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"His Dark Materials" anyone? (10)

1 Name: Feral : 2011-11-28 10:24 ID:P3b109Q/ [Del]

Is anyone here familiar with this amazing series? For those of you who aren't and need a good series to read I suggest giving this one a shot.

The series consists of three books written by Phillip Pullman. "The Golden Compass", "The Subtle Knife", and "The Amber Spyglass".

2 Name: Socks !VI4uBi75u2 : 2011-11-28 18:37 ID:FdJ7HPqG [Del]

******SPOILERS JUST IN CASE***********

is this the series in which a group of kids set out to kill god? It's like a reverse Chronicles of Narnia.

3 Name: Feral : 2011-11-28 21:42 ID:P3b109Q/ [Del]

Sort of. I've been told time and time again about how this series is the opposite of the Narnia series, but after reading through it all I didn't quite get that impression.

4 Name: KPHM42 : 2011-11-28 23:02 ID:8AL5GEbK [Del]

I've always wanted to read it. I think I'm going to add it to my list of new reads for the winter.

5 Name: Lilly : 2011-11-29 02:12 ID:ZQhLB3kX [Del]

@KPHM42 yeahh, you should. it is interesting.

6 Name: kuroji_shizue : 2012-01-23 20:56 ID:NdMGlGBT [Del]

haven't read any, but watched the first movie... was it close to the plot in the book?

7 Name: Feral : 2012-01-24 15:28 ID:zcWQwm0u [Del]

>>6 Yes, actually, but they botched the ending with an alternate. It was really important to the entire story too so I don't expect a sequel anytime soon. :(

8 Name: NaeBree : 2012-01-24 19:01 ID:idwhvebK [Del]

>>6 The books are better than the movie. Trust me. The movie sucks compared to the books.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: kazeneko !O5bszJGlew : 2012-01-24 23:38 ID:AK0p5Zmw [Del]

>>2 pfff yea technically they kill a guy who called himself God, but he was glad he got to die though. Seriously you really have to look waaaaay into the book to find the atheistic themes. It's far more interesting for the character and relationship development. Plus the lore and how "magical" items work are really interesting