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What is your favorite type of coffee? (56)

1 Name: Stewart : 2014-08-04 11:55 ID:yMcR5SQ/ (Image: 3791x2843 jpg, 306 kb) [Del]

src/1407171339701.jpg: 3791x2843, 306 kb
what kind of coffee do you enjoy most?
do you like it black or with creme/milk?
do you like a lot of sugar or next to none?

mine would be a "Folgers caramel drizzle" coffee with 2 creme and 2 sugar

2 Name: Zetsumei : 2014-08-04 16:34 ID:fwq4LaWa [Del]

My favourite type of coffee is generally Coffee with milk and about 4 sweetners in it, if I use sugar then about 3 sugars

3 Name: McGurganatorZX : 2014-08-05 22:45 ID:ZGR+YqWi [Del]

I like to drink any sort of "Breakfast Blend", so a light-medium roast, both decaf and regular. I like skim int it, although heavy whipping creme is a nice second. I mostly brew at home, so I put enough sugar to cover the bottom of my mug.

4 Name: Ayana : 2014-08-07 15:28 ID:gj757EyR [Del]

black, but sometimes with some sugar

5 Name: Fritz : 2014-08-08 14:00 ID:SbJZr1H6 [Del]

Caramel lattes. I'm not sure if I actually like coffee, or if I just see it as a caramel delivery method, but that doesn't actually make my morning latte any less delicious.

6 Name: Eica : 2014-08-11 11:35 ID:6BTl7huL [Del]

I love strong, dark roasted, coffee with lots of creamy, unsweetened soymilk <3 No sugar!

7 Name: Miria : 2014-08-15 02:13 ID:w30dKirg [Del]

Sumatra is my favorite region. Espresso made with a dark roast and a splash of heavy cream.

8 Name: Ayaka : 2014-08-15 11:33 ID:cfyfJVyr [Del]

peppermint mocha!

9 Name: heavens hell : 2014-08-15 16:08 ID:NtiVUxmv [Del]

mine is cookies n cream

10 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-16 06:41 ID:VNUqJ6JK [Del]

Does cappuccino count ?

11 Name: Stewart : 2014-08-16 11:16 ID:GyCVrARa [Del]

>>10 I would count it

12 Name: Aura : 2014-08-17 04:43 ID:zbpK9CO6 [Del]

>>10 I love cappuccino as well and it is a time of coffee 😜

13 Name: juu : 2014-08-20 04:07 ID:PCdXklFx [Del]

mm I love iced coffee. Vanilla. Or caramel.

14 Name: Lexiona : 2014-08-20 14:02 ID:xBtPui1b [Del]

I love coffee with ice cream <3
Buuut I also like coffee with a lot of milk ^^

15 Name: tsukki : 2014-08-20 18:37 ID:X5YaMJzq [Del]

i love hot caramel macchiatos in the fall/winter *^*

16 Name: MandaPanda : 2014-08-20 23:28 ID:i5Y+eCUT [Del]

I am a coffee fiend. I have my own espresso making machine. My favorite combination that I have come up with so far is Dark Roast with White Chocolate Macadamia Nut creamer.

17 Name: kit kat : 2014-08-22 14:39 ID:ygofudq9 [Del]

black all the way

18 Name: Kim : 2014-08-26 08:31 ID:xvSe/daF [Del]

Latte~ coffe latte~

19 Name: BlindSamurai : 2014-08-27 10:02 ID:EgP4N/TA [Del]

Red Velvet Mocha. Sadly enough, it's only made at the Single Smile Cafe 2 towns over.

20 Name: white-rabbit : 2014-08-27 20:40 ID:9ptNOMZW [Del]

french vanilla
little bit of milk
no sugar

21 Name: TanakaTaro : 2014-08-30 19:13 ID:YX7edIht [Del]

I like Cold Coffee

22 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-31 12:33 ID:AS/euLzt [Del]


23 Name: Kirbo !O4BVWmQIJM : 2014-08-31 16:58 ID:urCRjrir [Del]


Is that a new type of Coffee?

24 Name: Sayomi : 2014-09-01 10:07 ID:HSiPJQHg [Del]

Im not exactly a coffee person, but I usually enjoy a nice hot cappuccino from time to time...

25 Name: maybe an admin : 2014-09-02 09:40 ID:AS/euLzt [Del]

I think this should be in the 'drinks' board ok

26 Name: Misutogan : 2014-09-02 11:08 ID:YglSdqc/ [Del]

The Turks have some pretty good traditional coffee. I think it's just called 'Turkish Coffee'. Either that, or something with regular coffee and caramel?

27 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-09-03 05:21 ID:w+Kn3nf4 [Del]

Lately I've taken to putting Honey in... pretty much everything - coffee included. It's really quite good.

28 Name: Stewart : 2014-09-03 09:56 ID:xPqsOq+9 [Del]

>>25 I didn't see a drinks board? I thought it all categorized under food

29 Name: Lovely : 2014-09-04 20:52 ID:danUuPaa [Del]

All coffee is good to me. You just have to be really open with your taste palette. I think chocolate goes well with coffee. Also, if you don't want it to taste so strong make it with milk.

30 Name: Roxanne : 2014-09-06 00:30 ID:f5fWf746 [Del]

Hazelnut coffee with cream and sugar

31 Name: Aura : 2014-09-07 09:22 ID:GlLdoZGO [Del]

Coffee with milk and sugar. I don't mind iced 😕

32 Name: Crescent : 2014-09-09 23:05 ID:G6Z+w/Vs [Del]

>>30 that's my favorite!

33 Name: Zwei : 2014-09-15 10:33 ID:yI6YQ1rM [Del]

I like any kind! Its alright with me.

34 Name: Villanova !VZq8w65j3M : 2014-09-15 11:52 ID:Dvq8AHrj [Del]

Black coffee is my favorite, and the stronger the better.

35 Name: Hikari-Chan : 2014-09-22 13:12 ID:xYDLGobw [Del]

Mocha's my favorite....

36 Name: Dragonhand : 2014-09-23 17:21 ID:iVYT/egj [Del]

Espresso, no sugar.

37 Name: Translucent Guy : 2014-09-23 20:25 ID:cJV7onMa [Del]

Moccasins chocca latte, single teaspoon of sugar.

38 Name: MGDex : 2014-09-25 22:48 ID:W40PyaDz [Del]

Hazelnut with a packet of sugar, my liking, may not be yours.

39 Name: †rus† : 2014-09-27 20:08 ID:0B9gWL7N [Del]

i like any type of coffee as long as it is brewed by my granny...

40 Name: Tsukiko : 2014-09-27 22:02 ID:nwcVztuc [Del]

Ah, if I make it myself, I prefer it black.

41 Name: hayaoi : 2014-09-28 01:57 ID:VaQvnDtS [Del]

lattes are my favorite.

42 Name: Pink-hime : 2014-09-28 10:56 ID:skVqmroY [Del]

I love hazelnut coffe with chocolate milk with a ton of sugar and cream <3

43 Name: Sakura : 2014-09-28 11:03 ID:CCDS6CP7 [Del]

I hate coffee io prefer tea

44 Name: Jaiphen : 2014-09-29 01:32 ID:lNBh1RWM [Del]

I like a dark roast coffee because I live for flavor. Usually with cream, because the fat helps keep the drink warm while I blog. >w> Also, I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so two heaping tablespoons of sugar usually fixes me.

I like a little spice in my coffee--sometimes I'll add some vanilla, or nutmeg, or something like that. I've dropped mini marshmallows in before, too.

45 Name: TimeWhisperX : 2014-10-04 05:06 ID:vZpu21UI [Del]

i like coffee and tea but i prefer mostly tea.The only thing is tea makes u pee alot

46 Name: Reija : 2014-10-06 04:59 ID:eM1Gd9sD [Del]

Flat Whites by far

47 Name: Dylan That Hot Pink Mess !Dfk5f79hVA : 2014-10-07 23:53 ID:/TJDsSWj [Del]


48 Name: Kirimi : 2014-10-08 01:23 ID:zJik3tIf [Del]

Creamy white w/ 4 tablespoon of sugar

49 Name: Kaede : 2014-10-10 14:15 ID:iC9PSFJG [Del]

Iced Cafe Latte with 2 ts sugar~

50 Name: Shadey : 2014-10-10 15:25 ID:Qre8mZXt [Del]

Well for a typical first cup of coffee it'd have to be: maxwell house master blend with 4 tablespoon sugar and 3 tablespoon creamer (plain). But if it's in the afternoon during summer then it has to be a frappachino (chocolate) and I make it myself. ^_^

51 Name: OroseC : 2014-10-10 21:26 ID:w9r/oVeX [Del]

Vanilla bean coffee with a small amount of Italian sweet cream creamer

52 Post deleted by user.

53 Name: TeemoDc : 2014-10-23 13:27 ID:RqsUig/R [Del]

black coffee no creme or milk
no sugar

54 Name: Raiden : 2014-10-24 06:45 ID:qi2vdNXV [Del]

i lauv mocha-chino!

55 Name: Ryu-kun : 2014-10-24 08:35 ID:+wId8dW5 [Del]

Black coffee with a teaspoon of sugar and my day will be complete~

56 Name: ZAK : 2014-10-26 00:11 ID:oL3lYMaV [Del]

Either with cream/milk or black, but it should always have 2 or 2 1/2 teaspoons of sugar