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Foods and food combinations/diets that help you develop a healthy digestion (13)

1 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-04-22 06:04 ID:NvY/6+2J [Del]

If it's TL;DR, just skip to the "In short" paragraph at the end. Thx.

So a couple of weeks ago I went to my doctor to take a day off with sick leave, after a wonderful and long night of dating the toilet. Yep, the diarrhea struck again. Well it was nothing big, I just probably ate something I shouldn't have back then. Anyways, I was standing in front of the doc, while she was telling me to buy carbon pills and eat this, that and that, and the thought struck me: "All of this is just treating the symptoms of having diarrhea, which is good at the moment, but I never hear any concrete way of preserving health by eating in a certain way." I mean, I know that's not Completely true, but here's the end of that thought. "So can I eat in a certain way, to keep my digestion healthy or even train my stomach to digest better?" So I asked her boldly, interrupting the usual talk "Uh, Doc. Can I train my digestion in some way?"
"What do you mean?" - she answered with a suprised, almost shocked expression.
"I mean, some people are tough as nails. Even I know guys who can eat pretty disgusting shit and have no problems with digesting them."
"No, no, calm down lady. I'm just talking hypothetically."
So after that I couldn't divert the conversation back to my original interest, since she thought I was out of my mind, but the question still remained. I know lots of people (including myself) who also have stomach burns, like peptic ulcers etc. I'm sure that there is some kind of systematic answer to this question, like eating in a way, that helps the stomach concentrate on only certain types of food or having a diet that helps strengthen a healthy digestion, maybe even depending on the person. I know the internet is full of diet tips, but the more I read about this topic, the more opinions differ and the more confusing the whole thing gets. Also, this is a more specific question, I guess, then what could be answered by generic "good diet" advices. So...

...In short: I was wondering if there are any diets or combinations of foods you can eat to keep your digestion healthy, maybe even develop a better digestion with following a certain diet for a certain time?

I'll be grateful for any tips or advice as long as they are based on facts.

2 Name: Hanzo : 2015-04-23 06:15 ID:KOrhuw0R [Del]

High-fibre paleo vegan

3 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-23 11:28 ID:4V/evfMN [Del]

>>2 Since I won't understand why that's good based alone on how charmingly you worded that, could you explain your reasoning behind it?

4 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-04-23 15:50 ID:GpyYxFUF [Del]

We don't give out health care advice, as it could be misleading, as one person could say one thing and another saying the complete opposite.

Just go to the Doctors to sort out what ever problem you have.

5 Name: Orihara san : 2015-04-24 17:50 ID:zaZmDHPg [Del]

Look... I had several stomach problems since I can remember. For what you said, being in the toilet all night, you might be intolerant to some food? The carbon would help if you had food poisoning, something that your stomach didn't accept very well. But you must see a doctor and asks for exams to check if you're allergic to something food-related, or intolerant. As for something to make your stomach 'strong', I don't believe that anything like this exists, or if it does, I'd like to know also. Some people have more resistent stomachs.

6 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-28 17:02 ID:4V/evfMN [Del]

>>4 If you can't contribute to the thread, then please, just respect the thread at least and keep to yourself. Also, if you would have read >>1 you would *probably* know that I'm not asking for a solution concerning my particular problem and that I already went to the doctors. I mean, Jesus, I'm not asking you to write me a medical prescription or do a medical diagnosis on me genius...

>>5 I see you guys don't get the point. I'm not asking for something against diarrhea. I had that because I was a dumbass and ate a lot of shit that don't go very well together. It's unrelated to my question, as is the story, which is only to introduce how I came to ask the above question. I'll write my _general_ question in capitals so it's clear what I'm interested in _which is unrelated to my own condition_:


If there's nothing out there, that's fine too. I'm just interested if anybody ever bumped into something like this, if yes, I'd like to know.

7 Name: Magnolia : 2015-04-29 03:15 ID:hYcJ6RXJ [Del]

>>6 Umm... I think you need to chill. In better detail, I think what >>4 meant is that the information you seek is very, very specific, and the chances of someone on here telling you (and telling you CORRECT information) is very slim. Can I assume that you went to more than one doctor?

Like >>5 said, As for something to make your stomach 'strong', I don't believe that anything like this exists, or if it does, I'd like to know also. Some people have more resistent stomachs.
Assuming you haven't done this already:

8 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-29 13:08 ID:4V/evfMN [Del]

>>7 I need to...uh...chill? Where did you deduce that from?Cause I wrote my question down again in CAPITALS?
>>4 should then specify what he means as I interpreted it differently. Also I would like to quote myself "I'll be grateful for any tips or advice as long as they are based on facts." That's my guarantee that I can double check on that info to decide if it's worth trying. I won't just mindlessly do something someone posts here, duh -_-"

Yeah, I asked around multiple docs, 3 to be correct. They either took me for some crazy person, or they didn't have a clue.

Well I don't know if 'strong' would be the best word, I mean digestion depends on what kind of acid the stomach selects for certain foods, how acidous that liquid is, what the pH level of it is, how well your stomach can decompose certain 'materials' and if that time is healthier if shorter, or if certain materials together are easier to decompose, etc. etc. (sorry for my english, my vocabulary in terms of this topic is not the best).

Anyways, since you linked two articles, I'm gonna shut up and read them, since they may come in handy on the first look.

9 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-05-06 11:56 ID:0+Mmc1Cj [Del]


For one I was some what quite clear, secondly I was contributing to the thread in telling you that you should not be looking answers on a website like this in the shortness of what I said, as I know for a fact trying to self diagnose something wrong with yourself is a bad idea, as it could lead you into getting medication you don't need.

ok sure I will bite, from what you have wrote sounds like to me that you must be slightly allergic to something that you have been eating to give you diarrhea, an yes people some people can become allergic to things and you don't have to be born allergic to something.


10 Name: Mag : 2015-05-15 21:21 ID:3Q+IP0dN [Del]

>>9 This.

Thats why I said you needed to chill.

>>>>4 If you can't contribute to the thread, then please, just respect the thread at least and keep to yourself. Also, if you would have read >>1 you would *probably* know that I'm not asking for a solution concerning my particular problem and that I already went to the doctors. I mean, Jesus, I'm not asking you to write me a medical prescription or do a medical diagnosis on me genius...

and for someone who's bitched at me in the past whenever I was, I was really surprised by this. Getting mad with someone else when you weren't clear then when they gave you the obvious answer (which most people who read this were thinking), didn't make any sense at all.

11 Name: DaiMajutsu : 2015-05-19 09:32 ID:NvY/6+2J [Del]

>>9 Thanks for your concern, but I'm still not interested in your opinion about whether I should self-diagnose or not, I'm interested in fact-based digestion power-ups!

"ok sure I will bite, from what you have wrote sounds like to me that you must be slightly allergic to something that you have been eating to give you diarrhea, an yes people some people can become allergic to things and you don't have to be born allergic to something." huh? o.O you're still hung up on that? ok, whatever man, let's talk about the thread after you understand what the thread is about.

>>6 I read the links and they were actually pretty helpful, so thanks :) They cleared up some things about how digestion works that I still had to understand and so I had the opportunity to experiment around with different stuff. Some of it worked pretty good :)

>>10 I'm starting to get confused. Is Mag=Magnolia? I mean based on this "Thats why I said you needed to chill." I guess yeah, but I'm starting to get confused.

Anyways, I still don't understand why you said I needed to chill. It's not as if I got angry or anything -_-" But believe whatever makes you happy or right. I don't care, as long as I'm a step closer to the solution of this particular problem, which I have partially you to thank for.

:D Now that I'm reading the whole really thought I got angry!!! :D You guys really decide everything for yourselves huh? I mean, lol. Anyways, I've already told you why I don't think telling me what he did doesn't contribute towards me solving that question. What's so surprising about telling him that it doesn't help?

12 Name: Mag=Magnolia : 2015-05-20 16:26 ID:3Q+IP0dN [Del]


You did not know this?? I'll remember to just use the full name when I'm feeling lazy.

And it's the way you said it, luv. It's the WAY you said it.

It's just like this: "You guys really decide everything for yourselves huh? I mean, lol."
Did you MEAN for it to sound condescending/insulting! Who knows! But when people are saying you were rude... It's generally not us that are wrong or "deciding things for ourselves". You just wrote in a way that was construed as being snotty.

You didn't mean for it to come out that way? Fine.
Did you get the info you wanted? Cool.

Moving on...

13 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-05-21 09:22 ID:4V/evfMN [Del]

Let's say that I had a hunch, but something along the way confused me. Anyways, you don't need to bother anymore Mag=Magnolia ;)

Is it just me, or do people care more about HOW I say something than WHAT I'm actually saying? I mean it's ok to be delicate, but to take everything so personal...I mean, you can sugarcoat shit, but it won't turn it into chocolate ice cream...also, you guys write a lot of insulting shit yourselves, yet when did I ever get offended personally? How should I know what you are going to get offended about? Most of you guys are good people, including you, so I don't mean for this to sound offensive or disrespectful, but some of you guys gotta grow up.

(saged this one, so the 'moving on' is undisturbed for who's uninterested tho )