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I don't always Derp, but when I do... (15)

1 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-07-16 05:31 ID:lq1LborP [Del]

So I just put an entire vidalia onion (a single ring is as wide as a slice of bread) into a pan that had four eggs in it.

All I can taste and smell right now is onion, the horror is more than I thought possible. I like onions and I consider this to be too cruel to wish on anyone.

ITT: Things you or someone else did while cooking which had terrible or funny results.

2 Name: Chitose : 2011-07-16 05:34 ID:Fj7Kavz9 [Del]

Gotta love cooking derps.

Anyways, I haven't derped yet, but my brother messed up the rice to water ratio one night.

The rice cooked/fluffed to a point where we had to basically force the stupid rice cooker open. |: 15-30 minutes wasted.

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-07-16 05:38 ID:qz76z2L7 [Del]

One time my grandma was cooking this dish (for those who know, it was supposed to be sinigang).
She's very forgetful sometimes.

We usually use a tamarind soup mix, which ends up tangy but not thick at all. Watery, even. It's cooked with spices and junk that complement this flavor, and things like radishes.

She used mushroom soup instead.
The really, really thick and creamy kind.

I wouldn't say it was bad, just...
...strange. And bad.

4 Name: Holden : 2011-07-16 16:38 ID:47VGS8CR [Del]

Well, I keep the flour and sugar next to each other... And they're kept in the same kind of container... So, yeah... My last cake did not turn out so well.

5 Name: Ciela : 2011-07-17 10:52 ID:zISES6lp [Del]

Well, when I make tea my salt and sugar are both in the same cupboard, and one day when i was listening to music while making tea I acciddently put salt into my tea instead of sugar.
You can probably imagine the results...

6 Name: マシンガン : 2011-07-25 22:55 ID:bQ6de2LJ [Del]

xD I'm experimenting with my pumpkin pie recipe (I use Libby's recipe as a base and tweak it as I go), and although I've never had something uneatable, I've had..a pretty bad pie (or at least for my standards).

I like my pumpkin pie really gingery, but I wasn't paying careful and ended up dumping a LOT of ground cloves in the mixture. In case you don't know, it's supposed to have cloves in it...but not that much. Nonetheless, I thought it'd be okay and went ahead and baked it, and although the pie still tasted good it had kinda a crunchy texture because the cloves didn't dissolve. It didn't really matter though because the only reason I made it is because my sister told me to make some for her boyfriend. ("Why don't you make it yourself?" came to mind, but I've learned not to talk back to elders.)

7 Name: Willow : 2011-07-26 16:29 ID:rdGBBbvs [Del]

I was attempting to make breadsticks one time. And I didn't add a whole lot of water, which makes the dough very crumbly. But I was too add any more and get the right texture....I ate buttery, garlicy biscuits that night. Lol.

8 Name: Firo : 2011-07-29 18:04 ID:p7Qnsj2C [Del]

i was really hungry and sleepy one night, id say around 2am. i viciously craving for some rice (i moved out of my house and i havent had rice in a good 2 weeks). so i decided to get up and cook the only cup of rice we had in our cupboard. you know how youre suppose to let it boil and when the water is mostly dissolved you cover it? i fell asleep and woke up with a smokey apartment and a smell of coffee.

9 Name: Prince : 2011-08-02 10:07 ID:/+VUx1Uz [Del]

>>8 Where'd the coffee come from..?! haha

I haven't derped yet, but the latest close call I had was almost putting a brownie in my spicy instant ramen. I don't know how it would've tasted, but I'm half tempted to try it once I make more brownies..

10 Name: マシンガン : 2011-08-03 01:45 ID:bQ6de2LJ [Del]

>>9 You never know, it might taste good. xD Like Mexican hot chocolate is kinda spicy but good. *__*

11 Name: Touketsu : 2011-08-15 15:45 ID:zNM3bkL0 [Del]

>>1 Is that really a derp? I had leftover unused onions a few nights ago, and I've been getting rid of them one at a time, in my breakfast eggs ever since.

12 Name: Sakiko~*!Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-15 23:04 ID:/jgC4Pv9 [Del]

My friend and I really wanted chocolate cake one day but we didnt have any eggs... so we used applesauce... Her idea! It was actually really good and melted in your mouth. ^~^

13 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-16 12:51 ID:BnET63ts [Del]

>>9 How..did you manage to almost do that?

>>11 An ENTIRE onion? With how many eggs? According to the size of the onion Navi used, each one is worth like 2 or 3 eggs in mass, with a much stronger taste. If you actually eat your eggs like this though, more power to you I guess.

14 Name: Touketsu : 2011-08-17 13:13 ID:zNM3bkL0 [Del]

>>13 Widest it gets is to where it can touch all sides of a slice of bread, now that I think about it, there isn't much to compare on onion to size wise. I usually use about 3-4 eggs, today I used 5 because I didn't want to leave just one egg in the fridge.

15 Name: マシンガン !v0GixqO39k : 2011-08-17 13:46 ID:bQ6de2LJ [Del]

>>13 Do you ever get out a bunch of things, like milk and cookies, and put the cookies in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard? It was probably one of those instances. Instead of putting the fork in the ramen he or she stuck a brownie in it.