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2016 Reading Challenge (10)

1 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2016-01-07 21:59 ID:68DB5xuT (Image: 1275x1650 jpg, 184 kb) [Del]

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Hello, everyone! Today in English class my teacher decided to share this with us. I rarely ever have time to read, but I thought that this wasn't a difficult task for me to do throughout the year. 12 books within a year is basically 1 per month.

She didn't give a specific set of rules. All you have to do is read 12 books, one that matches each criteria (so no double dipping!) Any and all books are valid! With that in mind, since this has no rules, I would just like to make a few.

For bullet point #4, if you are shy (like me) do not worry. You don't have to ask a librarian for a book recommendation. Look for a book recommendation online. =)

For bullet point #5. Now I'm guessing this means a "classic" piece of literature, so I think that's what we should do for it.

For #10, don't worry if you don't own any books you haven't read. If that is the case for you, you can always use this to help choose a book for you.

For #11, if no book intimidates you, just read a really long book! 500+ pages.

Not required but appreciated, which bullet point did you complete, a description of the book, how long it took you to read (approx.), and what you learned/how the book made you feel (perhaps a rating). Any details you would like to add are good as well. I would love to hear what everyone else is reading and I think this would be a great way for people to get exposed to new books/genres. Thank you for participating!

2 Name: Neko : 2016-01-07 22:08 ID:CLFYlxnu [Del]

A banned book?
That's hard to find.

3 Name: Lurker : 2016-01-07 22:14 ID:lZKcFZ/4 [Del]

Not really. It does say "a book that was banned at some point". This includes books such as Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, Mein Kampf, and Naked Lunch.

4 Name: Neko : 2016-01-07 23:17 ID:CLFYlxnu [Del]

'At some point' really goes far, eh
Then some books about evolution will do. :|

5 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2016-01-07 23:23 ID:68DB5xuT [Del]

>>4 just as long as it was banned, dude. Don't make it more complicated then it needs to be. =/

6 Name: Enigami : 2016-01-08 07:18 ID:vasDHhCC [Del]

This might be a way for me to read all hose books I've been gifted over the years. There is this Ray Kurzweil book I've been meaning to finish for some time now...

7 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2016-05-05 19:26 ID:68DB5xuT [Del]

Hey! I'm going to bump this up. I read some books *cough* 3 *cough*

I recently read All Quiet On The Western Front which means I completed #7 on the list, a book published before I was born.

This book is considered "the greatest war novel of all time" but I found it extremely whiny and I shit you not, I hated all of the characters except 2. I had to read this for class, but even so, I don't think that's what bases whether or not I like a book. Iloved Animal Farm last year, so that isn't an excuse for me. The only chapter of the book I did enjoy; however, was chapter 2. Maybe because I enjoy ambiguity in theme/subject , but it was really heartfelt as well. I'd rate it a 3/10 if I had, too, and I would definitely NEVER read this book again. Way too long for me to even hold my attention when it was so shitty. That book could have been cut in half and probably have a better impact.

All I learned was historical shit, but it really baffles me that people used to GLORIFY war. How do you glorify something like that???

I also watched both movie versions of this film. The movies were better, but they weren't that much better. If you do need a visual guide, the movies are pretty good at helping you with that even though they (obviously) tweak a few features here and there. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book, but some ppl really do enjoy war books and if you're that person, read it =)

8 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2016-05-05 19:44 ID:68DB5xuT [Del]

I read a graphic novel entitled My Friend Dahmer by Derf based on the author's interactions and extensive research on the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. So with this, I have completed #2, a book I can read in one day. =)

It was a great book. I guess I have always liked serial killer stories, but I watched this documentary on Jeffrey Dahmer when I was like 11 or 12 and it always stuck with me, so when I heard about this book, I thought I just had to read it! I was really excited when I got it at the library and once I got it I could tell it'd be a great read. The book basically provided the story of Dahmer before he became a serial killer. It describes his alcoholism and his peculiarity. I enjoyed it very much. Would rate it 9/10 simply because it's a page turner and I'm interested in the subject. =)

If I learned anything, it's that although you shouldn't sympathize with Jeffrey Dahmer--because he did absolutely horrible things--you should understand at least of as to what brought him to do these horrible things. He's one of those serial killers that actually feels remorse so it's sort of a shame he couldn't stop himself from doing what he did. =/

I recommend it. Here is a bit of the beginning, if you're interested.

9 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2016-05-05 20:00 ID:68DB5xuT [Del]

OK! Last one, I've read as of now, is Primetime Propaganda by Ben Shapiro. This crosses off #3, a book I've been meaning to read.

Basically, all I watch on YouTube now is stuff pointing out the stupidity of social justice movements and feminism and this guy popped up after a while. I'd seen him in twitter feeds of other users I followed, but I'd never really checked him out. The moment I did I fell in love, which made me want to read all his books, but this was the only one available in the library and I'm sure glad I took the time to read it. Now, this is mostly aimed towards more right-leaning, conservative types, but I think if you feel up to reading something political regardless of your views it's a great read, especially if you are the type who likes to analyze deeper into the shows/movies you watch.

In the book he basically shows the influence of liberal politics in the media and their underlying agendas. Trust me, while I was reading it and even more now that I finished it a few days ago, you can really see that influence. It's mindblowing in some ways, b/c most of us have all grown up with the media, so why exactly are they trying to put politics into the media? To affect us. The younger gen.

Haha, I've become more and more interested in politics so I guess that's why I read it and trust me I've learned a lot from this. I'd say it's an 8/10

I haven't seen this vid (I'm watching it right now lol) buthe talks about his book (and his others!) on C-SPAN. I'd also just like to add, even though ppl don't agree w/ him, he sets really good arguments and that's what I loved about the book (and him really in general).

10 Name: May : 2016-05-06 10:37 ID:gIpB6kw6 [Del]

I've read The Trials of Apollo (#1), TFIOS (#2), the Maximum Ride series (#3), Bomb (#4) and The Thing About Jellyfish (#6). Seven left!