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You are the Villan (9)

1 Name: Gashlycrumb : 2012-07-03 12:59 ID:v6v2p4ut [Del]

-Second time posting this today- Ok.. So I'm writing a fanfic, which admittedly isn't the most creative type of story, but we'll see how this goes... Anyways, I'm trying to figure out a way to get the antagonist more involved in the story, and so I'm posting this here, -in literature right?? This better be- To hopefully get some ideas. Ok so..
-Some background information- The fanfic is about A from Death Note. Trying to kind of create his history and life.
-Situation- You are a man. You have shoulder length blonde hair, but it is so greasy and filfthy that it has taken on a murky brown color. You have a pug-like nose, often given to trolls and ogres. Your teeth have not been brushed in so long that they have turned a sickly greenish color, and the plaque has taken over so that you can't see the original teeth anyways. You tend to wear brown, which only exaggerates how grimy you really are. Your eyes are beetle black and seem to glitter brightest when you see someone else in pain, especially when you cause it. Your favorite way to torture is up-close watching the fear and pain in their eyes and forcing them to breathe in your garish scent, cutting stabbing, or slashing them with your pure black knife. You also enjoy torturing or killing their loved ones. You make your victims watch, you enjoy hearing them plead. They stand in a room, 2 feet wide, 1 foot deep, and seven feet tall. The only entrance or exit is a wrought iron door 6 inches thick. There's an eyehole in the wall that's been designed to move so height is never an issue. You choose to victimize young boys most often as you were abused as a child. One day your favorite boy (A) escapes, and is taken away by some crackpot old fool (Watari) before you can reclaim him. Over a year and a half later you are prowling through the woods in Winchester, England, when you happen across a building that seems to have been designed to look abandoned. You start investigating to see if you can find any new victims, and see to your surprise and delight that the boy is there, and to further your excitement, he's made friends (BB and my OC) You leave a note to let him know you've found him. What do you do next?
-That's it- Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any suggestions at all, please comment. And I'm sorry for posting this wrong the first time.
Well, Auf Wiedersehen.

2 Name: Karloz : 2012-07-04 01:44 ID:U+sDnnaI (Image: 620x374 jpg, 193 kb) [Del]

src/1341384296869.jpg: 620x374, 193 kb
Sounds like Shrek.

That is all.

3 Name: Gashlycrumb : 2012-07-04 12:19 ID:v6v2p4ut [Del]

>>2 Sounds like Shrek? What do you mean?

4 Name: Karloz : 2012-07-04 14:56 ID:U+sDnnaI [Del]

Well, Shrek loves to terrify children and adults, he has extremely disgusting teeth, wears brown, horrible breath and pug-like nose.

5 Name: Eredev !SEC9ZFNZ.M : 2012-07-04 16:43 ID:o7Hd4W4B [Del]

A few things
0. You’re posting on FF with the same name, right?
1. Your villain...
not a bad thing, but still.

2. About past and background
(just a suggestion, don’t take it too seriously):
how about a method-actor who is in a way trapped inside his character (explains why he acts).
-> he could be able to disguise himself (you would never be able to know who he is)
-> he could stalk A unnoticed and send him letter, making A paranoid. Or.
-> become his friend and earn his trust

After that... who knows.
If you want more suggestions: ask.

6 Name: Miyamato : 2012-07-04 22:52 ID:sOlt/1/6 [Del]

Disguise himself
Befriend A and friends
Kidnap each of them one by one making everyone scared shitless
Save A for last
Give him a sense that he can do something about it with your help
At the last minute betray him and torture all of his friends to death in front of him
After all that is done say "it was for the lulz"
Disregard that last bit

7 Name: Gashlycrumb : 2012-07-05 00:11 ID:v6v2p4ut [Del]

>>4 Yeah, I kinda see what you mean now.
>>5 To respond to everything in order
0. Yes. That is the plan.
1. I know, that's the intention I was going for. It's a new expeirience for me to go with that type of antagonist, and I wanted to see how it goes.
2. I really don't understand that first part.
And to each -> Thanks. I'll take those into consideration.
>>6 Thank you.

8 Name: Eredev !SEC9ZFNZ.M : 2012-07-05 05:57 ID:o7Hd4W4B [Del]

>>7 Do you mean this
Method-actor = deep immersion in a role, sometimes even staying in-character for the entire duration of the production.

I meant: what if he is an actor who went insane preparing for a role as a serial killer and know is one.
It’s stupid, but I think it’s better (funnier) then the usual: “His parents didn’t buy him ice-cream and now he is a serial killer”

But it’s your story so do whatever you want with it.

9 Name: Gashlycrumb : 2012-07-05 14:48 ID:v6v2p4ut [Del]

>>8 Huh... I hadn't thought about something like that... And it would make the reason why he looks so blatantly villainy a bit more convincing.. Thanks