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Most Hated Book Series (68)

1 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-23 09:13 ID:njOG39QQ [Del]

This is where you post your least favorite book series. Don't forget to tell everyone why so they know why they shouldn't read it!

I know everyone's going to say Twilight. I haven't read it, so I feel that someone that has read it deserves to rip on it. I'll go with another one I hate.

I know I'm going to get so much hate for this, but the House of Night series is the crappiest piece of shit I've ever read. I read some pretty bad books, but nothing that I abosultely refused to read. This series has too many major plot-twists, and I doubt there's an actual plot-line in there. The main character is too special I hate characters that are so special that they are out of the ordinary. It focuses too much on the sex. I'm not some child who's afraid of cooties, but the sex has absolutely nothing to do with the series. If it doesn't have to do with the plot, then don't go in to detail.

Then everything that happens is out of the ordinary. I can't tell you how many times I've read in that series that something never happened before. Her liking blood in her first year, a vampire turning human, a dead vampire coming to life, the dead vampire evolving. Keep it simple. This seems way too complex and goes way out of your way to keep the reader interested, which is why I lost interest. I know I didn't word any of that according to the book, but I don't give a flying fuck. I hated that series that much. Might I also mention that this is the only series I've actually hated.

2 Name: S.Roe : 2012-07-23 10:54 ID:FAWqWFVj [Del]

I agree with you on the House of Night series. I bought the first three books on a 3 for 2 deal, got halfway through the first one before giving up. Those authors cannot write. I'm sorry but when I was reading it it just sounded like something a fourteen year old would write.

3 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-07-23 16:29 ID:76yYCqW5 [Del]

I don't know how I managed to read so much of that piece of shit Mary Sue story. Seriously, that stupid series made me want to stab my eyes out. NEVER read House of Night.

It's about this stupid slut named Zoey Redbird who gets turned into a vampire and has to go to special vampire school or die. She's supposedly super extra special and can control all five elements or some shit like that. Her human boyfriend keeps chasing her and cutting himself to make her drawn to him. Everyone loves her, except for one bitch. But that's okay because she steals the one bitches boyfriend, then dumps him. But only after she banged a teacher and he forgave her. Plus she has this resurrected vampire pining after her and a fallen angel trying to get in her pants.

Twilight is about another girl who tries to be extra super special. But she fails even worse than Zoey Redbird. It has next to no plot. All it is is some hormone driven teenager trying to get with an undead emotionless idiot. I don't know how shit like this gets published.

Witch and Wizard by James Patterson. I love James Patterson, I really do, but this was a big flaming pile of shit. Everything moved too fast, it was immature didn't go into very much detail. Then, the ending. That horrible ending. I don't think I've ever read anything more cliche or forced. GODDAMMIT PATTERSON! STOP PUTTING YOUR NAME ON EVERYTHING!

Pretty Little Liars. Okay, the first few we decent, not wonderful, but decent. After that it was all about sex and them being persecuted, Nobody spent any time actually trying to figure shit out. Seriously, they are being hunted by a sadistic murderer and they're just going on with their lives. What. The. Fuck. Not to mention none of the characters are likeable.

I'll come up with more later.

4 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-07-23 18:16 ID:q0ShMzwg [Del]

I totally agree on everything in the house of night series. I have all the books because I got them at a garage sale for like $1 a book. Waste of money...
Twilight is about a pedophile who wears glitter to attract a little girl and is probably meyers way of getting out her own repressed memories of molestation by making her predator into a hero.
W&W was ok, Max Ride was much better.
And oh god. I despised Pretty Little Liars. It made me want to rip out my eyes.
Flowers in the attic/Petals on the wind made me want to die...I was glad when someone took it out of my open bag on the metro when I wasnt looking...

5 Name: Fizzyade : 2012-07-23 18:34 ID:crfTv2lF [Del]

I know I'm gonna get a considerable amount of flak for this, but I don't like The edge chronicles by Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell. Granted, I only fully read 'The Curse Of The Gloamglozer' but I found the characters to be too whimpy. There are probably real people out on the streets with more 'go' in them than Quint.

The other popular series I didn't like too much was eragon. I have the opposite problem, the characters were good, especially Saphira the dragon, but the world seemed very plain, If I remember correctly, most of it was set in the mountains of some sort. Still, I t has been a while, maybe if I re-read them, I may be pleasantly surprised.

6 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-07-23 18:40 ID:q0ShMzwg [Del]

>>5 I never read Eragon much to the displeasure of one of my class mates, I just couldn't get into it because it took FOREVER for the plot to get going...I also didnt like the Lovely Bones because it just sucked and made me depressed.

7 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-23 18:45 ID:mgf4ZkGo [Del]

>>5 The first few books of the Inheritance Series were gooc, but the last 2 were kinda boring.

8 Name: xBrokenWingsCanStillFlyx : 2012-07-23 18:55 ID:K4hlUhOp [Del]

I loved the house of nightseries personally because Zoey wasn't a whore she just had guys after her. Which happens to be a frustrating prooblem and she didn't turn out bad she fell for a teacher and messed up but w. ho wouldn't?
I hated Twilight I wanted to kill innocent children because of it!!
I don't really hate anyother series that I can recall at the momment..

9 Name: Fizzyade : 2012-07-23 18:59 ID:crfTv2lF [Del]

>>6 I can sympathise with you not getting into the plot. It certainly felt that by the time you did get into it, it was almost over anyway.

10 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-07-23 20:02 ID:q0ShMzwg [Del]

>>8 But you have to admit with all the angst over which one to choose (werent there like five of them?) it got really annoying after a while. And most people don't fall for a hot teacher. I personally despised him.

>>9 So, so true...

*Stares at bookcases* I hated the Sweep series, the writing is horrible and the main character is such a Mary-Sue. She fawns over the boy and is a super-powerful-magical-witch from what I can remember and she is wanted by everyone and some such stuff...

11 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-23 20:19 ID:mgf4ZkGo [Del]

>>10 The angst over who to choose was worse than Shitlight. At least Bella had it narrowed down to two. Even Hunger Games didn't get that angsty.

12 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-07-23 20:24 ID:q0ShMzwg [Del]

>>11 Zoey is really a typical Mary-Sue, from what I can remember it's like the fact she's native american somehow helped her vamp powers. And there were just way to many love interests and conflicting character thoughts and intentions.

13 Name: anubis !AnUBiS6/LQ : 2012-07-24 23:06 ID:76yYCqW5 [Del]

>>12 Oh, God, the native american bullshit they pulled. They fucking decided to make her the reincarnation of a fucking native american doll. Makes me ashamed to admit I'm part Cherokee.

>>10 Erik, Heath, Loren, Stark, Kalona. Yep, five. At least three at a time. I could understand the first two while that shit lasted, but seriously, just knock it off.

>>5 Eh, Quint was a horrible character, the other ones about without him were decent.

14 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-24 23:59 ID:mgf4ZkGo [Del]

>>13 We all forgot how unrealistic this is. How often do 5 guys love one girl and one girl loves those 5 guys back? Is she a whore? No, she actually loves them. Only a whore could have a situation anywhere similar to that, and it'd only be without the love.

15 Name: Gaslycrumb !Wit.kUj3CM : 2012-07-26 01:40 ID:l9rBF22a [Del]

The Kidnapping of Christine.

I can't stand it. It's pretty good to begin with, the girl has some normal life troubles like trying to go on some trip to.. Italy I think, and not having enough money. Then she gets kidnapped to be used as a ransom peice for her Grandmother, who apparently has some small fortune. Anyways, it goes through her kidnapping, pretty mundanely I might add, the details and plot keep you mildly interested, then she get out and is talking with her Grandmother and Family, and it ends IN THE MIDDLE of the conversation, they're just talking and then, Bam, it's done. It's just, so aggravating. Ugh. Do not! Ever! Read that book.

16 Name: Zero : 2012-07-26 14:17 ID:MbD0yZ/Z [Del]

>>3 I kinda agree on Witch and Wizard.

>>4 Maximum Ride FTW.

I would NEVER read Twilight. you all would know the reason anyway.

17 Name: Orpheus : 2013-02-01 11:42 ID:k/xsFHfm [Del]

It's not a series but I uterlly hate THE GIVER

18 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-14 21:33 ID:hr1e3JVh [Del]

>>17 You disgust me.I absolutely loved it.The one scene where the dad injects lethal poison into a baby was kinda weird, but it was a good book.

The Twilight hate circlejerk is getting old, guys.We get it, Twilight sucks.Move on.I'm not defending it or anything, as I hate it just as much as you guys, but hearing it mentioned on the net and real life every day gets annoying fast.From what I can gather, it's for lonely teen girls and desperate house wives with crazy yet generic fantasies of false love.Oh wait, I mean "FATED LOVE."You know what also sucks?The Hunger Games series that every little teen girl worships nowadays.It's a rip off of Battle Royale and comes off as far 2edgy4me.

Over the years, I've grown to dislike book series and most modern day teen novels as a whole.Most of them just jump onto what's popular at the time and changes a word or two.Now that I think about it, it's pretty fitting for teen novels to act the same way as their target demographic, but it really doesn't matter.Nowadays, it's all about making money and not about making original and compelling plots.

Wow, I rambled.

19 Name: Dollar : 2013-03-14 22:40 ID:/3lCkwwo [Del]

>>18 lol so what if its getting old? we can still rip the crap out of it ;P


20 Name: Neon : 2013-03-16 22:43 ID:rZ8dQcPb [Del]

Hunger Games.....I know! I know! It was kinda good but around the end with the last two books...I felt like it was trying to turn into something it wasn't. The plot was good in the beginning just i don't know, started lacking.

21 Name: RIshav : 2013-03-17 16:43 ID:7/0jE4SM [Del]


22 Name: Lady : 2013-03-18 02:10 ID:epXuPVJb [Del]


23 Name: Kraii : 2013-03-19 21:21 ID:iS4+n74L [Del]

The Hunger Games. I loved the first book, but the second one wasn't nearly as good, still that's to be expected. The third book was the one that got me. It went too far and there was so much going on that I had to read it again to make sense of it...personally I think the Sherlock Holmes bonds are easier to follow.

24 Name: Tatsuya Okumura : 2013-03-21 15:39 ID:7PXlwEp2 [Del]

Twilight, I couldn't even get past the second chapter.

25 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-03-23 11:43 ID:h/OfBDN4 [Del]

Twilight. Always Twilight.

26 Name: zolraK : 2013-03-23 16:23 ID:e2JkeIrh [Del]

Is this some kind of joke, OP? Twilight will always be at the darkest corners of our hate-filled heads.

27 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2013-03-26 12:15 ID:VyvYublH [Del]

I hate to say it, but I hate the Harry Potter books. They are too long and too boring to try and read... I adore the movies, even cried in several, but the books.... -Sigh.- I feel like a horrible fan.

Aside from HP, Twilight is awful.

28 Name: Live 2 Die : 2013-03-27 18:20 ID:WxgGcSQ8 [Del]

I'm a guy, but my girlfriend got me to read Twilight and...Well...WORST FREAKING THING I'VE EVER READ. It's not very well written, and the whole story is just stupid. Yeah. A bunch of people here are anti-Twilight, but I don't care. I'm still gonna say how bad it is no matter how many other people already have.

29 Name: Sovei : 2013-03-27 19:49 ID:8Ya8aIel [Del]

The babysitters club. I was forced to read a huge amount of them as a child and I'm still emotionally scarred. They're honestly (Besides twilight) one of the worst things I've ever had the misfortune of reading.

30 Name: The Doctor : 2013-03-29 23:28 ID:oDeRmGaY [Del]

50 shades of gray wasn't as Gay as everyone told me it was. Honestly it just sounded like a bad porno script. Don't get any ideas you sods.

31 Name: Kara : 2013-04-04 15:05 ID:m3k/YnIy [Del]

>>27 Wha-? You hate Harry Potter? Well, maybe you just aren't into the magic and stuff. I loved it, personally.
The Inheritance Cycle is kinda a different matter.. I mean, I love fantasy books and how you can imagine these worlds and such but the by the third (Brisingr) and fourth (Inheritance) books, the descriptions of things gets overboard. Brisingr had several pages describing how to make a special Dragon Rider sword. And I'm only half way through the Inheritance book because I get too bored when I try to finish it. The characters were okay though. I loved Angela the witch and Solembum the werecat. It's not everyday you read about a werecat.

32 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2013-04-06 12:20 ID:YhqyMqV0 [Del]

Enid Blyton's Famous Five series. The adventures made no sense to me and the plots were too predictable and unoriginal.

33 Name: Lady : 2013-04-06 16:13 ID:GC8scCT4 [Del]

the vampire academy series, Twilight, fallen. I could go on but I am too lazy.

34 Name: Zen Kawano : 2013-04-07 22:55 ID:FwwSAH93 [Del]

The Stoneheart series. it's dull, utterly, truely dull. Mind numbingly so in my opinion. true the first few chapters outline a really cool idea, that of statues coming to life, but the author really doesn't seem to know how to put action, or even an interesting series of events into it. It's a black and white mystery, with fantasy elements. there's good, there's bad, there's our protagonists, they go on a journey to find a way to stop the bad, they do, the end. that was as exciting as the whole book. If you have more patience than I, or are into more of a dialogue/interaction based novel, then this is it for you, but if you're into action/quest based fiction, then turn and run when you see this book.

35 Name: Chiron !zBg38AUVCM : 2013-04-09 02:05 ID:ljq9B9ci [Del]

Besides the obvious Twilight series, I hate the Vampire Academy series and the House of the Night series. Wait... Now that I think about it, I got all those books from my Aunt. Oh gods no wonder why she gave them to me, they're horrible.
Seriously DO NOT READ IT! Even me at the age of 11 couldn't get past book two of the VA series before just dropping it. While I did manage to get through the first two books of House of the Night, I just stopped when I got a quarter way through of book 3 because I realised what the hell I'm reading.
Ughh. I need to get rid of them somehow so that I can fit in some Classic books that I'm going to go scavenger hunting for and some fantasy, horror and maybe even science fiction books that catch my interest when I go book shopping in the city.

36 Name: Yuu-Alma !r.4dEMFyOs : 2013-04-09 09:02 ID:OSFes3d9 [Del]

that shitty girls in love series by Jaqueline Wilson. I had the displeasure of reading it when I was about 10. it's basically 3 twelve year olds whos lives consist of being depressed because of having no boyfriend, sneaking into over 18 nightclubs and being bitchy little shits. kill it with fire.

and then you have literally any teenage vampire romance series. just..I won't go there.

37 Name: tsukasa : 2013-04-09 09:56 ID:DRqw1vCh [Del]

The Natural. It's about a baseball player. Starts out young, has lots of potential, but lets drama and fame get to his head then gets fat and stupid and basically throws his life away. he's fallen for some cold stupid woman and the one that'd actually be decent with he gets pregnant then doesn't care. hated it all over.

38 Name: Skell : 2013-04-14 00:39 ID:HlHjU1UC [Del]

In English this year we actually had a really nice book list that I was excited for. The Great Gatsby, The Scarlet Letter, The Crucible...

Until The Scarlet Letter was deemed 'too hard' for my class.

Then we had to read 'Dance Hall of the Dead'. It was supposed to be a suspenseful mystery. It wasn't. It was boring as HELL. The characters had no real personality or development, the suspense wasn't suspenseful at all, and half the book was describing the traditions and beliefs of the Native American tribe that the book centered around. Most of those details weren't actually needed. That precious page space could have been used to develop the characters. The book was an 8th grade level reader, and we're in the 11th grade. No one bothered to even read the damn thing, we just waited until the teacher went over the study guides for it since no notes online were made for it.

I was horrified to learn there were more books based around the personality-less detective character, and I hope to never encounter him again. It's just sad when reading a single chapter takes me all day due to boredom.

39 Name: Hoshi-chan : 2013-04-14 02:58 ID:do1Z30by [Del]

I was going to say Twilight, but... everyone already said that. I don't really like this book I forgot what it's called... Oh wait. you guys already named that, too. House of Night, right? Ugh! It was terrible! >._O The hell is up with the main character and the stereotypes? I really HATE stereotypes! I mean, the game Bully made the whole Stereotype thing fun, but teen novels like these make it painful... >_> Sheesh! I've read enough Mary-sue stories to know the MC would be one even though I've never read the whole series, but wow! I don't know which is more painful. Twilight or that thing.

40 Name: Alice!l14UvTg4qQ : 2013-04-14 11:05 ID:lYyepJrx [Del]

>>17>>18 I LOVED the Giver, and it is a series. The sequel is Gathering Blue, and the one after that is Messenger. I read them as well, they were awesome. >>20 I thought the Hunger Games was alright. It wasn't good, but it was entertaining and had nice concepts. >>31 I liked Eragon in the beginning, but the ending was awful. Not because there was a horrible twist, but because it was a Deus ex Machina. The worst. And yes, obviously I hate Twilight. I hate House of Night and Sweep as well. They killed my soul a little. I think it should be understood that this thread is 'Your Most Hated Book Series BESIDES Twilight'.

41 Name: Chiharuri : 2013-04-14 16:15 ID:q7zdG7Pj [Del]

House of Night hands down. I feel bad for wasting my money on the first book. I don't even know why I bought it, I hate most vampire romance stories and I despise with all my heart Twilight even if I haven't read it.

The House of Night was awful. I found the main character a Mary Sue and the story line just so corny and well my personal opinion made me want to bash my head against the wall. 5 chapters and I couldn't take it anymore.

42 Name: sean king : 2013-04-19 22:39 ID:F1RgRPPe [Del]

the origional romio and juliet play

we read it in my school, and it is
1.boreing as fuck difficult to decipher to be entertaining
3.basicely a bad fanfic about horney 13 year olds killing each other, and acting like total failures. thats ringt, 13 years old.

never ever read it

43 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-04-19 23:55 ID:gM4tjwjo [Del]

>>42 I might have to disagree on that one. You're totally right about the overall story-line; it is pretty much a template for all of the exaggerated teenage dramas made today. However, I found it to be witty, charming, and fairly entertaining for the most part. I feel like Shakespeare was reaching for a new way to communicate with the audience, giving us a more youthful perspective to relate to. I understand where it may have been difficult to comprehend the language presented. When I was in high school I was already well-prepared for reading older English, but there weren't a lot of other people that were. However, our instructor still worked with everyone for maybe a month or so to make sure everyone was prepared. She was extremely strict, but it was necessary in order to get through content on pace. Also, this page may be very helpful to you:
If you ever get a chance, try to look over your old English terms, and reread it. You might enjoy it more next time. If you still hate the story, though (a lot of people do), Julius Caesar is definitely worth a try.

44 Name: Firefight : 2013-04-20 08:21 ID:gmuezDv2 [Del]

>>42 You obviously aren't a litereature fantaic anyway
BTW Original* Broring* Too* Basically* Horny* Right*
Also, they were 13 because the marying age was a lot younger back then, not because they were raging sluts.

>>43 I seriously congradulate you on being so well mannered with him.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-22 05:47 ID:hr1e3JVh (Image: 400x300 jpg, 62 kb) [Del]

src/1366627637135.jpg: 400x300, 62 kb
>>38 I never got how books could be deemed "too hard."They're words on a piece of paper.Can't understand a word?Well boo hoo, go use a dictionary.You only have a computer, a laptop, a pocket dictionary, a teacher, a full-sized dictionary, and context clues to help you, you little baby.Don't understand the story?Look it up or ask a peer or maybe even a teacher if you're desperate.It's laziness.

42's a troll and you both fell for it.Good going, guys.
If you really do want to explain why Romeo and Juliet are so horny is because:
1.They're teenagers.Yes, I know about your fap-fap times in the school bathroom and your Facebook stalking.
2.They couldn't grow to dislike each other.What separated them drew them closer and the harder the families kept pulling, the more they fought back, typical to a teenager.If the families just let them do whatever they wanted, they'd probably just break up and move on, but because of this, they generated a fighting spirit with the "I NEED TO GET IN DAT PUSSY" mindset.

46 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-04-22 16:03 ID:mctCJZVw [Del]

>>44 Actually, it was highly unusual for 13 year-olds to marry back then.

The Hush Hush series got really bad in the last two books. Basically, the chick turned into one of the heroines who thinks she'll die if her boyfriend leaves her.

47 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-13 07:46 ID:roHXdlm7 [Del]


48 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-10 08:02 ID:roHXdlm7 [Del]


49 Name: Shizu-Chan : 2014-03-05 11:10 ID:3iwSPESq [Del]

It's not a well known series by any means (with good reason, too), but the Dragonkeeper Chronicles may have been the most childish and poorly written fantasy series I've laid eyes on. I do not suggest reading it. Avoid looking at it, if at all possible.

50 Post deleted by user.

51 Name: Grimly !0clQOa6qhY : 2014-03-06 13:03 ID:xn/gEimr [Del]

Twilight is awful by default and shouldn't be mentioned. It's basically an unsaid rule by now.
I have to agree. The Hunger Games and even Divergent, are a horrible series. Just absolutely horrible in every way, shape, and form. I never got why high school kids were actually interested in that stuff. I read the Hunger Games during my freshman year to see what everyone was raving about, and can I just say that I GENUINELY tried to like it. I was practically forcing myself but couldn't because it felt like the target audience were kids reading under a 5th grade level judging by Collins' use of words. The series just got worse with every book, there was hardly any character development, the world was poorly constructed, and it was extremely clear that the author did not do any research at all when it came to writing them and this became extremely evident in the 2nd and 3rd books. Let's not mention the fact that it was a cheap knockoff of Battle Royale which basically had all the things the Hunger Games had, but done better.

Then we got a cheaper knockoff with the Divergent series but instead of separating the country into districts based on economic welfare, we've got a government separating people based on their qualities which I feel is just a poor excuse for poor characterization. Like god forbid someone is both smart and courageous! Oh god we've got a messiah who is an actual three dimensional character. Oh god he's realistic noooo.

Basically I feel like the Hunger Games started this huge dystopic fad in the adolescent section of Barnes & Noble. It's just like when Twilight became a bestseller and we saw a huge upsurge in vampire romance novels. It's like Stephanie Meyer's bestselling bag of turds inspired a thousand other authors to leech off of her horribly written ideas and put bags of shit in the marketplace to jump on the bandwagon and make money. Really it all just comes down to propagating horrible literature and Divergent is the first demonspawn of the new reading trend.

52 Post deleted by user.

53 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-03-07 07:41 ID:roHXdlm7 [Del]

>>51 Personally, I think the first books in both THG and Divergent were fairly good. They definitely could have taken it another step (there is sooo much room to play with the plot and setting in the dystopian genre x-x), and the successive books were just... eh. Any characterization there was just got raped in the rest of the series. But the first books set the scene well with both the setting and the starting plot.

54 Name: Magnolia : 2015-05-18 22:22 ID:ab76+gX8 [Del]


55 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-05-19 05:50 ID:wUCvK1k0 [Del]

Why the fuck do you people read these shit books in the first place? I've only read THG and HP out of the above, I didn't like them, but I can't say it's shit. And why are most of the above books about murder or vampires?

56 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-05-20 09:36 ID:+8Y+lsMM (Image: 183x275 jpg, 5 kb) [Del]

src/1432132590612.jpg: 183x275, 5 kb

57 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-05-21 12:38 ID:ll/GwlOr [Del]

I utterly despise any teenage romance-type novel. I ended up being forced to read so many of them in my life, and at one point I did try to like them, but it made me want to go stark-raving mad and stab the eyes out of innocent bystanders, so I gave up.

If I had to mention some specific series I'd go with "Vampire Diaries"; awful, the OC is boring and basically the whole story is as expected. Most of the plot revolves around a pair of vampire brothers fighting over the OC - granted I never finished the series, but that's what I gathered from the first couple of books.

I felt similarly about the "Mortal Instruments Series". The main character was plain and the plot felt all over the place. It definitely wasn't one of the absolute worst series I've read, but it wasn't good either. Based on some of the plot points and the review from Stephanie Meyer on the back cover of my copy I'm pretty certain it served as inspiration for Twilight, so there's another reason to be annoyed with it.

Erm, Pretty Little Liars was also pretty awful. The first couple books weren't that bad, and with a little more effort they could've been fine, but I think the author got too caught up on the whole 'pretty' aspect and neglected the mystery portion of it- which really should have been most of the story. They were horribly shallow and none of the characters were interesting. Someone gave a few to me a few years ago for Christmas or something and they've been sitting on a shelf in my closet collecting dust ever since.

And Oh my god "Windflower", I could rant for years about how much I utterly despise that novel. It's about a girl whose part of this native tribe in Canada, and she gets raped by some G.I and then the whole rest of the story is about her trying to figure out how to raise her half-American kid in her culture, and then about halfway through the book there's a random in-your-face incestuous scene with her uncle. At the end her son takes off on her and she ends up lazing around on a beach chain smoking and deluding herself into thinking that her son still cares. Apparently this one is supposed to be good literature, but with a character as boring as this one I fail to see how. Absolutely. Awful. Never read it, seriously.

I'm just so sick of all the Mary-Sue characters and thin, poorly researched plots, so I've been avoiding that whole section of the bookstore like the plague. Call me weird but I'd much rather spend time with my gorgeous copy of the "Art Of War", or really anything else.

58 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-05-21 14:12 ID:rBTNIxQV [Del]

>>57 so you hate both bland characters and special characters and most people (maybe you) think normal characters are boring... Really can't see anything you might like. What do you think is a good book?

59 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-05-22 09:29 ID:ll/GwlOr [Del]

Ah, sorry about that, it looks like I wasn't being very clear.

What's most important to me in a book is the characters. My favorite kind of characters are probably special characters. Since my preferred genre for most things is fantasy, I feel like I often come across characters who are supposed to be special (tons of powers, charm or money usually) but still manage to be boring characters. Even though they have something unique about them, it is over emphasized and unrealistic. Usually it's also stereotypical (a girl with a special ability has to deal with the 2+ guys who end up liking her) and I feel like that is boring. Often the problem seems to lie in characters that are 2D instead of 3D and a poor or underdeveloped plot.

I like normal characters too, because I've found that they can also be very interesting if gone about in the right way. For me it doesn't matter so much what kinds of superficial ways in which the character is different, like having green hair or the ability to fly, but it's more about the character's personality and way of thinking. An example of a book I've recently read that I enjoyed is "The Thief" by Nakamura Fuminori. The main character in this book is a pretty normal guy. No special powers, no riches, not necessarily good-looking or particularly smart. What makes him interesting is the way he does things and interacts with the world and other people. The author gave him the occupation of pickpocket, but it isn't that simple job that provides the draw for me- it's the way that occupation brings him to interact with others. As a pickpocket he's probably relatively normal looking to blend in, but he's also likely more solitary, so that means he has to deal with most of his problems on his own and we get to see his unique thought process and emotions throughout the story.

I feel like too many novels you'll find laying around focus on the things that are supposed to make their character "different" or "average", and they only ever stay on the surface of this. I think a character that has unique characteristics, but a stereotypical, shallow or overly reliant mindset is very boring. When it's like that it doesn't matter how many bad guys they can take out, they just spend all their time worrying about "normal" problems like romance to the point where it feels unrealistic and fake. Those authors give the impression that they aren't really thinking about the interesting person or reality those abilities lend to, but rather they are focused on how "cool" that kind of life would be. I think that kind of writing is immature.

Admittedly, some of my favorite books, shows and comics focus on characters who are special (intelligent, some special power, etc) but the main focus is on the deeper political, emotional, or mental reality of the characters. I feel like this is more realistic and interesting. These characters deal with problems unique to them, but they still feel relatable. The focus isn't on superficial differences, but on underlying similarities and differences in their nature. An example of this is the character Ender in "Ender's Game" or Lelouch from the anime "Code Geass".

This is pretty long, but I just wasn't sure how to make it shorter and still make sense haha.

60 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-05-27 08:32 ID:uhvPefZ3 [Del]

>>59 I can't believe you talked about a book you LIKED in the most HATED book thread...

61 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-05-28 08:58 ID:ll/GwlOr [Del]

>>60 Of course I did. Although I forgot to include your comment number, I was responding to your comment asking what kinds of books I did like.

Most of what I talked about explained why I disliked the books I mentioned in my previous post, and the specific examples of books I enjoyed were there to illustrate more clearly what it looks like when these things (developed characters, etc.) are done well.

These aspects of a book are important to me, so it's safe to infer that I disliked the books I mentioned in >>57 for the reasons mentioned in >>59.

62 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-05-29 17:29 ID:SHZv1Sqn [Del]

>>57 yup me too i stick to fantasy :)

63 Name: Cheesecake : 2015-08-07 06:15 ID:ZmmkAquS [Del]

Psstt.. Rant about 50 Shades of Grey guys. It's like the worst written piece ever


64 Name: firelily : 2015-08-07 13:21 ID:WKi8KPov [Del]

the great gatsby, the movie was good but i haaaaaaaaaaaaated the book with all my life just for the simple fact that the characters were all so hard to like >_<

nick was a liar
gatsby was a stalker
daisy was a gold digger
jordan was too full of herself
tom was ignorant (and proud)

it was just horrible to read DX

65 Name: PandaFreak : 2015-08-09 10:16 ID:qtP1KYfb [Del]

>>63 In all technicality's just...Written Porn...

66 Name: Akira : 2015-08-10 14:11 ID:VJZJiPdS [Del]

I don't really count Fifty Shades of Grey as a "book series." I count it as "trash." But if you would ask me what my most hated series is, it would probably be Divergent. Don't get me wrong; the first book was decent. However, towards the end, the writing got shoddy and it seemed to start to draw on every single young adult dystopian trope on Earth and compile it into the most uninteresting, unoriginal, cop-out of a book. I thought it was good, but it honestly did not deserve the hype it got, and the last book was horrible. It's rare that I ever genuinely hate a series, but Divergent will always get an eye-roll from me whenever it's mentioned.

67 Name: Graen : 2015-08-10 18:17 ID:iIPemjd9 [Del]

>>65 Very bad porn yeah.
>>66 Yeah I remember the first time i read Divergent i was like "Meh" and tried to read the second one but it was awful.
The Golden Compass series was a pretty terrible one for me. I just couldn't get into it.

68 Name: Ana : 2015-08-10 20:19 ID:uypokSlP [Del]

>>51 to tell you the truth, I didn't enjoy the Hunger Games that much. Nothing about the characters or story appealed to me. What I did like about it was the epilogue. While the main character got to live a relatively normal and peaceful life, while she still bears truama because of the hunger games. It felt satisfying. I think the epilogue was the best part about the story.