Dollars BBS | Countries




















Michigan (331)

1 Name: Sky : 2011-07-20 03:18 ID:PiX4uTNS [Del]

Are there any Dollars living in the state of Michigan? I'm in Dearborn Heights.

2 Name: Sky : 2011-07-20 13:36 ID:ewps5rjE [Del]


3 Name: Flora : 2011-07-20 19:30 ID:3rCtwQpc [Del]

I'm from Michigan~
Metro Detroit

4 Name: Dragpent : 2011-07-24 20:23 ID:LzC+Gi8a [Del]

Bumping this.

Troy / AA here.

5 Name: Meto : 2011-10-07 14:57 ID:f0FAyPIZ [Del]

Well, since this looks like this was the first michigan thread, and I hate duplicate threads and I refuse to bump them, as a loyal Michigan dollar,I bump this. I live in the south-east just beneath the thumb sort of I guess.

6 Name: Akira : 2011-10-07 16:43 ID:nc4V4GIx [Del]

yay I'm from Michigan
Ann Arbor

7 Name: jonchar : 2011-10-17 19:03 ID:8CflRVzF [Del]

Detroit Dollars for life! Im from Harrison TWP. right next to Metro Park. We should have a meeting there sometime.

8 Name: Lyr!wG1CV58ydQ : 2011-10-18 11:50 ID:pU/Ib9Nr [Del]

Grand Rapids! I know 5 other Dollars in my neighborhood [that I recruited myself.] We're actually having a meeting tomorrow on ways we can help spread the word with some of the missions posted on the website. Huh.

9 Name: Ravana : 2011-10-19 10:51 ID:5lkIF9Bh [Del]

Michigan dollar here, Newaygo county :D

10 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-19 13:51 ID:g4zq6l8g [Del]


11 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-10-21 12:35 ID:g4zq6l8g [Del]

bumping because Michiganers are still posting in the wrong thread

12 Name: Invisible : 2011-10-23 01:16 ID:Vp7Ne+rb [Del]

Born and raised in the MI (: used to live around 9 mile, St. Clair Shores, Macomb County (;
:'( I'm only in MI during the summer now

13 Name: Roellek : 2011-10-26 13:09 ID:1SRRDTXY [Del]

Auburn Hills Dollar.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-26 19:05 ID:r42pyzvL [Del]

Grand Rapids, BUMP~

15 Name: Arikarinka : 2011-10-26 20:06 ID:pav3qdrC [Del]

Southfield Dollar here :3

16 Name: Sagi : 2011-11-02 17:59 ID:x8hyrPSl [Del]

Berkley, MI!

17 Name: Curio Kamashi : 2011-11-07 12:25 ID:bu2niDCL [Del]

im from houghton lake michigan :)

18 Name: Seika Heiwajima : 2011-11-11 22:34 ID:D1YmAVq2 [Del]

Novi Dollar! ^_^

19 Name: HaiHai : 2011-11-12 18:23 ID:r42pyzvL [Del]

Bumping this back :)

20 Name: Batman : 2011-11-15 01:15 ID:Yu3Uv8Z7 [Del]

Originally from Metro Detroit, currently in the upper peninsula. ^-^

21 Name: Eliza : 2011-11-15 09:46 ID:MKSh+DvR [Del]

Michigan here

22 Name: Mysterystarr : 2011-11-15 09:49 ID:1sx9LZDu [Del]

Grand Rapids

23 Name: HaiHai : 2011-11-15 20:27 ID:r42pyzvL [Del]


24 Name: rio : 2011-11-16 15:23 ID:vNB08Km7 [Del]

hey im from marne we should all meet up sometime and spread some dollars love to the world

25 Name: Seika Heiwajima : 2011-11-16 16:34 ID:D1YmAVq2 [Del]

We should all meet up in Detroit someday... There's a really cool anime convention, youmacon, at the ren cen every year. I know there's another anime convention coming up in Lansing too ^_^

26 Name: Mysterystarr : 2011-11-17 09:47 ID:1sx9LZDu (Image: 1282x722 jpg, 109 kb) [Del]

src/1321544849017.jpg: 1282x722, 109 kb
If someone posts some info on one of the conventions here I'll totally show up.

27 Name: HaiHai : 2011-11-18 22:25 ID:r42pyzvL [Del]

A convention? I never knew about it! Did they already pass, because some websites I've gone to say it was from November 3-6.

28 Name: HaiHai : 2011-11-20 15:38 ID:r42pyzvL [Del]


29 Name: HaiHai : 2011-11-20 15:38 ID:r42pyzvL [Del]


30 Name: Raix : 2011-11-21 15:42 ID:d7tEojJx [Del]

Mount Pleasant, MI! :)

31 Name: Taika : 2011-11-22 18:55 ID:MUT0BXcW [Del]

Royal Oak dollar~ and there was an anime con in Detroit, but it was on nov. 3-6. maybe next year? it'd be fun~

32 Name: Dragpent : 2011-11-24 22:30 ID:iy4s+B1a [Del]


Ann Arbor you say? Do you go to U of M right now?

33 Name: Akaku : 2011-11-26 15:16 ID:APxF9tOW [Del]

Michigan dollar here~

34 Name: Naoko : 2011-11-26 18:05 ID:e6LVpelT [Del]

Lansing, Michigan Dollar here.!

35 Name: Masanori : 2011-11-26 23:55 ID:wxSQVb2x [Del]

Flint dollar here!

36 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-27 00:11 ID:q9aTL+QP [Del]

Farmington Hills Dollar

37 Name: Tohya Orihito : 2011-11-27 00:24 ID:jH72Ui7z [Del]

I'm from Hamilton, MI, but I now go to school in Adrian, so I'm there most of the time now. We should totally try and get together at cons. I always go to JAFAX in Allendale every June.

38 Name: Reykai-san : 2011-11-27 00:39 ID:bLqfwLFb [Del]

Wayne-Westland Dollar here!

39 Name: Alt-up : 2011-11-27 02:05 ID:Ve4JklZN [Del]

Detroit Dollar!!!

40 Name: Naoko : 2011-11-28 08:40 ID:LPaTekE+ [Del]

So many Detroit dollars!

41 Name: Enlil : 2011-11-28 13:58 ID:L6GXUXGN [Del]

Bump And waterford

42 Name: Ravana !QpTmoqQTyI : 2011-11-29 17:54 ID:rEVqU3Y8 [Del]

Well, there's JFAX, but that's next summer so... :/
I can't wait...

43 Name: Daili : 2011-12-01 10:13 ID:QKZrUPKE [Del]

Bumped for a new guy

44 Name: Ravana !gpHUgtgEHg : 2011-12-03 17:35 ID:YjAKrgnK [Del]

JFAX is in Grand Rapids...

But if we were going to have a Michigan meet up? What would it be about?

45 Name: MAYW : 2011-12-04 09:11 ID:FBeOMGWd [Del]

Monroe, MI. Representing a crappy town full of crappy people.

46 Name: Ravana !gpHUgtgEHg : 2011-12-06 09:47 ID:5lkIF9Bh [Del]

Hesperia, a town where you know everyone... and you hate them all...

47 Name: MIXXD : 2011-12-06 16:09 ID:807DIYpO [Del]

In the LP of mich made a FB account to keep track of friends in the community and to communicate with members easier add if you do the same XD

48 Name: Zane : 2011-12-08 23:01 ID:tYRUSIsN [Del]

Imlay city week days
Lapeer some weekends!

49 Name: emo : 2011-12-10 10:26 ID:FNzuaaqc [Del]

coming from houghton lake, MI

i know and talkto 16 other members in my small town

50 Name: Veneziano : 2011-12-13 13:04 ID:D1YmAVq2 [Del]

>>25 Youmacon was fantastic!
Yeah we should all go to Youmacon together sometime. Maybe we could even make a couple DRRR groups. I was Anri last year. Unfortunately its basically a year away :( Here's the link to the site though if you want to check it out

51 Name: Saya : 2011-12-15 15:22 ID:ZbfyquD5 [Del]

Detroit Dollar, but I'm moving to Redford Township

52 Name: Raix : 2011-12-15 15:59 ID:dtnBHUYK [Del]

I only know of one other dollars member from Mt. Pleasant , MI. Any other dollars from my city?

53 Name: Collect3 : 2011-12-16 10:15 ID:rcHodc6j [Del]

houghton lake

54 Name: Ashe : 2011-12-17 01:25 ID:DxhyfytB [Del]

Harper Woods. Any Dollars near there?

55 Name: xXSelenaJXx : 2011-12-24 02:38 ID:nyCjukOM [Del]

I'm from Oak Park right off 8 mile! I thought I was alone! *phew*

56 Name: beelzebub : 2011-12-25 18:06 ID:FYjZIo1A [Del]


57 Name: Dragpent : 2011-12-27 17:41 ID:iy4s+B1a [Del]


58 Name: raneha!4gwArIGGFw : 2011-12-27 22:11 ID:x6OLkk4z [Del]

>>52>>30 Mount Pleasant MI dollar, reporting for duty!
Also, CMU?

59 Name: JKuri !pF1lEKTr1A : 2011-12-29 22:37 ID:iWPzO6aa [Del]

Holland, MI.
Anyone else?

60 Name: Reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-01-06 18:36 ID:e9pSMmTT [Del]

Loyal Michigan bump~

Lansing MI here. Surprised to see so many in Detroit, but that's cool!

I will be traveling the state a lot in the near future, maybe I'll see some of you guys while I'm out ^_^

61 Name: Eth !P7od22DCi2 : 2012-01-07 11:13 ID:q6S8KK/d [Del]

Downriver Michigander here. I'm also surprised to see lots of people from Michigan.

62 Name: Psyche : 2012-01-08 03:00 ID:ziKrywW8 [Del]

Roseville, Michigan here~

63 Name: Ashe : 2012-01-19 02:28 ID:DxhyfytB [Del]


64 Name: tenshi : 2012-01-19 14:16 ID:pU5aVbMZ [Del]

blissfield dollar

65 Name: Kaira Eichi !v8mWVom83Y : 2012-01-20 01:23 ID:ljulIvD9 [Del]

>>45 Someone else from Monroe. Probably someone I know, lol.
Well hi there anyway, glad to be on board.

66 Name: HaiHai : 2012-01-20 17:16 ID:r42pyzvL [Del]

Super bump

67 Name: Kaitlynn : 2012-01-23 15:11 ID:sfC6Zny6 [Del]

Wow.. I didn't know there was so many Dollars in MI. :P

68 Name: Raix : 2012-01-23 17:35 ID:48kwLJUZ [Del]

>>58 yes finally someone from my town! and no im not from cmu, im a junior in highschool. but that's so cool! im not the only dollars member in mt pleasant! *happy face*

69 Name: Dragpent : 2012-01-31 19:37 ID:Lmay08GQ [Del]


70 Name: Izaya Orihara : 2012-01-31 21:07 ID:JCgkmJLg [Del]

Berkley, Michigan. Add me on facebook at

71 Name: wesson : 2012-02-02 15:48 ID:vC9bYyj2 [Del]

Bay city michigan over here

72 Name: wesson : 2012-02-02 20:51 ID:vC9bYyj2 [Del]

im alone in bay city ;(

73 Name: HaiHai : 2012-02-10 17:21 ID:r42pyzvL [Del]

>>67 Hahahaha, I think I may know u!

74 Name: ShinoShunkan!t0BD9VKS0A : 2012-02-13 10:29 ID:1sx9LZDu [Del]

Caledonia Michigan. Town full of crazy religious people. SEND HELP.

75 Name: Ravana۞ ☆!HltySaVY5g : 2012-02-14 15:03 ID:5lkIF9Bh [Del]

>>74 I've heard of Caledonia...

I can't really help you...

76 Name: wesson : 2012-02-15 00:47 ID:vC9bYyj2 [Del]

cant help ya sorry about that. hope you dont get holy water splashed on you....that shit burns

77 Name: Yuki : 2012-02-17 17:29 ID:issqN/pG [Del]

Bay City Dollar! ^^

78 Name: Yuki : 2012-02-17 17:30 ID:issqN/pG [Del]

I'm in Bay City~! c:

79 Name: Meme : 2012-02-18 23:08 ID:p9Ak4RPm [Del]

Traverse City Dollar represent!

80 Name: Soandso : 2012-02-21 13:54 ID:sbRc6xqm [Del]

Romulus michigan.

81 Name: Tru313 : 2012-03-02 23:38 ID:bQklYgOX [Del]

Farmington Hills / Detroit Dollar Here !!!!

82 Name: Scarnie : 2012-03-11 11:01 ID:RQIuDAys [Del]

Farmington Hills! detroit! troy! :D we all should meet up. maybe at Shuto Con

83 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-03-11 19:45 ID:Lmay08GQ [Del]

What / when / where is Shuto Con?

84 Name: Scarnie : 2012-03-12 16:32 ID:FDqTt4vC [Del]

This SAturday,Sunday and Friday, From 8am to 9pm (saturday and sunday), and Shuto Con is a convention where u can dress up as ur fav anime characters and chiz :3 im gonna cosplay as izaya cx

85 Name: Ameterasu !VGzOHdOTYc : 2012-03-19 15:39 ID:ZuOSY+24 [Del]

I live here in allendale near grand rapids. i'm going to gvsu now where jfax is held, i'm thinking a meet up?

86 Name: Masanori : 2012-03-22 07:52 ID:nmZgKuJX [Del]

Zane you there?

87 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-03-22 14:40 ID:UthHD9VC [Del]

I really should visit this thread more often~

Did anybody end up doing a meetup at Shuto? I couldn't make it out this year, but I thought I'd ask :P

88 Name: Chirijiradin : 2012-03-23 21:53 ID:8aPmiYi3 [Del]

I'm a new Traverse City Dollars member, any more out there?

It's pretty lonely farther up...

89 Name: Scarnie : 2012-03-25 09:38 ID:/ixJ42b9 [Del]

>>87 nope, srry. i went, but i didnt know where ta meet anyone :0
>>85 im probably gonna go to JAFAX, u going?

90 Name: Scarnie : 2012-03-25 09:39 ID:/ixJ42b9 [Del]

>>88 i go up near Traverse City every year. im goin up for 2 weeks in August. i go to Elk Lake. peace

91 Name: Soandso : 2012-04-02 18:41 ID:flCAhokI [Del]

BUMP DARN IT!!!!!!!!!

92 Name: Nathor : 2012-04-02 21:24 ID:gbGSImDD [Del]

I live in Grand Rapids :3

93 Name: Kris !Rehs61J04A : 2012-04-04 20:35 ID:25qyjFse [Del]

hey im from Michigan Manistee, up near Travers City

94 Name: chibumii : 2012-04-06 04:08 ID:uOQA7jcR [Del]

coming at you from Flushing,Mi

95 Name: Soandso : 2012-04-07 10:03 ID:bzsnUJGN [Del]

>>94 there's a place called flushing Michigan? That sounds so funny.

96 Name: shinobibeat !2ggcU2WsRo : 2012-04-10 18:27 ID:/uWizO6Y [Del]

heyy Detroit dollar here :D but i'm moving to Wayne,MI

97 Name: sikia : 2012-04-10 22:54 ID:RCbdX+5C [Del]

wow was born in detroit still have family there but i move all over too much >.<

98 Name: sikian : 2012-04-10 22:56 ID:RCbdX+5C [Del]

sorry messed up on my name i ment to put this one >>

99 Name: Senna : 2012-04-14 21:39 ID:BK3u88JM [Del]

Dollar from Monroe MI
Temperance MI to be exact....ANYONE OUTHERE FROM WHERE I LIVE??

100 Name: saira : 2012-04-14 23:46 ID:1wfHE+ls [Del]

im a michigan dollar

101 Name: Mei : 2012-04-16 00:31 ID:1hm8cmMn [Del]

hello! i'm from southeast Michigan. i live in the suburbs outside Detroit, though i might be moving to Ann Arbor soon for college. also, i'm a frequent convention attendee in the area. i've gone to Youmacon (four times), GoDaikoCon, and Shutocon. nice to meet you all~

102 Name: Ameterasu!VGzOHdOTYc : 2012-04-18 09:20 ID:v68py9sy [Del]

>>89 i'm probably going to go. although my ex-girlfriend will probably be there so maybe not. lol

103 Name: Scarnie : 2012-04-19 14:33 ID:t+8SxDYL [Del]

>>102 aw, thts a shame. we all should meet up at youma con or JAFAX.. i mean like..ya :3

104 Name: Ravana۞ ☆!HltySaVY5g : 2012-04-19 14:57 ID:5lkIF9Bh [Del]

>>87 REILYX! You better make it out to JFAX this year...

Or I'm coming over and stealing you. ._.

105 Name: Ravana۞ ☆!HltySaVY5g : 2012-04-19 15:08 ID:5lkIF9Bh [Del]

Oh and, currently I'm in Hesperia, Michigan. The least heard of town in all of Michigan.

Before though, I've lived in Grand Rapids and Dorr, Michigan.

106 Name: me : 2012-04-28 10:00 ID:XMDAE/g7 [Del]

>>36 >>31 >>18 >>81 im from Farmington Hills/Troy/Detroit :3

107 Name: AlexThaEpic : 2012-05-02 07:53 ID:vntzkjK3 [Del]

Big Rapids Fall-Spring for college.
Bad Axe for summer since it's my hometown :D

HEY! Myself and some friends are trying to set up a convention in Muskegon if you want to show support!!!
Message that you want to help show support :D

108 Name: ...secret... : 2012-05-02 16:41 ID:Axuzsy1u [Del]

im alone in kalamazoo

109 Name: Greedily : 2012-05-25 07:32 ID:Wjedvs3w [Del]

Lake Orion Dollar here. Just outside of Detroit.

110 Name: Navi : 2012-05-26 19:58 ID:DYyEgXRu [Del]

I apparently just moved here, so count me as a Pontiac Dollars. It's nice to know there are many fellow members here.

111 Name: Josh : 2012-06-29 23:35 ID:ADqKzUux [Del]


112 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-02 18:35 ID:yl8+BC0b [Del]

I'm all alone here in utica/macomb county.Aparently, there are no dollars here for me to hang out with.Forever Alone...
*tears up*

113 Name: awwwkwarddd !bWpFW/kD4s : 2012-07-06 18:54 ID:ljx1jR7y [Del]

Anyone near Lapeer? (:

114 Name: Prism. : 2012-07-12 18:36 ID:pC6zP2zd [Del]

Ah, a thread for our glorious mitten.
Westland, MI . Used to be a Detroiter, not anymore tho.
I've been hearing Youmacon mentioned a lot. Going this year. (It'll be my first year, and i'mma lil scurred. :O) It'll be cool to have a meetup, but that's a bit of a ways off so.

115 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-16 14:40 ID:NiL6iBVl [Del]

Bump For Michigan!!!!Still lonely in macomb/utica...=(...sigh...

116 Name: A-1 : 2012-07-28 14:20 ID:KTUe/f+g [Del]

Michigan dollar here too
Rochester Hills

117 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-04 20:56 ID:RORdhA9S [Del]


118 Name: Aoi Ragnarok : 2012-08-05 14:20 ID:japdodOi [Del]

I'm from Lansing.

119 Name: The new guy : 2012-08-06 21:40 ID:MOIV/srj [Del]

PLAINWELL nice to see so many.

120 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-07 20:47 ID:ztR4KdYJ [Del]

yet ANOTHER bump

121 Name: Mizu : 2012-08-12 11:11 ID:rQnRFbCZ [Del]

I'm from Troy

122 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-15 17:09 ID:8++6zoq2 [Del]


123 Post deleted by user.

124 Name: Emi-chan : 2012-08-16 01:28 ID:bsiTcNxN [Del]

Hello! Who's going to youmacon this year?! if you are i might see you there! if not, go anyways. if you dont know what youmacon is... GO LOOK IT UP!
Im cosplaying as Mairu and my twin is cosplaying as Kururi!

125 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-16 20:26 ID:uLSXeeAb [Del]

Im from michigan!

126 Name: Anon : 2012-08-21 02:18 ID:Mj6vuVNI [Del]


127 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-08-23 11:06 ID:pvseArON [Del]


128 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-23 17:13 ID:zOvvV1lB [Del]

>>125 >>126 >>127

Where in michigan!!!Please say utica!!!

129 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-08-23 20:47 ID:pvseArON [Del]

>>128 I'm not from MI, sorry. Just bumping to clean-up the board. :P

130 Post deleted by user.

131 Name: Eli-chan : 2012-08-24 03:15 ID:bsiTcNxN [Del]

Hello! I'm post 124's twin and we are from Oakland County. Who's going to Youmacon? My twin and I are going as Kururi and Mairu so look out for us :D

132 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-09-07 20:38 ID:9ZFJVsul [Del]


133 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-09-07 20:38 ID:9ZFJVsul [Del]


134 Name: Mizu : 2012-09-14 19:47 ID:2vhGfRgW [Del]

>>131 I'm from Oakland County too :3

135 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-09-14 20:52 ID:pB1LY13b [Del]


136 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-09-16 20:45 ID:u5c+32xq [Del]


137 Name: the Celebrated Mr K : 2012-09-19 22:32 ID:HPXrFUSp [Del]

woow, nobody from Port Huron, huh? :D guess i have a lot of work to do...nice to meet everyone! :D

138 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-09-26 19:21 ID:yl8+BC0b [Del]

It's really sad when your state isnt on the boards....

139 Name: セイウチ!mOQcTrcyu2 : 2012-10-01 21:23 ID:m7cJZN2W [Del]

I'm here in in Lansing. I would love to start seeing some Dollars stuff up around the EL area.

140 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-10-02 18:06 ID:Gzk8Qror [Del]

bumpity bump

141 Name: セイウチ : 2012-10-03 00:48 ID:m7cJZN2W [Del]

Hey CeltsCat what part of MI?

142 Name: kuria : 2012-10-03 13:16 ID:mgFhE0cg [Del]

Yes I am.

143 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-10-05 14:43 ID:NiL6iBVl [Del]

>>141 Macomb/utica/sterling heights area

144 Name: Scipio : 2012-11-13 20:01 ID:g/B7WU56 [Del]

Downriver, Rockwood here! And I go to Youmacon every year!

145 Name: Scipio : 2012-11-13 20:02 ID:g/B7WU56 [Del]

Downriver, Rockwood here! And I go to Youmacon every year!

146 Name: Sand-Bird : 2012-12-13 22:37 ID:S6ve9zz2 [Del]

Anyone from ferndale or Oakland county? Yomacon this year was amazing.

147 Post deleted by user.

148 Name: Jbley : 2013-01-06 19:34 ID:Yd7c0ekJ [Del]

Plymouth dollar

149 Name: neko : 2013-01-07 07:12 ID:JHr1EM27 [Del]

Flushing Dollar~

150 Name: Jbley : 2013-01-07 14:51 ID:gQqyjEzi [Del]


151 Name: ABYSS : 2013-01-07 15:54 ID:zHXlxOD9 [Del]

Flat Rock Dollar.

152 Name: Nakura : 2013-01-12 19:35 ID:mGo4fBKF [Del]

I'm near Lansing!
There's Shuto-con in the beginning of April and I already have tickets.

153 Name: Kiyoshi : 2013-01-12 20:00 ID:rHMt9V1z [Del]

I'm in Belleville

154 Name: Jenkinz : 2013-01-17 16:54 ID:nSKdkI2b [Del]

Yale Dollar! Adding Facebook page from up more in thread!

155 Name: Jenkinz : 2013-01-17 16:58 ID:nSKdkI2b [Del]

Hit me up on Facebook so that we could meet up at an anime convention some time! Look up sebastian michaellis Jenkinz!

156 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2013-02-09 02:35 ID:4v9MtWsv [Del]


157 Name: Shay !YsqFBLBrNs : 2013-02-12 19:26 ID:+QTwq59G [Del]

Only Three Rivers Dollar D:

158 Name: Ley-chi : 2013-02-13 17:57 ID:6vdOPIrC [Del]

From Chesterfeild~

159 Name: Cooro : 2013-03-03 09:26 ID:KhHUdTho [Del]

im in the detroit area

160 Post deleted by user.

161 Name: Senna : 2013-03-03 11:29 ID:BK3u88JM [Del]

>>45 >>65 I'm from Monroe too :D ... Well Temperance but close enough

162 Name: PandorasGiftSacredFlame : 2013-03-26 11:13 ID:nmZgKuJX [Del]

anyone here from davison or flint anywhere close by?

163 Name: Casper : 2013-04-09 07:29 ID:puvjmmsc [Del]

Burton(next to flint), MI Dollar~

164 Name: PandorasGiftSacredFlame : 2013-04-09 08:28 ID:nmZgKuJX [Del]

cool i haz a friend who lives there too hope we can meet up sometime

165 Name: BrokenMindBrokenHeart (school) : 2013-04-09 10:35 ID:nmZgKuJX [Del]

nice hopefully i can meet up with you guys too it sounds like fun just name a time and place.

166 Name: まーや : 2013-04-20 15:58 ID:zNGYO9GC [Del]

I'm in Novi! :D

167 Name: Volamel : 2013-04-25 17:39 ID:mVPdcwHF [Del]

Sterling Heights Dollar!
>>143 Howdy neighbor!

168 Name: InstinctiveAnalisis67 : 2013-05-06 10:52 ID:Q6flivIH [Del]

how difficult would it be to establish a meeting within 1 month? is there anyone that would be able to meet me there? i need to confirm at least 3 people before deciding on a nearby/local area one that's not too far

169 Name: NekoShizuka-chan : 2013-05-17 19:46 ID:k0n3a2Jd [Del]

that's a cool idea
I live in the Ann Arbor area~
It's really awesome to find others in your state that are also part of the dollars, eh?

170 Name: Senna : 2013-06-05 19:58 ID:BK3u88JM [Del]

>>137 I was born there but i moved :P When i go up there again we should meet up

171 Name: Naoto Stone : 2013-07-06 22:34 ID:tVq6cK4V [Del]

From Comstock Park (that's by Grand Rapids if you don't know).

172 Name: CeltysCat at an leabharlann : 2013-07-10 15:54 ID:P6k9O7JO [Del]

>>167 Hey! I live in Utica! What school do you go to? We might know each other!

173 Name: alik7890 : 2013-07-29 21:05 ID:TU4FAqQS [Del]

I'm a Grosse Point Dollar! :3

174 Name: spike : 2013-07-30 02:41 ID:4fW6GF3B [Del]

Michigan dollar in Escanaba

175 Post deleted by user.

176 Name: Kuro : 2013-07-30 14:18 ID:t/ovcJ5R [Del]

Michigan dollar! Novi :3

177 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-07-31 13:26 ID:CMd/4Mea [Del]

Still lonley in my area ;-;

178 Name: Setton : 2013-08-17 00:16 ID:h1WxjCLG [Del]

Allen Park! We really should get together for Youmacon this year!

179 Name: Brandon : 2013-08-27 06:02 ID:YzFpwp5F [Del]

Dowagiac MI live on Magician Lake so many from Michigan yeeeeeessssss

180 Name: Ronin : 2013-08-28 13:25 ID:Z12v3mYD [Del]

I'm in Hastings, MI. Anyone planning on going to the Grand Rapids Comic-con in October?

181 Name: Bracken : 2013-10-18 20:43 ID:ixXWf/W/ [Del]

Harrison. Not the township--the town in Clare County. A town with more meth labs than people.

182 Name: Ravana (Mobile) !HltySaVY5g : 2013-12-05 18:04 ID:fm/jh8SG [Del]


183 Name: zero : 2013-12-05 21:49 ID:iqEHK5z2 [Del]

Port huron michigan

184 Name: zero : 2013-12-05 21:57 ID:iqEHK5z2 [Del]

I feel so alone any one know of any good anime stores up here or conventions i just moved back here from florida i missed it up here in michigan

185 Name: Raioxia : 2013-12-28 03:07 ID:/plsK0CZ [Del]

Mount Pleasant

186 Name: GIANT : 2014-01-19 10:27 ID:k9js1MEO [Del]

Bloomfield area, I'm willing to meet up if we find a date or place or whatever.

187 Name: Kaira Eichi : 2014-01-22 00:18 ID:CRTKG9xf [Del]

>>161 Doubt your still on anymore, it has been a year since your replay, but if you are maybe we can meet up sometime.
I've been to conventions at the Bedford library before, so I might have already met you lol

188 Name: Hailcifer : 2014-01-26 16:25 ID:4mlrF2HE [Del]

I'm all alone in Saginaw apparently..

189 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-01 16:33 ID:s1GA9JSZ [Del]

Grand Rapids :) Dollars Unite!

190 Name: CeltysCat : 2014-03-04 11:24 ID:zOvvV1lB [Del]

>>184 Depends where do you live in michigan?

191 Name: zero : 2014-05-01 11:49 ID:ggX5MpDz [Del]

and dollars living in port huron MI

192 Name: NoYouPlz : 2014-06-03 14:17 ID:cOraBEbV [Del]

Reporting in from the capital city, glorious Lansing area

193 Name: MGDex : 2014-07-08 01:31 ID:zWEhJunm [Del]

Good to know there are some dollars in MI
-Detroit MI-

194 Name: Ichi : 2014-07-16 13:14 ID:0pFYvT2Q [Del]

Flint dollar here, awesome to see so many Michigan dollars.

195 Name: [Insert Name Here] : 2014-07-17 02:48 ID:jzPl+Iyo [Del]

DeWitt Dollar reporting in, any other dewittiots out there?

196 Post deleted by user.

197 Name: WolfCatSTH : 2014-08-28 13:42 ID:62GSTg+V [Del]

New Buffalo MI dollar ^3^

198 Name: CastorHaunchHeft !mZxMZ.sK.s!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-09-08 15:23 ID:39HfQm3i [Del]

Ecorse, MI right here. Surprised there's nobody here from Wyandotte or Lincoln Park.

199 Name: WaxBear : 2014-09-14 03:51 ID:mZVfTodp [Del]

Bay City Dollar here. Any other B.C/Saginaw Dollars still active?

200 Name: Oddball Gentleman : 2014-09-21 22:18 ID:lreanfw7 [Del]

Any East Lansing Dollars out there?

201 Name: the actor : 2014-11-05 20:34 ID:nk57ldjN (Image: 512x307 jpg, 50 kb) [Del]

src/1415241247109.jpg: 512x307, 50 kb
Heyya brohas!!! Grand rapids dollar!! kik me at Isabel_is_back

202 Name: MGDex : 2014-12-06 23:39 ID:zWEhJunm [Del]

BERKLEY MI. anyone here?!

203 Name: Nitaxa : 2014-12-13 16:31 ID:5AIN/dbq [Del]

Yay!! \(`♡`\) I didn't know there were so many Michigan Dollars!! Ah, but I don't think there's anyone close to where I live (`-`)

204 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2015-01-31 12:19 ID:56poNkt4 [Del]


205 Name: KuroCaliber : 2015-02-02 13:21 ID:EqqTFLuB [Del]

Troy Dollar here. Kinda new to the site. :)

206 Name: Saelac : 2015-02-05 15:01 ID:RO81K9Ve [Del]


207 Name: Sekai : 2015-02-06 17:31 ID:+k0eEL0U [Del]

I'm from Bad Axe, in the thumb. If anyone wants to help me get a meeting organized for Dollars Day that'd be fantastic! I'm going to have a new thread up in Random about this, so if you want to help or join in, that's where to go! *Bump*

208 Name: Syco : 2015-02-06 22:46 ID:FtkAViEI [Del]

Ah, Grand Rapids or Lansing here~!

209 Name: Kiraxa : 2015-02-25 07:32 ID:YwDE8fg8 [Del]

Ferndale, MI here!

210 Name: Caffeine !mVQFv8w4lk : 2015-02-28 02:14 ID:MoxrDxtk [Del]

Upper Peninsula here!

211 Name: Hikari : 2015-02-28 11:08 ID:bztfae+V [Del]

Grand Rapids here!!~

212 Name: Caffeine !mVQFv8w4lk : 2015-03-01 21:59 ID:MoxrDxtk [Del]

How is everyone doing in this rough winter?

213 Name: Rena : 2015-03-02 05:58 ID:tEzSR1ox [Del]

I'm in the Detroit area. I'm at Youmacon every year and potentially Shuto this month.

214 Name: Takero : 2015-03-02 06:37 ID:j2o7U+8C [Del]

Im from India

215 Name: TheRisingShadow : 2015-03-02 08:56 ID:XbYRh7J3 [Del]

Hello. My friend and I have recently joined and are in Michigan. There is actually going to be a meet up and Shuto Con 2015 in Lansing. If you're able to join us, that would be wonderful.

216 Name: TheRisingShadow : 2015-03-02 08:57 ID:XbYRh7J3 [Del]

*at (sorry)

217 Name: Rei : 2015-03-02 10:07 ID:e/3b/d1G [Del]

I am from Ann Arbor michigan

218 Name: 臨也 : 2015-03-04 00:47 ID:AcURR7lN [Del]

Kalamazoo here!

219 Name: Matoro : 2015-03-10 14:42 ID:aaJTvReb [Del]

Out in Hillsdlae here

220 Name: Matoro : 2015-03-10 14:43 ID:aaJTvReb [Del]


221 Post deleted by user.

222 Name: Lemon : 2015-03-18 13:32 ID:oQziW8oJ [Del]

Grand Rapids Dollar over here!

223 Name: Rei : 2015-03-22 09:37 ID:TVkFjgTM [Del]

Ann arbor? kik me Potato_Overlord.

224 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2015-03-22 20:42 ID:kn/dCPbl [Del]

Hmm I'm from Troy, I live in Royal Oak right now. I sometimes travel to Ann Arbor for the weekends.

225 Name: SamiAm !odF8uxBYDg : 2015-03-26 11:19 ID:YLOUw2fu [Del]

Hey I'm from Ann Arbor!

226 Name: SamiAm !odF8uxBYDg : 2015-03-26 11:24 ID:YLOUw2fu [Del]

Anyone go to U of M?

227 Name: Akira : 2015-03-31 19:04 ID:ikQ5ezOg [Del]

Thread still alive? I'm from Michigan too. Metro Detroit.

228 Name: SirDenn : 2015-04-08 03:23 ID:NikcnWGM [Del]

New Dollar from Mt. Clemens here.

229 Name: Ayana : 2015-04-11 09:47 ID:+XUIOvc1 [Del]

Caledonia ≧◠‿◠≦✌

230 Name: Allet : 2015-04-17 06:56 ID:c32a3ciy [Del]

Im from Grand Rapids!

231 Post deleted by user.

232 Name: 1400rosel : 2015-04-22 14:51 ID:xMTLLfAJ [Del]

Chippewa county :P

233 Name: Hakuai : 2015-04-22 14:59 ID:eDRv7wfX [Del]

I live in Belleville

234 Name: Nomiki !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-05-07 18:50 ID:EPhB2Mfa [Del]

Hey guys! I hope some of ya still check this thread. I'm MI too, Battle Creek area!

235 Name: Naisou : 2015-05-16 01:36 ID:7ZBIQXzj [Del]

Ann Arbor here, any Dollars in Michigan still checking in?

236 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-20 00:53 ID:eDRv7wfX [Del]

Belleville area

237 Name: AnamisWolf : 2015-05-20 17:43 ID:VdFvpAnI [Del]

Ah, didn't see this thread when I made my own asking if there was any Dollars from here.
Anyway I'm from Rothbury. Nice to meet you guys. :)

238 Name: akira kurusaki : 2015-06-19 18:04 ID:dVFDZ+ZD [Del]

dollar from jackson michigan. bump bump.

239 Name: Easmea : 2015-06-21 22:39 ID:93/A7OrK [Del]

I'm a Michigan Dollar! (Muskegon,which is next to Grand Rapids)

240 Name: MinatoAido : 2015-06-27 07:47 ID:9SvTc3X8 [Del]

Michigan Dollar. Oakland.
Thread was sorta buried.
That said, is anyone going to the 2015 Youmacon?
I'll link it here just in case. Tickets until July are still $50 for 3 days, or you just get there early and pay (There's a long line)
I'll be there on Saturday as Darker Than Black Hei.
We should meet up anonymously

241 Name: Akira : 2015-06-27 11:30 ID:ikQ5ezOg [Del]

>>240 I'll be at youmacon! I'm not sure what I'm going to have ready for cosplaying yet though. It would be fun to meetup like that.

242 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-31 14:20 ID:2eoIUwDO [Del]

>>45 >>65
Any of you guys from Monroe still active? that's where im from.

243 Name: Anon : 2015-08-01 14:03 ID:/y2WzGA1 [Del]

I'm in Oak park but moving to Detroit soon for college. I hope to have a way to meet you guys at Youmacon!

244 Name: Ayana : 2015-08-11 22:00 ID:+XUIOvc1 [Del]

Western Michiganders should do an Art Prize or con meet up I am very lonely.

245 Name: Boo Bacon : 2015-08-24 12:24 ID:nZlCI0au [Del]

Canton, Michigan here

246 Name: Sumaka : 2015-09-22 18:28 ID:6m+M7U8N [Del]

Livingston County, but I'm near ann arbor. bump

247 Name: 臨也 : 2015-09-27 08:54 ID:LFtqggEj [Del]


Like hopping on the board or an irc and chatting? I like the idea.

248 Name: Shikirei !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-10-06 10:26 ID:acam5H+y [Del]

Muskegon here~
Hope to possibly bump into some of you at Youmacon at the end of this month!

249 Name: Akira : 2015-11-01 19:52 ID:dJIkLzkH [Del]

Highland here!

250 Name: Guardian : 2015-11-09 09:52 ID:61ICSYIq [Del]

Im from Hillsdale, Michigan

251 Name: mudpupp3 : 2015-11-09 10:48 ID:BjE//TK5 [Del]

im from North Branch Michigan

252 Name: Noiz : 2015-11-20 17:19 ID:axJIPDtp [Del]

I'm from Southfield, Michigan.

253 Name: Guardian : 2015-11-25 13:32 ID:61ICSYIq [Del]

Im in Michigan!!!
live in Hillsdale

254 Post deleted by user.

255 Name: Masaru : 2015-11-25 22:08 ID:bryist+O [Del]

Ann Arbor, Michigan! If anyone's near me, follow me and DM me on Instagram! @kitsune_5
BTW, That was me who deleted the last comment. Dont worry, it was my own! Lol!

256 Name: Bailey : 2015-11-26 11:39 ID:QvZ+VPvo [Del]

Are any of you from West Bloomfield?

257 Name: Shizuo : 2015-11-26 20:35 ID:FYtV4AuL [Del]

I live in Dearborn.

258 Name: Kishou-Chan !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-11-27 15:05 ID:Q+yIFuJ7 [Del]

Ahh!! Michigan Dollars!! <3 I live in Genesee County <3

259 Name: Kishou-Chan !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-11-27 15:23 ID:Q+yIFuJ7 [Del]

>>163 Ah I used to live in Flint! For about a year!! Currently back in my hometown, Fenton now! My kik is: @_d1ff3r3nt_ (For anyone who would like to talk! ^^')

260 Name: Fox Dragger : 2015-11-27 18:52 ID:z+831UpT [Del]

My current position is currently Dearborn MI, but my hometown up in Ludington

261 Name: Royeaux : 2016-02-10 16:26 ID:kYSgVZMB [Del]

Madison Heights, Michigan! Kinda've swallowed up by Royal Oak and Sterling Heights nearby though...

262 Name: Juvia Lockser : 2016-02-13 21:09 ID:QHHEWkJw [Del]

I live in Allegan, MI.
Some weekends I go to Wyoming, MI(near Grand Rapids) to visit my dad.
Anyone want to meet up?

263 Name: SmilesTriesLyfe : 2016-02-13 22:02 ID:xUu7Op// [Del]

Hmm well it's nice to know that there's other Michiganders out there on the Dollars. I live in St. Clair Shores. Currently doing a project with my school to give water to the people in Flint.

264 Name: Chez : 2016-02-15 18:31 ID:XS/qqxnF [Del]

Waterford! Tho I go to holly schools. If anyone else happens to go to holly school hmu,

265 Name: meow : 2016-02-23 08:40 ID:WPxupTvp [Del]

any one from battle creak? and any one go to lakeview schools cuse i want to know other dollars to help do stuff around the city.

266 Name: Secret51 : 2016-02-23 15:57 ID:C8qcgLMh [Del]

I'm originally from Pontiac now live in Clarkson!! So cool to see so many dollars from Michigan

267 Name: Dashing Sky : 2016-02-24 06:37 ID:GvYPzHcw [Del]

Yooooo Brighton by Ann Arbor reporting in.

268 Name: meow : 2016-02-24 16:52 ID:wuLEP5z9 (Image: 1920x1200 jpg, 867 kb) [Del]

src/1456354346691.jpg: 1920x1200, 867 kb
nice to meet all you!

269 Name: Ai : 2016-03-12 16:06 ID:RmZGWtco [Del]

Anybody in wyndotte and want to hangout?

270 Name: Minoua : 2016-03-18 16:34 ID:cwSXKjT0 [Del]

Michigan dollar here!

271 Name: Anons : 2016-03-18 18:15 ID:ZCvmxaZz [Del]

Michigan dollar! ^3^ hello

272 Name: Darkman42 : 2016-04-04 06:00 ID:EOFt6dnP [Del]

Alpena dollar, possibly the only one.

273 Name: miyuki : 2016-04-04 13:05 ID:i/OfFFdA [Del]

oh im close to the border of michigan, I live in northern ohio, and I visit Michigan frequently

274 Name: Lunasol : 2016-04-11 08:25 ID:iafajFNT [Del]

Another Michigan Dollar here! Houghton-Hancock (different from Houghton Lake) area! What's up everyone!

275 Name: Tora !yT.BBCfTf2 : 2016-04-15 20:58 ID:Ls9hAg1i [Del]

Lansing Michigan dollar! ^-^

276 Name: Mizuki : 2016-04-16 20:06 ID:znyH3SuT [Del]

I'm a Lansing dollar as well ^_^

277 Name: SchizoFran : 2016-04-16 21:30 ID:dBaKZa2h [Del]

I'm a Byron Dollar.

278 Name: Marie : 2016-04-18 15:12 ID:yOVOK4nc [Del]

Im a Dollar in between Lansing and Detroit

279 Name: Kohaku : 2016-04-20 08:45 ID:ijN8hHCq [Del]

Yo Marie! You and me both! Haven't been on in a while but here I am again! ^-^

280 Name: Kurobane : 2016-05-07 09:37 ID:Y4ZTzjGc [Del]

Anybody in holland/ Zealand?

281 Name: Prue-TheAnimeQueen : 2016-06-12 10:33 ID:9b40+hmr [Del]


282 Name: Drakon : 2016-06-19 01:28 ID:iC3VuSy/ [Del]

Kalamazoo Dollar~

283 Name: RinYuu : 2016-06-29 22:29 ID:Y90p92Te [Del]


284 Name: Maboroshi : 2016-07-02 21:05 ID:gaN+i0cn [Del]

Hello~ I'm new.

285 Name: ArchAngel : 2016-07-06 08:51 ID:kWwCefFC [Del]

A2 ^.^

286 Name: PaperWings : 2016-07-07 19:43 ID:ZxzRcERo [Del]

I'm in one of those small towns between Lansing and Detroit. Rural enough that we aren't shocked to see farm equipment going down the street, but not so rural that we have to drive more than twenty minutes to get to town. It's a nice balance.

287 Name: linkx211 : 2016-07-13 10:45 ID:1ZdHFe+W [Del]

Im from the Novi/Farmington Area and i travel down to the South Warren Area on the weekends

288 Name: DukKe : 2016-07-20 16:22 ID:z11zDa/N [Del]

Eastern U.P. here, St. Ignace/Cedarville/Hessel.

289 Name: Vocaloid Otaku : 2016-07-22 16:32 ID:uKU3tGvO [Del]

Hi! I'm a dollar from Dearborn MI, and I was wondering if anyone would like to participate in a Durarara!! Or Inuyasha group cosplay for Youmacon 2016! If so, please contact me at: . Thank you!

290 Name: Merp : 2016-07-24 00:06 ID:uKU3tGvO [Del]


291 Name: mimiko-chan : 2016-08-24 10:27 ID:XABqujfW [Del]

Hello my fellow Michiganders, I'm knew to here so it's nice to know people here are from where I'm from. Warren MI is were I'm from

292 Name: Sayuri : 2016-08-31 22:37 ID:68/aeiUI [Del]

Hi fellow Michiganders!! I live in Grand Rapids so if anyone wants to meet up some time let me know!

293 Name: Supēsubanī : 2016-09-04 13:39 ID:RCGTzVjR [Del]

I'm a Dollar of the PortHuron area,looking for nearby dollars.
Make contact at

294 Name: Liquid : 2016-09-07 14:47 ID:T1mWuqx0 [Del]

You've got a dollar here in St. Louis. Middle of the mitten!
Contact me at if you would like

295 Name: Ayumi : 2016-09-27 14:52 ID:AU2VjXs3 [Del]

Another Michigan Dollar here. Wouldn't it be fun if we had some sort of meeting at a convention of some sort? Youmacon IS coming up soon...
You can contact me at

296 Name: UrekoS : 2017-01-15 10:35 ID:5IpXSPow [Del]

I'm in Oakland county, anyone else?

297 Name: Anri : 2017-01-26 09:30 ID:4qCcWHbH [Del]

Be in Detroit by ten tonight by bus. Coming from DC. Was part of the protests during the inaugeration. Before then I was in standing rock in the Ocheti Oyate camp. Any Detroit dollars wanna meet up? Surprisingly there weren't any dollars active in DC :/

298 Name: LastResort : 2017-03-16 11:55 ID:Zy6BThAj [Del]

Any other Michigan dollars in the Bloomfield area?

299 Name: SleepySheep.. : 2017-03-21 10:35 ID:aTWMblqd [Del]

Anyone in here in the Chippawa area of the Upper Peninsula?

300 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2017-03-27 22:01 ID:ClX/gS9f [Del]


301 Name: Kurobane !djb/ : 2017-04-21 09:28 ID:kych/V6J [Del]

Any south Ottawa county dollars?

302 Name: Michigan : 2017-05-09 17:02 ID:1fnYgMlL [Del]

I live in Michigan I use to live in Dearborn but now I live in Southfield

303 Name: Fidget : 2017-05-24 17:31 ID:kyKQh96d [Del]

hello hello! new Dollar here, residing just outside Detroit! (in the middle of moving now, but will be spending much more time in the heart of the city come fall.) nice to be here!!

304 Name: Legion : 2018-03-20 08:22 ID:zVn+vaWO [Del]

Holy shit there's so many!!! Howell now but I've Lansing East Lansing Ann arbor Detroit Plymouth you name it I've been your neighbor! So cool to see so many michigander here!

305 Name: Hibiki Satou !UE1asvZWmM : 2018-05-18 13:08 ID:OQMH0SjJ [Del]

Wow I can't believe there are so many Dollars in Michigan. I've recruited two to three people and I'm working on trying to get more. I'm in Isabella County. Good to know I've got fellow Dollars in my own state. Let's do some good in the world!

306 Name: Kai !S5BcUQDAg6 : 2018-05-18 13:48 ID:OQMH0SjJ [Del]

I'm impressed there are quite a few here.

307 Name: Baccano : 2018-06-23 15:19 ID:rWd5sKDg [Del]

So we’re all dollars from Michigan :D isn’t that interesting, I never would have thought this many people would be in the dollars in the same state as me ^-^

308 Name: Alek : 2018-08-28 00:17 ID:AaMN+/4b [Del]

Hello! New Dollar's member here. I'm from the Midland area. I can't believe how many Dallars are in Michigan and I've never met one?!!

309 Name: Nonymous : 2018-10-09 09:19 ID:HBBUtnNo [Del]

Yo! I'm a Michigan Dollar in Livingston County! Lower Peninsula rules! Anywho, my girlfriend Sillymoo and I joined the site a month or two ago, and haven't recruited many people. I mean, I have, but that's besides the point. I can't wait until I stumble across another Dollar!

310 Name: Shizuo : 2018-10-12 14:02 ID:Tn68bok9 [Del]

Midland, Michigan. In Lenawee County when I'm not here for Uni. I also have a home in Livingston County

311 Name: Betwich095 : 2018-12-03 13:46 ID:u1Cq2lLb [Del]

Somebody still here?

312 Name: Nonymous !5r2qNO.ONE : 2018-12-19 11:32 ID:HBBUtnNo [Del]

I am!

313 Name: Atomic : 2019-01-19 15:11 ID:eSCxofUl [Del]

Bay City Dollar here

314 Name: Anonymous : 2019-01-19 20:27 ID:AaMN+/4b [Del]

>>313 You're pretty close to where I am!

315 Name: Atomic : 2019-01-20 07:09 ID:yvjFKtkm [Del]

That’s awesome!

316 Post deleted by user.

317 Name: Atomic : 2019-01-20 18:23 ID:7izusKRY [Del]

Where are you from?

318 Name: Anonymous : 2019-01-21 09:58 ID:AaMN+/4b [Del]

>>317 The midland Bay city area

319 Name: Ezzie? : 2019-02-02 12:13 ID:7izusKRY [Del]

Anyone from k-zoo? I lived in detroit a couple months ago and move down here, I'd love to know if anyone lives in Kalamazoo.

320 Name: The X : 2019-03-04 13:38 ID:P6moD6Yo [Del]

I literally just joined, but I am in Kalamazoo.

321 Name: Gypse : 2019-04-05 13:09 ID:wNGRiDb4 [Del]

Houghton Lake
@emo @Collect3

322 Name: Kuro !djb/ : 2019-05-07 09:49 ID:Y4ZTzjGc [Del]

Zeeland/Holland area here, it’s lit yo.

323 Name: Ningyo : 2019-07-17 18:22 ID:X2pE0AEY [Del]

Hi I'm moving to the Battle Creek area soon! Any Dollars there?

324 Name: Ally : 2019-07-31 23:54 ID:raXahSuW [Del]

Would anyone like to meetup in the Tri-city area(Midland, Bay city, Saginaw)?

325 Name: TheSteelZombie : 2020-05-31 22:39 ID:cfzjH0eN [Del]

@kuro Thats a lie and you know it. nothing happens in zeeland/holland/hudsonville/jenison

326 Name: Serigala : 2020-12-21 13:06 ID:X9CEIVVR [Del]

Yo man is this still live? I'm over here in michigan looking to have a meetup

327 Name: ZombieJay!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2021-03-04 14:15 ID:NlfTCU9t [Del]

Chiming in from Novi Michigan! :D

328 Name: eeb : 2021-09-26 23:07 ID:7lXQVXVZ [Del]

popping in from the branch county area! ( ̄▽ ̄)ゞ so desolate here...

329 Name: Daghara : 2022-01-17 19:01 ID:qWH1ijaV [Del]

Ferndale MI here

330 Name: Eros : 2022-05-25 18:55 ID:c7uk7Xtt [Del]

Ithaca dollar here!

331 Post deleted by user.