Dollars BBS | Food
















Food Bucket List (21)

1 Name: ChinaTakesAll : 2014-11-18 07:09 ID:AdV4xkD3 [Del]

Normal bucket lists are okay, but what about a food bucket list?

My food bucket list so far:

already tried Noodles & sushi, now I'm looking for the less mainstream Japanese dishes, most of them appear in anime so I'll just let the anime inspire me to add more dishes to my Food Bucket List.

2 Name: FigeroTheCat : 2014-11-20 18:19 ID:px4PUMch [Del]

I want to try a little of something from most regions, but right now I'm looking to try
-Thai food
-Roast Duck
-dragon friut

3 Name: lulush vi : 2014-12-06 01:21 ID:Oo/2mEOK [Del]


4 Name: Mina : 2014-12-10 15:18 ID:pXG91pO2 [Del]

pierozki. Russia wont let me try it! TT^TT

5 Name: Xeuphillius : 2014-12-14 13:34 ID:T2cTZ/fK [Del]

If I could name it all I would but I'll pick my top three.
•Fried Rice (Any type, really.)
•Bonchon Chicken (Korean BBQ Chicken)
•Fried Thai Duck

6 Name: Vision : 2015-01-25 19:04 ID:iMfLSL3I [Del]

my bucket list would include the weird and the wonderful:
-fried insects
-balut(boiled duck embryo)
-*insert any asian food*

7 Name: Stelth !UL5/V6OEIg : 2015-01-25 23:43 ID:Fz6RAFwp [Del]

Black truffles... that's about it haha. I've tried most of A LOT of food XD

8 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2015-01-26 19:53 ID:oys2hQsF [Del]

-Takoyaki (I need it NOW!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻)
- Yakisoba (with the syrup sauce, not powder).
- Authentic Okinomiyaki (it looks sooo GOOD!)
- Aithentic Japanese ramen (planning to go to Japan sometime in the near future.... want to try ramen there too <3)
- Japanese Hamburger Steak (fucking hell, Kaneki tells me to try some, it looks really tasty).
- bungeoppang (haven't had it in FOREVER, I need it ;_;)
-Dango~ dango daikazoku~ I NEED TO EAT THEM!!!!!!(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ♬♪♫
- a handmade sandwich in South Korea
-Naengmyeon in South Korea
-Katsu somewhere in Japan (tried it in South Korea, so GOOD).

9 Name: Kuroneko : 2015-01-29 12:31 ID:GZYcY6CL [Del]

Onigiri. Yakisoba. Takoyaki. Okonomiyaki. Yep, only japanese food ^^

10 Name: graywalls : 2015-02-01 01:33 ID:ZxyBp55G [Del]

sea urchin. foie gras. onigiri. octopus. for now...LOL

11 Name: Ztshp : 2015-02-01 03:31 ID:xlfnsOP3 [Del]

I've always wanted to try one of those rice balls I always see on anime

12 Name: Scela-san : 2015-02-01 08:22 ID:/6SgZq+s [Del]

Yah Me too! I want to eat rice ball!
Added to bucket list

13 Name: Slender : 2015-02-01 20:25 ID:uaXO8D1C [Del]

Ehh sushi is a love or hate food for me i hate it lol

14 Name: Flora in May : 2015-02-10 02:36 ID:+B2zJ5lg [Del]

rice ball is amazing !! i always eat it when i am too lazy to cook food at home .i can buy it whenever i want at seven-eleven near my house .it's delicious !!

15 Name: Sakunya S.!/aPzExRzGw : 2015-02-10 12:50 ID:4e0u6L2B [Del]


16 Name: Yugen!UhQ.rlWWhw : 2015-02-10 14:03 ID:rwlUHGtN [Del]

Squid in almost any fashion is great.

Except one time. Jalapeno squid salad... worst decision I've made by far when it comes to squids. Rubbery squid, the 'salad' was actually cellophane noodles, and the 'jalapeno' part was just raw peppers with the flesh cut into thin slices without the seeds, then with some jalapeno juice squeezed onto it... horrid.

17 Name: akaixtenshi!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-02-11 02:16 ID:6R5jlImc [Del]

So far I would love to try lamb and rice ball. ^_^
Lambs are rare and expensive here.
And I don't think that japanese restos here offers riceball.

18 Name: Kurome : 2015-02-13 16:55 ID:b93HJhRi [Del]

I've made rice balls before!

19 Name: Yugen!UhQ.rlWWhw : 2015-02-15 13:40 ID:rwlUHGtN [Del]

Real authentic ramen from a shop specializing in it

20 Name: ラミエル : 2015-02-15 22:23 ID:3UOQMyND [Del]

I really, really, really want to try legit Caribbean Jerk meat. I love spicy food but want to try the real stuff.

PS: To OP, Yakisoba is very good, but I'd make sure you get a creamy sauce with it, much better than the typical, more watery sauce. I've never had a thin sauce be better than the creamy.

21 Name: Cores : 2015-02-16 09:57 ID:6L2FK06H [Del]

yeah i love Japanese dishes too ..