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Fullmetal Alchemist (9)

1 Name: Daccano : 2018-02-19 10:09 ID:XJ40aQfj (Image: 1024x812 jpg, 87 kb) [Del]

src/1519056558910.jpg: 1024x812, 87 kb
Let's talk about something that's actually good
like Fullmetal Alchemist

If your going to see any manga you have to read this classic

A fantastic story that will stay with you for years to come
Characters that grow and change over time
And art that will remain timeless forever

have you read it ? what are your thought ?

2 Name: DudeRock : 2018-02-20 12:18 ID:xXWUypTX [Del]

I don't have the manga but I am watching it on Netflix. Will try my other anime app later but right now i'm loving it!

3 Name: Jo : 2018-02-21 21:26 ID:CqUowTwi [Del]

YEAH! A classic, Fullmetal Alchemist is one of the best mangas i've ever read, and i've read many different series

For this particular thing, i'd say the manga is a bit better than the anime

4 Name: Amber : 2018-02-22 02:12 ID:cDJvpSMX [Del]

This one is always among my all time favourite anime and manga, and I will always recommend it to anyone!

5 Name: Steve : 2018-03-03 01:38 ID:Dib1lkJC [Del]

Have the entire 3-in-1 set, definitely recommend people check out this series!

6 Name: Koyoko Kotone : 2018-03-17 22:30 ID:0IpBn3Yv [Del]

This is a great anime! Of course, my friend played a cruel trick on me by sending me a picture of a dog with a brown wig. She tricked me. T_T She said she saw a beautiful dog today and she just had to send me that picture. Also, If those of you who dont know what I'm talking about, I am so sorry. You'll find out soon enough.

7 Name: Kurima : 2018-03-19 12:15 ID:3sASEx9j [Del]

I love Fullmetal Alchemist! The anime is awesome but the manga is better in my opinion

8 Name: Shezuo : 2018-04-12 17:08 ID:MearNx+7 [Del]

I just finished watching FMA. I watched both, 2003 and 2009. My favorite was Brotherhood :) better looking and story. Anyway both are great! My second fav anime after durarara ♥
i'm in love with Alphonse

9 Name: Alimo : 2018-04-18 00:06 ID:pjiQUhgl [Del]
