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What do you guys think? (7)

1 Name: Sky King : 2012-07-09 13:46 ID:Hftt2mzI [Del]

So ummm.. This is a first for me but I could'nt decide on which story idea to turn into an amatuer manga. So I thought this would help me decide ( Also if there are any movies or tv shows or books that are extremely similar to these please let me know)

A young boy named Mato (13 yrs old) awakens inside of a hospital bed with amnesia, unable to remember what he did in the past people that were once close to him turn their backs to him out of anger and grief. The boy soon learns he used to have a childhood friend by the name of Sora, a young girl that mystriously died around the same time Mato was struck with amnesia and hospitalized. As all this happens in Mato's life a serial killer is lurking the streets. The killer has links to Mato and his amnesia, also with Sora's apparent death.

An apathetic, socially awkward girl named Haruka just lost her best friend to a terrible accident. As she tries to cope with this she finds herself meeting new people who wish to be friends with her, she bluntly rejects them stating that "The gap cannot be filled." She then meets a girl named Rikuu that tells her she has no need to hold back her grief, her anger, her tears at the loss of her friend. At first Haruka brushes Rikuu off as a nuisance and leaves her in the cold. Soon though, Rikuu starts visiting Haruka's home more and more and over time the become friends. Afterward Haruka sees a photo of her deceased friend and starts to shed tears for the first time since the funeral, Rikuu sees this and tries to console her. Haruka replies only with "Thank you." as she smiles through the tears.

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-09 14:43 ID:kd3qPaDv [Del]

The first one reminds me of Shion no Ou. She's about the same age, and she's muted and has amnesia of when she was a child. She finally makes some friends and ends up remembering her parents being murdered. She has to face the murderer in a shogi competition. (Sounds stupid, but it was a great anime. Just too short.)

It's not that similar, though, so it's not really anything to worry about.

The second idea sounds pretty lame, but that's only because the main character would make me want to punch something. The first one is cool, but it's not realistic. It doesn't make sense for people to be angry; it's not your fault you don't remember. Usually, they try to make you remember instead of just walk away.

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-09 14:43 ID:kd3qPaDv [Del]

>>2 Basically, I prefer the second idea, but only if you tie some of the loose ends and fill in the unrealistic plotholes properly.

4 Name: Sky King : 2012-07-09 15:31 ID:Hftt2mzI [Del]

Thanks a lot Im still filling in things here and there. This basically came off the top of my head

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-09 23:24 ID:kd3qPaDv [Del]

>>3 Wait, I meant to say first idea.

I just wrote about them out of order and got confused lol

6 Name: Gashlycrumb : 2012-07-10 10:00 ID:L1IjcbeM [Del]

I think the first idea is the better of the two. It leaves more of an opening for a plot. The second idea seems to be more of a paragraph story, like you told us everything thats important in the description.

7 Name: need a name : 2012-07-12 13:25 ID:chHFEkSV [Del]

first one for me.