1 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-23 06:06 ID:uZOh8mAT (Image: 1200x1800 jpg, 807 kb) [Del]
It is so absurd from the get-go, so outrageous just from the title and its cover. Very distinct and iconic, I mean its a MAN, and then CHAINSAWS on both of his arms and his face.
Have you read it? What do you think of it? Have you not? Then what the hell are you waiting for!?
2 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2021-07-23 14:08 ID:hvGYg19B [Del]
My friends are into it af, Idk why I haven't read it yet, but since it's my habit I already chose my favorite character: Angel Devil. + I know some stuff abt it bc they told me about it.
It's cool.
Do you have a fav, Firion?
3 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-25 10:35 ID:OntKSd2Q [Del]
Idk, everyone in the series is really good. I can't choose, I'm not one of those Makima-woof maniacs though at the very least lol.
4 Name: 3rd : 2021-07-28 11:57 ID:aKIDBEQH [Del]
My friend has been into it and said it's crazy. I think I'll see how the anime looks and if I like it I'll probably give it a read. It's a cool idea either way.
5 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2021-08-01 03:01 ID:JMhRNsCl [Del]
>>1 I finished the manga a while back. I'm waiting for the anime to be released, but yeah it's really really good. It's completely bollocks, but a nice story overall
6 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2021-08-05 16:41 ID:PMifIRJm [Del]
7 Name: window !3LdO/x8MDw : 2021-08-07 03:42 ID:rC0GklZo [Del]
I love it! At first, I was thinking it’ll have a normal shounen pattern where Denji’s going to join an organization, friendships all around, like a grittier version of Soul Eater. But then, it didn’t have that. It was so gritty and dirty, so human. I love it!!! There weren’t Immediate friendships, but familial bonds grown over survival and each other’s company. I just hnnng the last chapters still hit me QwQ
My favorite is Yoshida cuz he managed to fight back Quanxi, and really love his eight piercings like damn
8 Name: Miraron : 2021-08-09 04:34 ID:DKDWgj+M [Del]
ahh! I love chainsaw man. I just started collecting the print copies! (and forgive me but power best character)
9 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-08-11 07:18 ID:T5ZEaSTU [Del]
>>7 SAME!
I thought Denji will be able to prove himself as time goes and it will steadily became his daily life to hunt devils or so and so. But no, Fujimoto keeps pulling new shit up that I can't rest even a bit.
10 Name: Araragi : 2021-10-21 12:32 ID:GLrn8mSG [Del]
Most overrated manga I have read, ever. This is a pile of steaming shit. No idea why people love shoving garbage down their throats, but to each their own.
I loved the premise set up in the first chapter about a lonely and poor boy trying to pay off his inherited debt by killing demons and selling their bodies to the yakuza.
To my unfortunate surprise, this entire premise, that had been established for an entire chapter, just got scrapped in a few pages, which felt super unnatural. Honestly, I believe the mangaka did not mean for the story to turn this way originally and had to change course for some reason. Looking at his other works, this drastic change is not usual.
What I dislike about this manga the most, are the boring dialogue and the overly stupified protagonist. Yes, he has chainsaws as a head and arms, but he's the most spineless protagonist to pathetically crawl the fictional realm. That's probably why a lot of people like this manga. They see themselves in that protagonist. I was forced to read some of it, and I can see that some of you really enjoyed the aesthetics and world-building of the manga. But that doesn't excuse it's sorry existence.
If you want similar world-building and aesthetics, go check out Dorohedoro, which will blow your mind if you're used to reading garbage like Chainsawman.
Also check out Firepunch. A far superior work by the same mangaka.
11 Name: Aki Aki : 2021-10-27 14:47 ID:JUMRSfSJ [Del]
Im not the best with sending feedback like this but here goes
As I kept reading the story really gutted me. When I first started reading it I thought that this was just gonna be some really overhyped story (which it was a little and I say this because some areas of the story were a bit patchy to me) and even considered not finishing it but I told myself that I should at least give it a chance. But I loved the twist of it, the way it started puts you into this false sense of security. The characters and relationship building through out the story was so impactful too and, although I hated her guts while reading, I find Makima's role in the story very powerful. And the world building aspects of it were very engaging, I was hooked immediately.
I will admit though, when I finished redaing Chainsaw Man I was sort of thinking to myself "What, thats it?" but I'm very eager for whats to come with this story.
12 Name: Sava : 2022-09-14 11:40 ID:C7bB+Wdf [Del]
I don't really like to read, but these are the comics that I like, so I'm waiting for an anime based on them.
13 Name: Aiden K.D.J : 2022-09-24 18:18 ID:iPNpIdIT [Del]
I have read it, at first I didn't like the protagonist's personality he seemed pretty dumb, but then Makima happened and I started reading till date. The story was pretty awesome and crazy to read. Pretty interesting "what I though" was the ending(we all know it's still ongoing). But we can all agree who could have though making this guy with chainsaws in his arms and head being such a simp, would be so fun.
Also *SPoilers ahead maybe*
In the new arc the war demon is kinda cool, wanna see where it can get that idea.
14 Name: BT : 2022-11-21 14:32 ID:I/QnEGRS [Del]
got introduced to this manga through a friend either this month or the last, but i ate it up in less than a week, it was so good!! i love the style and story and everything about it, especially how the author writes emotional scenes.
i personally dont like part 2 so far, because it seems like Denji is back to square 0 in his character development, but hopefully it redeems itself for me soon. besides Denji i really like Asa and im glad we get to see more of Hirofumi Yoshida!! i think hes really cool, and if he becomes friends with Denji maybe Denji could have a new friendship to focus on instead of being obsessed with being Chainsaw Man.
15 Name: Setton!wqLZLRuzPQ : 2024-08-22 08:01 ID:uqvvlkAg [Del]
Read chainsaw man my junior year of high school and god was it one of my favorite manga's I've seen in a while.
16 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-30 15:30 ID:F93d/zYe [Del]
Enjoyed it, but i have read only 10 volumes and took a break.
Btw i recommend to check out the animes endings.
Really liked Himeno and feel like she was misunderstood.
Reading 9th volume was painful, but i really loved it because it was well written. Like yk, there are some moments when a character dies and you don't care, can't feel anything even if you wanted, but here it was just pure suffering. Idk, maybe it's just me.
I guess i should continue to read it.
17 Name: Rudeus : 2024-12-31 04:11 ID:2IjkLHeq [Del]
>>10Man, nobody reacted to my paragraph of a hate-letter...
Is this what a one-sided relationship feels like?
18 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-06 01:50 ID:H2W4vGIZ [Del]
>>17 why u change ur name lil bro? That said,
>>10 I've read Fire Punch, I think the resemblance is pretty apparent with how often the author killed off his characters like dead leaves falling from the trees. And also how he twist his story.
Agni possessed infinite regeneration, but what defines him throughout the story is the eternal fire's futile attempt in burning his body since adolescence.
Little Denji befriended chainsaw devil amidst all his unfortunate circumstances, but what defines him throughout the story is his journey navigating the huge uncaring world that only wants to use his devil friend's power he inherited after they're parted forever.
Both characters are mentally immature, that's why their driving motivation in their story is a bit kooky sometimes. Denji is horny all the time because that's all he knows about happiness since childhood, with no parents to nurture him. Agni spent the rest of his childhood and teenage years suffering and getting used to the pain of burning before he could start doing anything else, being hellbent on revenge before humanizing his sworn enemy.
19 Name: H : 2025-02-07 03:52 ID:UoUbFQdy [Del]
Wonder what mappa is going to do for chapter 167
20 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-08 04:02 ID:cgjk+Ugc [Del]
Spoiler alert, but I adore how the worldbuilding in Chainsaw Man allows the leap of logic in the story to make sense.
Chainsaw devil has the power to erase devil names from existence so that no one ever remembers them in the past, present, or future. We and the in-universe's general knowledge knows that chainsaw is only a tool to cut down trees. But knowing chainsaw devil's reality-bending power, an argument could be made that the chainsaw tool used to have all sorts of uses before the concept of those functions got erased from existence, and so there might've been a world before where chainsaw's existence-erasing power made complete sense using concepts that no longer exists in this world to logically explain its power.
It forces us to imagine an unimaginable world, like imagining dimensions above our lived-in 3 dimensions. Impossible, yet made complete sense.