Dollars BBS | Countries




















England Dollars (482)

1 Name: Luxis : 2012-05-06 08:02 ID:ftyw2BOs [Del]

There doesn't seem to be many Dollars members in England!
Anyone here from England?

I'm in Dorset, a place about 2 hours away from London.

2 Name: Mazriel : 2012-05-06 16:30 ID:xQa2y3B1 [Del]

"All Threads" bro, we've already got a thread XD

3 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-05-06 17:38 ID:KuD+1LkX [Del]

England is a part of the UK. So no, it can be a thread.

4 Name: Luxis : 2012-05-07 09:02 ID:ftyw2BOs [Del]

I wanted one specifically for the country England.
Not the entire United Kingdom

5 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-05-07 09:15 ID:KuD+1LkX [Del]

>>4 Yeah, don't listen to that dumb butt up there. Just continue on your merrily way, and such.

6 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-05-07 13:10 ID:g4zq6l8g [Del]


This is now the designated thread for England and it will be added to the country board index (when I get around to it).

7 Name: Ollo : 2012-05-09 14:26 ID:ftyw2BOs [Del]

>>5 , >>6 Thanks :)

8 Name: Tora-chin : 2012-05-09 16:12 ID:HkrOd0bl [Del]

I live in the north east~ A big town called middlesbrough! I'm about an hour away from newcastle and...quite a few from london sadly :(

9 Name: 1nsig : 2012-05-09 17:30 ID:W5DceNDl [Del]

Calling out all England dollars, anyone going to be at the MCM Expo in October?

10 Name: Ollo : 2012-05-13 13:49 ID:de/r/F8W [Del]

>>9 YES! I am! XD

11 Name: CornerKun : 2012-05-13 16:36 ID:7vcK9qOJ [Del]

I'm from Cambridge, in the east of England :D
Will hopefully be going to MCM in October but Uni starts around then :/

12 Name: ShadowSnake : 2012-05-23 15:04 ID:wT0Ok1dR [Del]

Bristol Dollar Here. :)

13 Name: Ollo : 2012-05-24 13:53 ID:pZkxpsEg [Del]

>>11 I hope you can go, it would be awesome if more Dollars went ^.^

>>12 I'm kinda near there, sort of. Haha XD

14 Name: Aunsis : 2012-05-27 15:49 ID:psHQzD9+ [Del]

reporting from Cornwall, home of nothing important...

15 Name: equinox00 : 2012-05-28 06:07 ID:3jNcrPgv [Del]

>>10 >>9 There's one in July which i;m going to :)

16 Name: Luxis : 2012-06-03 11:25 ID:+/Jfnt6e [Del]

>>15 Is there?

17 Name: besani : 2012-06-04 14:17 ID:RoU28FQT [Del]

knew i couldnt be the only one:)

18 Name: midway !rRqEHlTdR2 : 2012-06-04 18:28 ID:5hUzk+i9 [Del]

Just curious, but where is the Dollars' meeting going to be for yall?

19 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-07 10:27 ID:vcFo1Q2X [Del]

>>16 Uhuh July 21st if you're interested , tickets are on sale now.

20 Name: Luxis : 2012-06-09 13:00 ID:FO16Spzs [Del]

>>18 I'm going to London with my friend, although we won't get there till late cause we have our maths exam that day.

>>19 I shall look into that!

21 Name: ZzzSamurai : 2012-06-26 15:38 ID:ft6YaTA0 (Image: 1024x765 jpg, 59 kb) [Del]

src/1340743104759.jpg: 1024x765, 59 kb
Essex Dollar here are there any meetings soon?

22 Name: S.Roe : 2012-07-09 10:20 ID:p/r6FVeG [Del]

Nottingham calling, a dot in the middle of the country :)

23 Name: Kikou : 2012-07-17 03:42 ID:WQHZ/ISE [Del]

I'm also going to October MCM (hopefully)
Oh and I'm from a little town called Harrogate near Leeds!

24 Name: Ollo!IegDDywIcA : 2012-09-04 07:36 ID:8chsNaQ5 [Del]

>>23 Sweet! We should have a Dollars meet up there XD

25 Name: Alf Lee : 2012-09-06 18:39 ID:0wK4b4ry [Del]

I just added a new country thread for all of GB, but its cool too see that their are more than i thought and alot more local, im from romford in Essex and loking for the locals

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27 Name: Kaisuke : 2012-09-08 10:52 ID:xQRWoQQ+ [Del]

Wiltshire Dollar here, "waves hello" q-_-p

28 Name: templar : 2012-09-12 19:43 ID:PJyFGnME [Del]

moving to london, kingston tomorrow

29 Name: Thaniel : 2012-09-13 09:09 ID:W3gjcShW [Del]

22 - I'm in Nottingham right now
23 - I should be at london expo!!!

I'm in nottingham at the moment but moving to Leicester in 9 days

30 Name: C.C : 2012-09-15 16:23 ID:/cTWr/Qn [Del]

Birmingham dollar! I'm thinking about going to the MCM

31 Name: Rex : 2012-09-21 14:26 ID:dsReJnps [Del]

Leeds Dollar!

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33 Name: Ryuzaki !.mgkbYgJ7Q : 2012-09-23 17:34 ID:MEr+89Sb [Del]

Southampton Here!!

34 Name: Joker : 2012-09-24 00:59 ID:39Lc5kKj [Del]

Kent Dollars Here!

35 Name: izaya-kun : 2012-09-24 02:56 ID:S+fSbFDV [Del]

london here :) about 5 mins away from lakeside shopping centre

36 Name: zane : 2012-09-24 12:33 ID:Vhvesfoz [Del]


37 Name: izaya-kun : 2012-09-24 17:08 ID:S+fSbFDV [Del]

oh yeah and whos going too mcm in october i am :)

38 Name: CornerKun : 2012-09-26 18:38 ID:EEWRHBZ2 [Del]

I'm from Cambridge, but I'm currently living in Preston (shithole) for university. Not sure about MCM still, but how about a halloween meetup?

39 Name: Hizoru : 2012-10-03 21:34 ID:xTRFWamr [Del]

>>21 I'm from Essex as well, what part are you from?

40 Name: izaya-kun : 2012-10-04 09:51 ID:S+fSbFDV [Del]

>>39 a place called aveley :) near rainham

41 Name: Hizoru : 2012-10-04 13:36 ID:xTRFWamr [Del]

>>40 I live near Colchester haha

42 Name: izaya-kun : 2012-10-05 12:08 ID:S+fSbFDV [Del]

>>41 really? i go there alot :) isnt there that comic store there its called red sun or something

43 Name: Hizoru : 2012-10-05 16:38 ID:kR9+7JIt [Del]

>>42 i'm not sure, I'll have to try and find it next time i'm there :)

44 Name: Dota-chin : 2012-10-06 03:47 ID:lcvUdFhS [Del]

yeahh im in London

45 Name: Lolli!e.pe2rP3sU : 2012-10-06 18:46 ID:zGGFuPGq [Del]

I am ;)

46 Name: chloe;)!pKtyIykAEA : 2012-10-07 16:22 ID:n0WtZ+p+ [Del]

I'm from lowestoft! so the one above ^^^^ , sozzy bout that, i tried logining in on my ipod but it just made a new account oops :D

47 Name: izaya-kun : 2012-10-08 12:58 ID:S+fSbFDV [Del]

>>46 lowesoft!!!!! i have a caravan in great yarmouth an i go there all the time :) and just randomly do you know someone called gemma that works in a charity store cus she likes anime :) and you may know of her

48 Name: xxshystarxx : 2012-10-31 12:56 ID:ZvYJJ684 [Del]

Hello Dollars! New Dollar here~ I'm from a tiny town called Warwick, near Birmingham, Coventry, Stratford aread ^^

49 Name: GG20 : 2012-11-02 13:48 ID:NE9Gok4P [Del]

Hey I am from Swindon, never went to a London expo, but planning on going next year.

50 Name: KikuNoEn : 2012-11-03 16:40 ID:qPlms7xZ [Del]

Staffordshire Dollar here~!
Anyone close-by? <3

51 Name: Takashi : 2012-11-04 16:38 ID:N0rweU7T [Del]

Birmingham, Great Barr
- PS I did go MCM, on the 27th, was wearing black with a green tie and tophat, just in case anybody saw me :)

52 Name: milkshake : 2012-11-12 10:14 ID:Qe/DzRQn [Del]

Yo, Liverpool dollar here! Just thought I'd drop by. :)

53 Name: Kido : 2012-11-14 12:27 ID:y9YY9GgG [Del]

>>31 It's good to know that there are Leeds Dollars!

54 Name: Penlide : 2012-11-22 16:19 ID:cRbX49iq [Del]

Bromley Dollar here. Please don't let me be the only one.

55 Name: English Aki : 2012-11-29 09:00 ID:csahFrFi [Del]

Bumping this :P
I'm the north-east :)

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57 Name: Alice : 2012-11-29 16:05 ID:PEDO8tgO [Del]

Enfield Dollar. I hope I'm not the only one.

58 Name: ZimonZi : 2012-12-02 15:58 ID:KR345XEJ [Del]

Birmingham Dollar here, i'm so glad to see this kind of site still going strong so long after the anime ended :D

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60 Name: Sukai : 2012-12-03 13:12 ID:XXwgqkJF [Del]

East London Dollar, here.

61 Name: Raok : 2012-12-24 15:04 ID:v25y9gqM [Del]

Devon Dollar here~
Ugh I couldn't go to the MCM expo in October.
Is anybody going in May?

62 Name: Roseanne : 2012-12-25 11:04 ID:i2+v2sp8 [Del]

I'm in the west Midlands. I wasn't able to go to MCM either, hopefully I can go in May. If I do go I'll be cosplaying as Fem!Izaya.~

63 Name: Alana : 2012-12-30 12:34 ID:HyxA9ab/ [Del]

Any of the england dollars going to nemacon,sunnycon or onecon? XD I will be cosplaying shizuo for nemacon :3

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65 Name: Saphiran : 2012-12-30 17:20 ID:XNdnkbpg [Del]

Im from England ^^ im from Kent which is about an hour away from london and Im going to MCM expo for the first time in May :D

66 Name: Avarice : 2013-01-02 15:17 ID:1QYA0+zQ [Del]

I live in the Westmidlands

67 Name: Elfen Note : 2013-01-02 20:29 ID:3+9nrJqn [Del]

I'm from the west midlands more specifically Shropshire

68 Name: Yellow : 2013-01-06 15:35 ID:T7BilGjT [Del]

I'm a dollar from Chesterfield... :)

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71 Name: PANDAx!/mnJQs7QaU : 2013-01-07 08:31 ID:hDZ59Oi8 [Del]

I'm from Ilford. c:

72 Name: unknown : 2013-02-03 08:20 ID:ShwTt1WR [Del]

im in newcastle. i'd love to meet up

73 Name: dola. : 2013-02-20 06:50 ID:ihV8sO9S [Del]

and I'm from Derbyshire
anyone going to MCM in May?

74 Name: KWONNIE-kew !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-02-20 07:06 ID:bT4sQHMG [Del]

im from london =w=
im going!!! im cosplaying as ciel!

75 Name: Flame : 2013-02-20 08:13 ID:CPEky7V9 [Del]

Surrey Dollar!

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77 Name: Ignis : 2013-02-20 13:24 ID:h+NrAUSq [Del]

>>1 You're in Dorset? I'm in Dorset too! That's amazing! Where abouts in Dorset?! (≧ω≦)

78 Name: <Coal> : 2013-03-07 07:44 ID:97y++Ogx [Del]

I'm from South Yorkshire, I'll give you a hint: 'City of Steel' people from UK should know this :3...

79 Name: R : 2013-03-14 18:07 ID:5tov1Mv/ [Del]

I'm living in Wales but could obviously get to England easily. I'd love to meet up with some members ^^

80 Name: DarkBoyWoo : 2013-03-23 20:00 ID:KFHAcg+k [Del]

The English Dollars should meet up !! I am in Bristol and i would love to meet some fellow Dollars. We should have a Dollar Day's so please. When? Were? What time????

81 Name: Megamarker : 2013-03-31 17:16 ID:a4qFf+sK [Del]

>>77>>1- Dorchester Dollar here Nice to know that there are a few Dollars close by XD

82 Name: Flame : 2013-04-16 15:54 ID:eCZau+HQ [Del]

I'm from surrey! :)

83 Name: Jackal : 2013-04-18 10:52 ID:RGwx08wT [Del]

Sheffield Dollars here!!!

84 Name: Kurochrome : 2013-04-23 05:00 ID:DgS2N4rV [Del]

Nottingham here :)

85 Name: |M|esh : 2013-06-18 10:56 ID:ErOmAjHe [Del]

I'm from Suffolk, it's a couple of hours from London.

86 Name: Kiba : 2013-06-19 20:30 ID:5poYMvzB [Del]

Warrington Manchester here :)

87 Name: Hiccup Crow : 2013-06-21 17:22 ID:3EvVH5/Q [Del]

I'm from eastbourne. A town near the southeast of england.
The closest city to us is brighton!

88 Name: yipster24 : 2013-07-22 05:00 ID:AqAQxJJd [Del]

Any other dollars from liverpool ?

89 Name: kikunoen : 2013-07-22 12:40 ID:1o7sXkvy [Del]

Staffordshire dollar here~!

90 Name: Katsezmeow : 2013-08-12 01:27 ID:JY/dnbTD [Del]

Bromley South East London here!

91 Name: Mika17 : 2013-08-19 04:04 ID:Ly/TmSbS [Del]

North London dollars here also

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93 Name: Sara : 2013-08-19 13:22 ID:QZAujqm0 [Del]

:O I'm from London. ^(o.o)

94 Name: TenshiHiddles : 2013-08-26 19:35 ID:ug8NkN3F [Del]

No one from Gloucestershire? ;__;

95 Name: Everlast : 2013-08-28 18:37 ID:mIG7iSgP [Del]

hey!! im a salisbury dollar, is there anyone else near me??? i would love to meet someone and is anyone going to mcm comic con in october???

96 Name: xWolfsReign : 2013-08-30 19:12 ID:slCsQPCL [Del]

Nottingham here :)
Happily surprised to see a few others in Notts too

97 Name: Shadow : 2013-09-13 12:12 ID:RDwdXrlT [Del]

Yep im from Chester

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100 Name: Daganshi : 2013-09-13 12:16 ID:M/hG7c2C [Del]

Yup! Hastings here!

101 Name: Stocking : 2013-09-19 13:53 ID:7tl8Njst [Del]

any dollars from Halstead, Essex

102 Name: Headlessnightowl : 2013-10-01 14:58 ID:khr408T6 (Image: 1136x640 jpg, 153 kb) [Del]

src/1380657483957.jpg: 1136x640, 153 kb
Hey I'm a new English Dollars member -w- How is everyone ~ lol.

103 Name: Snow : 2013-10-03 13:13 ID:cOgGnVKV [Del]

Luton(shit hole of a town, never go there, lots of chavs.) Dollar here. Going to Comic con expo in October.

104 Name: Snow : 2013-10-03 13:20 ID:cOgGnVKV [Del]

Can we have a dollars meet up at the expo on October? >.<

105 Name: Mr.Z : 2013-10-06 03:48 ID:4En6gJdi [Del]

Yo im a dollar in london. i also kinda would like to see how many dollars there are around expo aswell. maybe some one can be like a homing beacon for the dollars and carry around a sign and on the back of that sign we could all write somewhere on it our user names. or if we want to do this truly dollaresque we could all wear something that only us dollars will recognize as us being dollars, could be a band that has our logo on it or something. thoughts?


106 Name: Snow : 2013-10-10 16:07 ID:V63UopCo [Del]

We should do that. How about at the entrance the dollars will gather at a certain time, to know who are dollars we could have a piece of paper with the dollars logo and a pass word to let them know we are English dollars(e.g. BBS Doll or something like that), we could also wear something white because dollars are colours and we cant go in our birthday suit so the next best thing , is white. About a dollars meet up, I can only meet up on saturday.

107 Name: Topocky : 2013-10-13 16:10 ID:aM0OVbls [Del]

*is new and don't really know how this work* but if we are all goona meet up why don't we meet up at the manga convention next year in march or may time ^^

108 Name: Snow : 2013-10-16 05:48 ID:lhVL2Fza [Del]

That may be a good idea. ^.^ >.<

109 Name: Mushishō : 2013-11-07 16:22 ID:g2iuSBVp [Del]

Hey is there any Dollars in Norfolk? I'm from Norwich ^_^

110 Name: Ebony : 2013-11-12 17:24 ID:EBVEFbSf [Del]

Cornwall :/

111 Name: Moonstone1320 : 2013-11-13 05:35 ID:W2MXVQJe [Del]


112 Name: nGumball : 2013-11-13 10:03 ID:lnoN0zhH [Del]

From Manchester!

113 Name: いざや : 2013-11-27 06:42 ID:3GADMsjJ [Del]

Hey, I'm from Chester! Anyone nearby me? :0

114 Name: Blueberry!LpJR0bXBSc : 2013-11-27 15:48 ID:x18dOHnN [Del]

Hi ^^ I'm from Cambridgeshire ^.^

115 Name: j981 : 2013-12-03 04:10 ID:nql/rJGB [Del]

worstershire dollars here

116 Name: Cyl : 2013-12-03 09:55 ID:Yumgv12z [Del]

I'll be moving to England really soon. I'm planed to leave in 2 months.

117 Name: sasukepll : 2013-12-03 19:09 ID:vlJ9V8dA (Image: 500x732 jpg, 177 kb) [Del]

src/1386119344941.jpg: 500x732, 177 kb
Hi im from london pleased to meet any of dollars members

118 Name: Uncle Mum : 2014-01-03 15:39 ID:6n1Y5zqe [Del]

Any dollars from portsmouth??

119 Name: Joe-chan : 2014-01-23 14:31 ID:DimopTvd [Del]

Dollars from Leeds/Harrogate/York anyone?

120 Name: havoc : 2014-02-09 09:20 ID:1jzH8UOh [Del]

hi. dollar from selby here. I moved to UK 6 months ago.

121 Name: Sulfy !gCCOzokX.2 : 2014-02-10 16:18 ID:jTfBUUzX [Del]

Hey!! I'm a fairly new dollar. I live in Spain but I'm English, so I come back to England to see my family every now and then. I usually stay in Dartford, Kent :)

122 Name: Hikari Suzuma : 2014-02-10 16:34 ID:nHnI4kbN [Del]

Leeds Dollar here ^_^ Its nice to know there is so many Dollars in the UK.

123 Name: Snipz : 2014-02-12 17:01 ID:rdkCGgfU [Del]

Hi, I'm in London if anyone wants to contact fellow member(I'm a new member) hit me up at:
Kik: SnipzXpo

124 Name: Guardianstar : 2014-02-14 17:00 ID:B35mi4v+ [Del]

am I the only Dollar from Reading? Oh well, it's nice to know there are lots of British Dollars, even if they don't live near me :D

125 Name: Shizuo : 2014-02-14 17:25 ID:FV08OZer [Del]

I'm from Sheffield

126 Name: Shizuo : 2014-02-14 17:32 ID:FV08OZer [Del]

Anyone going to the Manchester mcm in July

127 Name: BlackJoy : 2014-03-12 18:11 ID:Hj2YS8Nl [Del]

New Essex Dollar here!

128 Name: Revz : 2014-03-13 13:40 ID:h/5SkRTx [Del]

London Dollar! :D

129 Name: Smblade246 : 2014-03-16 16:13 ID:V/uUm1nl [Del]

Birmingham dollar yo

130 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2014-03-28 12:38 ID:WrvAVurt [Del]

Hi, I'm a new Dollar from London ~

131 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2014-03-28 12:43 ID:WrvAVurt [Del]

I'll be going to MCM London Comic Con in May, if anyone wants to meet up or chat add me on Kik ~
Kik : Teeformee

132 Name: Sparky : 2014-04-03 12:46 ID:/Z0jZe+c [Del]

I'm a new Dollar from England, Sheffield

133 Name: Sparky : 2014-04-03 16:09 ID:/Z0jZe+c [Del]

If any people here are from Sheffield please visit so we can talk and plan missions

XD Thanks

134 Name: Fairy Anthem : 2014-04-05 11:44 ID:WQYTtVQK [Del]

Birmingham Dollar here

135 Name: Kagamine Kiira : 2014-04-13 19:30 ID:HfCtP3ta [Del]

So many Leeds Dollars! Who knows I may have met some of you before at Leeds conventions. Although I go to quite a few Manchester ones too.

136 Name: Nick Smith : 2014-04-14 02:26 ID:9YZ5BsIU [Del]

Yo, I'm in East Anglia (don't wanna get much more specific than that)

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138 Name: Kiku !LgO1WF2BHY : 2014-04-14 06:59 ID:L6Y6d4ga [Del]

I'm in Darlington, North East of England, its actually near Leeds, sortof.

139 Name: Kiku !LgO1WF2BHY : 2014-04-14 07:00 ID:L6Y6d4ga [Del]

>>8 You live near me~ I live near Newcastle too, and yes, it so far away from London TwT

140 Name: Sparky : 2014-04-26 08:56 ID:Lx5fUZrG [Del]

I have got a Chatzy room for all English Dollars to join if they want.

141 Name: soulreaper99 : 2014-04-27 11:00 ID:AAn+32MB [Del]

Anyone goin to sunnycon 2014 if so y dont we meet up

142 Name: KyoRivers : 2014-04-29 18:14 ID:0+VjTIVR [Del]

Norwich Doller here ;)

143 Name: Kidd : 2014-05-04 02:57 ID:Hj2YS8Nl [Del]

Dollar from london

144 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2014-05-04 03:17 ID:Q7k4Fhij [Del]

>>143 I'm from London too c:

145 Name: Azguler : 2014-05-07 12:08 ID:eTdcbKgZ [Del]

Anyone want to meet up MCM Comic Con? Im from Liverpool

146 Name: Jew boy : 2014-05-07 12:16 ID:9wKKewmL [Del]

lol fegs

147 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2014-05-07 12:39 ID:Q7k4Fhij [Del]

>>145 I'm going MCM Comic Con, I wouldn't mind a little meet up ^^

148 Name: zizu : 2014-05-07 17:22 ID:jzqV60Qg [Del]

Newcastle here! Hellooo! Nice meeting u all!!

149 Name: IzayaOrihara : 2014-05-08 00:47 ID:1Ciwg8Yi [Del]

I'm going Comic Con, and I'm from Basildon ^^

150 Name: DarkeBlayze : 2014-05-09 08:55 ID:JxNn6Z4m [Del]

I'm from Peterborough, glad there are people from england here too.

151 Name: Zay : 2014-05-29 15:43 ID:w8eZSQSP [Del]

Hello peeps!
By nationality I'm American but I currently live in the North West of England in the town called Southport and have been here 10 years and counting. Its really good to see others in England!

152 Name: ACH : 2014-05-30 14:40 ID:EltSc2Kv [Del]

>>142 I'm Norwich too!

153 Name: Kagura : 2014-06-01 16:47 ID:655sOCPZ [Del]

I'm in Dorset too... I'm in poole. It would be nice to meet some dollars from Dorset :3

154 Name: Jekko : 2014-06-05 19:05 ID:Hj2YS8Nl [Del]

So Dollars Day is coming up, is anything being planned in England (meet up or something??)
London chat;

155 Name: Konoene : 2014-06-08 09:02 ID:vhznPuDg [Del]

I live in the North-West of Manchester, specifically Gorse Hill.

156 Name: Haru : 2014-06-08 16:21 ID:kB4FA3qS [Del]

I'm a London Dollar!

157 Name: Katya : 2014-06-18 16:23 ID:7SBzYsal [Del]

Nottingham Dollar over here~! Unless I'm mistaken, I'm the first?

158 Name: Zetsumei : 2014-06-27 07:53 ID:ugHrSxce [Del]

>>145 I'm going to the MCM expo, wouldn't mind meeting up at all.
I'm from Manchester btw

159 Name: Lims : 2014-06-27 18:37 ID:GAMA4NEN [Del]

I'm from the South West in Torbay :3 And this Devon dumpling also intends to appear at MCM in October~ Hopefully cosplaying Walker :3

160 Name: Zetsumei : 2014-06-28 06:16 ID:ugHrSxce [Del]

>>145 where would we meet up?

161 Name: Lazarus : 2014-06-29 10:57 ID:KaVn//JQ [Del]

Another Dollar from England here~

162 Name: j981 : 2014-06-29 18:40 ID:DaHxmqvy [Del]

Worcester here

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164 Name: Aimi : 2014-07-03 15:23 ID:b8j5ZlBp [Del]

Hi, I'm from London.

165 Name: Sayomi : 2014-07-06 07:53 ID:UpK7m9zw [Del]

Hey! 'Nother Londoner Dollar here! East London to be specific :)
Anyone else in my area?

166 Name: MikaBaaka : 2014-07-10 06:42 ID:Ons2PguD [Del]

Hey!!! North Londoner here!
So pleased to see so many of us!

167 Name: Izuma : 2014-07-14 04:21 ID:KC1Jl3Po [Del]

London here also from south east close to central

168 Name: Izuma : 2014-07-14 04:24 ID:KC1Jl3Po [Del]

Any meets coming up soon. If so just wanna make sure with people of similar age as am 20

169 Name: Cyseros : 2014-07-21 07:58 ID:2Pbfq2yK [Del]

Manchester Dollar here. Planning Celty cosplay for Manchester MCM next year. :D

170 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-21 12:01 ID:HI6UBG1F [Del]

West Midlander here.

171 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-21 12:01 ID:HI6UBG1F [Del]

West Midlander here.

172 Name: Broker : 2014-07-21 15:00 ID:HI6UBG1F [Del]

I am in England at the moment but i will not be for long, can you get the details posted ASAP?

173 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-22 01:25 ID:WQ2MyVtA [Del]


174 Name: Mr.Z !pbenrOgEMQ : 2014-07-26 00:07 ID:MILYzNxo [Del]

are there any planned meetups happening? i mean it is the summer after all so this would be the best time to do a meet up or mission.

175 Name: MikaBaka : 2014-07-27 15:33 ID:l0nqS+Uv [Del]

GUYS! I'm planning a meet up this summer for Dollars in the UK. It is planned to be in London! here's the link to the thread

176 Name: Egneven : 2014-07-29 13:47 ID:XX22Me5f [Del]

Around the Gloucester area or thereabouts. If you frequent MCM I might have seen you once or twice already haha.

177 Name: OrekiX9 : 2014-07-31 20:48 ID:tw9Kb3+t [Del]


178 Name: Ambermist : 2014-08-01 10:49 ID:kHl5xhqn [Del]

I`m in Battle down south near Eastbourne pier which recently burnt down :(

179 Name: Chrome : 2014-08-01 11:16 ID:H851+6cQ [Del]

Currently abroad. I'm bored though, so I decided to see if anyone has anything interesting to say. How's it going~?

180 Name: Izaya : 2014-08-02 23:03 ID:eBLmDYd8 [Del]

I'm from England - London.
I've noticed there aren't many English Dollars too, so good morning to you all!~

181 Name: S.Jonesy : 2014-08-03 04:26 ID:HI6UBG1F [Del]

I am a Brit Dollar in a small town called Rugeley which is near Stafford. i think i may be close to >>62 >>66 >>170 >>67 >>89 >>50.

182 Name: Jaxx : 2014-08-12 04:40 ID:Gg7w2mmq [Del]

Hey! I'm a Manchester dollar, anyone else?

183 Name: Aura : 2014-08-17 04:27 ID:deSWNWMG (Image: 500x210 jpg, 34 kb) [Del]

src/1408267625357.jpg: 500x210, 34 kb
I'm from Morecambe, just joined a day ago 😜

184 Name: Sulfy !gCCOzokX.2 : 2014-08-24 16:26 ID:xm7soxvT [Del]

Sorry, i haven't been on the dollars site for over a month: my family have moved back to england after living abroad for 9 years.
Now i finally have internet again.

I'm now living in Maidstone ;)

185 Name: !.18ItdoukM : 2014-08-25 12:43 ID:EgZ4n35p [Del]

LONDON Dollar!!

186 Name: j981 : 2014-09-23 08:01 ID:rtXqvJ5W [Del]

Malvern dollar here it's about a hour train journey to Birmingham

187 Name: Hippy man : 2014-09-23 13:36 ID:tjW1U94a [Del]

Bedfordshire dollar!

188 Name: rara890 : 2014-10-01 11:32 ID:TR78I9zz [Del]

London Dollar here

189 Name: Tommy : 2014-10-03 02:59 ID:C9P2ne9r [Del]

Essex dollar here :P

190 Name: Venus : 2014-10-17 17:37 ID:mx5uj2V7 [Del]

Hi. I live in London. Well an hour away by bus...

191 Name: Mana : 2014-11-02 15:01 ID:gRWSSZNi [Del]

>>11 >>38 I'm from Cambridge. If anyone else sees this then go to Cam Con next year in the Junction and we could all meet up!

192 Name: Fenrir : 2014-11-02 17:25 ID:ge4FW3mM [Del]

Literally just joined the dollars a moment ago, Im from Nottingham and im at bilborough college. Im interested in meeting new friends!

193 Name: Mana : 2014-11-02 17:38 ID:gRWSSZNi [Del]

>>192 Sweet, if you ever see me in a chat, say hi and we could get to know eachother! (my name is always Mana)

194 Name: Fenrir : 2014-11-03 08:11 ID:CbHw47jp [Del]

Cool, thanks mana!

195 Name: Grim666 : 2014-11-03 14:13 ID:OYwxCtOm [Del]

I'm from Yorkshire

196 Name: sapphire : 2014-11-03 17:58 ID:zaWKJI3t [Del]

Londoner and proud

197 Name: Fenrir : 2014-11-03 18:08 ID:NPwZkYkN [Del]

Grim where're you from? Sheffield by any chance?

198 Name: Cherri : 2014-11-06 03:43 ID:aYkp4kk4 [Del]

Yey, i'm in Gateshead :P

199 Name: Android R : 2014-11-11 15:06 ID:ODUQIksb [Del]

I'm from west Yorkshire, Leeds to be more specific. I was worried that I would be the only one from Leeds, but it's good to know that there are some people nearby ^_^

200 Name: Okuraseru : 2014-11-16 12:16 ID:cFp3EF82 [Del]

Anyone from Birmingham?

201 Name: Katie : 2014-11-30 12:06 ID:gBqdkm4f [Del]

>>200 im from warwick, its near Birmingham. i didn't know there were so many English dollars!

202 Name: V !0SOsQB.MGg : 2015-01-31 11:45 ID:uoJ6Ix2+ [Del]

Wow there's so many! I'm from surrey

203 Name: Jinjaku : 2015-01-31 13:55 ID:wfCx1EdD [Del]

hey guys im from a small town called barnet in Hertfordshire

204 Name: Izayoi !Ns.djHvXos : 2015-01-31 13:58 ID:EGdpqQR6 [Del]

From London

205 Name: curls !zbiJOG30lg : 2015-01-31 16:02 ID:loMPsg8X [Del]

Hertfordshire here~

206 Name: Jellie : 2015-02-01 06:39 ID:Ck0WMN7j [Del]

I'm from Leicester

207 Name: Lux : 2015-02-01 20:53 ID:vAYpXlcR [Del]

Yo, Im new and from southampton!

208 Name: redman001!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-02-02 01:40 ID:3rAcfxJm [Del]

living in london

i din't know that there where dollars in london

209 Name: Psychomaniac : 2015-02-02 10:41 ID:HXmev7Oz [Del]

Basildon, Essex Dollar here.

Would love to meet up with other dollars around that area.

Distance doesn't matter I have a (Slightly) Working car, just don't make the directions to complicated.

If need be you can add me on skype (Username on request).

I am also on Steam Username is PSYCHOMANIAC.

I play a wide variety of games, Currently playing Dying Light.

I am also watching "Another"

would love to hear back from some of you guys.

210 Name: Aria : 2015-02-02 12:14 ID:T/25Yk3c [Del]

I am from England.

211 Name: thompa : 2015-02-02 13:05 ID:TLSxiGlK [Del]

I live in the north east of England.

212 Name: Shogun : 2015-02-02 15:01 ID:ny+ztOX8 [Del]

>>203 I used to live in Barnet :3
>>205 I live in Herts too, you on steam or anything?

213 Name: Saikyou : 2015-02-03 13:40 ID:oXuXolNQ [Del]

From Surrey- Don't wanna meet ya guyz, I work alone and stay alone.Mercenary for hire.

214 Name: Kon : 2015-02-04 07:44 ID:4zyV20AQ [Del]

I am Kon, I live in the north east of England in Tees-side, I'd be very eager to chat to any local dollars and spread ideas

215 Name: Kon : 2015-02-04 07:58 ID:4zyV20AQ [Del]

>>8 I don't live all that far from you Tora

216 Name: Ritsu : 2015-02-04 09:53 ID:apmWoTJj [Del]

I'm also from Surrey, somewhat south of London :)

217 Name: Yurayura : 2015-02-10 06:13 ID:27hhHiAp [Del]

I'm from Newcastle. ^^

218 Name: kaida : 2015-02-14 13:14 ID:Uvk6UWB2 [Del]

Hi i'm from Lancing in west sussex, this website is amazing there's so many people from England here :D

219 Name: Alice : 2015-02-14 13:32 ID:NDVmSWKt [Del]

I live a bit nearer to london but i forgot what it was called sorry

220 Name: Martini Moriarty : 2015-02-16 16:12 ID:J62GPNKR [Del]

How many of you make it Mcm London comic con?

221 Name: redman001!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-02-16 20:39 ID:uAp38OxL [Del]

how many people live in london here?

>>220 i live in london but i don't go comic-con london

222 Name: Nyanko : 2015-02-19 06:24 ID:0NT4lfM6 [Del]

Hi everyone! Another one from Nottingham here.
>>220 London comic-con is just too far for me but I like to go to Birmingham Comic-Con, which is coming up next month. Anyone else going?

223 Name: SpaceKnight : 2015-02-19 07:15 ID:078dIEpu [Del]

Yo, I'm an English dollar living all the way down in Portsmouth... I'm planning to go to the London MCM comicon in May. Is anyone else here either living in Portsmouth or going to MCM in may?

224 Name: curls !zbiJOG30lg : 2015-02-19 07:16 ID:loMPsg8X [Del]

>>212 yeah I'm on steam ^^

225 Name: curls !zbiJOG30lg : 2015-02-19 08:17 ID:loMPsg8X [Del]

>>212 I'm available on skype as well

226 Name: Amaya : 2015-02-19 16:01 ID:PdDpz2TN [Del]

I'm from Suffolk in the East of England. It's a pity that there isn't more of us :(

227 Name: Yagiri : 2015-02-20 03:11 ID:LbLrfK26 [Del]

I'm in London.

228 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-20 11:43 ID:vWpALrFL [Del]

london dollar

229 Name: curare : 2015-02-22 10:56 ID:4AsOiwRT [Del]

Bournemouth dollar here

230 Name: Kon : 2015-03-04 06:28 ID:4zyV20AQ [Del]

>>225 Always willing to chat to anyone from the dollars, you guys can reach me at lethsis1 on skype, or konpaku on steam, specifically any locals would be good, im in the teesside area of the north east

231 Name: Athos : 2015-03-04 12:44 ID:uoY2yXE5 [Del]

South London here!! From a place called Mitcham. Unfortuantely I probably wont be able to make it to the May London MCM but I'll try to make it to the october one if anyone is going. Also should we wear something which only other dollars members would be able to recognise? I know people think the point is so we dont know who the other dollars members are but I persoanlly think that it would be pretty cool to meet others from this community :D

232 Name: kon : 2015-03-05 06:32 ID:q/zKqQ3D [Del]

>>231 I used to wear a hat with the dollars logo on it, bumped into a few of us that way

233 Name: JekoJeko : 2015-03-30 08:12 ID:FRve/vH7 [Del]

Milton Keynes Dollar, probably the only one. Will hopefully become an Oxford Dollar come Oct

234 Name: reyra-chan : 2015-04-04 03:12 ID:1oIqxVz1 [Del]

>>112>>169 Manchester dollars?

235 Name: happyrobin27 : 2015-04-07 16:11 ID:4qEqAZcK [Del]

>>27 A Wiltshire Dollar! Same, what part?

236 Name: Seth : 2015-04-08 16:19 ID:dTVHkgf1 [Del]

Bristol Dollar here!

237 Post deleted by user.

238 Name: Baka-chan : 2015-04-09 09:22 ID:RotWAJpK [Del]

Swindon dollar so boring here anyone going to MCM this year

239 Name: J : 2015-04-09 10:44 ID:e666GOeT [Del]

Another here!

240 Name: Lóng : 2015-04-09 15:32 ID:CRoMvFYA [Del]

Brummie Dollar here

241 Name: devektra : 2015-04-12 08:29 ID:OPeB2B12 [Del]

SW London Dollar right here! Anyone near to meet up for Dollars Day 19th June 2015?

242 Name: Kimiko : 2015-04-15 06:52 ID:LCaBKBHW [Del]

Hi! Portsmouth Dollar here! I'll be going to the London MCM in October this year if anyone else is going :P

243 Name: The Hermit : 2015-04-15 08:01 ID:f9zVmqUv [Del]

Hi fellow tea sippers, I didn't think there is this many of us from the UK

244 Name: The Hermit : 2015-04-15 08:03 ID:f9zVmqUv [Del]

Any others from Bristol?

245 Name: Blank : 2015-04-15 10:28 ID:ejpQ+P3c [Del]

Im here

246 Name: Kairen : 2015-04-19 17:52 ID:jys433e9 [Del]

I'm from Kent

247 Name: Teacup : 2015-04-27 08:52 ID:OkfmKLrH [Del]

Glad to see there are more English dollars than I thought. I'm from Shropshire, without being too specific about a 45 minute drive from Telford, although I'm literally a 10 minute walk from the Staffordshire border in the opposite direction. Anyone nearby?

248 Name: <Coal> : 2015-04-27 21:18 ID:TjLG2HLi [Del]

Whoa, haven't been on this thread for ages, nice to know there are more than a few of us in Sheffield. :)

249 Name: Lims : 2015-05-05 13:33 ID:pkhBJ/PY [Del]

Devonshire Dollar here :) How's it going guys?~

250 Name: jack alford : 2015-05-11 00:59 ID:xiBEpCCC [Del]

wolverhampton dollars anyone in wolverhampton

251 Name: Ray- laj : 2015-05-12 16:22 ID:QXD+Dw1G [Del]

London Dollar here, nice to meet you all!!

252 Name: Ryuzaki !BCBw9dSZEQ : 2015-05-12 19:57 ID:nHsWyLfD [Del]

Southampton anyone else?

253 Name: The Hermit : 2015-05-13 05:48 ID:f9zVmqUv [Del]

So are there any others from Bristol?

254 Name: ... : 2015-05-16 17:34 ID:9BWgV3p3 [Del]


255 Name: FinTheHuman97 : 2015-05-20 10:48 ID:ZU2ulAnA [Del]

Blackburn Dollar

256 Name: Archer : 2015-05-20 11:53 ID:2e/IfK57 [Del]

Any huddersfield or Dewsbury members? and im an english member too

257 Name: curls !zbiJOG30lg : 2015-05-21 11:43 ID:loMPsg8X [Del]

anyone going to MCM Expo in London this weekend??

258 Post deleted by user.

259 Name: Kyube : 2015-05-26 12:19 ID:VGZhk94N [Del]


260 Name: drunkensamurai : 2015-05-28 07:57 ID:iTvCHaTm [Del]

Hey guys! any dollars in Plymouth Devon!?

261 Post deleted by user.

262 Post deleted by user.

263 Name: Sayomi : 2015-05-28 11:08 ID:N/PW4nMB [Del]

Aw dont tell me Im the only east londoner here!
If anyones is near me just message me on my tumblr or whatever
twitter: May_socio

264 Name: Silice : 2015-05-28 18:54 ID:oxwXgLPr [Del]

Sayomi I live in London too ^^

265 Name: redman001 : 2015-05-28 22:20 ID:ourvo971 [Del]

wow,i din't there was so many london dollars,there must be more then 10 dollars here in london

266 Name: Sayomi : 2015-05-29 14:45 ID:N/PW4nMB [Del]

>>264 which part

267 Name: Yotsuba : 2015-05-29 16:52 ID:V+Vrg8/7 [Del]

>>257 I went last weekend! It was great~

268 Name: Sayomi : 2015-05-30 13:56 ID:N/PW4nMB [Del]

I just had an idea, i dont know if its been tossed about a bit before, but how about (to connect more) every english dollar puts a #codeword and then we just follow everyone with the tag??

269 Name: HYDRO IMPACT : 2015-05-31 01:25 ID:m8bYR8MH [Del]

I live in Peterborough. I doubt there's many Dollars members here, but nonetheless, glad to be here :) Pleasure to meet you all!

270 Name: Taiga : 2015-05-31 15:31 ID:iPS7baF8 [Del]

Im from Derbyshire (^・ω・^ )

271 Name: Taiga : 2015-05-31 15:46 ID:iPS7baF8 [Del]

>>249>>73>>68 there isn't a lot of us I see .-. but we should have a small meet-up someday

272 Name: Kotoro : 2015-06-02 01:46 ID:m+7Pr0vC [Del]

Kent dollar here I think the #codeword would be a great idea

273 Name: SnidgetGirl : 2015-06-11 07:32 ID:V72rzzC4 [Del]

Brummie Girl here ^__^

274 Name: CAmiLLa : 2015-06-11 11:34 ID:8b6oAGTl [Del]


275 Name: Prism : 2015-06-23 08:14 ID:107vmNKl [Del]

Aylesbury Dollar here

276 Name: Sandslash : 2015-06-23 09:50 ID:SBTnqz3z [Del]

Worthing dollar here :)

277 Name: Zaurusu : 2015-07-29 09:53 ID:La/f3MGs [Del]

Birmingham Dollar

278 Name: Haruko : 2015-08-01 14:39 ID:erQMtJDe [Del]

Hi there, I'm from the Peterborough area.
Nice to meet you all.

279 Name: Kurama : 2015-08-02 14:24 ID:EltSc2Kv [Del]

>>226 I'm from Norwich, Norfolk! Kind of close right? xD

280 Name: Moriko : 2015-08-02 15:46 ID:8VVhikm/ [Del]

Liverpool dollar here! ^w^

281 Name: pyo~pyro : 2015-08-04 06:57 ID:zOBeBdVs [Del]

sheffield dollar!! we all need a meet up anyone got an idea how to do this??

282 Name: Tohru : 2015-08-08 17:07 ID:f7TTMX4c [Del]

Manchester dollar here! I think meeting up would be awesome. I think we should also have a #codeword. Since we don't seem to have one yet, what about something simple like sterling (as in our currency)?

283 Name: jh2h : 2015-08-11 09:25 ID:bvnSlEKl [Del]

London dollar here~ ^_^

284 Name: Amaya : 2015-08-11 09:59 ID:wa4m5yJU [Del]

From Yorkshire :)

285 Name: Zonnoser : 2015-08-11 11:09 ID:Z8HAR1W6 [Del]

I am from England, namely Nuneaton.

286 Name: Xion : 2015-08-11 18:02 ID:8zCV4scd [Del]

I'm from England the west midlands in Wostershire. 2-3 hours from London and nice to know so many ppl out here.

287 Name: Namie-San : 2015-08-11 20:41 ID:7AOUw0Xc [Del]

I'm not england but I will love talk with you!!

288 Name: Shiro !FKk4keqK9w : 2015-08-12 07:04 ID:m+e7xXFD [Del]

i guess im next to engliand. . im in wales

289 Name: Sayomi : 2015-08-15 17:11 ID:uBEhvhk3 [Del]

Maybe the #Codeword could be something like #Colourless or #ColourlessEng or something seeing as you know, were colourless

290 Name: Cerberus : 2015-08-15 20:14 ID:S4mRExu5 [Del]

I were in England untill last tuesday, counts?

291 Name: Chris-san : 2015-08-15 20:21 ID:uKC67x8o [Del]

Creo que hay muy poca gente de habla hispana y si los hay repórtense y hagan que más personas se unan a los Dollars sean españoles,Latonos o de cualquier otro lugar

292 Name: Amber !iJvTprGbUU : 2015-08-16 02:33 ID:yQJhf41z [Del]

London dollar ^_^

293 Name: Baconator : 2015-08-16 05:07 ID:YYC/aPOt [Del]

England dollar over here!

Currently on a mini holiday in London :D

294 Name: Devi !5loz5WuIWQ : 2015-08-17 11:39 ID:JATv6HYm [Del]

Nice to see so many active dollars integrating with the site, still wondering whether knowing each other contradicts the whole Colourless thing but oh well :)

295 Name: Kon : 2015-08-18 03:31 ID:UX/rm4dU [Del]

If anyones interest, skype me at Lethsis1 :)

296 Name: Crimson!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-08-21 16:03 ID:LiS+R+wk [Del]

Hey I'm in London, contacts below

297 Name: Dante : 2015-08-21 17:24 ID:nZXLPtCw [Del]

Here from the north ^_^

298 Name: Raika : 2015-08-21 17:48 ID:WlZdt9Kc [Del]

I'm from Yorkshire, midlands of England :D
Skype: raika.dollars (Raika Dollars)

hope I here from some of you soon :3

299 Name: hisui : 2015-08-21 22:34 ID:8VVhikm/ [Del]

hey! i'm from liverpool!
add me on skype if you'd like: lucyakalucy ^_^

300 Name: Anzuru : 2015-08-22 15:44 ID:XEx1Gndg [Del]

London here :)

301 Name: Rouren : 2015-08-22 15:56 ID:/Qdi9LkM [Del]

Hi, I'm from Leicester.

302 Name: Psycho Neko : 2015-08-22 16:00 ID:zErnpXyD [Del]

I'm from where Rouren' s from!

303 Name: Loki : 2015-08-22 17:13 ID:Ez+XIUm8 [Del]


304 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-26 09:15 ID:QXpw/B6M [Del]

let's put some fire on this country, shall we?

305 Name: Lycan!GXcqWm4bbU : 2015-08-30 10:19 ID:YEThV6Wt [Del]

Hello from London,

I do quite enjoy meeting new people, so feel free to ping me:

306 Name: Unknown ^_^ : 2015-09-18 14:28 ID:8WP8Zky8 [Del]

I'm a dollar from Lincolnshire anyone else?

307 Name: Stefan Keys : 2015-10-22 13:02 ID:R7JN+ukk [Del]

I am Londoner, if anyone wants to contact me

308 Post deleted by user.

309 Name: Stefan Keys : 2015-10-22 13:15 ID:R7JN+ukk [Del]

>>305 Sorry Lycan but your email doesn't see post >>307 for my email

310 Name: HappyChappy : 2015-11-04 12:00 ID:ldbVejAr [Del]

Hi guys, I'm from Portsmouth :) Would be nice to get to meet up one day ^^

311 Name: Shiro !FKk4keqK9w : 2015-11-04 12:01 ID:pUtaIKVy [Del]

im not prom england but im from wales!

312 Name: StrayGod !/0M.6.VM7A : 2015-11-05 21:16 ID:XNO3ri/D [Del]

Hey I'm from London, but I go to school in the US. Are there any meet-ups planned for any time soon?

313 Name: RhiaJ : 2015-11-19 03:31 ID:Ddk7lfBH [Del]

I'm from the West Midlands worcestershire! if you want to contact me for a chat here's my email! there's not many of us is there?

314 Name: Alex : 2015-11-19 04:37 ID:Mdhnq3Bs [Del]

United states

315 Name: Kiara : 2015-11-19 09:39 ID:wVzpf37D [Del]

Hey I'm from Huddersfield, nice to meet you all!

316 Name: Stitch : 2015-11-19 18:39 ID://Bs3BJN [Del]

I move between North wales and Liverpool, any dollars members close too? :)

317 Name: Key : 2015-11-19 19:34 ID:K2plFOjZ [Del]

Well this dollar is from North Wales, nice to meet you guys

318 Name: Stitch : 2015-11-20 01:29 ID://Bs3BJN [Del]

Pleasure to meet you, where about in North wales are you from?
Im about 10-30 minutes from Llandudno.

319 Name: Key : 2015-11-20 02:11 ID:K2plFOjZ [Del]

Around Anglesey

320 Name: Stitch : 2015-11-20 02:54 ID://Bs3BJN [Del]

Oh cool, thats not to far away. Like 30 mins by car or 2 hours by trains. Pretty cool to know there are other dollars members close by. :D

321 Name: androidhanks : 2015-11-24 20:20 ID:gXcd5V9V [Del]

weston super mare
near bristol...
kik tasaka3110

322 Name: Abziiee : 2015-11-30 11:07 ID:ADF/Lip2 [Del]

From London~

323 Name: Fall3n : 2015-11-30 12:14 ID:OUObtiS0 [Del]

eyy im in cambridge :D not close enough ;p

324 Name: Mizuki : 2016-01-17 08:23 ID:X6ZRHGcd [Del]

South East London :D

325 Name: Tatsumi : 2016-01-17 13:24 ID:K1btk3Xs [Del]

Wiltshire :DDDDDD

326 Name: Jackal !lOAjr5nRQM : 2016-01-22 17:24 ID:7NCaKRoR [Del]

Norfolk! Any one else from around there?

327 Name: Torvi : 2016-01-23 06:23 ID:6zo53mj8 [Del]

Wellingborough - northamptonshire, nice to see some english dollars!

328 Name: Drothe : 2016-01-28 12:38 ID:phwRhvQp [Del]

Manchester peeps, we should totally meet up. When you all free?

329 Name: Chester : 2016-02-02 06:55 ID:t0T3+6uC [Del]

I live in Norfolk message me! :)

330 Name: Tohru : 2016-02-11 09:34 ID:T64nOLIw [Del]

Anyone from England who wants to chat, email me at :D I'm from the Manchester area

331 Name: Psamurott : 2016-02-13 13:10 ID:2lp7MLq9 [Del]

any dollar live in west midlands

332 Name: Tohru : 2016-02-14 12:50 ID:Ews0v0pv [Del]

@psamurott i live in the north west, so fairly close^^

333 Name: Katia : 2016-02-14 13:02 ID:a7ZcTCo2 [Del]

Psamurott!! I'm from Birmingham!

334 Name: Tohru : 2016-02-15 10:03 ID:Saj8unsh [Del]

Katia and Psamurott, send me an email ^o^ my name's Tohru and I'd love to talk to other UK dollars!!! It's hard to do on this site tho!!! My email is

335 Name: Topman : 2016-02-17 21:11 ID:cvtlECGo [Del]

Hey I'm in the West Midlands, anyone else?

336 Name: Kida : 2016-02-18 08:24 ID:7cAE0nDW [Del]

im close to england

337 Name: Cicy : 2016-02-18 11:08 ID:58IWBXiK [Del]

I live in the east of England, but I'd love to talk to members from anywhere! Email me if you want to chat sometime:

338 Name: Yamato : 2016-03-04 16:54 ID:69ZkOS2R [Del]

Anyone near Gloucester, E-mail me!

339 Name: Konsu : 2016-03-18 13:00 ID:0TpP/tO7 [Del]

hey new dollar here, I'm from rugby known for rugby.

340 Name: Sayomi : 2016-03-26 13:07 ID:QFL9Lsyh [Del]

Any London Dollars (If youre from east london eyyyyyy but you can be any) hmu!!

341 Name: Colourful.V : 2016-03-26 15:44 ID:nSqA7VOd [Del]

Devon Dollar here...

342 Name: Hin0ki : 2016-03-26 15:57 ID:zJRj5WJN [Del]


I currently live at Bath, studying at le uni

Drop me an email if you'd ever like to chat!

343 Name: Izara : 2016-04-04 03:07 ID:L67mRDSk [Del]

Hello! I'm from Reading.

344 Name: Ren : 2016-04-04 14:34 ID:90x2wIYr [Del]

Hey London Dollar here!!
If you want to chat hit me on tumbler: feathers-of-ash

345 Post deleted by user.

346 Name: Sora : 2016-04-04 23:28 ID:wLswRwiu [Del]

I'm in the US but my parents are thinking of moving to England

347 Name: Izara : 2016-04-06 12:23 ID:atyNLmUX [Del]

Good to know, I'm not alone!

348 Name: Zetzu : 2016-04-08 10:55 ID:t51sbX+m [Del]

Hey from london everyone.

349 Name: Quebexy : 2016-04-12 17:10 ID:rDsBzRbp [Del]

Birmingham Dollar, Amy here!
To think such a thing like the Dollars exist.
Want to talk?

350 Name: Anoia : 2016-05-24 05:32 ID:7zzCvtc7 [Del]

I live near London @Zetsu, glad to know there's more Dollars in England lmao

351 Name: Dazman : 2016-06-07 14:15 ID:hzMS9TpK [Del]

All Dollars from the south east please respond! Id liked to propose a meet.

352 Name: Machi : 2016-06-07 17:00 ID:QmMCxF1s [Del]

Blackpool dollar

353 Name: Technetium : 2016-06-08 15:13 ID:KHvyNZWq [Del]

London dollar here :)

354 Name: Dazman : 2016-06-08 15:58 ID:hzMS9TpK [Del]

Want to arrange a meet with as many people as possible but it seems there isn't many of us on here.

355 Post deleted by user.

356 Name: Ada-lace !RZeaw//iSA : 2016-07-01 01:54 ID:nJAQJ4Lu [Del]

London Dollar here! Livin' in the south east!

357 Name: mimino : 2016-07-06 16:02 ID:vnxwENRq [Del]

I'm in se Lonodon as well! Happy to know that there are quite a lot of Dollars in England :)

358 Name: Chress !zvPVfqWhlE : 2016-07-11 11:29 ID:zuNKpAwb [Del]

Anyone fromn Liverpool?

359 Name: Juichiro : 2016-08-06 12:33 ID:cyKiYxnq [Del]

Lincolnshire Dollar here! Though I study up in Middlesbrough during university semester time ^^

360 Name: Mai : 2016-08-14 16:37 ID:M2DmbQfl [Del]

I'm a London Dollar here! Living in Croydon :) I only recently joined the Dollars too! :D

361 Name: Zetsu : 2016-08-18 10:49 ID:p3gC9Wtu [Del]

Do any london dollars wanna study connected?

362 Name: Jin : 2016-08-27 15:20 ID:hgc+/qzL [Del]

Hey guys, new Dollar reporting in, I'm around Devon^^

363 Name: pekmek : 2016-08-27 17:04 ID:NRq5gFGV [Del]

I'm just passing by from North Russian capital (I hope you know this city) to say "Hello" because Russian thread isn't lively. Really love scenes with two Ivans from drrrx2 x))) and russian speech by seiyuues is so kawaii :3

364 Name: Hiroki : 2016-08-28 10:19 ID:QG1b1Z2/ [Del]

>>361 What do you mean ?

365 Name: Kimitara : 2016-09-04 12:42 ID:TxzR2Uib [Del]

Hey everyone! A new UK dollar has arrived, reporting in from Cambridge! Seems there's a lot of southern Dollars still kicking around on here (*^▽^)/

366 Name: Lewthy : 2016-09-19 18:13 ID:Hu1XRvAZ [Del]

Born in Bracknell! Live in Devon though. Anyone else from Devon or around that area?

367 Name: Chress !zvPVfqWhlE : 2016-10-07 02:33 ID:+mnNAcdZ [Del]


368 Name: Seven7een : 2016-10-07 07:01 ID:FRh+h5Rt [Del]

Another one here from around Oxford. Glad to see there are some of us still around.

369 Name: Astute : 2016-10-07 13:05 ID:jcYVqnFP [Del]

Hey there! New dollar from Portsmouth reporting in.

370 Name: Sam_leFox : 2016-10-08 21:20 ID:5TsX+kSx [Del]

New Dollar here, Londoner...

371 Name: Satokyun : 2016-10-20 02:12 ID:LC00/hgA [Del]

Is anybody here going to the MCM Comic con this month?
Londoner Dollar here

372 Name: Ellie : 2016-11-22 10:15 ID:iCC2+MRc (Image: 283x159 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

src/1479831332855.jpg: 283x159, 22 kb
Hello ^•^
I'm a Cambridgeshire Dollar!! Nice to meet all of you!

373 Name: madi : 2016-11-22 19:29 ID:GPBq2A33 [Del]

hay im new at this how does it work

374 Name: Izaya : 2016-12-23 07:06 ID:z226GNlQ [Del]

I'm a Londoner. This is quite the community of us Brits. I'd begin singing the national anthem, but that's not a very good idea.

375 Name: Azumi : 2017-01-12 19:30 ID:oXhp3xMc [Del]

hey anyone here who lives near Cheshire?

376 Name: Arisia : 2017-02-07 10:05 ID:3Ow7IjIA [Del]

Hiya! I'm from the west midlands ^^ Anyone else?

377 Name: rhyolite : 2017-02-08 07:59 ID:MedbPSQi [Del]

Hi! I'm from Milton Keynes! nice to see so many people from England here!

378 Name: MINT : 2017-03-09 10:36 ID:li+r954I [Del]

Preston dollar here! please don't say i'm the only one..... (=_=)

379 Name: Mernihan : 2017-03-14 07:28 ID:/o0ItUcQ [Del]

Hey, dollar from Huddersfield here. Not seeing many Yorkshiremen on here, mainly because I can't be bothered reading the whole thread.

380 Name: DeMad1 : 2017-03-15 15:19 ID:3JDHj2aQ [Del]

HEY! Dollar from London, how is everyone holding up?

381 Name: Setton5 : 2017-03-26 10:58 ID:pm/o7ZX8 [Del]

Hello I'm new here from London I hope we can all get along ^.^

382 Name: Funk : 2017-04-09 08:09 ID:oT72kFic [Del]

New Dollar here, from the North East / Newcastle region. I'm surprised by how many people are on here :)

383 Name: Persona : 2017-04-09 18:15 ID:hQlOkd7i [Del]

New Dollar here too from the North West, but currently I'm studying in Yorkshire!

384 Name: KidaStitch : 2017-04-10 11:41 ID:deDMYt4c [Del]

Dollars member from Liverpool here, been waiting for a few members to pop up in the UK.
If you're looking for fellow members to befriend in the same country then send me an email, it'll be cool to meet a few of you. Older members like myself and newer ones.

385 Name: mimi : 2017-04-11 05:36 ID:dkzRT9ab [Del]

Also from England in London😊 Nice to know there are more!

386 Name: Eziopandas915 : 2017-04-26 16:14 ID:e7lOgXzD [Del]

Lincolnshire Dollar up and ready!!!

387 Post deleted by user.

388 Name: Kerriane : 2017-04-27 14:53 ID:9vAVLtAd [Del]

Oxfordshire dollar here :3

389 Name: Anonymous : 2017-04-30 16:54 ID:QZ4pDmgP [Del]

Hello, glad there are England dollars out there. I am from Exmouth!

390 Name: Anony : 2017-07-02 07:45 ID:oT8KTwsf [Del]

Any dolllars in Nottingham?

391 Name: Luciferus : 2017-07-14 17:10 ID:oU6UOwz2 [Del]

Hey everyone! Anyone from London here??

392 Name: GattoIncolore : 2017-07-20 18:55 ID:qOjD0mUb [Del]

Yup~ Hello my fellow Londoner :)

393 Name: 優奈人 : 2017-10-05 22:40 ID:5TsX+kSx [Del]

Hiya! I'm looking for people in London. I'm trying to find friends who liked the anime DURARARA!! and The Dollars obviously. I'm trying make some friends first then hopefully we can have our own Londoner group.

Btw my name is Yunahito. 😁
My email is: ""
I also have Discord: Yunahito Kohaku#8537
I'm 20 btw, hopefully I'll hear from someone soon!

394 Name: Tohru : 2017-10-22 06:00 ID:8noSJQlT [Del]

>>229 bournemouth too

395 Name: hqq : 2017-10-24 18:36 ID:zIEoy6Ki [Del]

me too!
And WOW, there are a lot of londoners, aren't there-
you should totally meet up or something! Start a london dollars community! lmao

396 Name: Kumi : 2017-10-24 19:34 ID:w2g23t5u [Del]

>>376 Me too! I live kinda near Birmingham. I'm looking for more West Midlands Dollars too!

397 Name: Melancholia : 2017-10-26 11:34 ID:8r/PIAPJ [Del]

I'm from England too, just joined ^u^ I live in West Yorkshire

398 Name: Zephyrus : 2017-10-26 17:58 ID:5TuPTpV5 [Del]

I'm new and from East yorkshire!

399 Name: ♬♫♪Melioyasss♪♫♬ : 2017-10-26 18:06 ID:TT1ZiHUC [Del]

Newbie here as well haha Midlands all the way!..

400 Name: ♬♫♪Melioyasss♪♫♬ : 2017-10-26 18:37 ID:TT1ZiHUC [Del]

>>390 I heard you were from Nottingham, likewise my friend!!! :D

401 Name: Kumi : 2017-10-27 11:16 ID:w2g23t5u [Del]

>>399 Where abouts are you from~? It seems we have a few Midlands dollars!

402 Name: AstraKestra : 2017-11-06 05:29 ID:z6vJ9dPI [Del]

Anyone at the Warwick racecourse firework display this weekend? Would be good to know I wasn't the only member there.

403 Name: Rastaban? : 2017-11-07 18:33 ID:VnabAWvc [Del]

Hi, I'm from Italy but I live in Nottingham now for the uni. Anyone else in nottingham?

404 Name: Kro!swzCakSOPM : 2017-11-17 05:35 ID:IthljzbP [Del]

Yo, Birmingham comicon is this weekend, anyone going?
I've already booked to go but I don't have a cosplay sadly xd

405 Name: Kiara : 2017-12-10 07:36 ID:6tJDAEFH [Del]

Huddersfield here!

406 Name: DGrayed : 2018-01-11 23:42 ID:bz2vNBgM [Del]

Any active Dollars members in Kent or am I the only one?

407 Name: Amber : 2018-01-22 01:42 ID:mSN3p6cw [Del]

Hi, anyone else residing in the Lancashire area on here?

408 Name: Rook : 2018-01-25 11:20 ID:t6r80M5i [Del]

Southampton Dollar, at your service. Any meetups happening in this NEW year?

409 Name: Luna Dragonblade : 2018-02-18 15:10 ID:kiCFG7Iy (Image: 430x800 jpg, 39 kb) [Del]

src/1518988249583.jpg: 430x800, 39 kb
Hey dudes, anybody from the North Yorkshire side of England? If so I'd love to chat with y'all. Coz I'm from round those parts.

The pic is quite accurate tbh

410 Name: Exile : 2018-03-10 17:46 ID:DDINTkQB [Del]

English and proud to be so

411 Name: August !/4NC0z5u3Q : 2018-03-18 06:23 ID:Vi9a3dWa [Del]

A Liverpool dollar here! Anyone else around me?

412 Name: Makito : 2018-03-18 20:23 ID:GV2Rb4/O [Del]

Chelmsford Dollar here

413 Name: Siofra !YaKoZt96Is : 2018-04-07 17:39 ID:7pl1MDjH [Del]

Manchester Dollar here.

414 Name: Malerei : 2018-04-12 04:06 ID:rZyaNThw [Del]

East Midlands dollar here, so surprised to see many from London and West Midlands

415 Name: Apollo : 2018-04-17 15:54 ID:tP/xRpKW [Del]

Dollar outta Lancashire here

416 Post deleted by user.

417 Post deleted by user.

418 Name: Izaya Orihara : 2018-04-23 07:25 ID:jUHh42Cq [Del]

Original Dollars and so here. Based in London, England. If anyone does indeed want to hit me up or if they have any questions or so and I don't happen to be on here, due to whatever reason then keep reading on. - Izaya, Dollars

It would be helpful if anyone can support us. We also have a lot of anime and manga fans and so on in the app and in the group/server.

Download the app, Palringo from your App Store today and join the group [༼Dͥѳ̘⃑⃕ւ̫ͣ͡ւͫα̙⃐⃔rs༽] 🌐 We have over 200 members. Come join us.

Spread the word to every corner of people. Thank you!!!!

419 Name: mirami : 2018-04-29 08:53 ID:6LgqHOb8 [Del]

I'm Preston (north) but kinda from London and yeah....idk

420 Name: Tom : 2018-05-22 16:57 ID:Mj1p0ElH [Del]

This is the England community then. Nice. Anyone still active

421 Name: Tora-chin : 2018-05-24 16:53 ID:7wW4j0AU [Del]

Haven’t been here in a very long time, from Middlesbrough myself waaay up north

422 Name: Masaomi Kida : 2018-05-31 07:19 ID:tWQfMlze [Del]

Download the app, Palringo from your App Store today and join the group [༼Dͥѳ̘⃑⃕ւ̫ͣ͡ւͫα̙⃐⃔rs༽] 🌐 We have over 400 members and are more than just a growing, thriving community. Come join us and what likeminded people. Be sure to spread the word across every corner of Dollars-BBS and support us.

Related thread source:

423 Post deleted by user.

424 Name: BEHEMOTH : 2018-06-03 08:02 ID:uiyBJsfp [Del]

Leicestershire dollar!!

425 Name: Stitch : 2018-06-21 09:18 ID:vjTqnMOQ [Del]

Dollars member in Liverpool, would be nice to keep in contact with some fellow member. :)

My email is
Or my discord which is KidaStitch #2732

426 Name: Jess : 2018-06-21 11:04 ID:OYN2k2iK [Del]

Hey people! Durham City dollars member here! Anyone still active?

add me on Instagram - DollarsGirl

427 Name: Rushi : 2018-08-06 19:55 ID:0n2qo/mf [Del]

Newcastle dollar here! Anyone still active?

428 Name: akira : 2018-08-15 13:01 ID:UJXQJj7a [Del]

I still am

429 Name: GoddessArtemis : 2018-10-19 19:54 ID:fE3LDWTD [Del]


430 Name: Alexei!t.Kvo5rgtQ : 2018-11-03 17:17 ID:aiD+j9dQ [Del]

oof old thread heh but we still here yo

london area dollar here. wish DRRR community ressurectd smh

431 Name: omelas : 2018-11-05 10:28 ID:gabuoJO5 [Del]

Same, wish the DRRR community was thriving again. Anyways, Wiltshire Dollar here. Hope anybody reading this has a nice day.

432 Name: Lechaim : 2018-11-19 13:50 ID:SyHqcxfq [Del]

Midlands over here.

433 Name: Affy : 2018-12-05 12:04 ID:35y8W0ZQ [Del]

Kinda all over Yorkshire here. I'm split between:
Bradford, Sheffield and Derby (for Home, Uni, Placement respectively) lol. I saw a few midlands and West Yorkshire ones - anyone else about? If there's an event coming up nearby, I'd love to meet up with some Dollars.

434 Name: Damocles : 2018-12-05 15:33 ID:o2NMwFUB [Del]

I'm from Manchester, anyone around?

435 Name: LexonStrife !.Yee5bfGQo : 2018-12-26 08:42 ID:oP6SySFx [Del]

New dollar in Swindon, Wiltshire here.

436 Name: aiyaru : 2019-02-11 16:57 ID:VdMPmTou [Del]

hai, i'm from around greenford in london

437 Name: Alexei!t.Kvo5rgtQ : 2019-04-21 14:07 ID:dkm3ilSX [Del]


438 Name: LR : 2019-05-05 16:47 ID:NlDGQfZh [Del]

I haven't been on here since 2014 holy hell. Dollar from London here!!

439 Name: faith : 2019-05-06 09:35 ID:4QpfZNTY [Del]

neptune city nj

440 Name: Kagura : 2019-05-29 17:30 ID:ukyjvkX5 [Del]

London anyone??

441 Name: Roulette : 2019-06-28 12:31 ID:iueE5ncZ [Del]

Any Cambridgeshire dollars?

442 Name: Gizunog : 2019-08-29 16:22 ID:3rcvAyw0 [Del]

Any Exeter Dollars?

443 Name: wilberforce : 2019-09-28 19:17 ID:DswNO/Nz [Del]

hullian here! Anyone else in Kingstown Upon Hull?

444 Name: twisted gambler : 2019-10-06 15:05 ID:PXGbENPL [Del]

hiiii im from Surrey is anyone else ? this is amazing

445 Name: twisted gambler : 2019-10-06 15:07 ID:PXGbENPL [Del]

also if this isn't a problem with anyone else we should all meet up get to know each other well only if u guys want too

446 Name: Alexei!t.Kvo5rgtQ : 2019-11-22 16:38 ID:LVAvMrVh (Image: 1920x1080 png, 181 kb) [Del]

src/1574462306806.png: 1920x1080, 181 kb
now living in london for uni. pretty chill stuff around here; really praying to the weeb gods that DRRR gets a 3rd season one day, along with Noragami and Medaka Box, and a 2nd season for NGNL and Nichijou... But until then, London. What a dump lmao

447 Name: mav : 2019-12-17 18:11 ID:aacu6Yx/ [Del]

anyone in liverpool/manchester?

448 Name: Zodiac : 2019-12-29 04:03 ID:sq+cYAqt [Del]

Who knew this website would still be used after so long! I'm from Surrey. if anyone sees this... add my Discord ZodiacNinja #3697.
Come chat with me about some anime or something.

449 Name: opal : 2019-12-29 11:16 ID:35bBNXgA [Del]

im a london dollar.

450 Name: aliyva : 2020-01-27 16:15 ID:vxdrt3b1 [Del]

I'm in Manchester too!

451 Name: Leafy : 2020-03-05 06:29 ID:Dt9seeSv [Del]

I like that people are still here and come here after so long. North east dollar here, keeping things real :)

452 Name: aWilderBerry : 2020-04-24 13:00 ID:WxOaVRMf [Del]

hello hello~!!
I didn't even know there was a such a thread! I mean, I know I may come off as a "new member", but no. I'm just really young and somehow intimidated of Bulletin Board Sites and the strange mystical way that they function
But good tidings to everyone also from England (I'm up in West Yorkshire!)
And funnily enough, the last activity on this thread was right BEFORE anything about COVID-19 was in effect- and to everyone still endeavouring as key workers: keep up all your hard work! It's very much appreciated!

453 Name: Stitch : 2020-06-03 00:56 ID:bZCVcqjd [Del]

I'm in Warrington, so not far from manchester.
Been a few years since I was last on the dollars site, good to see some members are still active. :)

454 Name: Cole : 2020-06-24 05:49 ID:PiH6Ex8h [Del]

I'm from way down south. Been ages since I've been here~ Glad to see it's still active ! ! !

455 Name: minimalvibes : 2020-06-26 17:37 ID:9uvZ02E1 [Del]

Love from Leeds!!
I haven't been on here for ages!!!!!!
glad it's still active✌🏽

456 Name: Shax : 2020-07-03 12:52 ID:Li+Z1TOg [Del]

Yo! I'm from Birmingham!

457 Name: DannyPerson : 2020-07-08 05:22 ID:AQNdlsft [Del]

Hey! I'm a dollar from Southampton!

458 Name: Haruka : 2020-08-17 07:15 ID:+0W/bIhK [Del]

Hi! I'm from London :)

459 Name: Alexei!t.Kvo5rgtQ : 2020-09-05 17:26 ID:kE5mbsKs [Del]

still in London. anyone still around or is the coronanona ending the world still lmao

460 Name: Haruka !ygJrPXzv7E : 2020-09-10 06:24 ID:Pjxu5B9P [Del]

still here lol

461 Name: Scáth : 2020-09-23 21:01 ID:DXGN35CK [Del]

What's up, new Dollar in Solihull near Birmingham

462 Name: Scáth : 2020-09-23 21:04 ID:DXGN35CK [Del]

What's up, new Dollar in Solihull near Birmingham

463 Name: Haruka !ygJrPXzv7E : 2020-10-13 15:10 ID:I9zg/PoT [Del]

Heyyy, doing good wbu? this is do late lmao

464 Name: Charlotte : 2020-10-30 21:27 ID:J26TV9xL [Del]

Any Manchester dollars?

465 Name: Amber_4shenfell : 2020-11-12 05:11 ID:k/8tuHwp [Del]

ayyy england dollar. lincolnshire

466 Name: Luna : 2021-01-02 13:05 ID:4agywVpr [Del]

just found out this site actually exists omg insane. london dollar!! studying in reading uni tho :D

467 Name: kira : 2021-02-02 14:56 ID:xToiFPpN [Del]

Woah I did not expect to have so many English dollars I am so happy I discovered this. I'm a uni student in Brighton. Please to meet you all ^^

468 Name: Sora-kun : 2021-02-09 14:08 ID:SUIpqS/C [Del]

Dollars in Manchester, I was wondering if there were any dollars members and then I found this thread

469 Name: Zet97 : 2021-03-11 23:58 ID:9Pvx04E7 [Del]

From the london branch of the dollars organisation. Here's my email.

470 Name: Avallac'h : 2021-03-16 15:03 ID:XEv/y+WJ [Del]

Great to see there are so many people from all over :3 I'm from East Midlands.

471 Name: Nyx : 2021-08-10 15:52 ID:G9lQOWml [Del]

Hello folks! New Dollar member here from North Yorkshire. I'm a big history nerd, especially with stuff concerning lgbt and black history as well as the Medieval period in general. Pleasure to be here :)

472 Name: van : 2021-11-20 15:14 ID:pveXLd2D [Del]

im from worcester if theres anyone near me :)

473 Name: Fenyx !I2kSAdkqpE : 2022-04-15 18:21 ID:qOCy/Low [Del]

I'm from Bristol!

474 Name: oxaler : 2022-11-18 17:49 ID:p30LbCC0 [Del]

saw a post on the bird app about this site and it resurrected so much nostalgia. was a Wiltshire dollar but we're now in London

475 Name: ren : 2023-04-28 15:00 ID:vaK2Hk0p [Del]

i'm from maidenhead if anyone's nearby or like in the berkshire area!

476 Name: Twenteen : 2023-06-20 09:13 ID:pWzJZMGm [Del]

Hertfordshire dollars represent

477 Name: guild master : 2023-09-20 18:43 ID:RA+z1J2q [Del]

i’m from hertfordshire and i’m creating a new group add my discord to talk more about it it’s hiki

478 Name: Annxra : 2024-07-14 09:23 ID:iWIwScNT [Del]

Hello from London, Hounslow~ (≧∇≦)/

479 Name: Officer K : 2024-07-19 13:48 ID:Pat6CuhO [Del]

Not England... I'm next door. Though the app is down I pop up here occasionally and act as a real Dollar. There are a few of us in Edinburgh to my knowledge, at least seven.

480 Name: A : 2024-11-07 04:31 ID:mgIb2Q3u [Del]

London, how real is this place.

481 Name: Komash : 2024-11-08 23:57 ID:YKvObA3R [Del]

I'm from England~! Staffordshire ! :D

482 Name: Lula : 2025-03-02 00:08 ID:Xud36pbM [Del]

Newcastle here! surprised this place is still going