5ld+ [Del]

>>3 The books are better. >_< Though, I'm sure you've heard that before.

5 Name: Yutaki : 2016-03-08 17:09 ID:IITtxcWB [Del]

>>4 XD
Yep, I witnessed that first-hand :D
Someday I will read them all XD

6 Name: Nullcool : 2016-03-08 17:35 ID:fcZm5ld+ [Del]

>>5 Good. They're great. >_<"

7 Name: HavocBlack : 2016-05-09 09:21 ID:oR1zFzv3 [Del]

I just finished reading "We're All Damaged". Good book overall.

8 Name: abstractanonymous : 2016-05-09 09:42 ID:XDnlkJv7 [Del]

I finished reading The Invention of Wings. I highly recommend it.

9 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-05-09 13:41 ID:xOGG3hn/ [Del]

Sword Art Online vol. 6 Phantom Bullet

10 Name: Mondai !AbyssUIznE : 2016-05-10 06:37 ID:EZ811Jz+ [Del]

I shall seal the heavens
Tales of demons and gods
Legendary moonlight sculptor
Battle through the heavens
The new gate
The rising of the shield hero

I have a lot of time on my hands.

11 Name: Zuko : 2016-05-10 18:26 ID:5CY5lDQO [Del]

I'm reading the mangas azumanga daioh volume 1 and 2,blank slate,and maximum ride.i'm also reading how to kill a mockingbird for the 4th time.

12 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-10 20:32 ID:6AkOx4Ih [Del]

>>10 For some reason, I just thought that list was some kind of complicated poem.

Just started on the Tokyo Ghoul and WataMote mangas. Tomoko just became my new Waifu

13 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2016-05-13 09:23 ID:z5y57Hd3 [Del]

>>12 lol omg same
I just finished shadow Magic by Joshua khan

14 Name: Rize : 2016-05-13 09:24 ID:rpwlRvji [Del]

I'm reading "The picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

15 Name: Cristhian : 2016-05-14 11:39 ID:Z7q0zq3c [Del]

Now, I'm reading "Don Quijote" by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

16 Name: Tri-Edge : 2016-05-14 22:29 ID:n+FtmFE0 [Del]

"All She Was Worth" by Miyuki Miyabe. I would recommend it for those who are interested in a good detective story.

17 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2016-05-20 15:15 ID:PHW6y0Zk [Del]

Just finished mr lemoncello's library Olympics and just about to start the nest