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Burger King's New Bacon Sundae!..........eww. (32)

1 Name: The Doctor : 2012-06-14 12:55 ID:/0DwohoB (Image: 218x258 png, 128 kb) [Del]

src/1339696558145.png: 218x258, 128 kb
...... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH AMERICANS? This doesn't even sound or look that good, it just looks disgusting!
"Say, is this tasty?" "No, but it'll make you have a heart attack!"

Seriously though, who thought of this? And Americans wonder why we're now the fattest country in the world.
Just looking at this thing is clogging my arteries!

2 Name: Need a name : 2012-06-14 13:19 ID:O8DtOGXG [Del]

Stephen Colbert made a joke about something like this, except it was at Denny's
"finally, someone answered the age-old question: what would happen if we dumped all our breakfast leftovers into the freezer?"

3 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-06-14 13:37 ID:iwxGHELH [Del]

Fuck that shit, I eat well enough every other meal, I could go for a bacon sundae once every month or two.

No seriously, even if it ends up sucking, it's still bacon. Baaaaaaaacccoooooonnnnnnnnnn.....

4 Name: someone173 !LPt5GqYWXc : 2012-06-14 20:56 ID:AdJOi6f2 [Del]

First World Problems, ahoy! I want it, but they're not releasing it to Canada. Bastards.

5 Name: Xegis : 2012-06-15 07:20 ID:PHMh3fh9 [Del]

That looks........ORGASMIC YOOOOOOOO, but they always look way worse in the store....

6 Name: Momochan : 2012-08-14 12:58 ID:C5VA2vOg [Del]

Bacon. In a sundae. O_O *mind blown* That's just not right.

7 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-08-14 16:32 ID:xUAI4nCI [Del]

Eh, bacon is bacon. The icecream is just a bonus.

8 Name: BlackStar !El1EdVQldQ : 2012-08-14 17:17 ID:woGBBikX (Image: 500x374 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

src/1344982678392.jpg: 500x374, 22 kb
to burger king!!!!!! i love bacon

9 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2012-08-14 23:01 ID:tSDIwIzf (Image: 460x300 jpg, 42 kb) [Del]

src/1345003272010.jpg: 460x300, 42 kb
Dafaq!? I can't even...

10 Name: Natsu!tsGpSwX8mo : 2012-08-15 17:02 ID:R7mTorcx [Del]

I'm American and this looks disgusting to me!!!! :P

11 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-15 17:35 ID:U3NlIxgF [Del]

....I want it....(Actually sitting in the kitchen with bacon right now.Ice cream in the fridge...)

12 Name: Riceball Melody : 2012-08-15 18:51 ID:wxjEw4ME [Del]

When I first saw an advertisement for this, I honestly thought it was a joke.

13 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-15 23:30 ID:XwurDJkK [Del]

>>9 This.
Ugh, I want to move to Canada. Bacon and icecream just doesn't sound right. Sure they're both great and all, but it'd be like ketchup and peaches. And I can't believe would actually eat this...

14 Name: Tanka.T : 2012-08-16 08:36 ID:vCCX2yHe [Del]

looks good

15 Name: Oden : 2012-08-18 01:15 ID:3mbDMy8j [Del]


16 Name: Sky-Chan : 2012-08-18 07:18 ID:rUrsXVUu [Del]

The things people come up with these days...

17 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-18 17:39 ID:ngpvWdms [Del]

~BACON~my one and only love~

18 Name: Ririchii : 2012-08-19 10:11 ID:R0Bj2nRh [Del]

My dad tried it and said it was pretty good.

19 Name: themightytyphlosion : 2012-08-19 19:53 ID:6Z5CexfE [Del]

Not all Americans are fat. I'm a bit chubby and I'm American but I've seen some skinny people around here, sir/ma'am.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-19 21:31 ID:KzuygL0v [Del]

I'm fairly certain most Americans aren't too fond of the idea, either.

Personally, I figure they bothered putting it on the menu, so it can't be THAT bad, right?

...And I can afford to gain a few pounds, anyways, since I'm almost underweight. But I doubt trying it one time won't have that much of an effect. :I

21 Name: Kibiyashi : 2012-08-22 09:14 ID:9e001otr [Del]

i know rite wat da hell iz dis man i mean i saw something like this at dennys WTF


22 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-08-22 14:51 ID:lvYkg9y6 [Del]

I only weigh 127lbs......just sayin'....

23 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-23 18:05 ID:YjsF6C2h [Del]

I have to try this right now.I shalldrag my bestie LEa to walk the 6-8 blocks to burger king with me.It'll be worth the walk...XD

24 Name: Century : 2012-08-28 21:55 ID:1g3Rxzcw [Del]

Bacon and ice cream?! what tha hell is this crap?!

25 Name: Century : 2012-08-28 21:55 ID:1g3Rxzcw [Del]

Bacon and ice cream?! what tha hell is this crap?!

26 Name: Kougetsu : 2012-08-30 01:16 ID:tBy2PTUh [Del]

That can make you have so many health problems...
And that looks gross what if the sundae melts (¬_¬)

27 Name: Red Angel : 2012-08-30 09:37 ID:/Q0OkaFl [Del]

come on guys dont knock til you try it
i heard it can be really good despite it having to totally different favors

28 Name: The Doctor : 2012-08-30 14:14 ID:lmc8F9RD [Del]

>>27 it's not really the taste I'm worried about, but the clogged arteries is my main concern.

29 Name: Raikura : 2012-08-31 06:39 ID:eArmWn8k [Del]

sick ,_, in a bad way not sick in a good way

30 Name: SYLER : 2012-08-31 12:16 ID:LhRGzWm4 [Del]

Its actully not so bad the thing is you dont have to eat it all yourself if your concerned with helth...also if your concerned with hetlth why are you going to burger king in the first place

31 Name: Nightstorm : 2012-09-04 00:20 ID:+C72XmuC [Del]

I'm sure it tastes good.....but I am not sure if I want to get sick off that.....

32 Name: redmi$t : 2012-09-04 11:39 ID:clv6wdlw [Del]

ive had it, it is ok if u dont mind the tast of bacon that has been sitting under a heating lamp for a long time