Dollars BBS | Food
















What is the weirdest food combo you've tried? (56)

1 Name: Riu : 2011-11-28 14:51 ID:/OCe+zr+ [Del]

Well as for me I just ate a cupcake with chicken noodle soups :D

2 Name: Enjeru : 2011-11-28 15:36 ID:5ivQW+js [Del]

Sardines with hot sauce and peaches ....

3 Name: こなた : 2011-11-28 17:03 ID:uc/J4hQR [Del]


4 Name: violetstrings : 2011-11-29 04:25 ID:UgHTsciK [Del]

Lengua [tongue of Cows] with balot in top [a filipino food; unborn chick in an egg ] ang pizza mix in it.

I remember there is already a thread about this...

5 Name: Bankai : 2011-11-29 14:33 ID:sLG/gU1p [Del]

lets see. Bananas with fat cakes and milk. :P

6 Name: Yuuki Terumi : 2011-11-29 16:24 ID:RRjf4D4P (Image: 322x451 png, 118 kb) [Del]

src/1322605481482.png: 322x451, 118 kb
Boiled eggs.

7 Name: Ryuugan : 2011-11-29 16:25 ID:RRjf4D4P [Del]

I like cranberry sauce(jelly), Mac and cheese, and a full rack of BBQ ribs.

8 Name: Appelsina : 2011-11-29 16:29 ID:2s4uZjmH [Del]

Uh, the most odd food combo I've eaten was just by using soda with cereal instead of milk. Haha.

9 Name: FragileIris : 2011-11-29 18:22 ID:Qp7PegLz [Del]

Corn on the cob and BBQ sauce

10 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2011-11-29 18:34 ID:Ru4cIeu1 [Del]

>>9 ? That's pretty normal I think

corn syrup with cheddar cheese and silver nitride (don't ask, ended up in the hospital and a F on my lab grade)

11 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2011-11-29 20:30 ID:IQ2pRRUS [Del]

probably nacho cheese and cookies. xD tried it at lunch at school and all my friends were grossed out

12 Name: Darasuum : 2011-11-29 21:00 ID:1RUmxrEX [Del]

i can't think of the weirdest one but a recent one is an onion/jalapeno bagel with sour cotton candy in it.
it was delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 Name: Ta-kun : 2011-11-29 21:02 ID:gZZno2fj [Del]

Maple syrip on a corndog and mixed with jello

14 Name: anity : 2011-11-29 22:08 ID:Ro84hwOl [Del]

pepperoni pizza with skittles and cherry airheads tasted like bubble gum

15 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-11-29 23:46 ID:579udDlZ [Del]

Pizza and Beef Niharai (indian like curry) was da bomb
Not weirdest but most unlikely tasty combination

16 Name: PsycheBunny !mfbNb4JzaM : 2011-11-30 08:45 ID:zXLpbYGR [Del]

Macaroni and cheese mixed with applesauce

17 Name: LeCroske : 2011-11-30 14:33 ID:vgTPr4q4 [Del]

I put some Nutella on my fried chicken once.

18 Name: Yami : 2011-11-30 14:45 ID:gGGa7ePG [Del]

My brother did Cool-aid and rice... @~@

19 Name: uhm : 2011-11-30 18:17 ID:clwgktiS [Del]

Ice cream and french fries. I highly recommend you guys try this

20 Name: RcKoZ159 : 2011-11-30 18:25 ID:HFIYt0hd [Del]

PB&J Sandwich with Ham.
It's pretty tasty to be honest haha.

21 Name: Kureno : 2011-12-01 10:01 ID:JFVjy6de [Del]

My most recent weird combo was Pringles and chocolate. Pretty good if I do say so.

22 Name: Xaiver !0fsqI5a1g2 : 2011-12-01 12:21 ID:WhtjLP/C [Del]

Cinnamon on tacos. Top that, I dare you.

23 Name: Ranzama : 2011-12-02 10:55 ID:L9P9/yWY [Del]

The weirdest food combination was mixing ketchup and mustard before dipping salt and vinger chips into it. Pretty tasty in my opinion.

24 Name: KaptainKrunch : 2011-12-02 12:33 ID:dLjvTOxn [Del]

Chocolate covered bacon! :3

25 Name: Zen Kawano : 2011-12-02 19:50 ID:vTVIhOg/ [Del]

Fish Stics and maple syrup. not that bad actually.

26 Name: Maaku : 2011-12-02 20:13 ID:QlYiAXa+ [Del]


27 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2011-12-02 21:32 ID:x/2beP3V [Del]

Uhh, chocolate chip cookies and pasta I think...not too sure, I mix alot of foods; but that weirded my friends out the most xD

28 Name: Maaku : 2011-12-02 22:33 ID:QlYiAXa+ [Del]

i assume everyone has seen the movie elf now thats a weirdest food the whole spagetti thing

29 Name: Unknown Apple : 2011-12-04 01:16 ID:YBLkKKGN [Del]

Tuna and...... GRAM CRACKERS!!! :D

30 Name: frevorforever : 2011-12-04 07:51 ID:8Tbvyr+K [Del]

Frosted animal crackers and BBQ sauce...yeah...

31 Name: Knightlywill : 2011-12-04 15:32 ID:a+i7XX63 [Del]

"Congratulations!Best coffee in the world!" lol Buddy

32 Name: SaintSoul : 2011-12-05 00:12 ID:V/PPtHcc [Del]

Salmon burger with BBQ sauce, rice, and jalapenos with some kind of energy drink. (Was feeling daring)

33 Name: r3d : 2011-12-05 19:48 ID:ShaN9jTF [Del]

I like to eat a chicken wrap with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and hot sauce. Don't deny it 'till you try it!

34 Name: Animadversor !9XbiR6YbYc : 2011-12-06 01:03 ID:nxoB45B+ [Del]

Just had some brownies with whipped cream, grape juice, and a teriyaki chicken microwave meal- what's not to love?

35 Name: Kagamineh : 2011-12-06 11:18 ID:Q9yLlENU [Del]

Ketchup in caramel yogurt. c:

36 Name: JinMasato : 2011-12-08 11:22 ID:cF5eSTXj [Del]

I would so try some Russian Sushi

37 Name: The Doctor : 2011-12-08 21:54 ID:LZGwwwso [Del]

I once tried to eat food like Van from gunsword and put ALL CONDIMENTS on a food..... forgot what it was though.... never did it again. XP

38 Name: tanuki : 2011-12-09 08:56 ID:deqSZO/E [Del]

back in elementary school i used to mix chicken strips and cookie dough! everybody thought it was weir but i liked it ^^

39 Name: Shibatou.. : 2011-12-09 18:34 ID:j8C2IyPk [Del]

Pickle juice with onions...

40 Name: RiChi-SaMa : 2011-12-11 08:10 ID:8/5zUJ7y [Del]

it was a mix of meat, potatto, ketchup, chocolate, chicken, tomato, onion, umm sugar and salt, broccoli and cauliflower... i think it's all. it tasted... nice~ hahah

41 Name: linkotaku : 2011-12-11 13:04 ID:4iNdAzWn [Del]

french fries and ice cream <.< not bad...

42 Name: Lynne : 2011-12-11 15:08 ID:DQZZ69rN [Del]

>>41 I do that ALL the time~

Ketchup and coke. I mixed the ketchup and coke inside my mouth because I felt like it...
I don't remember the taste anymore but I know it wasn't that bad. Not really food combo...

Oh and also, Coke and Rice. Yep. Not bad at all! Except the taste might be a little bleh but it's fine.

43 Name: Tommy : 2011-12-11 23:39 ID:I+NO6kJt [Del]

lol when i was little i made a sandwich consisting of salami ketchup cheese mustard spaghetti noodles peanut butter n more salami with hot sauce, all in 1, ate it all, was a lil below ok but wasnt bad, i think i was either trying to make my own original krabby patty or a protein sandwich

44 Name: red mi$t : 2011-12-11 23:45 ID:/yKLdRTr [Del]

crunchy cheetos and chocolate pudding

45 Name: Alu : 2011-12-12 06:37 ID:7vxh8wVR [Del]

Salami, provolone cheese,strawberrie, and a piece of peprment bark. Serve it at holiday partys it might catch on.

46 Name: Hayate : 2011-12-12 15:22 ID:81dnndvF [Del]

sausages with chocolate cream, also salami pizza with honey :)

47 Name: Sorajima Aiko : 2011-12-12 15:57 ID:a7IEz2+O [Del]

Peanut Butter and cheese.

Ooh, or Chicken in queso sauce

48 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-13 07:29 ID:l5sFso2U [Del]

Ramen Noodles with chopped hotdogs and a boiled egg.

49 Name: Shuriachi : 2011-12-13 12:18 ID:k33KS4N5 [Del]

Peanut butter and mustard dipped in Kool-Aid....

50 Name: mimi : 2011-12-13 18:52 ID:BSAy9A+U [Del]

>>49 that sounds extreme

51 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-14 02:22 ID:kBpZT7xq [Del]

>>48 dude idk what youre talking bout, thats delicious! wait..i guess it would have to depend on what flavor and type of ramen youre talking about, but still...P:

52 Name: SpicyJet : 2011-12-14 07:32 ID:zR/QoQIy [Del]

Fried broccoli with chocolate jam and ice cube

53 Name: Narika : 2011-12-14 14:49 ID:LCce3twI [Del]

Chocolate filled hot chocolate sauce with wine.. That was weird!

54 Name: Juumonji's Cocoa!yZs/RnAftw : 2011-12-14 17:32 ID:y+Ck4/n3 [Del]

Hrm... those multicoloured liquorice candies and a hamburger bun.

55 Name: Raix : 2011-12-15 13:34 ID:2fJ9DLOS [Del]

you dont want to know... lets just say i chugged a whole bottle of mountain dew down after eating the whatever it was that my friend dared me to eat just to get the taste out of my mouth. i hate truth or dare now haha.

56 Name: RzrBlzr : 2011-12-15 16:31 ID:YdugDcRy [Del]

pizza with peanut butter as the sauce with mushrooms and pepperoni ...