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I need some cook's advice. (13)

1 Name: Sesu : 2013-01-30 13:45 ID:vTdjnMGv [Del]

So I just turned 18, and am getting ready to move out of my parents house. The thing is, I just realized I don't know how to actually cook aside from the can of beans and a few cut up hotdogs. Anyone know of any good recipies? I'd avoid pasta since pasta sauce is a no go for me.

2 Name: PierogiGuy : 2013-01-30 21:39 ID:c4GZjN1/ [Del]

There are 2 cooking advice thread made by me and another. Sorry if I seem mean by the comment.
Can you give me some dishes or food that you like. Because I don't really like to put a recipe up here unless you will use it.

3 Name: Sesu : 2013-01-31 12:40 ID:vTdjnMGv [Del]

As long as it isn't pasta or anything pasta related, I will use it. The pasta sauce itself makes me sick. That's really the only limitation.

4 Name: Nonie : 2013-01-31 12:54 ID:GPJd3MUf [Del]

I know some recipes that is easy, the food is really good and not known by many people... here's a link : , it has different kinds of recipes... enjoy~..

5 Name: Sesu : 2013-01-31 13:30 ID:sx0dpNTk [Del]

Thanks a ton! =D

6 Name: PierogiGuy : 2013-02-01 10:17 ID:c4GZjN1/ [Del]

The only 2 things that I can come up with at the moment is stir fry and BLT pita.

Stir fry
Whatever meat(cut somewhat in small thin strips) or vegetable(julienne)
ginger(minced) or ginger powder
oyster sauce add with some water

Have everything close to you because it will go quick at the end
Heat up a pan (size depend on how much stuff you want in it) or wok. Add oil. Start cooking the meat. When the meat is mostly to all the way done add the vegetables ( start with the hardest to the softest (blanch broccoli, carrot, onion, peppers, peas)).add the ginger or ginger powder and water down oyster sauce. serve over rice.

BLT pita
Pita cut in half and toast in the over
5-6 strips of cooked bacon (if you want cook it in the oven around 400 degree F for 10-12 min. on a parchment cover sheet tray) and chop it up
iceberg lettuce about a cup or so
dice tomato around 1/2 by 1/2 inch
dice red or white onion cut smaller than the tomato
cheddar cheese
Herd mayo (mayo with italian seasoning)

Put the lettuce, onion, tomato, and cheese in a bowl. Put the mayo on the side of the bowl. Mix it up. mix in the bacon. stuff the mixture in both half of the toasted pita.

7 Name: Akui Arisu : 2013-02-01 13:42 ID:Qml1ZKyd (Image: 450x487 jpg, 76 kb) [Del]

src/1359747779264.jpg: 450x487, 76 kb
i have plenty of recipes i could give you next time we hangout k?

8 Name: Eneliph : 2013-02-01 14:06 ID:zp2IW13V [Del]

How about boiled vegetables? Like broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots? They're simple.
Or Eggs. Boiled, fried, or as sunny side-up?

9 Name: Sesu : 2013-02-01 15:48 ID:vTdjnMGv [Del]

>>7 Like I said, we will work on that. =D

10 Name: Sesu : 2013-02-01 18:30 ID:vTdjnMGv [Del]

>>8 that is actually more of what I am looking for.

11 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-02-02 23:56 ID:gXyicYir [Del]

>>10 If you have anything special you want to make just as away ^^ you have some chefs here to help you!

BTW Pierogiguy! Hiiiiiiiiii! Haven't talked to you in a while!

12 Name: Eneliph : 2013-02-03 12:57 ID:Hls/hnmy [Del]

Oh, for the broccoli, you bring the water to a rolling boil, and put the broccoli in for only two minutes or so.
The cauliflower and carrots boil till they're soft enough for you.
For Fried eggs, beat them first, add salt (and chopped green onions if you like), and the pan requires a coating of oil or it'll stick bad,, and keep an eye so they don't burn.
Sunny side-up just drop the yolk into the pan, oiled as well, add salt, cover with lid, and keep an eye till it looks ready.
(Or to your liking, I like it with a slightly liquid yolk)

And don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out the first time. My first tries always look a mess, and sometimes get a little overcooked, but practice makes - well, perfect?
It's edible though! :)

13 Name: MaryKate : 2013-02-07 03:43 ID:KGOtOoAE [Del]

does Ramen count?