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Revenge is it sweet or sweetbitter (4)

1 Name: Dark Star : 2011-12-20 11:49 ID:SM5ZtpCZ [Del]

Revenge it can be sweet, it can also turm deadly. Really there are alot of things to call revenge like:vengeance - retaliation - retribution - reprisal. And words to get revenge for someone else:avenge - retaliate - wreak - requite - pay back. Many words decribe revenge, but the one word that i decribe revenge is Deadly. You see the person who did wronging to you, is it really worth your effort to get back at them. Revenge is wrong thats what I'm trying to say amd if you don't agree fine i don't care really I'm justs saying. Please reply with your thoughts on this

2 Name: Loliprincess : 2011-12-21 18:07 ID:64dKQLDG [Del]

I believe revenge to be something bittersweet. I mean I believe at some point in our lives we have wanted to get revenge on someone for something bad they did to us. But at the same time there are some people who can control that urge and even not want revenge anymore. I guess it really depends on what you want to do for revenge and if it's really worth it in the end. Though maybe revenge in general really isn't worth it.

3 Name: Ray : 2012-06-12 17:05 ID:WB28K2i9 [Del]

Revenge is stupid. Revenge is an act where someone feels the need to make others feel what they do. Personally, I think it's a stupid thought. Instead, shouldnt it be better to make sure no one feels the way you do because you know how terible it is (assuming it's something bad)?
Depending on who you are, maybe revenge is sweet, bittersweet, but it's never something to brag about. It's better to be the bigger person and not let someone affect you the way they want in pushing you to want to give them the attention of thinking of them and how you want to get them back for a stupid act.

4 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-12 18:05 ID:unSdtc9A [Del]

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