Dollars BBS | Countries




















Countries Board
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Countries Board Index Thread: Your Map to the Right Threads V5 (628)

1 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2021-02-22 01:56 ID:XNrToyHK [Del]

This is your friendly, neighbourhood indexing thread, ready and willing to serve and protect you against derps, duplicates and unnecessary spam. Use the following indices to find your Country and/or State/Province.

Do not create a thread in this board unless your country is NOT listed (fyi, it probably is)!


>>1 Details
>>2 Need-to-know Threads
>>3 Countries Threads (A-L)
>>4 Countries Threads (M-V)
>>5 United States and Territories Threads
>>6 Canada Threads
>>7 United Kingdom Threads
>>8 Australian State Threads

626 Name: 死神 : 2024-12-27 15:20 ID:VVWy6Qxi [Del]


627 Name: 死神 : 2024-12-30 13:10 ID:udXJ5eq7 [Del]


628 Name: 死神 : 2025-01-05 11:10 ID:LgHj27T5 [Del]


Brazilian Dollars (797)

1 Name: H : 2011-10-03 16:23 ID:I6Bg2iXJ [Del]

Chamada para todos os Dollars brasileiros.

795 Name: Lilitakana : 2023-11-26 23:04 ID:xEx+3STf [Del]


796 Name: ryuuw : 2024-12-08 01:00 ID:GAga9+Dr [Del]

amigos, alguém aí de belo horizonte - mg que gostaria de fazer um encontro? manda pro email

797 Name: Saito-san : 2025-01-04 20:57 ID:0oQEc6sU [Del]

Não esqueci totalmente disso ainda.

Polish Dollars p.6 !! (607)

1 Name: Koneko : 2015-12-01 06:22 ID:rtlpPjO3 (Image: 462x458 png, 109 kb) [Del]

src/1448972565497.png: 462x458, 109 kb
No to no... Przybywajcie ^^

605 Name: Ventoux : 2024-07-20 12:04 ID:M5CyyWDX [Del]

Ta strona nadal działa...

Szok poziom 100+ xddd

606 Name: mowityx : 2024-12-04 18:49 ID:PgpbUy57 [Del]

Ale mi się ta strona kurwa przypomniała. XD jak jakieś staruchy chą do mnie popisać mój id na discordzie to : mary_2000

607 Name: veush : 2025-01-04 13:46 ID:N3tetM4W [Del]

mi tez sie randomowo o tym przypomnialo xD pozdrawiam serdecznie, ja w szoku ze ta strona jeszcze dziala

Midwestern USA (1)

1 Name: Duso : 2025-01-01 22:03 ID:VGb7DmDU [Del]

YOLO so you might as well chat in this

Wisconsin dollars! (502)

1 Name: Shiro : 2011-08-23 13:57 ID:kKKjek9L [Del]

Hey wisconsinites!! If you are from Wisconsin, let me know here!! Thanks!!

500 Name: Prince : 2021-05-28 08:26 ID:60wO2LGc [Del]

It’s interesting to see so many people from Wisconsin in one place. Not very active anymore, but I’m from Wisconsin too

501 Name: NG-S : 2022-10-06 06:46 ID:UGIEnnHi [Del]

Hey, I'm new. I just saw the first seasons and thought it was great.

There are so many replies here, I was you could hide older post so you can scroll to newer post easier or reverse the order, put new post at top and old post at the bottom.

Anyway, it be cool if anyone replied to me.

502 Name: Duso : 2025-01-01 19:20 ID:VGb7DmDU [Del]

yo just binges the entire season recently for a play near waterford it was great the ending got me on a thread nice to meet yall

-German Dollars- (268)

1 Name: Ryu Takumi!6kVVCPEsJI : 2015-08-23 07:04 ID:OzzXmf4c [Del]

Offizielle Weiterführung des alten Threads von blauherz
Grund: Thread wurde zu lang. (>1000)

Bitte nutzt ab jetzt diesen Thread.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
- Ryu Takumi

Skype: ryu.takumi

266 Name: admin : 2023-08-17 01:28 ID:rYnujMuF [Del]

Ahora que está fuera del camino, comencemos con algo muy simple. Hay seis combinaciones de materiales replicas de relojes diferentes en la colección actual, que van desde el acero inoxidable hasta el platino. La arquitectura de cada uno es idéntica, por supuesto, con 40 mm de diámetro y 11,90 mm de altura. Se maneja con la corona atornillada Triplock, flanqueada por un par de pulsadores de cronógrafo atornillados. El cambio más notable en el exterior es la inclusión de una banda metálica replica relojes que rodea el bisel Cerachrom (no presente en los modelos completamente dorados).

267 Name: hiKimonori : 2024-07-29 07:26 ID:BDTEGjk5 [Del]

Ist hier noch jemand?

268 Name: Stray King : 2024-12-30 04:23 ID:K3aUNdnl [Del]

Schön zu sehen, dass hier doch noch ein paar Leute "aktiv" sind, obwohl die Serie seit Jahren abgeschlossen ist. <3

Singapore Dollars (969)

1 Name: Rin : 2016-12-10 20:47 ID:Ac1FcrJE [Del]

Reply if you are a Singaporean.

967 Name: Thecarrot : 2023-12-05 02:52 ID:C9b7awCh [Del]

Hey there, is anyone still hanging around this thread?

968 Name: Toe : 2024-12-04 06:15 ID:WrqMpvuM [Del]

Apparently not :')

969 Name: Chiron : 2024-12-26 11:12 ID:3kg7Keq0 [Del]

Missing threads like this so dropping by. Used to talk quite a lot at another dollars thread website.

Japanese Dollars?? (103)

1 Name: TensaZangetsu : 2011-07-30 19:09 ID:w56UeS+L [Del]

Anybody here from Japan??

101 Name: アイアム神!!XI8GEi6V : 2022-09-16 22:43 ID:8adCZ+5M [Del]



102 Name: AHAD FROM PAKISTAN : 2024-11-25 23:21 ID:u3I4Zq9O [Del]

hello good buddies i am new here and feeling bad for getting late to watch anime about 14 years i hopr there is anyone still here who could reply to me on it

103 Name: Noboru : 2024-12-22 07:40 ID:9O3h2DX6 [Del]

Hi I am new here

French Dollars?! (228)

1 Name: Cloé : 2018-09-27 10:13 ID:CFg1MHef [Del]

Si il y a des français par ici ô-ô. Manifestez vous!

226 Name: Yahoru : 2024-06-29 15:47 ID:acLT2gG3 [Del]

trop contente de voir qu'on est encore là en 2024 ça fait trop plaisir

227 Name: Wrath : 2024-08-17 03:06 ID:TuggIL4c [Del]

Wow incroyable ce thread !!

228 Name: Nelinka : 2024-12-13 18:17 ID:CmR62+Ve [Del]

Salut tout le monde ! J'arrive avec quelques mois de retard... Je compte repasser régulièrement ici dans la semaine, n'hésitez pas à vous manifester ! Je serais présente

No Arizona Dollars? :( (294)

1 Name: Appledapples : 2011-07-18 04:33 ID:2PU712/a [Del]

Post in here if your from Arizona. and ill text you if you post your phone number.

292 Name: Tanashi !JzQoO8EnWY : 2023-05-14 06:32 ID:8KyQG5o3 [Del]

Summer is approaching again, with the pandemic winding down and most things having returned to normal, here's to our first normal summer in a while!

Till next time

293 Name: Tanashi !JzQoO8EnWY : 2024-07-24 02:43 ID:CaR978Ei [Del]

It's been a while, I no longer reside in Arizona, but I hope our Arizona dollars are doing well.

294 Name: Buttertable : 2024-12-09 23:25 ID:w9X+3awm [Del]

I was in Yuma a decade ago, im still in Yuma now. So weird texting numbers posted over a decade ago but fun! text me! 928 291 8635
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