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Books Tell No Lies (18)

1 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-08-25 01:17 ID:WOwt7X7w [Del]

Tell me, manga wise, how does a story sound called "Books Tell No Lies" and it's based on a book that whatever you write/draw in it, comes true. The book governs reality, and the only way to discover a book user, and to kill them, is to be a book user yourself, and there have only been 10 book users at one time.

Basically anything from natural disasters, to deaths, to even good fortune is brought about by a book user.

I don't plan to write it into a story just yet until I'm WAY far into, or completed by then, the manga series my artist and I have been working on, but in concept how does the above sound?

Also it's only an idea inspired only a slight bit, from Death Note in the concept of the book with powers kind of way

2 Name: CeltysCat : 2014-08-29 19:00 ID:0S7qPI4l [Del]

I think it sounds good Thia. Its a pretty solid concept if you do it well. Are you focusing on one main charecters point of view or many if I may ask.

3 Name: Tsen : 2014-08-29 20:38 ID:ZWluVtTE [Del]

I would totally read that. You might wanna flesh out the extent of the power though, because what if someone decides to use the book to wipe out the existence of all the other books so they have the only power? What if they gave themselves the power to do everything without needing to use the books? Just a little thing to think about.

4 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-08-30 18:03 ID:ElAFlSUu [Del]

I'd focus on all characters. So all 10 users are main characters.

Secondly I'd think that the book can only work against another user, if you find the user and are face to face. I think to make it interesting, you have to learn about the user to find out a weakness.

Each book gives the user one distinct weakness.

Secondly, about powers without using the book. You can do that to an extent. You have to have the book on you to use the powers without writing in it. Think of it as life hotkeys. You write in it a specif action and thought, will allow you to do a specific power by thinking/doing something. Though the moment your book is out of your hands, you're powerless, but others can't use your book, and you can't be killed by other users unless the taking of the book is a weakness for them.

5 Name: Kokoro!vDQhWY7uP2 : 2014-08-30 18:25 ID:4XaHgTPH [Del]

I think the idea is nice, would definitely read.
Though it's not that new and basically that "Get a group of people, give them some cool powers (+some magical object), let 'em clash"-kind of plotline. I'm not implying it's something bad - even the most classic things can please the readers.
If I'm correct, it centers mainly about the fight between the users? Is it possible for you to tell us more? Like the specific reason why these book users even exist/ if there is some general reasoning for killing off the other users (besides the antagonists that are obsessed with might for the usual 08/15 selfish reasons)/ more things that I can't think of rn/ etc.?

6 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-08-31 13:05 ID:iZT9FxoL [Del]

They last for 1,000 years before their bodies can no longer hold any more power. The book gives them the power to survive for 1,000 years, and then the power of the books forces them to fight each other to kill everyone of them off else the power builds up and can do shit like breaking Pangaea apart into the continents we have today.

Also when the big bang happened, it sent powers into all planets, these powers eventually seeped into rocks, turning into crystals, and those crystals were placed inside of 10 journals many, many, many years ago. The crystal's power allowed anything written or drawn to become reality. Eventually people learned of it, and used it so much that the crystals gained a bit of self awareness enough to create 10 other books in their places, and those 10 clones would find people befitting to the individual book's recorded personalities based on who had used the book.

What I mean is who uses the 10 books, each book records a list of personalities, and then chooses a dominant one, in which if that personality is spotted in someone, they are in line every 1,000 years.

7 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-08-31 13:05 ID:iZT9FxoL [Del]

The 10 original books are hidden, and the 10 clones are the main ones being used. They don't fight until the 1,000 year limit.

8 Name: Kokoro!vDQhWY7uP2 : 2014-09-01 14:23 ID:uWrXc64g [Del]

Oh. Oh. Okay, that makes a lot of things different. I thought that the whole thing would be a pretty modern setting but it seems like it's more than that. Nice.
Then... a different question: What's the goal? Okay, they kill each other off because they aren't able to hold the power anymore, but - after that, what happens? Do the books automatically search for a new user? Wouldn't that mean everyone of the cast just has to die off for the better? :I Or is it like the last man standing gets some ultimate power with which he can control/withstand the book?

9 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-09-02 12:56 ID:TYri6YWt [Del]

Everyone dies.
But the idea for the "modern" users is that one rebels against the others to try to take over the world rather than his/her one region, and so they have to worry about this person, and worry about the coming week, since once the week is over, that is when they grow mad and begin to fight everyone else.

10 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-09 08:37 ID:lxa2TOGx [Del]

Don't want to be the party pooper here, but I'll give you some advice, take it or leave it.
So it sounds like an interesting concept, for an idea it's pretty original and would make me also curious. But as much as I've read about it yet, it just sounds more like a cheap death note rip-off. Now don't take that to the heart, I don't mean to offend you. Let me explain through some questions, what the things are that I miss out of your description that make me think that way.
I see that there is a concept that you thought out, it's a good idea for a concept, but alas it's nothing more than a concept.
Do you have a premise for your story? What will be the theme of your story?
What kind of characters do you want to move your story forward? About what kind of characters do you want to tell a story? A guy who lost his father and is on a journey of revenge, or a shy fellow, who was shunned in his childhood trying to fight his inability to have self-esteem? When will the story play out? In what technological age? What kinds of technologies exist, are common, old and modern in that age? (magic, steampower, electricity, or anything imaginary like crystalwave-flow etc.) Where will the story unfold? Where are the scenes serving as background for the story? Do they serve/empower your concept, or do they dull your original plot idea?
What kind of message do you want your story to leave the readers with? Do the characters personalities serve well for telling that message?
So uh I wrote a lot of specific questions but the important thing is, a lot of background is missing, and if you've had that thought out thoroughly you could point at small bits and parts of your idea to arouse attention, like how your main characters behave /look /what their purpose is at the start of the story, etc. You have to think more specific and you also have to think about the "boring" parts of making your story like character development, background, world concept etc. that my questions point towards, not just the "interesting" part which consists of your concept or game mechanic for the conflict in the story. That's something everyone has a (at least one) good idea for. The hard part is making it work, making it sound feel look living and natural.

Well anyhow, I wrote a lot of things, hope you don't take it negatively, but believe me I wrote this in your best interests if you want to make a good story :)
If you can anwser all these questions with an amount of detail above about your story, while still staying consistent, then you'll have a good chance that the story will be also very enjoyable for the readers. If not, the readers will always feel like it may be good but something really important is missing.
Well good luck with your story, I'm rooting for you.

11 Name: Villanova !VZq8w65j3M : 2014-09-15 01:22 ID:ebPNitx4 [Del]

An interesting idea for sure, and I would really like to read any drafts, story boards, or what not. As a reader what I like to see is an expansive universe with a lot of lore to it. I would like to suggest to you to write/think up stories and event that took place prior to where the manga begins. This will create an immersive experience for the reader. Just remember to explain any super important event in the manga, save the rest for a wiki page or some other place.
There is a series of 3 videos that are very informative on writing stories (it's where I pulled most of the above advice). They are also entertaining, here is the link to the first one
Hope this helped you and good luck.
>>10 Has a lot of good points to consider as well.

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: Kokoro!vDQhWY7uP2 : 2014-09-20 16:26 ID:0NhGroOj [Del]

(i'm sorry for the deleted posts - sth went wrong w/ my actual post that were cutted for some reason so here i am re-posting it)

>>9 I know not to get attached to your characters then.
Y'know at this point it doesn't remind me of Death Note anymore but of Fate/Zero //
But hmm... any other information that you want to leak besides the given ones? I can't say much about the thing without any actual material v.v

>>10 & >>11 I believe OP knows that there's still a lot to make up. But since Thiamor stated in the first post to not write it out until s/he (i'm sorry Thiamor I see you often on the BBS but I still didn't figured out your gender) "WAY far into, or completed by then" and asked for an opinion for the general idea I didn't get too specific with my questions. I just kind of tried to check if it has actual potential or is it some "there's a really miraculous thing happening and half of the world is actually involved in this shit but still doesn't get how to kill some stupid brat that's gonna destroy the world until MC saves everything out of ~the power of friendship~" o3o
You can hardly spot mistakes of a thing if there isn't any official thing out yet, so I can't go full critic.

15 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-20 17:33 ID:qs38bdDA [Del]

Yea, I get that, I might have sounded a tad harsh there, but it's all in his/her best interest. Also, it's not like I would've liked to see everything I mentioned, but some kind of synopsis and a little bit more insight is needed to even be able to judge if an idea is good or not. As long as you don't reveal anything about it, heck lol, any idea is as good as the next one.

16 Name: Kokoro!vDQhWY7uP2 : 2014-09-20 18:13 ID:0NhGroOj [Del]

>>15 Eh, I didn't think it sounded harsh. I actually thought you were being the opposite - too well aware that you might say something wrong and trying too hard to soften your comment. If you keep saying things like you did, you really shouldn't worry about coming off as harsh because that sure as hell ain't the case.

17 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-09-22 05:18 ID:lxa2TOGx [Del]

>>16 =)

18 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-10-02 22:53 ID:xC7bG11T [Del]

With Fate/Zero they are fighting in their tournament to get the Holy Grail, and in Fate/Stay Night. In this they don't win anything personally. They do it because their power makes them grow mad, and they have to fight else the entire world is in danger.

The rebel will probably be both a protagonist and antagonistic featured character, though, by rebelling against fate, to protect the world on his/her own terms, and to take over the world nearing the so called end.