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Need Help for awesome name (19)

1 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-11-30 14:46 ID:WSTBl+Q6 [Del]

So, I have an idea for a bakery I want to open. I've been playing around with it for a very long time. I'm starting to save up money for it, but all I need is a name at the moment. Can't think of a good one.

My bakery theme is Nerd! Meaning everything, caks, cookies, dies, etc. Is something nerdy: comic books, manga, anime, video game, sifi, fantasy, etc. I also want to open this bakery inside an arcade! Who doesn't want to be playing a game while eating a cookie that says Bazinga on it???? LOL. Now I need a really good nerdy name! Help me out?

2 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-11-30 16:05 ID:WSTBl+Q6 [Del]

BTW. HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I haven't been on here in a very long time. I missed you guys! ^^

3 Name: Ao!xbaEGjJEyU : 2013-11-30 23:50 ID:Qcr5zbZv [Del]

>>2 welcome back. I'm still considered new (hm... two or three months ago), so I don't recognize your name xD sorry

>>1 Geekery Bake Shop? Comic Book Cookies? Bazinga Bakery? Not An Evil Muffin Shop? Good Guys Only bakery? Super Scones and KickinCookies? Sidekicks Anonymous?

4 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-11-30 23:58 ID:WSTBl+Q6 [Del]

>>3 I haven't been on in..... uhhhh...... Damn, probably three or four months O_O and even then I think I just lurked. Didn't do much posting. LOL XD I really liked those names. "Not An Evil Muffin Shop" I really liked..... Hmmm. Geekery and Arcade would be really fun too. Something Sidekick would be awesome *has always liked the sidekicks the most* :D Arigato *bows* I will keep those in mind! ^^ Any other ideas would be great~

I almost thought of calling it The Dollars Place, but I think I would have to get copy rights for that.....

5 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-12-01 05:13 ID:6cPA02wu [Del]

Just read this, maybe something like Sidekicks day job/assignment, or another word for job along them lines :P

6 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-12-01 11:56 ID:jfMNacqt [Del]

Woah, Woah! How far are you into making your bakery idea a reality? If it's just simply in the idea phase, then maybe you should hold off on making a name.
Start talking to people, get loans, look for places available of rent, ect.

7 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-12-01 15:32 ID:WSTBl+Q6 [Del]

>>6 Banks wont give loans to business with out a name. If I don't have a name then I wont get loans. -_- I have been looking around and into all that. I've already set up an account that I put all my spare money into to save up. I went to culinary school, took business classes, talk to many chefs who have or do own their own place. I have a lot of help and guidance on this. Chill your jets. lol.

8 Name: Chreggome : 2013-12-02 02:27 ID:kCvui2dV [Del]

>>1 I want to shoot you in the face.
So hard.

You should call it "I'm annoying and gay, the bakery."

Because you're fucking retarded and your too soft to be in the bakery business.
You think baking a cake is just a piece of cake, do you?
Well, I've got news for you: It isn't.
You don't have the stones to make it in the cut throat world of fucking retarded themed bakeries.

Seriously, get a loan to do something useful with.
You're idea of bazinga cookies is one of the worst I have ever heard.
If you're trollin'
My jammies are pretty rambled.
So, good job, I guess.

If you're serious.
Please just take out a bunch of loans, give them away to people that need money, and off yourself.
You're awful and I hate your ideas.

sage because fuck you

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-12-02 13:31 ID:jfMNacqt [Del]

>>7 Excuse me? What do you mean by "Chill Your Jets"? Where in that reply did I appear mean or hostile?
I wasn't trying to be mean, I was simply giving fair words of advice before you go jumping the gun. Because there are countless individuals out there who come up with ideas, and worry too much about a name before having any substance or progress behind their projects, and those are the kind of ideas that often end up dying the fastest. Because they are simply dreaming, and don't anticipate the hard work that comes with making the idea a reality.
I'm not accusing you of being that kind of person, but with your opening post, I could have. If you were to present the information from >>7 earlier I would not have said anything, But instead your opening post only talks about how you want to open a "nerd" themed bakery, with a bunch of gimmicks, and serve cookies with "Bazinga" on them. That's cute for a High School bake sale but this is a bakery you are talking about. A business.

To finish;
1. You don't need a name for your business before opening a loan. You can either open a loan with a beta name or better yet, just simply your name.

2. If you went to culinary school and made so many decent connections. They are probably your best bet to help you out. Not a bunch of Anonymous people on the internet.

3. Are you trying to appeal to the stereotypical white girl, or the actual nerd community? Because nerds don't like the Big Bang Theory.

Anyway, That is my honest input or whatever.
If you somehow manage to get your idea of the ground. Hey! More power to you!
Good luck.

11 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-12-02 22:47 ID:WSTBl+Q6 [Del]

>>10 I didn't mean "chill your jets" like I took offense. Sorry, I often say things playfully and people dn't catch on. This one is on me. Sorry :/ I like asking all kinds of people. It's amazing how many times some who knows nothing of baking gives me better ideas then my chef does. And that's understandable. Who spends the most money? Someone who can make all this stuff or the people buying? It's good to ask both professionals and the people who will be costumer for idea. I want to do both said "none real nerd things" like Big Bang and "real nerd things".... Maybe I should do something Street Fighter. Haven't heard about that in a long time though. I don't know if anyone is still into that at all... Appeal to both. Take request so I can make what everyone will like. I am always open to advice from anyone. Oh, fyi, I have TONES of friend (and me myself am like this) who are true nerd, born and raised, and they do like Big Bang as well. Even if I had everything ready right now. And it's never to early for ideas.

>>8 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooook then..... No free Crash Cookies for you.... lol ^^

12 Name: PierogiGuy : 2013-12-04 13:07 ID:WDwhMhMl [Del]

How about Sweet Fighter (A play on word with street\sweet)or Addicted to Sweets (from the manga called Addicted to Curry)

Here a good idea when you open have the people who are selling your product dressed in cosplay like their favorite anime, manga, or superhero.

13 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-12-04 15:08 ID:WSTBl+Q6 [Del]

>>12 HAY PIEROGI! :D How ya doin buddy?! It's been ages! ^^ Oh I like that Addicted to Sweets. I've heard of Addicted to Curry, haven't read it yet though. I was thinking that employees uniform can either be slight cosplay (nothing that will get in the way of working and you don't mind getting dirty) or a super hero t-shirt. I'm also thinking of stuff like cosplay Friday. If you come in wearing cosplay get 30% off baked goods or something along those lines. I would like to have special nights, like a Thunder Cats night. Have a tv that just plays Thunder Cats all day, and have special prizes for people who have the best cosplay, or can say the catch phrase the best, or can sing the them song, etc.

14 Name: PierogiGuy : 2013-12-04 22:13 ID:F+sGTIlK [Del]

>>13 I am doing good. busy with school so i haven't been on here that much. oh yeah for my advance bakeshop final I did a dessert sushi (green tea cake, simple rice pudding, and some fruit in the middle rolled it up like a swiss roll) that is the pretty much the first time I went outside the box for desserts. it was good, weird but good weird

15 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-12-06 23:26 ID:WSTBl+Q6 [Del]

>>14 Well if you ever need any ideas hit me up! ^^ I'd love to bounce some back and forth with you~

16 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-12-11 07:35 ID:/RcekRlq [Del]

I randomly was thinking about your thread yesterday an thought of a name " the pastry sword and shield " :3

17 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-12-11 11:13 ID:WSTBl+Q6 [Del]

>>16 Ooh, that's kinda cool~ Pastry Sword and Shield Arcade?

My sister said I should do something like "Gkeery's Alchemist Arcade"

18 Name: deanbbs 8718 : 2013-12-12 22:45 ID:TyuVni5r [Del]

Deluxe Pac Bakery

19 Name: Delithius : 2013-12-19 13:21 ID:s4KFX6je [Del]

How about 8-bit Cake Arcade? you know Cause originally video games where all pixels?