Dollars BBS | Food
















What meals should I TRY (6)

1 Name: Sora : 2016-01-05 21:26 ID:fDE+0Fit [Del]

I am vegetarian and I am looking for some cool and new meals to try.
Also is anyone else a vegetarian because all my friends think I am crazy

2 Name: Codex : 2016-01-06 00:33 ID:PTSuI13f [Del]

Sadly I'm unable to be a vegetarian due to health reasons, nor would I truly want to be one because I'm weak but I admire the vegetarian lifestyle as long as you don't force it on others. this looks like a pretty neat recipe, perhaps you should give it a try for me. In fact I might even try it myself, haha

3 Name: DJTrueFire : 2016-01-06 07:10 ID:HdYM7s5Z [Del]

My favorite food is Kangaroo meat hamburgers. It is a naturally sweeter tasting meat and tastes absolutely amazing.

4 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2016-01-06 09:19 ID:keicQXfd [Del]

>>3 were you no listening? Sora is a VEGETARIAN looking for VEGETARIAN food to try
I'm a vegetarian myself and some of my favorites include breaded eggplant, (usally with pasta) fake chicken nuggets with honey, and broccoli and cheese soup. I know not real creative options but still delicious (just typing this kinda made me hungry)

5 Name: Flamengogo : 2016-01-06 14:47 ID:kVaIW/Dm [Del]

My friend likes to make tacos but then instead of ground beef, she makes tofu with it. It tastes pretty good according to her.
Tofu is so nice because you can just do whatever with it man. You can put it in soup, substitute it for meat. You could even get like tofurkey and make chicken-nugget like things with it by using breading (sometimes I use panko flakes instead of breading but really, shake-n-bake works pretty well). You can just try different recipies with any meat substituted for tofu.
I like to make fried rice and soak tofu in teriyaki, then add it. So many possibilities with tofu! also tofurky and you can't go wrong with pasta!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-07 13:45 ID:FHgFqHYS [Del]

Cauliflower buffalo wings...its likes buffalo wings but vegetarian version no meat what so ever