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The da Vinci code (15)

1 Name: Ciel : 2012-01-29 10:26 ID:NbsyxXa1 [Del]

An adult roman, but it's sooooo good if you like some history.
I really really enjoyed it.
Someone else read it to?

2 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-01-29 17:54 ID:0yztFdny [Del]

Need more info. Sorry but letting you know before you get the assholes on your ass about it. Works with a picture too.

3 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-01-30 09:25 ID:9Td3IeOK [Del]

if its by Dan Brown, i know what youre talking about. if not... Then post more info. D:<

4 Name: Demize !zXeGgXDKHE : 2012-01-30 14:30 ID:wf77ZUAy [Del]

It's a good book, it's a little confusing sometimes, but good nonetheless

5 Name: Limok : 2012-01-31 01:45 ID:fZoZFYf+ [Del]

the symbology was fascinating. And the chase scenes were exciting. If anyone has read the Angels and Demons, what do you think of the comparison?

6 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-01-31 19:45 ID:0yztFdny [Del]

There's no comparison. Angels and Demons is the prequel to the da Vinci code.

7 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-01 06:27 ID:yQtyYTXb [Del]

>>5 The symbology waspretty cool, youre right. I prefered The da Vinci Code over Angels and Demons. But i honestly prefer one of his other books to them both. Its called Breaking Point. I think... Anyway, check itout. Its pretty fast paced and actiony, and has a conspiracy theorist edge to it; moreso than the da Vinci Code.

8 Name: Ciel : 2012-02-01 12:00 ID:NbsyxXa1 [Del]

Yeah I'm so sorry everyone I forgot it actually...

Yeah I'm talkin' about the one from Dan Brown.

If you guys are talking about Angels and Demons it's the film of the book called The Barnini mystery.
Also a good book, but I indeed prefer the da Vinci code.
Barnini mystery is more science and stuff, I love the religious and historical part of the da Vinci code.

9 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-02-02 10:52 ID:0yztFdny [Del]

No there is a book called angels and demons. Which is still the prequel of the da Vinci code!!! One of my teachers showed me the book. And I do believe it's by the same guy.

10 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-02-02 10:55 ID:0yztFdny [Del]

The book was released in 2000 and the da Vinci code book was released in 2003.

11 Name: Ciel : 2012-02-03 09:35 ID:NbsyxXa1 [Del]

Really???!! Omg need to check that out, thanks! :)

12 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-02-03 10:45 ID:0yztFdny [Del]

Yeah no problem

13 Name: Hinata-Snow : 2012-02-18 13:35 ID:xAXoN6c7 [Del]

About Dan Brown…

He wrote a third book with Robert Langdon called The Lost Symbol. It's about the Masons. Just like all the other Dan Brown books, it is loaded with mystery, intrigue, and romance. Not only that, but the villain of The Lost Symbol is the last person you would expect. This is an awesome hallmark of Dan Brown.

14 Name: Banchou : 2012-02-19 03:38 ID:2SzuOUxQ [Del]

All of Dan Brown's books are really good. Da Vinci code actually had a pretty surprising ending for me, and it was a really fun read.My favorite of his books is probably The Lost Symbol though, but there isn't too much of a reason for that, its just how it worked out.

15 Name: Hinata-Snow : 2012-02-19 09:59 ID:xAXoN6c7 [Del]

I know what you mean. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that humans had awesome mind and magical powers in that book. And there is a slim chance that it may actually work in real life.

But my favorite Dan Brown book is Digital Fortress. Dementedly obsessed villain, two protagonists on separate journeys discovering the truth and fixing their relationship as well, and a twist ending that left my mouth open.