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Dieting - Your Secrets, Please (28)

1 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-27 18:24 ID:OO6xP29i [Del]

Even though we are young on this site, I am sure that many of you have tried dieting once or twice. If so, what are your secrets? What works, what doesn't work? Everyone is different, but it is still good to share advice.

For me, cutting out artificial sugars/flavoring and drinking plenty of water help me lose weight really quickly. Last year, I lost twenty pounds in two months (which isn't particularly healthy, mind you) just by doing this and regularly taking bike rides. That's the way my metabolism works, apparently - I cut out sugars, and it just goes loco and starts moving really fast. For my friends, cutting our carbs does the same thing.

So, what is your trick? Do you just eat healthy in the first place? How do your diets relate to your personal metabolisms?

2 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-02-28 09:01 ID:YHPp9eo/ [Del]

>watched as every junk food thread got bumped over this

Hm. Maybe I need to re-evaluate our memberbase O:

3 Name: PierogiGuy : 2012-02-28 10:52 ID:rRGU6TUY [Del]

I might seem like a know-it-all but the definition of diet is: What we eat daily. A diet can be adequacy, balance, moderation, and/or variety. We need to eat more carbohydrates than proteins because carbohydrates is our main source of energy. Even we need consume more lipids(fats) than proteins too.
>>1 If you need advise on anything else I made a thread that is called Cooking/Nutrition advice. And losing 20 pounds in 2 months is not healthy, more like 1 to 2 pounds a months is healthy

4 Name: PierogiGuy : 2012-02-28 11:39 ID:rRGU6TUY [Del]

One more thing metabolism is a chemical reaction. What you called metabolism, I called resting metabolic rate or basal metabolic rate. There are 9 factors: gender, age, height, sleep, activity, fever/stress, temperature, growth, and smoking/caffeine.

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-28 21:46 ID:OO6xP29i [Del]

>>4 >>3 I am well aware of all these things. In fact, I commented on parts in my original post. This thread is for people to share how they eat and how it helps them and their body.

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-28 21:47 ID:OO6xP29i [Del]

It's not like I'm looking for advice, nor am I lacking information regarding how your body and metabolism work. It's just a thread to share your dieting tips.

7 Name: PierogiGuy : 2012-02-28 22:25 ID:rRGU6TUY [Del]

>>6 I sorry if I made you unhappy with my comments but for my senior year in high school I had to take nutrition. I just putting the knowledge that I learned to good use. And it is not like I add all the common vitamins and minerals to my comments also.

8 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-28 23:19 ID:udnWDLE2 [Del]

>>7 I do not think she was unhappy with your comments. she was merely saying that this thread was not for her own purposes and that metabolism isnt the subject matter here

9 Name: PierogiGuy : 2012-02-29 10:27 ID:rRGU6TUY [Del]

>>8 I just saying because I had to take nutrition for my senior year on high school. I know the correct definition for diet and metabolism and what metabolism to normal people is what I said in my second comment.

This Will Be My Last Post on this thread because i don't want this go on no longer. Sorry for anything that I miss understand.

10 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-01 19:30 ID:OO6xP29i [Del]

>>8 This.
Pierogi, I just didn't want to derail my thread, nor did I wish for advertisement to another thraed. This is about basic dieting, which can involve nutrition, but isn't focused on it.

Also, to be blunt, you seemed a little patronizing. Please ask first rather than assume that the person you're speaking to is ignorant of the subject :O

11 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-01 22:40 ID:XJ/xsEDT [Del]

I never really had to lose weight. But one of the reasons I believe I never had much of a problem with weight gain is because I don't drink any soda or, as you said, not consuming all those artificial sugars.

12 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-03-02 00:31 ID:Kzjb7ysE [Del]

I've never really had to diet (lucky, I suppose), but I have seen many of my friends dieting, with varying success. One thing that does not work is simply trying to eat less, of course. Or even trying to exercise more without adjusting your diet at all. It will just make you hungrier, and you will relapse.

The key thing is to make the restrictions on your diet reasonable. It's stupid to swear off all fat-making foods or drinks, because that's way too unpleasant and unreasonable. Nobody can keep that up. Without becoming anorexic or something.

So what you really have to do is try to get to the root of the problem without overcomplicating things. One good way to do this is by simply counting calories. Of course, you have to watch where those calories are coming from, but as long as you don't eat/drink empty calories, cutting down on your calorie intake a bit will not leave you hungry. I strongly recommend Livestrong's "My Plate;" it makes tracking calories very easy and also gives you other useful information about your intakes of different stuffs.

The most important thing, though, is not to overdo it. >>1 That's too much weight in a month to be healthy, but >>3, it's nice to lose more than that, while it's still not unhealthy. It's probably better to shoot for a couple pounds a week.

The calories-tracking method has worked very successfully for multiple people I know, and have kept those people at a healthy weight for a while since; however, other methods—like the Atkins diet, and even just anorexia or bulimia—have had very little immediate effect and none whatsoever in the long run.

13 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2012-03-02 12:46 ID:rhtMKIqH (Image: 486x461 jpg, 40 kb) [Del]

src/1330714011409.jpg: 486x461, 40 kb

14 Name: Oberon : 2012-03-02 14:47 ID:gLbtphsv [Del]

my parents are all in to dieting and stuff, biggest things I learned are have very small amount of carbs (bread, pasta, any whole grain). watch "Fathead" its a documentary about a guy who tries to lose weight by eating only fast food. the guy is very practical and explains how the stuff they say in "Supersize me" is bogus.

15 Name: Chibi : 2012-03-02 16:27 ID:B/BtQp1+ [Del]

im just trying too eat not too much, not too little. Thats somthing a dear friend too me said^^

in the losing weight area i want too lose but im not really strong willed..

i have trainedd according too a schedule but it only worked until i got distracted, i am gonna try it out again cause it did work^^

this training is ONLY to train the stomach smaller and get thin: you gonna do the same things Three times a day; before breakfast, before lunch and one hour after lunch.
First: run a little while: only soo your heart is beating and you breath harder, then you do about 20 situps and 20 rear lifting. Then you do it all over again until your dead tired(dont overwork, but you are supposed too be tired.) thats about it. It does work but if you want good results you have too watch what your eating, im not telling ou to skip everything thats bad but dont eat too much of it^^

This again only or atleast affects the stomach the most.

Its not me that came up with this training it was a dear friend and i think a fellow dollar member^^

But good luck if you want too try it for the summer^^

16 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-03 18:32 ID:OO6xP29i [Del]

>>12 Yeah, I know that was a really rapid weight loss, which isn't good for your body. It's not like I had intended that to happen, though; it's just a quirk I found. Keep in mind, the year that I did that, I also participated in the Walkabout, which was a shatton of exercise with very little food in general.

I agree with everything you said. Just lessening what you eat or just raising how much you exercise won't do anything. You really have to change your actual diet and what you eat.

>>15 You know, if you eat a lot of good stuff, that's fine. You can eat ten times more than what you eat now and be healthy, as long as you're eating things which have low calorie compared to size, aren't too artificial or sugary, and/or are good for you in general.

That's an interesting exercise regiment. Not to sound like an idiot, but what is a rear lift? :V I don't need to lose weight, but I should really exercise more, so I'm curious.

17 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-03-03 21:22 ID:406c/U0p [Del]

>>16, not entirely true. If you eat too much of anything, whether it's healthy or not you will gain (or at least not lose) weight. I know this from personal experience. When we lived in Japan my mom constantly ate sushimi. She gained weight.
Back on topic. If you eat good foods and exercise you should be fine. If you seem to be gaining weight in spite of eating healthily and exercising you might be gaining muscle mass, so don't just go off of weight, go more off of how much fat you have on you.

18 Name: Drrr!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-03-05 08:18 ID:iTOaRNmF [Del]

and I like trains

19 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-09 15:26 ID:fOdHCuyl [Del]

>>17 Neither is your point. If you eat the right foods, you can eat as much as you want. Amount and calories don't matter if you are eating things that your body needs and quickly burns off. You should eat a variety of things, though; if you constantly eat the same thing, you're body isn't going to need it as much anymore, so it's not going to use it up as fast.

20 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-03-11 11:56 ID:fOdHCuyl [Del]

bump :O

21 Name: b-rabbit : 2012-03-12 20:42 ID:f9bGVR7k [Del]

lol Drrr

22 Name: b-rabbit : 2012-03-12 20:42 ID:f9bGVR7k [Del]

lol Drrr

23 Name: Chibi : 2012-03-13 09:32 ID:N1no14tn [Del]

>>16 what i Think of with " Good things" is cola, fat sauces and such, and if You want to be fit then its not Good too Eat too much of that, but im not saying to not Eat it, just dont Eat too much of it^^

in rear lift, i dont know the English Word for it so i translated it on google translate, its when You lie on your stomach and drag your torso up, no hands, You Work with your stomach, Kinda of a reversal sit-up, if You get what i mean, or Else i Will trycker to describe it better, im Kinda in a hurry right now

Sorry for bad English^^'

24 Name: Devil's Archer : 2012-03-13 15:49 ID:8Tbvyr+K [Del]

>>18 I like turtles.

25 Name: Damien : 2012-04-04 21:43 ID:n7xdpqpF [Del]

Something I've found really helpful for weight loss is to not cut out all the unhealthy things you love all at once. At first, I started just eating less in general, then slowly phased stuff like fast food and fried food out over several months. I still eat junk sometimes, and I still have a long way to go, but I've been on a slow, steady decline in weight for almost a year.

I've tried getting into shape so many times over the years, and so have people I know, and we always went about it with the mindset of 'I'm going to start dieting right now, and only drink diet soda, and not eat French fries, and be so super skinny!', and I've never seen anyone successfully lose any significant amount of weight until now.

26 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-04-05 00:46 ID:9YdGa40n [Del]

Unhealthy? Anything can be unhealthy in unnecessary amounts. Moderation is what it's all about.

You only need a few calories to do stuff. I know my shit, I'm in football and we work out every damn day. It really depends on what you're doing and what your physical fitness level is, but you want to get about 480-700 calories for a large work out session (lifting 45lbs+ dumbbells, benching 200lbs, and squatting 225lbs), and about 250-350 for moderate running. For walking around the block you'd probably go with 100.

Look on the nutritional label on the back. Pay attention to the Serving Size, Fat/Sugar, Protein, and Vitamins. If your food contains large amounts of sodium, you want to counter it by drinking water and eating a banana or two. You want to drink a lot of water because it will help get rid of the fat. Remember to eat calories in the morning and proteins & Calcium (with Vitamin D3) at night before bed.

When it comes to energy drinks, the best thing is 5-hour Energy, but try half at a time until you can handle the extra energy.

27 Name: Rikuo : 2012-04-05 06:57 ID:sm+jicAh [Del]

I don't really go on diets. I've been naturally thin since childhood xD I guess doing tae kwondo gave me some abs but I haven't been able to move around much right now and have been in bed almost all day 'cuz of a fracture. To my surprise, my figure is still the same! I even eat sweets all the time and nothing changes. Must be because of my metabolism ==.

I guess you could eat anything you like but should cut your meals half or only eat halfway before you're full then go jogging every morning and do sit ups 3 times a day xD
I also heard you could get thin by eating some certain fruits and vegetable in a whole week :3

28 Name: Mummy boy : 2013-03-17 10:00 ID:2m+fxG+4 [Del]

I eat, and work out alot