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Does anyone watch cooking YouTube channels? (34)

1 Name: Sagey : 2018-10-27 11:18 ID:vGlPHpx4 [Del]

I really like Brothers Green Eats, Liv B, One Pot Chef, and a few other ones.

2 Name: Nonymous !5r2qNO.ONE : 2018-11-02 10:02 ID:Aj5u2Qm0 [Del]

Binging With Babish, the only cooking channel actually worth watching.

3 Name: Levyyy : 2018-12-27 09:13 ID:u/SQsIam [Del]

I only wish the amount of cooking videos I watch goes into my culinary skills.

4 Name: Cosmo : 2019-01-13 01:20 ID:tY8pWGrE [Del]

Chocolate Cacao is a pretty good channel. He makes a lot of chocolate deserts and stuff. And someone mentioned Binging with Babish, that's a really good channel too.

5 Name: Locked : 2019-01-21 14:18 ID:JCjlMp98 [Del]

Life of Boris is a really funny gaming and cooking channel. He shows the audience how to cook a bunch of Russian foods. You should check him out he's amazing.

6 Name: Spare : 2019-01-28 06:07 ID:fnqCk/ZT [Del]

>>5 He's also got these great videos of what to eat on a budget, great if you're broke like me :D

You Suck At Cooking, Jun's Kitchen and MosoGourmet are what I watch most.

7 Name: Chi : 2019-02-25 01:01 ID:WcY7Y+Rl [Del]

Binging with babish, and the Bon Appatite test kitchen are great ones.

8 Name: lofi : 2019-02-25 14:54 ID:tb8yHHcG [Del]

I watch binging with babish, a lot buzzfeed ones like eating your feed, and the best of them all worth it on buzzfeed yt.

9 Name: chabo : 2019-02-26 22:08 ID:Hh20+rvL [Del]

I like those asmr cooking channels with no music, just cooking sounds, like Cooking Tree, cook cafemaru, Monteur Recipe, and Moso Gourmet.

There's also a channel called Henry's Kitchen that is pretty funny. He incorporates cooking into his comedy and it's the funniest shit i've seen.

10 Name: Miach : 2020-01-14 12:31 ID:f0bB5ZH2 [Del]

Jun's kitchen is a very relaxing one to watch, the food's amazing too

11 Name: Malone : 2020-01-19 01:38 ID:4NXhH4KN [Del]

I enjoy Feast of Fiction's recipe's since they come up with recipes from popular shows and movies (like Food Wars, Garfield, Mulan, Friends, Kiki's Delivery Service, Pokémon, etc.)
I also like Rosanna Pansino's channel, she's quirky and the designs for the cookies and cakes she makes are fun and there's occasionally a fun challenge video.
Bon Appétit is another good one. My favorite videos from them are the Back to Back Chef videos where they have a professional and an amateur chef make a dish at the exact same time with the professional basically teaching the audience as well as the amateur how to make the dish and they try each others results.

12 Name: Kaalee Lomri(Black Fox) : 2020-01-22 19:58 ID:/QERsiIK [Del]

I watched Nerdy Nummies all the time when I was younger!

13 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2020-03-21 04:18 ID:j6oDJOzP [Del]

I do Like bonfire cooking of Alpha Tec

14 Name: Montell : 2020-04-07 08:12 ID:cpxTLF8m [Del]

Have you seen Chef Steps before? They're channel is lowkey amazing.

15 Name: wolfm : 2020-04-29 12:28 ID:6F/djTq0 [Del]

The recipes on Hidamari cooking are all beautiful, very aesthetically pleasing and, more importantly, delicious. The filming style veers towards asmr in a way, given the lack of music and airy atmosphere. There are many no-bake and eggless options, and the recipes focus on fresh fruit a lot of the time.

16 Name: Alice : 2020-05-08 13:26 ID:Xz6EA33N [Del]

Anybody Heard of Mochi Ice Cream??? It's really good! but my favorite will always be Ramen. UwU

17 Name: Nimm !NZ.pZYTq/w : 2020-05-21 21:53 ID:FAedzpea [Del]

Oh it's kinda a late reply but I've tried Mochi Ice Cream. It was mango flavoured and it tasted soo good! You feel the chewy texture on the outside and then you taste the creamy ice cream! One time I took a bite too big and almost choked tho... so when you eat mochi be careful!

18 Name: Kiwi : 2020-06-18 00:43 ID:+WQOlHqR [Del]

Chocolate Cacao and Jun's kitchen definitely have to be my favorites.

19 Name: Donna !2ELBBRQkSM : 2020-06-18 05:28 ID:/OcFRzP5 [Del]

Nino's Home has to be my favorite. The subtitles are the best part and I love how the videos are like ASMR rather than having background music.

20 Name: NeedleBell : 2020-07-19 02:44 ID:mHf16o8u [Del]

>>19 Ohh ! Nino's home is my favorite cooking youtube channel too ! :))

21 Name: Donna !2ELBBRQkSM : 2020-07-20 15:56 ID:DuF+4/GE [Del]

>>20 That's great to hear! I love it :D

22 Name: Hao : 2020-10-23 03:53 ID:+bIBlQeJ [Del]

>>19 I watch them too :)

23 Name: Noodlez : 2020-10-23 09:24 ID:keyAXjHc [Del]

Food Wars is a really good food anime.

24 Name: Skeptix : 2020-11-13 11:13 ID:wbHZdYV4 [Del]

There's a guy that makes sausages every 3-5 days. He's actually a pretty goofy dude with quick sausage videos. They're all pretty short videos but a nice watch to start my day when I get home. Uhh,,, I want to say the channel name is Ordinary Sausage.

25 Name: Schrodinger : 2021-03-15 18:07 ID:Tc+YeFhD [Del]

First off, food wars is a good anime. Second, I mainly watch Binging with Babish and French Guy Cooking.

26 Name: Nekomeith : 2021-03-29 22:32 ID:hg8/JsjV [Del]

I absolutely love Just One Cookbook and Jun's Kitchen (mostly Japanese cooking) and Maangchi (korean cooking)

27 Name: イザヤにご : 2021-04-03 09:01 ID:LPGTz9An [Del]

@Schrodinger i agree food wars is amazing

28 Name: Kimiko : 2021-04-04 01:31 ID:95KK9pTN [Del]

Jun's kitchen is great as well as Binging with Babish. I'd also add, Josh Weismann, Cooking Tree, and some people from Tasty like Rie, Alvin and Inga!

29 Name: Saika : 2021-04-08 19:03 ID:BZ1dRnxZ [Del]

I agree Binging with Babish, Joshua Weismann, and Cooking Tree are all really good. Rie is also good. I haven't really watched Jun's kitchen much though.

30 Name: イロハ : 2021-08-14 22:47 ID:TJ9AeD0L [Del]

Nino's home has been one of my favorite cooking channels recently

31 Name: Maru!.yWIa2DESU : 2021-10-07 23:16 ID:2A1tNkkG [Del]

I enjoy history and have a fondness for traditional cooking. Two channels that I really like that dabble in historical cooking are Townsends and Tasting History.

Townsends primarily covers the history and culture of colonial America, and while their channel isn't strictly about cooking, there are a good number of videos that discuss historical recipes from the 18th and 19th centuries. Tasting History With Max Miller is all about cooking, and covers recipes and dishes from all over the world. I've made a few dishes from both channels - candied lime/lemon peels, oat cakes, pine needle tea, baked onions, etc. They're all pretty good, and interesting as well if you're into history.

32 Name: Saika : 2021-10-19 16:08 ID:Y9qeAZCR [Del]

>>30 OoO, Nino's home is really good!

33 Name: devi : 2022-01-31 03:44 ID:IddLuyb3 [Del]

Nino's home,Cooking tree and HidaMari Cooking are my top three channles

34 Name: electroliz : 2022-05-30 18:37 ID:Kwy4bz4c [Del]

i watch tasting history and BORED! tasting history is food through different eras of history, and how to modernize it for home kitchens. while BORED is more "whatever the heck he's in the mood for" cooking and recipes.