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My novel. (12)

1 Name: RED : 2015-09-29 06:36 ID:Qmu3Kukl [Del]

So i was working on this novel about a gang, and i need your help guys, please give me ideas on how to make a dirty cop? like how can i black mail a cop to make him dirty? give me your ideas! thanks

2 Name: Krys : 2015-09-29 13:09 ID:RapoVdau [Del]

What do you mean by 'dirty' cop? Sexual dirty? And what kind of genre shall it be? eg. shoujo

3 Name: Yakovitch : 2015-09-30 07:52 ID:la4sKtns [Del]

From what i can gather on the information you've sent us, if u mean a "dirty cop" with the idea of a corrupt cop, u can simply find something of his interest, depends on most characters, but to make him dirty u can go with things such as a son perhaps, money, family, a wife, drugs, there's really a bunch of things u can "black mail" a cop with :P, and honestly if u want to be a genius and "think out of the box" go for something like a goldfish, the cop loves goldfishs has a mental problem or is obsessed by his goldfish and by realizing that a group of bad guys named(ZAKUYA) snatched his goldfish and makes the cop do their dirty work and cover up their trash.

Btw the goldfish name is Tom

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5 Name: Krys !6OcNlBlwzE : 2015-09-30 09:00 ID:RapoVdau [Del]

^ Hahaha. I like the fish idea...

I think another good idea for cop corruption stories is for the cop--a righteous, justice-upholding civil servant--to be exposed to terrible crimes that make him lose faith in humanity, such as murders. Someone close to the cop can also be a victim and be killed off, and then the cop can be consumed by vengeance etc etc.

Try reading the Psychology of Evil, might be good for what you intend to write.

6 Name: Strawbarry : 2015-09-30 09:04 ID:jffFyYfn [Del]

You have a warped mind ne! Krys-kun

7 Name: Krys !6OcNlBlwzE : 2015-09-30 09:17 ID:RapoVdau [Del]



8 Name: Logic : 2015-09-30 11:13 ID:JazECV67 [Del]

Ey moron. Fuckin moron. Why ask a bunch of twats who dont write books, advice on writing a book?

9 Name: Yakovitch : 2015-09-30 11:17 ID:RcG7k0Sp [Del]

Well not saying that your idea is bad, but don't u think it is too generiits like the standard or what it is expected from this kind of setup? as I said before u got to think out side the box, unless u want to stay in the market, if you are considering it at all, for instance why hathe cop have to be corrupt? Why isn't it the chief of the police station that is corrupt? and makes the cop do corrupt things? and the cop questions the chiefs decision but he also wants to believe he is doing what it is right and because has foght side by side with his chief 5 years back when the war between the government and a self established country within a country, dwelling with the fact that his chief who once saved his life in war can be corrupt stands as a mental struggle that depends with each new case he is assigned to...
See this I came up in the bus heading home as I felt those nasty smells of a terrible hot day , make things up!!

10 Name: Krys !6OcNlBlwzE : 2015-09-30 11:45 ID:RapoVdau [Del]

yare yare, he's not asking people how to write a book, he's asking people for inspiration, or plot ideas. "Why ask a bunch of twats who dont write books, advice on writing a book?" What a thing to assume!

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12 Name: hurie : 2015-09-30 11:50 ID:h3XaFQaO [Del]

he's not asking anyone for advice on writing on a book, idiot