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When the Wind Blows, Maximum Ride, and Witch & Wizard (5)

1 Name: Zero : 2012-03-31 02:29 ID:7dxLomvS [Del]

One of the greatest books of James Patterson ever written.

Maximum Ride is an AWESOME book series, i recommend it!

And finally Witch & Wizard, which teaches us to not take the things we enjoy for granted, because one day those things could all be taken away. from us. Creativity is magic

2 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-03-31 16:31 ID:5h0YCiei [Del]

When the Wind Blows is pretty amazing, it's like a version of Maximum Ride for an older audience. It has a sequel, The Lake House. These books are very well put together, have an interesting plot and well written characters. I recommend this series to everyone.

The first three Maximum Ride books were amazing, the 4th-6th were like o.O, and Fang was weird. I haven't read Angel yet. I'm not going out of my way to get a copy either.

Witch and Wizard was corny and definitely not one of JP's better books. I was extremely disappointed in this book.

3 Name: Zero : 2012-03-31 17:41 ID:dWGln+HB [Del]

>>2 I agree on the first part. I'm somewhat past halfway done with When the Wind Blows, i need to finish it and then read The Lake House

I have read 1-7 and i like it. Angel, not spoiling it

Witch and Wizard... you need to have an open mind over it!

I'm also thinking on getting Cradle and All and reading it.

4 Name: King-XIV : 2012-04-03 20:14 ID:1yzF1wzo [Del]

Maximum Ride Is EFFING amazing it wont nock your socks off with will freaken' Obliterate them. there will be no sockage left to see if you get the chance read this freaken' book!!!!!!!!!

It is approved by the KING!

5 Name: Zero : 2012-04-03 21:12 ID:jbsS/AI3 [Del]

>>4 *high fives* thank you