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letter combination (7)

1 Name: kanra : 2015-02-11 12:04 ID:USOI8enl [Del]

Hey um can someone plesse tell me how to find all the letter combinations in a word? And i dont mean all the words you can make from the letters but all the ways the letters can be combined, like, in the word cat it can be cat,cta,tac,tca,act,atc. Can someone please tell me because it's really inportant or if it's in the wrong place please tell me where to post it where it can be seen?

2 Name: Diefonk !!e2ZY8mZl : 2015-02-12 05:07 ID:ieJlCBuE [Del]

That's called an anagram, try this.

3 Name: Crossark : 2015-02-13 10:54 ID:GMQC4fgH [Del]

DIEFONK! I wasn't expecting to find you here! The OP isn't looking for mere anagrams. He/she is attempting to find every possible way to rearrange the letters in a word. I'm not sure there is any way to do it other than writing down the original word and going through on your own.

4 Name: VampirePotato : 2015-02-13 11:04 ID:2ijCabx+ [Del]

Do a permutation to find the possible words combinations. I think it's 6 in this case (3x2x1). Then just list it out

5 Name: Crossark : 2015-02-13 11:10 ID:GMQC4fgH [Del]

It's been a while since I've had to do a permutation. I forgot entirely about it.

6 Name: Diefonk !!e2ZY8mZl : 2015-02-13 13:44 ID:NynEYj+R [Del]

Oh, I guess I wasn't paying attention when reading. This might be better then.

>>3 I wasn't expecting to see you here either.

7 Name: kanra : 2015-02-15 13:51 ID:Q2D3ELLD [Del]

The biggest problem was that it was an 11 letter word... that's too many combinations, luckily i found a site that does up to 10 letters and that helped me a lot, so now i have all the words ^^ I think there are about 300000...