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Cookies 8D (23)

1 Name: Akuna Kuma : 2011-12-19 23:04 ID:94OVEIHt [Del]

I'm surprised not to see a thread on cookies ;A;
Anyway, any Cookie Fans? What's your favorite kind of cookie(s)?
Do you remember your first cookie? If so, did it taste good or awful?

2 Name: Loliprincess : 2011-12-19 23:08 ID:XvcVoTj1 [Del]

I love cookies!:D My two favorite cookies are chocolate chip and sugar cookies.:) I'm afraid I don't remember my first cookie.:( But no matter what, I HEART COOKIES!!! 8D

3 Name: Oden : 2011-12-20 02:12 ID:mP5PUujJ [Del]


4 Name: Shokua : 2011-12-20 05:57 ID:2MiZFUan [Del]

My favorite are homemade peanutbutter-chocolate chip cookies.

5 Name: Akuna Kuma : 2011-12-20 20:21 ID:94OVEIHt [Del]

x3 Oatmeal Raisin Cookies and Chocolate Chip are my favorites
:D and it's good to see some Cookie Fans here ;u; 8D

6 Name: TarteAuxPommes!o7FgAKUFnM : 2011-12-22 12:32 ID:kvZVeZUc [Del]

Oatmeal raisin cookies have always been my favorite right next to sugar cookies. I also have always adored the Cookie Monster lol.

7 Name: CG : 2011-12-22 16:24 ID:lLZHyFtb [Del]

Sugar cookies are my favorites! And I love chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips.

8 Name: Suri : 2011-12-23 01:56 ID:WuzFKapb [Del]

Shortbread Cookies. And Vietnamese Almond Cookies.

9 Name: Ranger : 2011-12-25 02:18 ID:pQOtlf8d [Del]

I'll make a fool of my self for a White chocolate macadamia

10 Name: GCkngiht : 2011-12-26 21:16 ID:y26qn+Ux [Del]

chocolate chip. luv it so much

11 Name: Ryn : 2011-12-27 03:07 ID:pgW92V1w [Del]

Chocolate Chip FTW~

12 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2012-02-15 10:08 ID:ipLblQEO [Del]

friends liked them
I have one left... I shall finally eat my own creation.

13 Name: Lakota : 2012-02-17 18:33 ID:bfGWwID9 [Del]

Sugar cookies! yummy!

14 Name: Jordan : 2012-02-18 21:05 ID:00fRny1G [Del]

I really like chocolate chip cookies.

15 Name: Bambi !!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-10 09:06 ID:bmE6yoLE (Image: 500x667 jpg, 72 kb) [Del]

src/1349877998411.jpg: 500x667, 72 kb
I love oreos o-o

16 Name: Bambi !!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-10 09:07 ID:bmE6yoLE [Del]

^ not my picture, by the way. Still, they're my favorite kind of cookie, and now I really want to try doing that :O

17 Name: hayhay=-= : 2012-10-10 14:34 ID:JUM650IL (Image: 600x399 jpg, 137 kb) [Del]

src/1349897687571.jpg: 600x399, 137 kb
Russian Tea Cakes are definitely my favorite~!!! So delicious!

18 Name: cheshire : 2012-10-11 17:26 ID:BJ2q+uTp [Del]

>>15omg gtfo this is my oreo now

19 Name: peewee : 2012-10-12 04:50 ID:NEr/U3Uj [Del]

>>17 Wow man I haven't had those in such a loong time D: I had them like only a couple times but I remember that they were good.. I wonder if I can buy them locally somewhere LOL

20 Name: Chibi : 2012-10-15 05:07 ID:O5ckiFUm [Del]

I guess my favourite is chocolate-chip, and if it counts Macaroons(Chocolate)

21 Name: Paatback : 2012-10-15 15:58 ID:afi5TlfR (Image: 460x335 jpg, 40 kb) [Del]

src/1350334698904.jpg: 460x335, 40 kb

22 Name: Chibi : 2012-10-16 07:10 ID:O5ckiFUm [Del]

>>21 Then just eat them??

Problem solved~~

23 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-10-16 16:17 ID:4kiSynb3 [Del]

My roommate recently has been really fond of making home-made chocolate chip cookies

With cinnamon

It's actually really good. Anyone have any good recipes for shit I could recommend next time I want free cookies? :V