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Wicked Lovely (15)

1 Name: Heki564 : 2011-12-13 10:37 ID:Tb6oAlxu [Del]

Anyone read the Wicked Lovely Series?

2 Name: Midori !XvqOrmXVo2 : 2011-12-14 14:58 ID:2XGwc2aQ [Del]

OMG I love them!! I never got to finish the ones after radiant shadows, but I really wanna! They're supposedly turning Wicked Lovely into a movie xD

3 Name: Heki564 : 2011-12-17 15:37 ID:Tb6oAlxu [Del]

There's only one after Radiant Shahdows and it has to be one of my favorites! I've heard that a movie was coming out too. Apparently they're going through a copyright swap between two companies so it might take a while though.

4 Name: Midori !XvqOrmXVo2 : 2011-12-17 17:41 ID:2XGwc2aQ [Del]

lol, my bad xD It's so funny cuz my friend is just like Aislinn and I'm so similar to Donia and we both love Keenan (but I like him more xD) and I have two other friends who are really similar to Lesley and Ani :) weeeiirrrddd!

5 Name: Heki564 : 2011-12-17 18:21 ID:Tb6oAlxu [Del]

Haha that's cool XD I myself love Niall and Irial, but mostly Niall.

6 Name: Midori !XvqOrmXVo2 : 2011-12-17 19:27 ID:2XGwc2aQ [Del]

oooh, I like Irial too but Niall pisses me off XP but I seriously hate Seth >:(

7 Name: Heki564 : 2011-12-17 19:42 ID:Tb6oAlxu [Del]

Yeah Seth is annoying... But my sister loves him. I do not understand why. She hates Irial too... She's a weird child.

8 Name: Midori !XvqOrmXVo2 : 2011-12-17 22:13 ID:2XGwc2aQ [Del]

lol your sister's strange xD (no offence intended!!!) lol Irial's to epic to be hated on!!!!!!!!

9 Name: Heki564 : 2011-12-17 22:28 ID:Tb6oAlxu [Del]

Indeed! You really need to read the last book, Darkest Mercy! I need someone to freak out with over it's epicness! Marr really did an amazing job with ending the series.

10 Name: Midori !XvqOrmXVo2 : 2011-12-18 11:51 ID:2XGwc2aQ [Del]

oooh! I'm totally gonna read it now XD I really really want Donia and Keenan to get together but idk what will actually happen!!!!

11 Name: Moko-chan : 2011-12-18 17:21 ID:5uNHR07Z [Del]

>>10 If u want Midori i can answer that question for u...

12 Name: Midori !XvqOrmXVo2 : 2011-12-19 14:46 ID:2XGwc2aQ [Del]

NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD lol, I must read it!!!!

13 Name: Tsuzuku !QVSWEXJfns : 2011-12-19 17:39 ID:GYhjGpvq [Del]

I enjoy this series greatly. It's one of my favorites. I love the writing, the plot, the setting, and some of the characters. There are one or two that get on my nerves but the majority are fine. I really like Irial. He excites me with the way he carries himself. I still need to read the last two books of the series, however. Here's to hoping I get them soon!

14 Name: Star : 2012-06-02 17:34 ID:HOL8ii9s [Del]

I adore the series! I cherish my copy of Darkest Mercy a lot, since it's even been signed by Ms. Marr herself! Ah :'D
I adore Irial! He's such a complex character! Sometimes, I wonder what'd happen if Irial and Izaya met...

15 Name: roxas132 : 2012-06-06 09:25 ID:zjKF+ey9 [Del]

I only read the first one and it is cool