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ice cream sandwich (20)

1 Name: mochi-kun : 2011-05-20 10:29 ID:k5S1Hr5N (Image: 320x256 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1305905374012.jpg: 320x256, 16 kb
i really love these stuff~!!!
they're so sweet and soooo cute~!!!

2 Name: Masked : 2011-05-22 20:34 ID:pekBncZo [Del]

Loves sooo yummy~ I wanna eat it ^-^

3 Name: Masked : 2011-05-22 20:34 ID:pekBncZo [Del]

Looks* typo v_v

4 Name: Ad90 : 2011-05-25 04:38 ID:WPuktn/9 (Image: 480x640 jpg, 67 kb) [Del]

src/1306316282054.jpg: 480x640, 67 kb
mom's homemade clear soup with noodle...
it looks a little messy but it taste good;D

5 Name: piyo piyo : 2011-05-25 06:10 ID:k5S1Hr5N [Del]

okay that soup looks scary but i want to eat it at the same time...

6 Name: Ad90 : 2011-05-25 17:06 ID:/b+4mHNE [Del]

yeah, I know(^^,)... probably because of the veggies sticking out of the bowl.

7 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-25 19:35 ID:3imEJ3cy [Del]

>>4 That's a nice ice cream sandwich.

8 Name: Sensei : 2011-06-04 07:27 ID:5cf0F1Au [Del]

Waah! those ice cream sandwiches looks good! I'd love to buy one. Eh... too bad we only have ice cream cakes from where I live

9 Name: Mael : 2011-06-05 09:05 ID:30sz0rf+ [Del]

>>4 what kind of ice cream is that?

10 Name: Satoh : 2011-06-06 02:05 ID:tKzU80H/ [Del]

that makes me hungry e_e

11 Name: Nagi : 2011-06-08 23:51 ID:8YP7++gZ [Del]

Where could those biscuits be bought? :) They're so cute.. <3

12 Name: Shirley : 2011-06-09 03:32 ID:+s8rDfhZ [Del]

YUMMY~ :-}

13 Name: Anri : 2011-06-10 21:43 ID:o77pdJmL [Del]

Uwa~ That looks so good :)

14 Name: akemi22 : 2011-06-12 08:15 ID:UgHTsciK [Del]

it looks delicious. I want some.

15 Name: Konton : 2011-06-17 14:30 ID:UA3K7OnI [Del]

My little brother made something like this for me before. It tasted wonderful!

16 Name: Takara : 2011-06-18 07:42 ID:7WkDDVlE [Del]

A part of me died when I saw this picture. Mainly because I felt like ice cream after seeing it and found nothing in the fridge...

17 Name: Eri-chan : 2011-06-25 15:08 ID:9JpKpexv [Del] CUTE. I want to make those nao! ;u;

18 Name: sayuuki : 2011-06-26 01:30 ID:8nsiTeID [Del]

orz looks so yummy~~~
i wonder if i can find those in my country >_<

19 Name: Merill : 2011-07-02 00:09 ID:FR8ZmZa4 [Del]

Oh lawd, what is this truly precious confection I have stumbled upon? ;_; <3

20 Name: Reira : 2011-07-09 11:49 ID:+n82kte3 [Del]

I loo~ve ice cream sandwiches:]! too bad I have problems when bitting it because my teeth hurt ;_;