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A book you've read more than 2 times (20)

1 Name: ichiichiichi !HVMQuwcuHA : 2012-02-20 00:37 ID:hVqk4+CI [Del]

I don't know.. I have a book that I keep going back to when I have nothing else to read. I've read this book 7 times since the first time I read it when I was 15... got something like that? ;)

2 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-20 14:39 ID:9Td3IeOK [Del]

All of the 175 books in my room, and about half of the ones in the fiction section in the library.

Ill get you a list when i have nothing to do for the next twenty years.

Really, though. Everyone has read a shitload of books waaaayyyy more than twice. You shouldve asked for books we've all read more than five times.

3 Name: Nijinee : 2012-02-20 18:32 ID:DzJLw9MC [Del]

I think I've read the whole Harry Potter series at least five times, but there's also LotR, the Bartimaeus Trilogy and the Vampire Academy. I also read Twilight twice, but the second time was more or less for the lulz.

4 Name: Dragpent !4aKe2.L5d2 : 2012-02-20 22:22 ID:hpgKz/vd [Del]


Same with Harry Potter. Mainly because I forgot what happened and I had to re-read the series before the newest book was released.

Glad you mentioned Bartimaeus, not many people I know have read these books but they're quite good. Haven't read them more than once though.

I feel like I should read Ender's Game again.

5 Name: Phoenix !hcugXK.swA : 2012-02-20 22:35 ID:TOQciAv3 [Del]

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
a bunch of Goosebumps

6 Name: Catchi : 2012-02-21 14:14 ID:Qzoxatob [Del]

I know for a fact that I've read Hawksong from the Kiesh'ra series more than ten times.....and the Twilight series three times.

7 Name: Dorchet !pka1gX5RKQ : 2012-02-21 14:17 ID:MjXFCG0q [Del]

I think I've read just about every book in my collection at least twice, but one specific series I've read multiple times are the Redwall books. Something about the fantasy realm they're set in just seems to draw me back in.

8 Name: Chibi : 2012-02-21 15:44 ID:hzsU9eDh [Del]

too many to count... about every book ive read, even school ones...

9 Name: Reisa : 2012-02-24 17:09 ID:FMuDxjRN [Del]

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by AVI

10 Name: Feral : 2012-02-24 20:28 ID:2WbCAHaB [Del]

Every last Stephen King book. I own them all and I just cycle through them whenever I get bored.

Those and the "His Dark Materials" series written by Phillip Pullman.

11 Name: Dartiel : 2012-02-26 20:38 ID:Kqepq1zo [Del]

Harvest Moon Back to Nature game guide book :D

12 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-27 13:29 ID:8RL0Lrhc [Del]

>>11 THIS.

13 Name: Soraya : 2012-02-27 14:15 ID:8fsH0X+S [Del]

I've read the Harry Potter series like 20 times xD and the Heartland series twice. And few others that the name fails to come to me xP

14 Name: Abraxas : 2012-02-28 18:28 ID:x38AOBwc [Del]

Scott Pilgrim series.I've read each book like 30 times. It's a graphic novel, so it's not that much compared to Harry Potter.

15 Name: Sai !vVdMXXJ5cQ : 2012-03-01 05:39 ID:y5lzYHEX [Del]

Has to be Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Read it many times.

Animal Farm by George Orwell is also something that brings me back to it every time.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-01 17:22 ID:MwFjYQQs [Del]

I've read the Twilight series 4 times! It just keeps getting better!!

17 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !MANGAS6Kfg : 2012-03-02 12:45 ID:9Td3IeOK [Del]

>>16 I'm glad it does it for you... It certainly did nothing for me...

18 Name: BlackStar !g7l2xJ.CwM : 2012-03-02 12:46 ID:Fc2tGM40 [Del]

lookinf for alaska read that bitch like 10 times maybe more.

19 Name: Louise : 2012-03-02 16:59 ID:nHVwTJTd [Del]

The sequence of 'The Name of the Wind', by Patrick Rothfuss. I read the first one three times and the second, two. I'm trying to re-read that ones again, 'cause I want to draw a scene from it. :D

20 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-03-02 17:32 ID:wql5MFig [Del]

>>19Ive only read the first book. It took me almost an entire week to read Dx It was AMAZING!