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kind of a food mission! ~Cultural Food~ (5)

1 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-02-18 09:46 ID:LcFJuPN9 [Del]

hey guys~ :D I really like cultural food, especially European and Asian food, so if you have a cuisine or some type of food that you would dare other people or me to eat, that would be great for you to share and talk about it for a little bit! I really like to try new tastes from different nations and so I thought hearing about unique cuisine from around the world would be interesting :)
Like for instance, from my home country, we eat some type of "sashimi" called "Hoe", and we would dip it in a chilli paste. It's really good and fresh, and I would recommend trying to eat octopus! (super good! :3). It's super common to eat at coastal areas since there are many fishers catching fish. You can also eat it straight after the catch also.

Hope I get to see a lot of strange dishes from other countries! :D

2 Name: PierogiGuy : 2014-02-20 19:13 ID:viTapn8y [Del]

here a good one: faggot
it is a english dish. it is a meatball that is made out of pig's heart, pig's liver, and pork belly (bacon) mix with herbs and breadcrumbs.

have you ever try a terrine. it is like a meatloaf with alcohol in it, but now there is different types other than meat

3 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2014-02-21 19:43 ID:MJxPe6T0 [Del]

>>2 Thought you were being a dick, kept reading and realized you were describing an unfortunately named dish.

4 Name: Kiauke : 2014-02-22 12:00 ID:9iZ3gpJd [Del]

>>3 indeed it is a shame, here is the wiki for it -
hehe I still don't know how to make a real link on this websit XD

5 Name: Sakunya S. !3glyCy57HY : 2014-02-23 14:08 ID:bpI3AB8f [Del]

>>3 my stomach XD
sounds very unappetizing, but might try it in he future, so who knows what I'll try. :D