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Durarara light novel: Volumes 11 and 12 (6)

1 Name: Laija : 2015-01-01 17:51 ID:SD/eeYWJ [Del]

Hello fellow Dollars:

The thing is that I've been reading Durarara (light novel) for a while now and I've gotten till volume 11. However, I can't seem to find any full translations of it nor the next one, 12. The only source I find is a Tumblr user called "mizaya" who has translated - only partially - this volumes.

I have read her translations of Volume 11, which only cover the connecting chapter (Introduction lets say) and Chapter 4. Her last translation post was 3 months ago and I don't want to wait that long. I know I can find plot summaries for each volume in other webpages but I want to read the original thing...

Can someone please help me? My problem involves only volumes 11 and 12. Volume 13 and Durarara SH are fine.
Thank you in advance and sorry for the trouble.

( n . n )

2 Name: Psycha : 2015-01-02 22:39 ID:w2k0pJaX [Del]

The problem for me is that I CAN'T find a website where I could read the light novels. The Tumblr user you mentioned, mizaya, does she have at least most of the novels translated and in English? I would love to read them! :)

I'm sorry that I can't help you. Wish I could, but I wish for you the best on your journey to find them!

3 Name: Laija : 2015-01-03 11:21 ID:SD/eeYWJ [Del]

>>2 I couldn't fin any webpages with completed transaltions of volumes 11 and 12 and other users told me that there was no way of finding them. So I ended up just reading the summaries and read volume 13.

Thank you anyways ( n . n )

I'll help you though with your request.
For reading the light novel and its second part, Durarara!! SH:!!

For volumes 11 and 12:

Even if mizaya has volume 13 in progress, I recommend you to continue reading it in Baka-Tsuki.
Today I've just finished the first part and is AMAZING. I love it. One of the best character driven stories I have ever read.

If you have watched the anime start from Volume 4, which continues the story after the clash between the Yellow Scarves and Dollars (and Saika). It is the Hollywood arc.

Hope you enjoy it !!

4 Name: theslashersaika : 2015-09-02 06:19 ID:3rkDbPFC [Del]

Thanks for the link and for making this thread. I had trouble of also finding fully English translations of the light novels.

5 Name: theslashersaika : 2015-09-02 06:21 ID:23vPiChN [Del]

In the tumblr, it's the chapters... I'm currently looking for Volumes 10 onwards... So are the chapters in her blogs, the volumes of the light novels?

6 Name: hanacchi : 2015-10-18 10:00 ID:uCdNfOQc [Del]

I also can't find the LN for Volume 12
well in mizaya already posted the volume 11. But is it already finish like that ?
also for volume 12 in mizaya still not yet translated.

Anyone here know where I can read that both volume 11 - 12
I have volume 13 complete.
but its kinda weird just read volume 13 when I haven't read the volume 11 and 12 yet.