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is this a good backstory? (8)

1 Name: Yuki : 2012-11-01 15:00 ID:g9a4bjxt [Del]

Okay so I came up with a backstory for my novel and I wanted to see what other people think.

Basically, the backstory is that these gods called the fates created the world and one god was given the duty of looking after the humans and watching over them. Eventually, it grew insane after watching the humans for so long. he decided he would entertain himself by giving some random humans powers. It knew that some humans already believed in magic and all that though, so it made sure the humans noticed something strange. The other gods found out about this but they couldn't do anything about because there was no one god that ruled over them so they decided to give a human one of their power to destroy all the other humans and leave the world like it was before. The insane god found out about this so he went onto earth and disguised himself as a woman, then seduced the man the gods had chosen as bearer of their child. the other gods didn't know about this though. After he had seduced this man, the god gave birth to a child but he gave the child red eyes so he would know what human the other gods had chosen, then he faked a death from childbirth. It also sent its own child into the world shortly afterwards. While this was all going on, the seduced man had become "unstable" since he had been so in love with the god and he also blamed the girl with the red eyes for 'her' death. When she turned 10, he threw her onto the streets.

please reply and tell me what you think and sorry for any grammar mistakes.

2 Name: Red Angel : 2012-11-01 15:12 ID:wEPJ3miO [Del]

sounds good and interesting but it has alot of detail and not to be mean but it seems too much for one person to understand im sorry if im mean please dont hate me T.T

3 Name: Yuki : 2012-11-01 15:14 ID:g9a4bjxt [Del]

>>2 it's fine because it's not like I'm going to give it to my readers all at once. It's more of a summary for the backstory of the WHOLE novel so I think it's good that it's detailed.

4 Name: Hwamei : 2012-11-01 18:53 ID:ZK8N38xs [Del]

I like the idea! A little cliche, but distinct in it's own way. The only issue I can see/question would be the the other gods fighting back against the god that ruled over the people. It's well known that a society, god or no, cannot be controlled without a leader(s) of some sort (ie. Zeus, the Trimurti, the president, monarchies). So I feel like there should be someone above the people's god and that he should branch away, and the only way of fighting him would be using people otherwise there would be destruction or something.

Just my input. I hope to see more of your work! Good luck! :)

5 Name: Yuki : 2012-11-02 02:55 ID:2OlSW3QH [Del]

>>4 thank you for your comments. The reason there is no God ruling over them is because they work like a government. I'm changing it a bit to they were 1 together and the insane god split apart from the others. Its kinda like the story of Jesus where you have 1 god split into 3. The gods decided they needed a king so they gave a newborn child their powers (not all of it though so they're still gods) and make that child the king of gods once it destroys all the other humans. So yeah it is your idea of them needing a king lol. I'm probably gonna put some character designs up (maybe some pics as well) soon but be warned, one is a lot like Izaya except he's MORE creey and has everything about a good evil villian, except he's an anti-hero.

6 Name: Yuki : 2012-11-02 06:29 ID:GLtGcjLg [Del]

Oh yeah, please keep on posting your comments on what you think!

7 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-03 09:02 ID:Ubfg63tt [Del]


8 Name: Random : 2012-11-04 11:44 ID:tFAIKISk [Del]
