Dollars BBS | Countries




















Group Texts for Dollars (74)

1 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-04 02:39 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

So I've been thinking that if the main goal of the Dollars is to make the world a better place, then we need a fast way to get notified of things going on. A way we could do that is by creating a Group Me group for each country, province, and/or state. That way if something like a kidnapping happened nearby, in Texas for example, then all we would need to do is send a text about info we know in the Texas chat. An example would look something like: "Hey any Dollars in the Dallas, Texas area should be on the look out for a kidnnaper," followed by any information you can give.

These chats can be used for regular communication as well, but the main reason I want to do this is so that we can do things more efficiently than a message board. If you agree, we can try to organize things to make this possible!

2 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-04 12:23 ID:TUcnMm4U [Del]

After sleeping on it I realize that it might be better to do this through email. The main reasons are that Group Me would require users to give up their phone numbers to be added, which may not be the safest or most comfortable thing for users to do. The other problem is that if the chat is used as a normal chat room, people's phones might get blown up with notifications and people will mute it, defeating the purpose of the chat.

Now I know there is a general Dollars group email, however, I feel like it might work better if we created smaller groups for different regions so that members can respond quickly to things happening nearby.

3 Name: Kimitara : 2016-09-04 12:32 ID:TxzR2Uib [Del]

I'd be interested in this if enough people from the country/state signed on. It'd be cool to help make a real difference!

4 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-04 13:32 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

Glad to hear it Kimitara!

5 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-04 14:08 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

I just had another idea, and I think it might be the best one yet! We could make a Facebook group for the Dollars in our area. All the members have to do is request to join, no email or phone numbers required. Then, you just need to go to settings> notifications> group activity, click edit, and set the group to notify you about all posts made in the group. After that, just make sure to turn notifications on for Facebook in your phone's settings and your done!

6 Name: Kimitara : 2016-09-04 14:46 ID:TxzR2Uib [Del]

If people don't mind sharing their real name that would work out well - people can still keep their profiles private after all.
After checking out the countries I think somewhere like the UK would benefit more from a larger group rather than broken down into regions.

7 Name: BloodyBlackCat : 2016-09-04 15:00 ID:GGPZBDtU [Del]

I like this idea. I'm in. Any way I can help?

8 Name: Natsumi : 2016-09-04 15:38 ID:ef10CyVg [Del]

I personally think the email idea is a better idea, as not many people would like to give out their real identity.
I would like to join this if it is done by email :)

9 Name: Slash : 2016-09-04 16:20 ID:OoaSUJMJ [Del]

I second the email idea because dollars tend to prefer to be anonymous

10 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-04 16:34 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

I see your point Slash and Natsumi. Ok, so I guess the best way is by using email.

11 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-04 16:43 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

So, the way that I think we would go about doing this is we would have to make separate threads for each regions group and dedicate it solely to providing emails. That way you can quickly go through the list and add contacts to your email whenever a new person wants to join, as well as making the thread as short as possible.

Of course, by creating so many threads, we would need a thread that can redirect members to their regions thread since those threads eventually won't be visible due to how many there will be.

>>7 A way everyone can help is they can provide ideas and alternatives that could make this idea even better or run smoother.

Also, once we've settled on an idea, several of us would need to be in charge of creating the threads for people to provide their emails for their areas.

12 Name: Kimitara : 2016-09-04 18:03 ID:TxzR2Uib [Del]

If we want to reduce the number of threads we could do something similar to what Valdr did with the Dollars text group. Set up one large thread with region grouped e-mails (so a google group for Texas members for example) and let people apply to join them as they wish. It'd require one person to manage the group, but then everyone could quickly get in contact with all the other members.

13 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-04 19:14 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

>>12 I like that, that sounds a heck of a lot easier than creating hundreds of threads!

14 Name: Kimitara : 2016-09-05 03:43 ID:TxzR2Uib [Del]

So what regions do we have interest from so far? I'm from the UK and don't mind managing the invites for that. Where's everyone else from?

15 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-05 11:38 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

I'm from Texas.

16 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-05 12:01 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

Also, I looked at the thread for the Dollars email and I see that they actually use Group Me. They just use the emails to invite people to the group, so if we want to do something similar to the general Dollars chat, we would have to use Group Me. Just wasn't sure if everyone was aware of that.

17 Name: Merizaya : 2016-09-05 12:30 ID:1tiuVe5U [Del]

this seems pretty legit but i dont think a lot of people from my country are on this site tho

18 Name: Kimitara : 2016-09-05 13:49 ID:TxzR2Uib [Del]

I'm fine using Group Me, I guess the only issue now is getting a decent amount of people together from each country.
We could each try bringing up this idea on our countries threads or asking the main Dollars Group Me if many people there would be interested joining a second group that's more news orientated?

>>17 What country are you from Merizaya? If we ask around we're sure to find other people in your area!

19 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-05 15:12 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

>>18 The best way to inform people about this would be if we posted a thread on Main. It's also reasonable to assume that these chats won't fill up with people very quickly, it will most likely be a gradual effort, especially for countries with a smaller number of Dollars.

20 Name: KrystalSakura : 2016-09-05 17:31 ID:fDXgiK5f [Del]

I would love to join.

21 Name: KrystalSakura : 2016-09-05 17:32 ID:fDXgiK5f [Del]

After all, isn't this what the Dollars are about?

22 Name: Seri-chan : 2016-09-05 17:42 ID:J/5+eu8d [Del]

I'd love to join this too. If the Dollars want to be anything more than a name, we have to be able to contact each other. Are there any other Dollars in Florida?

23 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-05 19:12 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

It looks like a lot of people are starting to discover this! In all honesty, the only thing really keeping us now from going through with this is two things:
1)We need to figure out if we want to post the thread that will start this in Countries or if we want to take a risk and put it on Main for more exposure.
2)We need to have at least one person in charge of each country for adding members to the chat of their region so that we can give people an email to send their information to.

With places with several regions like the U.S., we may have to make a few people in charge of all the provinces/states in their country, at least until more people start to offer to take up the job. If possible, I would like to have at least one person for all the countries with the most Dollars (ie. U.S.A., Europe, Japan, etc.) before getting this started.

24 Name: Kimitara : 2016-09-06 06:04 ID:xSsGv4Pv [Del]

Quite a few things over the past few days have been quickly bumped down on Main I've noticed from all the newbie guide, so it'll probably be easier to keep it in view on the Countries board.
We can always pop it up on Main later after we've got a few groups going.

I'm fine with taking charge of the UK/EU chat ( That sounds like a good plan! If we get started by covering larger areas as more people join we can narrow it down to regions/states.

25 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-06 11:56 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

Thanks Kimitara! That's a big help!

26 Name: KiashaKota : 2016-09-06 12:10 ID:bL4qsHav [Del]


27 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-06 14:58 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

Since I'm from Texas, I can be one of the people in charge of the U.S. chat.

28 Name: Kimitara : 2016-09-06 15:06 ID:TxzR2Uib [Del]

Sounds good :D Are there any other countries interested who want to take charge of a group?
If not we can start with just our e-mails to get things rolling. Also UK/EU Group Me is all set and ready! \(^▽^)/

29 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-06 17:21 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

If more people want to help with the U.S. region, we need to figure out who would be in charge of which states.

30 Name: Sugiura Asuka : 2016-09-07 12:08 ID:GSCZ6Cp8 [Del]

I'm from Vermont,Us. I can help manage my State. If you need to get in touch with me about this idea my email is:

31 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-07 12:46 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

>>30 Great! That's a big help! The way I see it, we will need to put multiple people in charge of several state chats since waiting for 40+ people to be interested in helping the U.S. will take a long time. I want to have 5 people in charge of the U.S. chats at the very least so we can assign 10 states to each person, although, I wouldn't mind having more than 5! So far only Sugiura and I have directly stated that we would help with the U.S., so if anyone else is willing, I would really appreciate it!

32 Post deleted by user.

33 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-07 17:51 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


34 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-08 10:21 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

Hey Seri-chan, you're from Florida right? Would you be willing to help with the U.S. chats?

35 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-08 17:23 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

I think we've waited long enough to start this, I only need one more thing to take care of. Sugiura Asuka, you and I will have to create the chats for the fifty states. We'll get our home states of course, so that leaves 48. Do you care which ones you're in charge of or should I just pick them at random?

36 Name: Seri-chan : 2016-09-08 18:49 ID:J/5+eu8d [Del]

I don't mind being in charge for some of the states. Since I'm in Florida, I can cover a few of the southeastern states if you'd like. Shoot me an email about the chats at

37 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-08 21:41 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

>>36 That's great, thanks Seri-chan! I will definitely email both you and Sugiura once I figure out how to divide the states now that there's 3 of us doing the U.S. chats. My email is btw.

38 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-09 12:59 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


39 Name: Anonymous : 2016-09-09 18:39 ID:Kj+npqGJ [Del]


40 Name: reverberate !SUnndJXY4E : 2016-09-10 09:58 ID:Kj+npqGJ [Del]


41 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-10 15:27 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


42 Name: Adriane : 2016-09-11 09:53 ID:/CIx90+H [Del]

This is an awesome idea! Bump~

43 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-11 11:18 ID:t3R1Q2rK [Del]

Hey Sugiura, I've been sending emails to you and Seri-chan discussing the U.S. chat but you haven't been responding. If you haven't been seeing the messages, you may want to check your spam mail.

44 Name: Reverberate !SUnndJXY4E : 2016-09-11 16:15 ID:Kj+npqGJ [Del]


45 Name: ONI : 2016-09-11 16:47 ID:1kd4lCg2 [Del]

Is there a Canada, On chat currently?

46 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-11 19:56 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

>>45 no a chat has yet to be made because no one has volunteered to help with Canada. Would you be willing to?

47 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-12 09:54 ID:NHONKZIK [Del]


48 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-12 22:17 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


49 Name: Nuru : 2016-09-13 11:53 ID:1aIcuUVa (Image: 541x700 gif, 4 kb) [Del]

src/1473785622730.gif: 541x700, 4 kb
1'm 1n, y0u h4v3 3y35 1n n0r7h c4r0l1n4

50 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-13 12:15 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


51 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-14 13:06 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


52 Name: Reverberate !SUnndJXY4E : 2016-09-14 20:07 ID:Kj+npqGJ [Del]


53 Name: Neko : 2016-09-15 02:59 ID:xvTC1I9D [Del]

The idea is great, but unfortunately there are only 3!!!!!!! Dollars in my whole country T_T I'm the only one from my city, which is sad....

54 Name: Reverberate !SUnndJXY4E : 2016-09-15 14:25 ID:Kj+npqGJ [Del]


55 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-15 18:46 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

>>53 If you're basing that off of the Dollars Map or your countries thread, you may actually have more Dollars nearby than you think. Not everyone registers on the map and not everyone from a country or state will post in their thread. And if there really are only 3 Dollars in your country, then we can combine countries into chats, we've actually been doing that for the U.S. chat to give states with fewer Dollars people to talk to.

On a side note, we're planning on doing something like a demo of the chats that will be revealed in this thread before we make it official, so be on the look out for that.

56 Name: Neko : 2016-09-15 22:59 ID:xvTC1I9D [Del]

>>55 Ok ))

57 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-16 14:22 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


58 Name: Reverberate !SUnndJXY4E : 2016-09-17 10:40 ID:Kj+npqGJ [Del]


59 Post deleted by user.

60 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-18 15:41 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


61 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-18 15:56 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

I haven't heard from Sugiura or Seri-chan in a while, so progress on the U.S. chat has almost come to a stop. If I have to, I will be in charge of the entire U.s. chat so that we can get this thing started, however, I would appreciate help! If Sugiura and Seri-chan do get in touch again, I would still like to have more help if possible since there are so many states, however, only volunteer to help if you can be active often. If you volunteer, you will be in charge of creating and inviting members to your chats, so it carries with it a lot of responsibility.

62 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-19 12:44 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


63 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-19 14:27 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


64 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-20 17:37 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]


65 Name: QuaTheOtaku : 2016-09-20 19:21 ID:buGsKqLd [Del]

N.C USA ( I can this state

66 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-21 09:17 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

Thanks QuaTheOtaku, I'll be sending you an email about the details soon! With your help, I can hopefully get this thing up and running today!

67 Name: Sakura : 2016-09-21 13:46 ID:ooNbaVdU [Del]

We should make one for Romania too!

68 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-22 14:04 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

>>67 Kimitara is actually in charge of the Europe chats and is already including Romania, so we got you covered! :)

69 Name: [Leader] Admin : 2016-09-22 19:38 ID:NgDCeaBv [Del]

If saomething happens, go to this email and let other dollars know. Its 's Our next meeting is in tthe near future.

70 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-23 16:28 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

>>69 I'm actually still relatively new to the site, so forgive me, but I don't exactly know what you mean by this. Is this like a meeting that all the Dollars have where they discuss things to do with the site, and what do you mean by something happening? Are you talking about something good or bad?

71 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-23 17:00 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

Hey everyone, just letting you know that we're ready to make this official! I'll be making the thread right now so be on the look out for it!

72 Name: Siler Wolf : 2016-09-23 18:13 ID:DZzjz3oj [Del]


73 Name: Commander Wof : 2016-09-23 18:51 ID:cz2Nl5Bl [Del]

It's up now, so go check it out! Thanks for your patience!

74 Name: Blackheart : 2016-09-24 07:52 ID:cpJtMHit [Del]

Sounds good to me