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Novel Recommendations Thread (19)

1 Name: Szayne : 2015-10-19 04:48 ID:zmfmy+eZ [Del]

I've been searching around and didn't actually found a thread about this. So I guess, let's take the risk?

Haha, okay so what are your favorite Novels that you can recommend? Action, Fantasy, Mystery, or any other genre and even light novels would do. Also please add a prologue of the novel and the reason why you like them.

Mine is:

The Giver - The novel follows a boy named Jonas through the twelfth and thirteenth years of his life. The society has eliminated pain and strife by converting to "Sameness," a plan that has also eradicated emotional depth from their lives. Jonas is selected to inherit the position of Receiver of Memory, the person who stores all the past memories of the time before Sameness, as there may be times where one must draw upon the wisdom gained from history to aid the community's decision making. Jonas struggles with concepts of all of the new emotions, and things being introduced to him, and whether they are inherently good, evil, in-between, and if it's even possible to have one without the other. The Community lacks any color, memory, climate and terrain whatsoever, all in effort to preserve structure, order, and a true sense of equality beyond personal individuality.

I like it because of the story, and how it deeply involves emotions and its importance to us humans. The developments are really heightened and even if its not an action novel, my heart races whenever it reach a climax. I was also intrigued to the choice of eliminating emotions as a possible action to avoid "making a choice", because this only follows conflict.

2 Name: Alice Sutcliffe : 2015-10-19 16:54 ID:xktOT3se [Del]

I couldn't choose one among the many books I've read to be my favorite. But I think my favorite romance novel is:

A Lasting Impression - Claire Laurent's greatest aspiration is to paint something that will bring her acclaim. Yet her father insists she work as a copyist. A forger. When she's forced to flee her home, her path collides with attorney Sutton Monroe, who shows her kindness by not turning her in to authorities. But when he later refuses to come to her aid, Claire fears she's sorely misjudged him. Finding herself among the elite of Nashville society, Claire believes her dream of creating a lasting impression in the world of art is within reach--but only if her past remains hidden.
The Federal Army destroyed Sutton's home, confiscated his land, and threatens to destroy his family's honor. His determination to reclaim what belongs to him reveals a truth that may cost him more than he ever imagined--as well as the woman he loves.

I found this book on Goodreads. It's an awesome site if you're looking for book recommendations

3 Name: Krys : 2015-10-20 23:47 ID:RapoVdau [Del]

All Warcraft novels are my favourite!

The Three Musketeers, A Game of Thrones.

4 Name: Noonimy : 2015-10-21 02:14 ID:vecX9OaR [Del]

Light Novels are my favorite!

My best are: Sword Art Online, Oregairu, and Legendary Moonlight Sculpture.

Even though everyone says SAO is shit. It's still my number one! Just you wait for the Allicization Arc, That was epic!

(You guys are pretty much into hard to read classy novels huh?)

5 Name: FFNaru134!pEhG/Pzm9A : 2015-10-22 21:20 ID:LrKd98HL [Del]

I'd have to say I'm really getting into Game of Thrones, but my all time favorite novel series would be the Bartimaeus Trilogy (though not sure if it should be called a trilogy anymore since the author released a 4th book).

The series is fantastic and the first three books are basically about a demon and the master who summoned him (a young boy who barely knows anything about how the world works, at least in the first book). As the story unfolds, you get to see all sorts of insights about the world these characters live in. Magic is heavily relied upon in the world, and all government officials are magicians themselves. Anyone can be a magician, but it is the rich and powerful who have the luxury of undergoing that training. The novels also go in depth on how the nonmagic commoners live, and how the government is basically exploiting its power and treats its nonmagic citizens as second class. (The first three books take place in London, by the way.) Ultimately the main themes of the series are rebellion against your oppressors and finding the strength to do what you must for the greater good. Not to mention the demon Bartimaeus is a sassy sack of shit and I love him (his chapters are written very uniquely and they were my favorite things to read).

Now as far as light novels, I've only ever read Durarara!! and Baccano! Both are amazing in my opinion. For those who don't know, Baccano! was the series that predated Durarara!! (both are by the same author) and I highly recommend it if you like that style of story telling. Plus it takes place in 1930s America, complete with mafia gangs and all the aesthetics of the Great Depression.

I'm working on another light novel right now, but I'm reading the original Japanese version to practice my language skills so I may not form an opinion on it for some time.

6 Name: A : 2015-11-02 06:18 ID:OtwrhW9/ [Del]

The legendary moonlight sculptor
Sword art online
Accel world
Spice and wolf

7 Name: jill : 2015-11-04 14:14 ID:+b+XZbE4 [Del]

>>6 and all you listed became an anime or manga, so why bother reading it?

8 Name: Konohanasakuya : 2015-11-05 08:43 ID:238ZaTQU [Del]

Hmm, perhaps these already a bit *too* hyped, but I recommend The Art of Racing in The Rain by Garth Stein, as well as The Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger.

The Art of Racing in The Rain is a tale narrated from the POV of Enzo, an aging dog of a race-car driver. It tells a story of family drama, tragedy, and love. Like, seriously. I love this book. Read it UNTIL THE END.

As for Catcher in The Rye, I think this one's a hit-or-miss kind of novel. Some people like it and vice versa, so I think it would be best for you to form your own opinion :) I do feel a bit sorry for Holden in the novel. Poor kid, obsessing so hard over something he can never quite get back.

Ah, and on a side note. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is also good ^_^

9 Name: Muramasa : 2015-11-07 00:25 ID:/mO6VF+f [Del]

1984 by George Orwell
This novel is like a harsh, prophetic warning to humanity. It's is about a harsh society in which there is no freedom of pretty much anything, and even thinking something the government doesn't agree with is a crime. History is constantly being rewritten. Once the government says something is happening, it is happening, even if said event doesn't line up with past events. Everything contradicting the new piece of so called "history" is immediately destroyed. People are taught to believe everything the government tells them, even if it contradicts previous beliefs and memories. This book is a timeless masterpiece. Written around 70-80 years ago, people still talk about 1984 today. It had influenced many other works of literature and other media. In fact, the anime Psycho-Pass is based off of it.

10 Name: Placebuu !SWrWW9Ituc : 2015-11-09 21:23 ID:HNi6sdgs [Del]

>>9 I read a comic called Fisheye Placebo which was basically the love child 1984 and Durarara. Pretty interesting and love the art.

As for a book recommendation:
One More Thing by B.J. Novak- This book is probably one of my favorites. It's a comedic gem.

11 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-10 01:10 ID:FDFctrLe [Del]

The Wheel Of Time by Robert Jordan, and The Name Of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.

12 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-10 01:26 ID:FDFctrLe [Del]

>>11 the wheel of time is about a young sheepherder named Rand Al'Thor from a country town known as the two rivers, who is suddenly swept up into adventure along with his friends Mat Cauthon and Perrin Aybara once a warparty of monsters known as trollocs attack their village and they learn that they are ta'veren, people who the wheel of the world spins its pattern around, and that Rand is a male Aes Sedai, the ones who can bend the elements to their will by channeling the one power. This eries is a must read for any fan of classic fantasy literature, and in my opinion is much superior to The Lord Of The Rings series

The Name Of The Wind is about living legend Kvothe living incognito in a small village as the proprietor of an inn, when a writer known as the Chronicler comes and asks the privilege to write down his life story. What follows is a tale of forgotten pains, love and death, and revenge against the ones who killed his family. This novel is clearly going to be one of the new great fantasy classics of our time, and i highly recommend it to anyone who those who not only value deeply engaging stories and characters, but also highly detailed and colorful enviroments.

13 Name: Nate River : 2015-11-10 23:12 ID:Pr/a7dQo [Del]

For anyone interested in steampunk, the Leviathan Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld is amazing.

Leviathan, first of a young adult fiction trilogy set in alternative version of World War I, it has Central Powers (Clankers) using mechanized war machines opposed by Entente Powers (Darwinists) who fabricate living creatures genetically. The heroes are teens Aleksander, son of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and Deryn, Scottish girl with dreams of joining the British Air Service with her brother. The sequels are Behemoth and Goliath.

The art is incredible!!! Keith Thompson is an amazing artist and his work brings the characters and creations of Scott Westerfeld's universe to life.

14 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-12 05:30 ID:4RFAi0q7 [Del]

>>8 I loved The Alchemist! Coelho's works are amazing.
Some of my all-time favorites are the plays of Oscar Wilde, especially The importance of beimg Earnest and The fan of lady Windermere. Some of Sartre's novels and plays, I'd recommend Nekrassov and The Nausea.
If you want to read something different try any of the Papelucho books by Marcela Paz, some good ones are Papelucho and the martian or Papelucho in the clinic, they're short histories for children but still fun to read.
Quick summary of each one:
The importance of being Earnest : Algernon (yeah I know) and John are two friends who fall in love with John's protegee and Algie's cousin respectively, to conquer their love interests they both change their name to Earnest.
Nekrassov: A "thief" called De Valera convinces a entire country he's Nekrassov to expose the Kravchenko case, but instead almost goes mad with power.
The fan of lady Windermere : Lady windermere isn't quite convinced she loves her husband anymore. In a party she loses her fan and a series of misunderstandings begin.
The Nausea : A man starts writing a diary to find his "spark" again. Now even simple things like his apartment's doorknob or touching a rock gives him a sense of dread and he can't explain why.
Papelucho and the martian : Papelucho feels alone but suddenly a voice starts talking to him, it was a tiny martian who wanted to be his friend.
Papelucho in the clinic: Papelucho's friend was scared of getting operated of appendicitis so Papelucho goes instead, he gets in the operation by mistake. Hours later he wakes up without is appendix, hilarity ensues.

15 Name: Albion : 2015-11-14 15:35 ID:vwbDEALf [Del] about this book? Name: Dragonkeeper. Author: Carole Wilkinson. Summary: The story is set in Ancient China, During the Han Dynasty. A slave girl saves the life of an ageing dragon and escapes her brutal master. Pursued by a ruthless dragon hunter, the girl and dragon have an epic adventure across China carring a mysterious stone that must be protected. This is a story of a young slave girl who believes she is not worthy of a name but finds within herself the strength and courage to make this perilous journey,and do what must be done.
I like the story because of the relationships and shows you how important friendship is. I'm really sad at the end of the first book...maybe it was the second book? Anyway this is the Dragonkeeper Trilogy.

16 Name: Poupee : 2015-11-15 18:42 ID:+X+Y14iQ [Del]

Paulo Coelho and Oscar Wilde are some of my favorite authors! I totally recommend any of their works, especially The Alchemist (P.C) and The Importance of Being Earnest(O.W)

17 Name: shizaya : 2015-11-15 19:34 ID:u6yPcImC [Del]

This is a bit more classic, but knowing u guys probably all have senses of feelings, Name: All Quiet On The Western Front Author: Maria Remarque Set in the First World War. I wont say anything, cuz i really want the person who reads this to feel the true feelings of horror and sorrow.

18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: Kudarane : 2015-11-16 05:10 ID:b/fAdudH [Del]

Insaisissable tome 1-2-3-4
The love story give a new atmospher to love story.but not to worry it is not all about the love story.