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Whale... (19)

1 Name: Tsuki!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2011-04-28 19:11 ID:k+JNisVt (Image: 648x388 jpg, 252 kb) [Del]

src/1304035911825.jpg: 648x388, 252 kb
I found this...and it scares me. Do people think I should open it?

2 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-04-28 20:13 ID:NGsuOU2c [Del]

You can always trik your friends into opening it. Thats what their for :)

3 Name: Kanna : 2011-04-29 03:27 ID:WfkRmtmD [Del]

It's pretty good...although i only had the korean version though -.-

4 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-29 14:10 ID:VbzYE6o+ [Del]

Contains bits of real whale inside!

5 Name: Hsin : 2011-04-30 05:56 ID:faw/UqZj [Del]

open it without any hesitance >v<
it tastes good~~ i love it

6 Name: Enni : 2011-05-02 05:49 ID:MAoW+/8B [Del]

Many fish! In crunchy barbecue flavor
Oh boy it sounds delicious.

7 Name: stalkerwing : 2011-05-16 03:35 ID:kZrJSD5f [Del]

eat it! eat it! eat it!
I luv this stuff~~~!

>>6 enni, u can read chinese? O.O

8 Name: Enni : 2011-05-16 06:53 ID:Y1blfWoP [Del]

I am Chinese.

9 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-16 14:56 ID:VbzYE6o+ [Del]

>>8 So enni, u can read chinese? :O

10 Name: Enni : 2011-05-17 07:33 ID:Y1blfWoP [Del]

Why yes. How surprising that a Chinese man can read Chinese, eh?

11 Name: Kaze : 2011-05-17 18:27 ID:fDYx1mRz [Del]

To be fair I know a few friends of mine are Chinese but can't speak it or write it.

12 Name: Enni : 2011-05-18 06:27 ID:Y1blfWoP [Del]

Those people aren't really Chinese, they're phony.

13 Name: Enni : 2011-05-18 06:27 ID:Y1blfWoP [Del]

Those people aren't really Chinese, they're phony.

14 Name: Tsuki!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2011-05-26 13:50 ID:k+JNisVt [Del]

I opened the box. It was amazing inside. Like a...sea world disco.

The crackers well pretty good as well.

15 Name: Kuro_Dreams : 2011-06-06 01:03 ID:5Dly7Vk1 [Del]

Gawk! You're right... That does scare me as well

16 Name: Nate : 2011-06-27 16:01 ID:FRoKBrOq [Del]

that whale is stoned off his ass

17 Name: Leo : 2011-06-30 16:32 ID:tVm1bSYx [Del]

Kuro_Dreams, you should have said, "than does scare me as whale!" lol

18 Name: kenichi : 2011-06-30 22:06 ID:FRoKBrOq [Del]

leo that was kinda lame

19 Name: Leo : 2011-06-30 22:09 ID:tVm1bSYx [Del]

*sigh* I know, I saw it their, and I just had to. would you not have done the same?