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the beast of beauty (4)

1 Name: wolfking70 : 2015-03-04 02:47 ID:CgfZnmlf (Image: 700x515 jpg, 281 kb) [Del]

src/1425458860673.jpg: 700x515, 281 kb
I miss my home, the home of my heart.... were most see darkness I see hope's light, were most see death I see life, and were most shake in fear I walk out to face it in hopes of being freed of my fear. I am me, I am free, and I will never let this world force me to be anything other then the shattered and scattered beast I have come to be. If you look down on me for admitting I am a beast then you have never looked in a mirror, BUT if you look at me and see beauty then you see the world the way I do

2 Name: Mag : 2015-03-04 04:10 ID:RHAkl9Rp [Del]

I miss my home, the home of my heart... Where most see darkness, I see hope's light. Where most see death, I see life. Where most shake in fear, I walk out to face it, in hopes of being freed. I am me, I am free, and I will never let this world force me to be anything other than the shattered and scattered beast I have come to be.

If you look down on me for admitting I am a beast, then you have never looked in a mirror.
But if you look at me and see beauty, then you see the world the way I do.

Made a few grammar corrections and spacing decisions.
This was a very beautiful piece. =3 I don't know why, but the picture above suits it nicely.
I had a strong desire to change "come to be" to become, but It figured you wanted those words. Consider the change though, because I think become will make the sentence flow better.

3 Name: YoloLord : 2015-03-04 05:08 ID:n58J1xxa [Del]


4 Name: wolfking70 : 2015-03-06 23:16 ID:CgfZnmlf [Del]

yo meg thanks for that