Dollars BBS | Food
















Best Fruit? (19)

1 Name: Bastion : 2017-09-22 01:27 ID:PZqzCffv (Image: 744x744 png, 499 kb) [Del]

src/1506061668445.png: 744x744, 499 kb
Personally I'm partial to the lemon, I like to chill them in the fridge and eat them whole.

2 Name: Piggy : 2017-10-06 09:46 ID:UXSFk1fS [Del]

If me, I'll love watermelon and I always thought about that, why I never forget to this fruit, is it fruit make a relationship with me, or ...... ?

3 Name: Sachiko : 2017-10-11 19:41 ID:DeoyCv8d [Del]

I like to freeze persimions and eat out of them like cups. Its like serbet but better X3

4 Name: Riddell : 2017-10-11 20:58 ID:c5FIxiO+ [Del]

Moonshine cherries. Cherries soaked in moonshine. They're the best thing that has ever happened to me...

5 Name: Sachiko : 2017-10-14 09:01 ID:DeoyCv8d [Del]


6 Name: Xeon !XeonHLOACY : 2017-11-05 08:31 ID:oJnOkaPH [Del]

Frozen seedless grapes are great with some cheese

7 Name: re-oero : 2017-11-06 23:34 ID:6fjvKQId [Del]


8 Name: Salty!saltyDMbUs : 2017-11-07 09:34 ID:yFQB/FUd [Del]

cara cara oranges (a sweeter blood orange)

9 Name: Emiri : 2017-11-08 19:20 ID:+ybgAJSn [Del]

I partial to any type of berry or peaches.

10 Name: DogOtaku : 2017-11-09 09:01 ID:LoziFjcA [Del]


11 Name: MrNebula : 2018-01-11 10:39 ID:MyzNFeTm [Del]

I'll go for any red berry, it's just that taste that gets me.

12 Name: Snare : 2018-01-12 18:33 ID:JDXIyfvH [Del]

Wait, you can eat a lemon whole?!

13 Name: Tano Junji : 2018-01-23 21:01 ID:8eBGYe5x [Del]

I personally like strawberries! I think it's pretty cool that you can stand lemons like that. Can you really eat them whole?

14 Name: maro : 2018-01-27 10:31 ID:6fjvKQId [Del]

>>5 Moonshine is alcohol.

My favorite is raspberry. Nothing tops it.

15 Name: Altries : 2018-01-29 14:06 ID:w3RS6k2L [Del]

My favorite is either apples or grapes :3

16 Name: V !pK2t4W3twQ : 2018-01-30 13:06 ID:Hpr2bCOH [Del]

>>15 Same I love apples, but only if they're really crunchy

17 Name: Kirigiri : 2018-02-02 06:49 ID:ZPFCN6Hk [Del]

Probably cantelopes, or melons in general yum

18 Name: Nanami : 2018-02-16 09:51 ID:fDVZqWSN [Del]

Pomergranates may be messy but its really juicy and good so it would be worth to eat it. ^w^

19 Name: Kurima : 2018-02-16 22:55 ID:UgyPfTax [Del]

I can eat a lemon whole too. I don't mind the sourness. Sometimes I cut the lemon into pieces and put some sugar on it. Or I just cut a lemon in half and eat it.