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Pancake problem (14)

1 Name: Cernuños : 2014-10-24 03:52 ID:uE4H/M52 [Del]

Gais, I have a problem. For some reason...

I make Crêpes instead of pancakes. I've taken others advice, I've filled instructions but, my roommates insist my pancakes are Crêpes. I can't make big fluffy pancakes and now I'm being questioned if I'm AMERICAN~!!

2 Name: ZAK : 2014-10-26 00:18 ID:oL3lYMaV [Del]

Crêpes huh? well i took cooking classes, and as for what i know, Crêpes are way thinner than pancakes. well pancakes are fluffy yes, and as of what i have been taught, never press the pancake when cooking it, because if you press in the spatula, the air inside the pancake will be released, and as a result the fluffiness will suffer. also you should already know this, but i will say it anyways, to know when to flip the pancakes, you'll see how it bubbles, when you see small small holes already it's time to flip.

3 Name: Cernuños : 2014-10-27 20:32 ID:uE4H/M52 [Del]

I know all this already. I dint flatten them and u also flip them right. I used to use oil but that seemed to make the Crêpes so I was told to switch to butter to grease the pan, but that still didn't work.... QnQ

4 Name: Cernuños : 2014-10-27 20:33 ID:uE4H/M52 [Del]

*I not u

5 Name: Kiri : 2014-10-27 22:43 ID:ywYgTQR1 [Del]

Take a pic~ I wanna see pancakes/crepes. Gosh I eat pancakes too much and need more crepes in my life. Anyways, I thought pancake and crepe batter were slightly different. Perhaps your batter is thinner than most pancake ones . . . but I'm not a chef or a cook at all so I'm only guessing.

6 Name: ZAK : 2014-10-28 15:45 ID:oL3lYMaV [Del]

>>3 well forgot to mention one thing. how was the measurements? i mean if you messed it up, even if you did cook it right, then it would be a different from the original you wanted to make.

7 Name: Cernuños : 2014-10-29 20:55 ID:uE4H/M52 [Del]

Gais, I finally got it right. A friend baught me a cookbook v.v

8 Name: ZAK : 2014-10-29 22:57 ID:oL3lYMaV [Del]

>>7 good for you

9 Name: Syo : 2014-11-06 09:30 ID:amnHxucV [Del]

Pancakees~ *.* It's easy and delicious

10 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-09 02:16 ID:MtP/5FSk [Del]

I can't make pancakes to save my life.
It's one of my favorite foods, and I can't make it.
I can cook like a champ, but pancakes always kick my ass.

11 Name: Chocolat : 2014-11-09 16:05 ID:Sex6WN5O [Del]

Add more baking powder?

12 Name: Butts :D !4ZeKtProWU : 2014-11-13 12:29 ID:LkdzSc9w [Del]

i can help you with this.

so after you have your usual mix for pancake, you only add a small amount of milk. adding too much will make the batter thin and watery, which results in crepes. only a little. just enough to get the batter moving because you need it thick for good fluffy pancakes.

that's how i make them and my pancakes are usually really fluffy

13 Name: kiLWy : 2014-11-21 08:31 ID:pV03ZEGs [Del]

1 cup of flour
1 tbs of baking powder
1 egg
1 cup of fresh milk
3 spoons of sugar
1 spoon of oil

1)Put the flour and baking powder in a big bowl
2)Separate the yolk and white egg
3)Whisk the white egg until fluffy
4)In another bowl, mix the yolk with sugar and milk
5)Put (4) into (1) and stir well
6)Lastly put in the white egg
7)Fry normally

Hope this can help

14 Name: Some Guy : 2014-11-29 00:05 ID:ZUsUD/3s [Del]

Lol, wow topics even range to pancakes. Pancakes are my favorite food. Yumm....