Dollars BBS | Food
















sushi (28)

1 Name: shizuo orihara : 2016-11-03 19:09 ID:v3WCG8Vc [Del]

do you like sushi what's your favorite type?

2 Name: Kay : 2016-11-08 09:26 ID:4GmpTQOu [Del]

I love nigiri sushi. As much as I love sushi rolls, nigiri is something I favor.

3 Name: yukiho : 2016-11-28 17:30 ID:GBSS7LFk [Del]

I love all sushi, as long as my mom or I make it.

4 Name: izumi : 2016-11-29 04:34 ID:5qi/8yMA [Del]

i love california maki <3

5 Name: Reisuke-kun : 2016-11-29 06:41 ID:Oy3VGtyV [Del]

>>2 I like nigiri too

6 Name: BaconManagement !WPlSl2rjhU : 2016-11-30 00:22 ID:ERxJ7BUT [Del]

I love my maguro sashimi

7 Name: Miotoshi : 2016-12-12 00:01 ID:jwG08CFV [Del]

I like inari the ones with tuna in it.

8 Name: Setton : 2016-12-13 04:38 ID:WqJR4wSr [Del]

Is onigiri a sushi ? xD

9 Name: Akita : 2016-12-13 06:19 ID:0kc3z9do [Del]

I like Shashimi and almost any type of sushi :3

10 Name: 玉橋濃園 : 2016-12-14 19:17 ID:Xy8QMMKs [Del]

Anything with Saba ^^

11 Name: Maria<3 : 2016-12-18 08:10 ID:fTdTEaMK [Del]

//i hate sushi.

12 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-12-18 20:56 ID:DMPtCNI5 [Del]

I don't really have a favorite. As long as it's sushi, I'll eat it

13 Name: Celty : 2016-12-19 07:43 ID:WUXZ1PfQ [Del]

anything that is not raw lol

14 Name: Lupin !y4JOzxtQm6 : 2016-12-20 15:25 ID:gQAvZDhy [Del]

I don't have a favorite type, but I like salmon the most :3

15 Name: isoldatx : 2016-12-21 00:03 ID:b0pNosyQ [Del]

I like spicy raw crab sushi the best! :D

16 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-23 14:52 ID:UAqTvjcJ [Del]

I like BBQ eel sushi, might sound bad but it's good and expensive

17 Name: Hasaki !FGWdOh7RAs : 2016-12-25 07:05 ID:otBc22XT [Del]

I tend to lean towards less complicated types of sushi so Tamagoyaki sushi is one of my favourites.

18 Name: Timelord : 2016-12-25 22:06 ID:V2O6NmIj [Del]

Anyone here had fish eggs?

19 Name: Hasaki !FGWdOh7RAs : 2016-12-27 00:39 ID:SczEPRc3 [Del]

Depends on what kind, Timelord.

20 Name: APerson : 2016-12-29 06:38 ID:h1FgSSw5 [Del]

i love sushi with little bits of chicken (crispy as hell, obviously) and when my mom makes it is the BEST!

21 Name: Akita : 2016-12-30 17:51 ID:bG2faFqL [Del]

I like this kind called Tartar spicy and maki

22 Name: Red Blade : 2017-01-09 15:24 ID:9reH4hjq [Del]

I really like a salmon or California roll. I'm going out for sushi this week and a get to try eel. Can anyone tell me if it's good?

23 Name: Kiriyagi : 2017-01-10 05:05 ID:gQ5wVcli [Del]

I like all sushi. It's my favorite food and I have difficulty choosing between all the different kinds. It's kind of embarrassing since I'm always taking so long to order whenever I go out to eat it.

24 Name: Sushiyo !YNPTU9Nv3c : 2017-01-15 04:53 ID:uNlzTNkM [Del]

How about Russian Sushi? :D

25 Name: Reii : 2017-01-26 01:14 ID:2lwKs50g [Del]

i really love spicy tuna, or tempera....gosh, sushi in genral is delicious! i caant decide <<<3333

26 Name: MissDirected !gC5cxNKTkI : 2017-01-28 15:51 ID:9y+G+CwX [Del]

I've always wanted to try temaki sushi. =)

27 Name: Sorrelslash : 2017-01-31 11:20 ID:krRONCm1 [Del]

Golden Dragon Rolls look really good... hopefully I can someday try them ^^

28 Name: Kurokori : 2017-02-01 20:59 ID:3IO+z3Cg [Del]

I love all sushi (and sashimi) in general, but my favorites have to be fatty salmon and fatty tuna. They're a little expensive, but totally worth it!